How To Search For Files

Feb 14, 2009

i need help with searching files.Example: I want to find all .jpeg files on computer or in a specific folder. And when i/it found the files it lists them up i something that you recommend, like a listbox.

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Search Engine - Search In Directory With Its Sub Directories And Txt Files

Apr 11, 2011

one of the BIG hurdles in my simple project, making a search engine. I don't know how at all. The search engine need only to search in one Directory with its sub directories and txt files for criteria, and display the results, with option open from the results. any basic code or example maybe?

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Search A Folder Of Csv Files To Find Out If One Of The Csv Files Has A Particular Name In ?

Feb 10, 2010

how I can search a folder of csv files to find out if one of the csv files has a particular name in ?I'm currently searching a folder to bring back all csv files using the code below and this is working fine.


But now I want to take it a step further and actually search within the files themselves.

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Search All The Files In The System?

Jul 21, 2009

Can anybody show me the code to search all the files in the system? i also need to search it drive-wise.

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C# - Search In Thousands Of Xml Files?

Apr 11, 2012

I have around 50000 XML files with a size of 50KB per file. I want to search for data in these files, but my solution so far is very slow. Is there any way to enhance the search performance?

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Get A Program To Search For Files?

Aug 15, 2011

I have already posted a thread regarding this but no one has ever shed a light upon it. I want a program that searches for files (.docx, exe, ppt, txt) from all folders.

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Search All .mp3 Files And Delete Him?

Sep 8, 2011

I need a code to find all files. mp3 on your hard disk with certain tags (eg: Shakira, Pitbull, 50 Cent, etc.). and then delete it.

For Each f In Directory.GetFiles("D:", "*.mp3", SearchOption.AllDirectories)


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Search All .mp3 Files And Delete Them?

Aug 15, 2011

I need a code to find all files. mp3 on your hard disk with certain tags (eg: Shakira, Pitbull, 50 Cent, etc.). and then delete it.

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Search And Save Files?

Apr 29, 2012

I have this code that makes me confuse..

For Each file_info As FileInfo In file_infos
If Not File.Exists("C:\Mydir" & file_info.Name) Then


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Search And Zip Specific Files

May 18, 2010

I am trying to write a program that would search for specific files and then zip them up. Is that even possible in I am using vs2005.

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Search Files In Program?

Sep 14, 2009

I am going to make some facility searching in my program. This searching is same like searching file in windows XP but only for xml file.

i succes make FolderBrowserDialog so i can put directory path in text box. the problem is i don't know how to search specific file specially for xml file and put the result in listbox

in windows xp: i am using wildcard (*) for searching xml file in specific folder,just like this: *.xml.

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Search Files On Hardrive?

Jul 28, 2011

I am using this code to get files, but I can not get it to search for all files on C: drive.How can I get it to show all files Like *.pdf of the drive in the list box

Imports System.IO
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing


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Search Subdirectories For .txt Files

Jan 26, 2010


I am creating an application that will pull all of the files ending with .txt out of a directory, however, the directory contains folders with .txt files in them as well. How can I search the entire directory including sub directories to get all .txt files to show up in my list box? Right now I am only getting .txt files that are right in the directory, but not the .txt files that are located in other folders located within the directory I chose.

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VS 2008 Search XML Files?

Sep 1, 2010

how to search XML files using vb application and open it. Both browser and notepad

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Open Explorer & Search Files

Mar 15, 2011

I have a Log folder with files named after creation date: 20110301.txt, 20110302.txt, etc. I want to programmatically open an Explorer with filtered files that created on Feb. So it's like open Explorer -> Search -> Search for 201102*

I tried the code below to open Explorer with Search, but I cannot state which folder I want to search and with what conditions. Is it possible do so?


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Possibility To Search For Files With Progress?

Jul 20, 2010

It's there a possibility to search for files with progress? Example: I want to search for a file named "test.txt" and i want a label that will show the current folder that it's scanned.

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Search Files On Hard-drive?

Jul 29, 2011

I am using this code to get files, but I can not get it to search for all files on C: can I get it to show all files Like *.pdf of the drive in the list box

Imports System.IO
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing


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Search Folders And Subfolders For .txt Files?

