VS 2010 - Pause Code Until Code Above Is Completed

Mar 8, 2011

Ok i have this code on a button click hook


but if the checkbox is not checked then i want it to wait until it has copied the file before deleting it because at the moment it deletes it quicker than it copies it and the file could be different size everytime so i cant just put a simple timer of say for example 5 seconds in.

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VS 2010 Pause Line Of Code Without Using Thread?

Jun 3, 2010

Okay so I have a webbrowser that navigates to 1 page and I want it to wait 5 seconds and go to the next page, then I want it to wait 5 seconds and go to the next page I want it to navigate to and so on... I tried thread.sleep but I don't want to have the form stop completely in case someone wants to minimize the form. I thought about using a timer to tell it how long it wants to stop and go.

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VS 2010 Pause / Delay Code (can't Use Sleep Function)

Aug 26, 2010

I have another problem with my bot.


After the 7th line I need a pause until a submit button pops up on the screen. The submit button is hidden until the getelementbyid.focus is run. I cant use webbrowser_documentcompleted because the submit only unhides itself, and I cant use Sleep() because that just stalls the whole block.

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Check If A .vbs Script Is Running Continue Code If .vbs Has Completed

Oct 7, 2011

I have a spellcheck program for an external application. My vb.net app calls a .vbs file to invoke the word spellcheck engine, runs the spellcheck, copies to MS clipboard and then I want it to automatically paste back into the active window. What my issue is, is that I need a delay or check of some sort in the code so that I can know when the vbscript has been completed before pasting text to to the window. I've tried the following but the app invokes the script then immediately checks to see if the script is running (which of course it is) so it's useless... Or is this something I should change/handle in the vbs file? I'm not very good with vbscript however.


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How To Pause Code

Apr 19, 2008

In my program I have a message that pops up. I want the program to pause for 2 seconds so that the user cna read the message, and then I want the message to go away and the program to continue. How to do this?

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Webbrowser Completed - But Sub Is Running Faster Than Page Can Load - PAUSE?

Feb 13, 2011

I have a few subs that run under Webbrowser1.document completed section of my app I know the code words because I tried it out using a new project and tied the code to a button and it works great. After stepping into my code during run time it appears that the app is trying to call my sub before the next page appears. What would be the way to place a pause on the Thread so that the web page can catch up before running the next sub?

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Delay Or Pause VB Code?

Jan 31, 2006

I am having trouble with an Access form which runs some VB code behind it. The form accepts lots of user inputs and these are then grabbed by my VB code to calculate a result. This all works fine but does take some time for the calculation to complete due to the size of the datasets. Rather than the user having to stare at the same screen and wonder what is happening, I have another form which pops up to tell the user the calculations are in progress. The problem I am having is that this window will not display properly until after the calculation is completed. It seems as though Access cannot handle displayinging my window whilst the calculation is being caried out.

Is there any way to delay the calculation in VB so that my window will display correctly? The calculation can then take place after this. Here is my code:Private Sub Calc_Click()Dim ccombo(11) As IntegerDim Total As IntegerDoCmd.OpenForm "calcsinprog"

I would like some kind of delay or pause here to allow the window to open properly before the calculations below.

ccombo(2) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c2combo.ListIndex)ccombo(3) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c3combo.ListIndex)ccombo(4) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c4combo.ListIndex)ccombo(5) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c5combo.ListIndex)ccombo(6) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c6combo.ListIndex)ccombo(7) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c7combo.ListIndex)ccombo(8) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c8combo.ListIndex)ccombo(9) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c9combo.ListIndex)ccombo(10) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c10combo.ListIndex)ccombo(11) = Me.c2combo.Column(1, Me.c11combo.ListIndex)ccombo(1) = Get_PostCode_Score(Replace(Me.TextBox1, " ", ""))


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VS 2008 Get The Program To Convert One Video And Then After The Conversion Code Is Completed To Move To The Next One?

Feb 18, 2012

I am creating a bulk media converter. In order to do this I need to go through each line in a list box one after the other and run the conversion function. I am trying to use the following:

For Each item In listVideos.Items
conversion code

However this makes the program want to convert all videos at the same time... is there anyway to get the program to convert one video and then after the conversion code is completed to move to the next one?Should also be noted that I am using FFMPEG for this project.

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Make A Pause Between Code Lines?

Mar 4, 2009

How do I make a pause between code lines? See code below. This just prints the word "Hello", I was hoping to put a delay between the letters to make it look more real. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click, Button2.Click

SendKeys.Send("%{tab}") SendKeys.Send("H") SendKeys.Send("e") SendKeys.Send("l") SendKeys.Send("l") SendKeys.Send("o")
End Sub

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Pause In Code Can't Use Sleep Function?

