How To Wait Till All Workers Thread In ThreadPools Are Gone

Jan 23, 2012

Basically after I queue all works, I want to wait until all I queued has been done. How do I do so?[code]I notice there is no way to know how many threads are still running in the threadpool.

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Wait Till Mouse Click?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm trying to get my button even to wait till i click the left mouse button. but can't seem to find a way to do that.Attributor 2.0

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VS 2008 Wait Till Webpage Is Loadin

Dec 24, 2010

There are serveral way but i know only one

1. WebBrowser1_DocumentComplete


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.NET - Textbox Control - Wait Till User Is Done Typing?

Mar 22, 2009

Is there a built in way to know when a user is done typing into a textbox? (Before hitting tab, Or moving the mouse) I have a database query that occurs on the textchanged event and everything works perfectly. However, I noticed that there is a bit of lag of course because if a user is quickly typing into the textbox the program is busy doing a query for each character. So what I was hoping for was a way to see if the user has finished typing. So if they type "a" and stop then an event fires. However, if they type "all the way" the event fires after the y keyup. Like measuring the time since the last textchange event and if it was > than a certain value then it would proceed to run the rest of my procedures.

Language: VB.NET
Framework: .Net 2.0

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Multiple UI Thread - Show An Animated Loading Gif Image Till Data Loading Is Completed In All Text Boxes

Jul 13, 2009

I have a window application develpoed in vs 2008, framework 3.5, in which i have put a button.. Now where i click that button the other text boxes are filled up with the data from database thru web service.. what i want is while all text boxes are being filled i want to show an animated loading gif image till data loading is completed in all the text boxes.. i have tried to use image picture box but while data is loading gif image is displyes but in static mode.. cant see animation... i think this is because data loading and animation both are done thru one UI thread..

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.net - Synchronous Wait Without Blocking The UI-Thread

May 24, 2011

Is there a synchronous wait function that won't tie up the UI-thread in .NET WPF? Something like:

Sub OnClick(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles button1.Click
'Ui still processes other events here
MessageBox.Show("Is has been 2 seconds since you clicked the button!")
End Sub

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Blocking A Thread To Wait For Callback

Jan 19, 2009

I have been reading the async design patterns on MSDN and the general idea makes sense to me but in practice it is proving to be more difficult. I am working on a project utilizing VMWARE VIX.

HTML Code: [url]. Each function such as connecting to a host server, retrieving properties, etc. can be executed in two different ways.

Connecting to a host using a blocking Wait:

Dim m_lib As New VixLib
Dim m_hostJob As VixCOM.IJob


Dim m_lib As New VixLib
Dim m_hostJob As VixCOM.IJob
dim m_callback as VixCOM.ICallback


The problem with the VIX SDK is that sometimes the functions never return, hanging the application. dblock.

HTML Code:[URL] came up with a library that specifies a timeout value. When the timeout runs out the method aborts and returns regardless whether it finished or not.

The callback method is an active wait where the code continues to execute. What I want to implement is a blocking wait with a timeout. The ICallback interface has one sub OnVixEvent(IJob,Integer,IVixHandle). This method is fired at least twice, first when some progress is posted and second when it is complete. The first call to this method can be one second after registering the callback or 30 seconds, so I can not rely on this method to block the main thread. how to create some kind of async result class that would block the main thread from executing until either a timer runs out or the OnVixEvent method returns an Operation Complete signal that also implements ICallback.

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DataGridView Retains Wait Cursor When Updated From Thread

Jun 9, 2010

I have a DataGridView control in my Windows Forms Application. I am adding rows to the grid using a background thread. I change the form's cursor to Waitcursor when the process starts and back to Default when it ends. This works well for the form, but not for the grid. When the form's cursor is changed back to default, the grid's cursor does not change, although the cursor over the rest of the form does.

I am updating the grid from a background thread? (The cursor is being changed from the UI thread directly). The background process raises an event, the handler checks the InvokeRequired property of the grid and decides if it needs to "Invoke" the method again from the main thread. So, in effect the actual UI update happens from the appropriate thread. I am not sure if this means that I am "using a background thread" or not.

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Threading Monitor.Wait() - Releasing Locks On A Thread

Apr 9, 2011

I have a problem with releasing locks on a thread. [Code] If Me.IsStarted Then 'checks if my service is started and ready of service requests 'code here to enqueue my job and objRxResult with the service so it can populate it with the result before Pulsing back 'the service has its own thread that it dequeues jobs off of and processes them on it own time 'during this key enqueue phase we block attempts to stop the service, thus the _objIsStarted lock [Code].

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Run A Thread And Then At A Certain Point pause It And Wait For The User To Enter Some text?

Sep 20, 2010

I want to be able to run a thread and then at a certain point pause it and wait for the user to enter some text into a text box and then when they press submit i want the program to run again from where it left off.

