How To Update Program And Not Overwrite Data

Jul 15, 2010

I have a program that records time data in database when the user performs task. When I published the program for user install, I did not specify any update location. So, since initial creation, whenever I need to update the software, I simply install the new .exe file and this overwrites the old version and erases all data created by the old version (similar to uninstall and reinstall). Is there a way to only install updates to the software so that all data is not erased each time I need to update? Seems like this would be simple, but I can't figure out how to do it and am quite new to programming. I will eventually want to have the software check for updates online, but I need to understand how to update from a local file location first (without erasing current data).

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Overwrite /update A File That Is Currently Being Served By IIS?

Feb 21, 2012

My company puts out a monthly newsletter which I host on our internal website. I have a page for the author of the newsletter to upload the latest version. Once the author has uploaded the latest newsletter, he sends a broadcast email to announce the new newsletter. Employees invariably check the new newsletter and send feedback to the author with corrections that need to be made.

Once the author has made the necessary corrections (typically within an hour of sending the broadcast email), he revisits my page and replaces the latest version with the updated newsletter.

Immediately following the replacement (or update, if you will) of the newsletter, anyone attempting to access it gets a 500 - Internal Server Error.

My IT guy who maintains the server cannot delete/rename/move the file because of a permissions error and has to do a lot of convoluted things to get the file deleted (and once the file is deleted, the author of the newsletter can re-upload the corrected copy and it works fine.

My IT guy and I are pretty sure that the problem stems from that I'm trying to replace the file while IIS is actively serving it to users (which I thought of and thought that I had coded against happening).[code]...

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Overwrite A File A In Program 2008?

Nov 12, 2009

Is that even possible in Vb

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Overwrite Data In A Text File?

Oct 2, 2008

I was wndering if its possible to change specific data in a text file from VB.NET code? i want to use a save game feature, and update the score of the user currently logged in, but i dont know how to do this. Any ideas? my text files stores 4 fields from the user; Username, Age, Score and Password.[url]...

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Overwrite Previously Saved Data?

May 17, 2012

I'm trying to figure out/learn how to overwrite previously saved data. Right now when I save data to my excel form and then reopen it, to edit, a duplicate row with the edited data is shown along with the previously saved data as well.

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Automatically Update UI When Data Changes By Other Program?

Jul 15, 2011

Is there any way to automatically update the data viewing on a datagridview when data is changed in the database by some other processes/Program?

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Sort XML Data - Then *overwrite* UN-sorted Version VS2008?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm programming in VB, using Visual Studio 2008.

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Update Database From Data In Gridview In Program?

Mar 29, 2012

This is the code for displaying data from database to gridview....If i am doing any changes in GridView and it has to update in database.[code]...

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Should Threads Update Global Data In The Main Program

Mar 18, 2011

I want to launch a bunch of threads, each performing the same task, and know in main() when each finishs and it if it was successful or failed.The solution offered was to use a ConcurrentQueue, but other posts have recommended using a BackgroundWorker Class, or a thread pool.Is there a definitive answer?Again, all threads perform the same code and have a pass/fail result. I want to run more than there are available threads so as soon as one thread finishes I will launch another asap - I want tehm to stress a remote systems as much as possible (reather than stressing my local PC with too many threads, so I will need to experiment to determine the optimal number of threads).

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Overwrite An Other Excel-file Without The Dialog "Really Want To Overwrite"?

Feb 11, 2010

How can I save an Excel-file, which I'd edit with VB.NE, to a file, which already exists? Evertime there is a dialog: File already exists. Do you really want to overwrite? YES|NO|Abort

How can I overwrite without this dialog?

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Data Updates While Program Runs, Access DB File Doesn't Update?

Jun 25, 2009

Tried searching and found some related issues but none exactly like I was having
I iterate thorugh a DGV and write to one of the fields of the row. After it writes this field, I do an update() command.

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Make Program That Input Data And Update, Delete Records From Access7?

Sep 17, 2011

I have widows7 on my dell notebook than tried to make my personal program on vb 2008

I wand to make program that i can input data and update, delete records from access7

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Monitor Loged In User Task Such As Add - Delete - Update Data In Program?

