IDE :: Disconnecting From Source Safe?

Feb 27, 2009

I am using VS2005, using VB.Net?I just created a local copy of a project on my drive. The original copy is being worked on by another developer.I deleted the .vspscc & .scc files?However, everytime I make a change, I get the message that the file is locked, and exclusively checkout by another developer. How can I make changes to the project, that I have copied to my drive. I need to disconnect it from VSS.

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SMO Not Disconnecting From SQL?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm populating a listview with a list of databases for the selected instance.

What ever I do I cannot get SMO to disconnect from my SQL2008 instance...

server.ConnectionContext.IsOpen returns false but server.ConnectionContext.InUse returns true?

Here's my code:

Public Sub UpdateServerList()
Dim serverName As String = SQLServerName + "" + Instance


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TCP Server/Client - Disconnecting Sockets?

Aug 18, 2011

TCP Server/Client - Disconnecting Sockets

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VS 2008 - Disconnecting From Chat Server

Mar 31, 2009

I've been attempting to create a Chat client/server for a while and I found some good tutorials for Visual Basic Express 2008. But I would like my client to be able to disconnect and have the server acknowledge the fact (and send the same message that it does when someone connects) that a client disconnected.

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VS 2010 Disconnecting Network Connection And Reconnecting?

May 12, 2011

I have a USB 3G dongle from Orange which is like a dialup connection, rather than a wireless connection.

Is there anyway in to control this connection? So disconnect is and recconnect it etc?The reason for this is automatically getting a new ip address without manually disconnecting in network connections.

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MSAccess Attached With The Connection String - Add A Field To The Database Without Disconnecting It?

Oct 19, 2010

I have already connected my database and have completed multiple forms and reports.Just discovered that I missed adding ONE field in an Access table.Since it is attached how can I add a field to the database without disconnecting it? If I do disconnect it and reconnect will I have to redesign all my forms and reports?

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"disconnecting" From A SQL Database?

Mar 18, 2010

Greetings. I have an application where the user can open a form and view data from a SQL2005 database. I'm developing with VB2005 Express Edition. The form has a list box with its DataSource = bsJobData. I have 3 icons below my form:dsJobInfo with its DataSetName = JobInfoDataSet. JobInfoDataSet is something I can see on my Data Sources tab.


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C# - Add A Reference To Some Source Code To Include In A Source File In .net, Winforms?

Jan 26, 2010

I don't know what this is called so I've struggled to find an answer from google but I have a vague memory of it from t'old days.I've sub-classed (* see below) about 8 framework controls, overriden some properties and added some functionality into each one.The changes I have made are identical in every case. If I make a change, I have to go through each class and apply the same change there.I was hoping there may be a keyword such as <IncludeSourcefile "common.vb> that I can put into each class.

(* note) I use the term sub-classed but I don't know if that's the correct terminology. I've also seen it used for call-backs. Is sub-classed the correct term to use?

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Spacing HTML Source - Way To Space Out The Source Code Of A Web Page

Jan 6, 2011

Way to space out the source code of a web page, having each tag on one line, without having to search for each tag ending and then making a new line after.

My code for obtaining the source code is:


Also if anyone knows a way to colour the tags.

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Binding Source Filter In Access Data Source?

Oct 11, 2010

I have an Access database and I want to view on a datagridview specific rows. For that I used the following :

CasesBindingSource.Filter =
"OfferDate Between #1/1/1997# And #12/31/1997#"
Cases is the table, OfferDate a field of the table wich is DateTime type.

When I use Between operator I get the following error :The expression contains unsupported operator 'Between'.

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FAIL SAFE Way Of Getting A Favicon?

Oct 3, 2009

I have this protocol for getting a favicon: (I stole it from Thomas Maxwell, and adapted it, but still)

Public Shared Function GetFaviconSilent(ByVal IconURL As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oIcon As Icon


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Is It Safe To Derive IV And Key From The Same Password

Jun 25, 2009

I need to generate the IV and the KEY for an AES cryptography. I want to use the password and i am asking if it is safe to use the same password to get the Key and the IV?