Jan 4, 2011

"'I'm having an issue sorting out why my code isnt working. When I "step into" it line by line i can get it all to work exactly how I want, however when I actually run the macro i get an subscript error 9. The code basicly sets a .CSV url to a variable "CurrentURL". The code then launches this url which opens a .csv window called table.csv. I want to copy 2 columns off this window and paste it to another document called "MPT_CAPM_v1", then close table.csv. Here is my code the red line is where I believe I'm running into my error.'This macro opens a URL, copies and pastes the price data into the sheet


I think the error may be caused by the fact it takes about 4-5 seconds to open table.csv in excel, and my line of code is trying to select a window that isnt currently open. After I get the error message, table.csv opens up. I've tried Loops & Sleep functions to try to input a delay, but regardless it seems that table.csv will not open until the end of said loop or delay.

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Pause Program And Subsequent Code?

Oct 4, 2008

I am not sure how to make my program pause in the middle of execution, waiting for a certain period of time to pass BEFORE the next lines execute. I have already used System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(int) but this pauses the waits but still executes the subsequent code. If I were to:Private Sub Hello()System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(int)MessageBox.Show("Hello")End Sub* Time in milliseconds.This would NOT stop the execution of the MessageBox for int seconds, the program continues to run???How would I pause the code execution where I want, and for the time I want?

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Pause The Execution Of Code In An Event Handler?

Mar 9, 2009

how to pause the execution of code in an event handler.

For instance in a forms load event how can I have the rest of the programs features continue to run but wait 5 seconds before the code in the load event handler is executed?

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VS 2010 Convert VB6 Code To VB2010 Code From "The Most Amazing VB6 Code Ever" Thread?

Jul 19, 2011

This code was posted in Chit Chat and everyone is saying how great it is. I just have Visual Studio 2010 and no familiarity with VB6 so I thought it would be good to convert the code to Visual Basic 2010.


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VS 2008 Make A Program Stop Or Pause For A Period Of Time Before Continuing The Code Without A Timer?

Jun 13, 2009

Out of curiosity, is there a way i can make a program stop or pause for a period of time (which i would choose) before continuing the code WITHOUT a timer.I think I've seen this done before, but I'm not positive.Also note that I'm talking about a forms application (not a console app if that would be any different.)

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VS 2010 Bar-code Font With A Library That Converts Text To Proper Format For Bar-code Readers

Jan 18, 2012

I had a weird series of errors involving e.Graphics.DrawString() when painting a panel.I am using a barcode font [Code 128] with a library that converts text to the proper format for Barcode readers.That's fine, however, when I draw it to the panel, that's where things stop being fine:But, here's where things get funky. When I put it into a TextBox instead of drawing it via Graphics.DrawString(), everything is peachy:In fact, the TextBox one looks much better than the Graphics.DrawString() one! Am I doing something wrong?[code]

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VS 2010 Code Commonality - All Files Share Common Code ?

Jan 22, 2012

Wondering if it is possible. It works on the idea that all files share common code. The program would ideally analyse the source file and compare it to the reference files. It would then find common parts of the code and write it to a rebuild file. At the end the rebuild file and the reference files would then be able to rebuild the source file without it being present.

For Example.

source file code = xxyyzyzyxw
ref file 1 = xyxxzyzxwyy
ref file 2 = zxxwyzzywxx

The program would then analyse these files and make a rebuild file like the following

source(0,1) = ref1(2,3)
source(2,3) = ref1(10,11)
source(4,7) = ref2(5,6) + ref2(5,6)
source(8,9) = ref2(2,3)

Thus you would be able to build the source file using these instructions and the reference files.

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Why The Pause Button And Also The Pause Command Does Not Exist In VB 2010 Express

Mar 8, 2010

1) Why the pause button and also the pause command does not exist in VB 2010 Express?

2) I have some solutions under 2010. In 2 or 3, while debugging, I can change instructions without restarting the application. In others, I cannot change anything (Is like readonly), Looking in 'My Applications', Tab 'Debug', Option 'Configuration' I can choose several Options. In the applications I can debug, the default is 'Active (Debug)'; in the others is 'Active (Release)'. If I change the options, the word 'Active' remains attached to the original option.

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VB 2010 - Code Editor Not Deleting Code

Dec 6, 2011

when i put, for example, a picturebox in form and code some events. then i want delete that picturebox. well the code stills there. imagine that i use another picturebox i use the same name. now if i double click on these picturebox, the code editor recreates a new subs. can i disable these situation?

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Code To Load The Already Compiled Yahoo Files To Execute The Code Again, Without Having To Recompile The Code?

Dec 8, 2011

I have some code to execute code at runtime...

Here is the main

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text.Trim <> "" Then
If TextBox2.Text.Trim <> "" Then


When the button is pressed, it all works and the following files are created: yahoo.dll and yahoo.pdb My question is this: What is the code to load the already compiled yahoo files to execute the code again, without having to recompile the code?

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.NET 2010 : Pause It By Clicking On A "pause" Button In The Development Environment?

Jul 21, 2011

I have an app that I'm debugging and I need to pause it by clicking on a "pause" button in the development environment. I don't want to stop it programmatically, just manually to check what it is doing. I know this should be simple but I can't find a pause button anywhere on the toolbar.