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Wait/suspend Execution For A Certain Amout Of Time Without Hanging The Main UI Thread?

Dec 31, 2010

Is it possible to wait/suspend execution for a certain amout of time without hanging the main UI thread?

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WebBrowser Control Is In A Wait State : How To Kill The Wait

May 27, 2009

While navigating to a series of sites at one site the WebBrowser control's DocumentCompleted EVENT is tripped and no other recorded Browser events occur after that. When this happens the hour glass cursor indicates the browser is waiting. From this point it take 120 to 250 seconds of wall clock time before the browser resumes. I am looking for a way to force an abnormal termination without destroying the control. I have tried "Stop", "nav to about:blank" repeatedly without success. How can I force an abnormal termination when the Cntrl is in a wait state?

Consider the following: The last known Browser event to be tripped is a Document Complete event; nothing else occurs after this. When this transpires the Cntrl is waiting.

1:50:657: ============================= ENTER WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted EVENT ========================================
31:50:657: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE NEW WEBBROWSER STATEMENT


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VS 2008 Two Background Workers?

Feb 13, 2010

I create two background workers in my program;

' set up the background workers
Dim Bgw1 As New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
Dim Bgw2 As New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
Bgw1.WorkerReportsProgress = True


Note, I've tried googleing, I've came across a article sateting that if you have to handle more then one task in the background, you should use System.Threading [URL]../showthread.php?t=101283) But I don't know what team mean with it?, or how you should use System.Threading to back your own 'background worker'.

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VS 2010 Use Background Workers?

Apr 1, 2012

I don't really understand background workers much but would like to be able to use them in my programs, could someone give me an example with some good notes to help me understand how I might use the background worker with around 10 threads just to handle something simple like a math problem.

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Add Background Workers To Prevent Freezing

Oct 3, 2011

I am a bit of a noobie with and I made this application that does a lot of http requests and stream reading. But when it does this it always freezes my application.So I did a little research and found that I could use background workers to solve this. But I have no idea where to start. So if you could look at my code and tell me where and how I can add background workers to prevent the freezing that would be awesome.[code]

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Get Background Workers Use To Make The Connections To The PLC's?

Feb 23, 2010

For my project I connect to a large number of variables in multiple Beckhoff PLC's. I connect to the PLC in the Form load event.But the first time connect to all plc's taking too long.The data from the plc's. be sent to my program can not cope with the private sub OnNotification. This is because the program is busy with making connections with various other plc's.If the program is fully launched it works ok, but I also want to start working properly.I solve it just with a timer and a counter. Each program cycle I make a connection, the next cycle the next etc.until all connections are made. This should be better.I would like background workers use to make the connections to the PLC's. bgworkers provide the connection.The main program is not blocked, and the incoming data from the PLC's can be handled properly In the form Load event I start the bgWorkers containing the code for connect and AddHandler. Unfortunately it will not work this way?

Imports TwinCAT.Ads
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


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Create Multiple Background Workers With WebClient

May 19, 2012

Okay so I've dug around all day and found that using multiple "background workers" would do what I would need for my application.How can I create 4 background workers and then feed the urls to the webrequest from a listbox? [code]

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How To Use The Background Workers - While My Web Cam Is Trying To Start I Want To Show A Progress Bar

Oct 30, 2009

How to use the background workers in my case. while my web cam is trying to start i want to show a progress bar.

Private Sub strcam_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles strcam.Click
End Sub

I tried many methods to achieve that without any luck. I tried also application.doevents().

I have a gif image that shows a circle go round like the one on vista. However when i use the application.doevents() the circle is shown BUT it start go round only when the web cam starts....I don`t know what to do.....I need somehow to perform two tasks at the same time. Can bagroundworkers used in this case or i need to do something else?

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Backgroundworker - Multiple Background Workers - Only Last Task Completes?

Jan 26, 2011

I have been pulling my hair out trying to get this to work. If I step through the code in debugger it all works great. My problem is if I just run it, only the last task responds. I'm guessing I am overwriting the background working or something. I am sure I am doing a few things wrong but my code is now messy as I tried many way while searching. I know of the threadpool and .Net 4.0 tasks but having a hard time getting to do what I need.

Basicly I am writing a program (trying more likely) that takes a list of computers and pings then, then checks their uptime and reports back.This works fine in the UI thread (Obviously that locks up my screen). I can have the background worker just do this, but then it does each computer 1 by one, and while the screen is responsive it still takes a long time.

So my answer was to have a for loop for each server launching a new background worker thread. My solution does not work.I have seen other threads that I could do it, but I need to use with events to call code to update to UI when each is done.

What is the most simple way to do this?

Here is my code. Most is just copy paste + modify till I get it working right.

So In the main class I have the testworker.

(I tried using Testworker() but it said I could not do that WithEvents)

When I click the button the list loads.

Private WithEvents TestWorker As System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Dynamically Creating An Unlimited Number Of Background Workers?