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Safe To Use A Synclock On The Serialport?

Aug 3, 2009

I have an application that requires several threads, otherwise the main UI thread would end up frozen.i am after a little advice as i have not really don alot of threaded applications.

First Question;

I have a thread which handles data coming in from the serial port( this wil become much more complicated), is it safe to use a synclock on the serialport object : -


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Safe Way To Protect A Program?

Apr 29, 2012


Unless the person actually gets into the source code they can't get the password am I right? Is it actually possible for them to get into the source code.

Basically what I'm asking is, is this safe and if not why not and how can it be made secure?

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VS 2010 C++ Dll Is Not Thread Safe?

Apr 19, 2012

I'm calling a c++ dll I made myself - and it appears to be very VERY not thread safe!

I'm referencing it like this

<System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("D:ACS DesktopdcxdcxDebugStringLibrary.dll", EntryPoint:="firstIndexOfKeyword", CallingConvention:=Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
Public Shared Function firstIndexOfKeyword(ByVal s As String, ByVal substr As String(), ByVal substrLength As Integer, ByVal markers As Integer()) As Integer End Function

Is there a way to make this IMPORT create something more threadsafe?


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VS 2010 Seems Like This Is Not Thread Safe

Feb 27, 2012

I'm dropping into this function - from several threads - to add an OBJECT to a dictionary collection

Private Delegate Function ReaderRegisterDelegate(ByRef rrFSOb As FSObject) As FSObject
Private Function ReaderRegister(ByRef rrFSOb As FSObject) As FSObject

It's getting Object reference not set to an instance of an object.The FILEID key being added is F1. F2, F3 and F4 are in the dictionary. Seems like F1 arrived and the object wasn't properly setup. Or thread-slice caused me to see a partially messed with dictionary list?How can I make that a thread safe operation? I thought dropping out to the UI thread was a safe place to mess with code like this? Oddly enough I can go to the immediate window and do this

m_FSObCollection.Add("F" + rrFSOb.FileId.ToString, rrFSOb)
?m_FSObCollection.Count 4 is a dictionary list that looks like this

directcast(ex.Data , System.Collections.IDictionary).Count 0

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.net - Is The Enqueue Method Thread Safe

Nov 2, 2009

Let's say that I have a module that has a Queue in it. For other entities to Enqueue, they must go through a function:


If I have multiple threads running and they want to call InsertIntoQueue(), is this considered thread safe? I am under the impression that there is only one copy of the instructions in memory necessary to perform the InsertIntoQueue() function... which would lead me to think that this is thread safe. However, I wonder what happens when two threads attempt to run the function at the same time? Is this thread safe, and if not, how can I make it thread safe? (and What would be the performance implications regarding speed and memory usage)

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Create A Safe Type Programme

Mar 3, 2010

im trying to create a safe type programme on visual basic, which has a set combination button which when first clicked opens up a box to allow a password to be entered, once entered the safe is locked until you enter the password and push a button to try the key,

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Launch In Windows Safe Mode

May 3, 2012

The problem is as follows: If Windows starts up in Safe Mode, no applications I make with VS 2010 will run. Even if I try to launch them, doubleclicking, running, almost everything I tried, the problem is that the application just doesn't show up. There is no window there, and I don't know (haven't checked) if a process related to the application is running.


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Multi-threading, Safe Variable?

Oct 1, 2011

I have apps with multiple threads. I never have two threads that write to the same variable, but I do have situations where one thread writes to a variable and another reads from it.Is this safe, thread wise? (talking from an execution standpoint) The practice, seems to work fine, but I don't know what would happen if in the split second if one core was reading the variable, and the other was trying to write to it. Do I need to set up some form of lock out here?