Mar 6, 2012

I am creating an application in in which many users can add, update, and modify data stored in sql, but one user at a time. Users have to login to the application and then they can start their work. I want to know how I can monitor their work after they log out, like which user updated the record and at which time.

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Make Update For Program That 'user' Can Update App Without Re-installing Whole Program?

Aug 7, 2009

Is there a way to make an update for your program that the 'user' can update the app without re installing the whole program?

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DB/Reporting :: Master - Detail Data - Overwrite The Primary Field Value In The First Grid And The Detail Records

Jul 13, 2010

I have made several posts on here lately regarding master/detail or parent/child data setups but no one has been able to help. It seems like a subject people don't like to tackle BUT I really need help.

I'm having a real hard with the DataView.RowFilter functionality and it is driving me insane.

For the most part, I have the basic master/detail functionality working. When you select a record in the first grid, it shows the correct data in the second grid. When you enter a record in the first grid, you can enter related data in the second grid. I accomplish this by using a dataview and row filter bound to the 2nd grid. When you change the record in the first grid, the rowfilter for the 2nd grid is restated and reapplied.

The problem arises when I overwrite the primary field value in the first grid and the detail records become orphaned. You would think all I have to do is change the ID in the 2nd grid to match the new ID in the 1st grid but this is where I am having problems. I wrote a loop to change the ID of each record currently loaded in the 2nd grid to match the newly changed ID in the first grid. The code is here:

Dim I As Integer

For I = AuthorizationGroupsDGV.Rows.Count - 2 To 0 Step -1
AuthorizationGroupsDGV.Rows(I).Cells(0).Value = StrEmployeeID

I have used this code before and it works great. It has to step backwards through the grid because when the ID's are changed, they no longer match the RowFilter criteria and they disappear from the grid. They still exist in the dataset. The problem is, while the code "works" the intended effect does not. Some of the records completely disappear from the dataset and do not reload when I restate the row filter against the new ID number.

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MS Access Database To Make Program Interactive But Cannot Get The Database To Update With The Entered Data

Apr 20, 2010

This program is very difficult for me, but I must get threw it or I cannot finish... What I am doing is making a Database of foreign Languages with the spelling of the words and the pronounciation inside the database... The USER enters a paragraph of words into the translator textbox and pushed translate. The program has a DATABANK of words with the phonetic spellings and matches the word, then translates to phonetics. The problem is that new words keep appearing inside the language. So I incorporated a Database of 2 fields


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Update Particular Record Using Update Query In SQL Server With Program?

Dec 2, 2010

How to use this query to update record [code]....

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VB - .Net - Da.Update(ds) - Data Sometimes Didn't Update Or Change

Apr 7, 2011

Why is it sometimes when I update a data using da.update(ds), the data sometimes didn't update or change... for example i want to change the name or number n a record, sometimes there is no changes..


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Update Server Program When Client Program Added Record To Database?

Aug 18, 2010

I am creating a very simple Voting System, that will be use on electing new set of officer in a teacher cooperative...

So I have to create two separate program, a Server Program that will manage all the information in the election and a Client Program where voters will vote their selected candidate...

The election officers wanted that the Server Program will display the Voting Results at real time... So when the Voter finished voting, The Voting Result displayed by the Server Program will also be updated every time the Client Program Insert the data to Database....

An action listener in Server Program that will execute if new data is inserted in a Table in the Database made by the Client Program...

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Data Not Updating Error "Update Requires A Valid Update Command When Passed DataRow Collection With Modified Rows"

May 29, 2009

I am completly flummoxed!!! I have writen code for updating my table from a form but when I use the same code only changing the table names it wont work I get the following message: "Update requires a valid Update Command when passed DataRow collection with modified rows" My codes are as follows:


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Create A Program That Will Auto Update Another Program?

Mar 30, 2009

I want to create a program that will auto update another program i have created. I want (this program) to check for updates (from a txt file that i wil have in the first line the previous version and in the second line the present version) and if there will be a new version then start downloading and the progress bar will show the progress. How can i do this?

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Update New Data With The Previous Data If The New Data Equal To 0?