Oct 8, 2009

I'm working on an application, in which the first step is to append all files in a folder selected through FolderDialogBox.It works perfevtly.There is a change in the requirement now.The change is, all .txt files within the selected folder and .txt files in the subfolders of the selected folder has to be

Dim theDir As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(inputPath)
Dim theFiles As FileInfo() = theDir.GetFiles("*.txt")

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Search For All Files With .mp3 Format In A Directory?

May 8, 2009

I have this code which will search for all files with .mp3 format in a directory:

Dim di As New DirectoryInfo("C:\")
For Each fi In di.GetFiles
If Path.GetExtension(fi.FullName).ToUpper = ".MP3" Then


How do I make it search within subdirectories of the desired directory? Also if anyone who could come up with a code for a progressbar. I know all the rules about 'we wont do your homework', but I'm just asking to give me a basic place to start

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Search For Files And List Them In A Listbox?

Mar 2, 2010

How can I search for files and list them in a listbox? And how can I search for only ex. jpg or png's?

I've tried many things in the past, but with no succses.

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VS 2008 .rtf Files Search Fastest Way?

Sep 4, 2011

ive a folder with a few hundred .rtf documents. am making a program to search some text in them.the way currently im employing is having a richtextbox on my form and serially loading each file in the richtextbox and if the search text is found in it,adding it to a list.but this is time taking,

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VS 2010 Search For Files Filter

Jan 13, 2012

I have an array of filenames and I would like them to be filtered depending on a string variable. An example: If my filter was *.txt, then I would like to only display files with the .txt extension. *.* (All files) *asc.* (Files that have asc in them (and any other data before asc) So on and so on. Just like popular search programs. What is the easiest way to do this?

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Files And Streams - View And Search For Record

Apr 18, 2010

I build an application that has two forms; one gets an employee info and stores in on a txt file (I accomplished that) and the other for viewing the records and searching for a record. I'm having troubles with viewing the records one by one when I click on the "Next Record" button.

The code below is only for view form
Imports System.IO
Public Class frmView
'Dim strFilename As String
[Code] .....

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Search Files (access Denied)error?

Aug 2, 2010

I've tried various methods to search for files, but each time I encounter a "acces denied" error, which stops the search.Is there a way to scan for files, and skip the files it doesn't have access to, or force access to it?I want to gather all exe's on a specific drive. This works, when there are no restricted files/paths

Dim searchResults As String() = Directory.GetFiles(cboDrives.Text, "*.exe", SearchOption.AllDirectories)

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Search For Specific Text In Different Files In Program?

Nov 8, 2009

How to earch for text in different files in VB .NET. I used Stream Reader and also My.Computer.FileSystem.FindInFiles. They just helped me finding my text in "*.txt" files only[code]...

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Search Text Files And Display Results?

Aug 26, 2011

Simply put, I have a text file full of reg values. I want to search the text file for X number of reg values. I want to then, have those values and their dword values (whole line + next 3 to 4 lines in the file) listed in either another text file or an Excel spreadsheet. Regardless of the format, I would like to have the values sectioned off for each of the values searched (probably tables of some sort).[code]...

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Search Textbox, Listbox, RichTextbox, And Files?

Jan 15, 2012

I am wanting to make a program in VB.NET that has many files.doc in a specific folderThis program has on top a textbox(txtSearch) with a button(btnSearch)under that this has two listbox(lstOption, lstResult), that are floating a left,one richtextbox(rtbDoc) that is floating a right.I want that when the user writes in txtSearch and click on button then the application will read all files, and find for this string.

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Trying To Use GetFiles To Search For Files And List Them But Keep Getting Errors

Mar 2, 2009

I've taken a few vb courses a few years ago but I've been wanting to write a script that will search my harddrive(C:) for any ".dda" extention and list the location to a listbox. I eventually want the script to also copy the file to the location of the build but I can't seem to get the first part working at all. [code]A first chance exception of type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException' occurred in mscorlib.dll.

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VB 2008 Search For And Delete Files In A Directory?

Jun 30, 2009

I can't figure out how to do this...I'm trying to search a directory for files,I have files that are like this:

File 1.doc
File 2.doc


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VS 2008 Search Xml Files In Directory And Remove Them?

Jun 11, 2009

I need to search in a directory all .xml files and remove it. But this directory can has more subdirectories and folders (depends the user)

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