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Safe To Assume An Integer Will Always Be 32 Bits?

Jul 1, 2011

Is it safe to assume an int will always be 32 bits in C#? The linked question asks whether it is "safe to assume that an int will always be 32 bits in C#". The accepted answer states that "the C# specification rigidly defines that int is an alias for System.Int32 with exactly 32 bits".

My question is this: does this hold true for VB.Net's Integer? Is it safe to assume that Integer will always be an alias for int32?

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Safe To Ignore Build Error?

Jul 26, 2010

In my form I have a variable that is of the type Windows.Forms.Form. When my program is enabled/disabled I create a new form instance in there and close it (respectively). Since I don't want the form sitting in memory the whole time my program is open the references to properties of the form are invalid (because the initial declaration is not the form but the type). How can I either negate this or ignore this error?

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Safe To Use An App-scope Regex Object?

Nov 28, 2011

I have a complex Regex which is used to help strip out HTML from user input. I'm aware that .NET caches static Regex calls to some extent, but this one is big and used frequently, so I'd like it to hang around.[code]...

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Safe Way To Check That A File Isn't Still Uploading?

Mar 15, 2011

Is it safe to use something like this to ensure that a directory isn't currently being written to? [code]I'm processing images which can be up to 10MB so my main concern is that I'm not sure whether the LastWriteTime property (which presumably references the filesystem 'last modified' meta data) is updated when the first, last or every byte of a file is written to disk.Files will generally be uploaded via IIS7 FTP to an NTFS Filesystem on a Windows 2008 server. If it's filesystem-dependant though it would be good to also know which filsystems update when. I'd hoped that this could be used to simplify the programme by ensuring that the whole directory was processed at once. In the end I decided to rethink that since the workarounds are messier and less reliable than the one I was trying to avoid!

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Target My Access Database In A Safe Way?

Aug 15, 2011

How can I point or target my access database in a safe way?

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Thread-safe Text Box Update

Jul 26, 2011

I have a TCP server app that starts 2 threads when the server is activated, I want the threads to add text to the textbox on the main form. Here's is what I have tried [code]I have added MsgBoxes at points so I know the Sub updatetext_ is being called, and the text is being passed, they are also showing that InvokeRequired is always FALSE. In any case the textbox txtMessages is not being updated.

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VS 2008 List (Of T) Is Thread Safe?

Sep 5, 2009

On the MSDN docs for the generic List(Of T) class, it says this:


Public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.but I'm trying to work out what exactly that means or why it matters. Does that mean that if I had this:
Public Shared MyList As New List(Of MyClass)

then I could enumerate through that list from several threads at once without there being a problem? I thought you could read from any object from multiple threads without a problem anyway... I thought it was only if there were potentially other threads modifying that object at the same time that there were problems. Particularly with a collection like a List because you cant modify a list while another thread is enumerating the items in the list as you get an exception thrown stating that the collection has changed. I think basically what I am asking is if the MSDN doc said that a public shared list wasnt thread safe then what difference would it make?

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Whether Using XML Database For Data Storage Is Safe Enough

Mar 4, 2011

Whether using XML database for data storage is safe enough? because I wanted to branch using an XML database and then she sends the data to the center. and then the data is in process at the center and then incorporated into the database server

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Why Delegates Are Not Type Safe In Language

Sep 1, 2011

i don't know what i said in this thread's topic is right or wrong.Since my perception about Delegates in .NET is that it is type safe .Delegate object will store the reference of only those functions whose signature matches with Delegate's signature .That i know from last 1 and a half year but never experimented .


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.net Thread Safe Method To Add A Listview Subitem?

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to add a subitem to a listview in a threadsafe manner.In a single threaded application it works like so:


However if run in another thread it causes a cross threading error.I have looked at examples of delegate subs that use Invoke, but all examples i have seen involve updating the text property of an object, and i cant get my head round how to apply the concept to actually add a subitem to a listview.

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