Sep 7, 2010

I am dynamically creating an unlimited number of background workers and would like to handle errors from them.

In a try statement I am using the following:

Catch ex As Exception
'Me.BeginInvoke(New UpdateTextCallback(AddressOf Error_Text), New Object() {Message, Account})
Exit Sub
End Try

I have commented out the BeginInvoke command because I can not get it to work. I get an error the the handle has not been created. This subroutine is in a module and I can not figure out how to get the invoke to work.

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VS 2010 Error - Cross-Thread Operation Not Valid: Control TbPlaca1 Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Aug 13, 2010

In one application, I need use 4 simultaneous threads.When the threads finished, I need to update the text of a TextBox.So, I create 4 Textbox, and I wanna the threads change the text to FINISHED.Each thread change one distinct TB.I use this "example"

Dim Terminados As Integer = 0
Private Sub frmEnviarMensagem_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Timer1.Enabled = True


The problem is, I have an error in the red lines.The error is: INVALIDOPERATIONEXCEPTION "Cross-Thread operation not valid: Control tbPlaca1 Accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."I don't use cross threading. Each TB only was accessed for the correspondent thread, and for the "main program".

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'Panel1' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On." ?

Nov 3, 2011

This is the error message I am getting:

"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Panel1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on." The reason I am getting this error is because I am opening up a new form and then calling these three things:


why I get this error message because it doesn't occur normally if I open Form2 after closing Form1, it only occurs when I open Form2 after closing Form4.

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Error - Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'txt1' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jul 21, 2009

I have done a program using vb2005 to display reading from my microcontroller bs2 board but have encountered some problems. My code are as follows.

Dim Stop_Rx As Boolean
Private Sub btnRead_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRead.Click


I've encounter an error which is, (Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'txt1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.)

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Error : Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'l_users' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jun 21, 2012

When my client try to connect to server I'm getting this error : Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'l_users' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

Private Sub _socketManager_onConnectionAccept(ByVal SocketID As String) Handles _socketManager.onConnectionAccept
End Sub

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Threading Progress Bar In .net - Thread Operation Not Valid Control 'ProgressBar1' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Feb 17, 2012

Would anyone be able to help me here please. I'm fairly new to and threading so im just trying to figure out what is happening.When I debug this I am getting the error thread operation not valid: Control 'ProgressBar1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

I'm a little lost as to why the error is occuring or how to fix it. I've had to put the progress bar in a separate thread otherwise the GUI crashes


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Waiting For Threads - Thread.join Suspend Execution Of Code On Calling Thread Until Spawned Thread Finishes Or Is Aborted

Sep 2, 2010

My understanding is that thread.join will suspend the execution of code on the calling thread until the spawned thread finishes or is aborted...

With that in mind, I tried this:

For i = 1 to 50
threads = New Thread(AddressOf test)
threads.IsBackground = True


However, the rest of the code runs when the loop finishes, not waiting for all the spawned threads to finish. Since the rest of the code needs the threads to finish (otherwise the rest will error).

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'Autocad' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jun 6, 2010

I have written an application that loads a form - frmCad as well as AutoCad. It does this via a class which detects when AutoCad quits.

Friend Class CadApp Private WithEvents AppObject As AcadApplication... Private Sub AppObject_BeginQuit(ByRef Cancel As Boolean) Handles AppObject.BeginQuit RaiseEvent Quit() End SubEnd Class

My main class loads frmCad as well as CadApp.

Public Class Cad Private WithEvents frmCad As CadForm Private WithEvents app As CadApp... Public Sub ShowForm() If frmCad Is Nothing Then frmCad = New CadForm frmCad.Visible = True End Sub... Private Sub app_Quit() Handles app.Quit frmCad.Dispose() frmCad = Nothing .... End Sub

When I debug the program, it stops at frmCad.Dispose()The program continues to execute, but all the code after it fails to work.Looking more carefully I get an error message which contains:-Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Autocad' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'label2' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On?

Feb 9, 2011

My error:Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'label2' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on. I want to be able to give my Public RunBot() sub access to edit Labels, buttons, etc without an error.


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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'lblStatus' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Apr 1, 2010

I'm getting the 'System.InvalidOperationException' error on acccessing a thread from other than where it was created. My code is:

'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Public components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer ' changed from private


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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'statusHO' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jun 6, 2009

My problem is Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'statusHO' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'statusHO' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."


i used it and it works fine then. but as it is mentioned its not a good practice to use it. So what should i do? is it ok if i use this as i am not able to use correct practice. Mine application is not for enterprise purpose. its just my class project, and it works fine even if i put application working in background. System works ok. I dont know how to correct this error.As i dont have that much knowlege of threads.

So please guide me how to fix this in correct way otherwise i am force to go for bad programming practice
Please refer to Windows Mobile Developer Center > Smart Device Development Forums > Windows Mobile Development > Appendtext not working for all my code details

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