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Another OPTIMIZING Macro Vba Code For Excel 2007 - The Code Is A Sort Of Transposer For Data

Sep 9, 2011

this code was not done by me originally and there are some thigns here i dont quite understand i have altered it a bit from my coworkers code to suit my data and it works. but too slow. and when i have 4000+kb excel files it might freeze altogether. ( I have checked tho that when and after this transposer runs it will still be within the excel row limit, i had done calculations before and made a macro to automatically split excel files based on number of columns and rows to make sure this is so ). This code seems to start out fast then goes slower the longer it runs. at least this is what it seems liek to me.


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Convert Excel 2007 Macro Code To Correct VB 2008 Code?

May 26, 2010

i recorded the following macro in excel 2007:


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Restricted Textbox Code (Specifically, Building A Class Library With Code)?

Jan 2, 2012

I recently found this code (provided for third party use on another VB site), however,ll of my attempts to insert it into a class library have failed.I open a new class library and past the code in, and immediately get several errors pertaining to how certain objects can't be found. I find it it is crucial to use this code, unless someone can suggest to me another example of existing code that will do the same thing: make a restricted textbox who imputs can be restricted, that can handle pasting, shortcuts, text property setting, and script-entered text.

Option Strict On
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class RestrictedTextBox


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Size Of Compiled Code Into MSIL Necessarily Correlate To Code Speed?

Nov 24, 2010

I have been playing around with different types of native code operations in Visual Basic and then inspecting the code with Reflector to see what kind of MSIL is produced. For example, I wondered, in a one line If-Then-Else different than an If-Then-Else split onto multiple lines, ie.


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Write A Code For Serial Ports Without Sucess But The Code Does Not Throw An Error ?

Feb 20, 2011

what is wrong with my code and I get no feedback from my button click event, i have imported. ( code Below) and i have tied differrent combinations of the code without sucess.maybe add extra to my code for the list to show open Port or closed ports.

Imports System.Management
Imports System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher
Imports System.Management.ManagementNamedValueCollection[code].....

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E.graphics.DrawSpiral Okay Folks Here Is A Code Update From Code Have Posted Yesterday Using An Extension Method?

May 1, 2012

This code is for 2008, 2010 and later versions of VB.Net as it uses an extension method.Please note: If you are using an earlier version ( or you do not like extension methods ) please see the next post.Here is the code I posted on Monday April 30th, 2012.>>Now you can specify the startRadius to be

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VS 2005 Remove The Box (0x0A) Unix End Line Code; Then Replace It With CR+LF Normal ASCII Code?

Dec 13, 2009

I have this string just down loaded of a Unix server. I would like to remove the box (0x0A) Unix end line code; then replace it with CR+LF normal ASCII code. Also, I would like to do the replace before I save the data, while it in memory.

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MSI Returned Error Code 1638 When Re-Installing Visual Studio 2008 - .NET Framework | Dream.In.Code

Jan 9, 2012

I realize this post is rather long, but I wanted to give all the information up front instead of people having to ask me for more information.At the end of the re-installation of Visual Studio 2008, there is this message:

"Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard. MSI returned error code 1638" in the log file dd_error_vs_procore_90.txt.

I have searched on Google for this whole message and found some references to this error, but I have done what they said worked for them and it did not fix the problem for me.When I searched for just "MSI returned error code 1638", I got that it cannot install something because it is already installed:"Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel".In Add/Remove Programs I see these two programs:

Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.3
Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.4

Are these programs/versions what the error is refering to? Am I safe to remove them and depend on the similarly-named item which would be newly installed with Visual Studio 2008 - "Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard"? I still use SQL Server 2000 and 2005 on my computer, as well as 2008. I had installed VS 2008 on my computer before without this problem and also have VS 2005 and 2010.

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Asp.net - User Enters Code Into TextBox, Code Gets Added To URL (using Session)?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm using ASP.net 4.0 VB,I am using a session variable to add a user entered code into the url of each page. I can get the code to show up at the end of the page's URL that my textbox is on, but what do I add to every page to make sure that the session stays at the end of every URL that person visits during their session? This is the code from the page that the user enters their user code.

Protected Sub IBTextBoxButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles IBTextBoxButton.Click
Session("IB") = IBTextBox.Text
Dim IB As String = Session("IB")
End Sub


This is what I have in the page load of one of the other pages. What else do I add to make sure that variable is added to the URL of that page?

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim IB As String
IB = Session("IB")
End Sub

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Asp.net - Write/code Javascript(mouseover Event) Using C# Methods/ C# Code?

Jan 24, 2011

i am asking that can i use c# language to implement "actions" fired on "click side events" such as mouse over the reason for this stupid question is that i remember some syntax of registering functions for particular events of formview, which are call when the event occurs (yes there ispostback involved" is something like the above possible for client side events using c# or even vb.net

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label3.Text = "this is label three";


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