Sep 11, 2010

I am having an issue on the listbox when the new data value equal to previous data then = to "0". However, I want if the new data value( A ) is equal to the previous data( B ) then ( A ) equal to ( B ).

Delegate Sub ListBoxUpdater(ByRef listbox As ListBox, ByRef str As Object)
Private Sub OnQuoteUpdate(ByRef QuoteUpdate As LingLib.structQuoteUpdate)
UpdateListBox(lbBox, QuoteUpdate.tQuote)
End Sub


My problem is when the new data comes out from the API, if it is equal to the previous data and it will appear 0. But what i want is the new data comes out is 0 and it will equal to previous data. e.g: first data comes out is 12.00, in above case, if the second data comes out is 12.00 but it will shows 0 which means unchanged. But in my case now, i want if the first data come out is 12.00, then if the next data is unchanged (0) and it will appear 12.00 and so on.

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Update The New Data With The Previous Data If The New Data Equal To &#?

Sep 7, 2010

I am currently working on a API. I am having an issue on the listbox when the new data value equal to previous data then = to "0". However, I want if the new data value( A ) is equal to the previous data( B ) then ( A ) equal to ( B ).

Private Sub UpdateListBox(ByRef listbox As ListBox, ByRef str As Object)
If (listbox.InvokeRequired) Then
Me.BeginInvoke(New ListBoxUpdater(AddressOf UpdateListBox), listbox, str)


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Forms :: Display Data In Grid View Using Code That Can Edit, Update And Delete The Data?

Oct 6, 2011

how to display data in grid view using code that you can edit, update and delete the i need to have a stored proc in this?

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Data Binding - Update The Grid Data By Reading The Array

Apr 2, 2012

Data binding should be an extremely simple thing to manage but I can't find a SIMPLE solution to the following problem.

I have two forms

Form1 contains a 4x4 MSFlexGrid (unfortunately an unmanaged COM object but I can merge cells, which I can't do with a managed Datagrid)

Form2 contains other controls which change the data in the Flexgrid.

I connect the two with a Public 4x4 array. Form2 changes the data in this array. I can update the grid data by reading the array. But how do I bind the Grid to the array so that it auto-updates - which is the whole point of binding isn't it?

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How To Make A Overwrite

Feb 18, 2009

i want to copy file but the same name is exist so i want to overwrite it

i used this code

If File.Exists("filename.exe") = True Then End If

but i dont know the overwrite code

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Update Data From Data Set And Table Adapter

Oct 6, 2010

I have a windows form program that pulls data from a sql server. That same data is being read from a ASP.NET website that sets properties for the site. The SQL server has 3 tables: tblWebPage, tblObjects, tblProperties. and 6 views for the 6 web page: vWebPage01, vWebPage02, vWebPage03..ect. When the program loads you see buttons for each web page on the site. When the user clicks on the Home Page it loads this data: [code]Now, the problem lies in updating vWebPage02, vWebPage03, ect.. I assume with the same data I can copy my form with the code and change the form name and the data set to build and update. So that's just what I did changed the form name where needed and changed "vWebPage01" to "vWebPage02".When I tested the program My "vWebPage01" form it built and updated no problem. when I went to test "vWebPage02" it built the dataset and table adapter fine but it did not update at all.

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Overwrite A Specific File?

Jan 16, 2011

I am trying to get a text file to be overwritten since it's already there. The thing is, that I'm not trying to overwrite a specific file. In fact, EVERYTHING must have the right name, or my project won't turn out right: http:[url]....However I don't have that problem any more because I solved it. Now my problem is much more simple. Again, I'm NOT trying to overwrite one specific file, so I couldn't say something like,


I need a way to overwrite any file name.

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Copy A File And Overwrite?

May 7, 2010

I've been searching all over the web to find a code to copy a file to a destination. I found one, but i need to get one so it can overwrite cause i get error when the file already exist in both location.There is my code:

Dim FileToCopy As String
Dim NewCopy As String
FileToCopy = "C:\test.txt"
NewCopy = "C:\NewTest.txt"


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Not Overwrite Files When Making Them?

Feb 25, 2012

Whenever I create two files with the same name, it overwrites it. I want the second file to be [Name] (#)

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