IDE :: IntelliSense Font/Text Blank Or Missing?

Jul 14, 2011

Recently I have noticed that my IntelliSense has stopped working correctly. The suggestions displayed No longer have any visible text, only just an icon (showing what type ofsuggestion). The only Text that does infact appear are numbers and special Characters( 1,2,#, (, )... etc.)I have already tried editing the font color, back/forground colorand size for the intellisense. Although nothing seems to work. I have also tried completely uninstalling VB.Net 2010 and reinstalling also repairing and still the problem remains.

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Intellisense Window Missing Features

May 3, 2010

I like the new intellisense enhancements for finding members, however, there are 2 problems i have;

1) You can't resize the intellisense window when it pops up? This one is really annoying.

2) There seems to be a fixed font for the intellisense list? Why does it not match the rest of my code window like it used to? I've noticed the same with tooltips.

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Intellisense Missing For Projects In Visual Studio 2005

Oct 26, 2010

In Visual Studio 2005, I can't seem to get the Intellisense menu to pop up at all when I click CTRL+Space. This seems to be limited to VB.NET files. I have tried creating new Visual C# and C# web projects, and it works fine there. There also doesn't seem to be a problem in things like CSS files in VB.NET projects. But when I create a new VB.NET web site, CTRL+Space does nothing. I have tried resetting all the Import and Export setting. That didn't work either.

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Can IntelliSense Be Exported To Text File?

Jan 14, 2009

I'm trying to write some documentation for a webservice that has been provided by one of our vendors for an application we're integrating. A bunch of the interface is custom objects defined in the web service itself. The vendor has put up significant resistance to providing any documentation for this application and so I've taken it upon myself to do their job for them [against my better judgement]. The documentation they have provided frankly is embarrassing and I'm trying to make as short work of this as I possibly can to put some good quality docs together.

I know that as I don't have access to their source, I can't just run it through nDoc/Sandcastle to spit out an API doc, but I was wondering if (as a half way house) there was an easy way to export the intellisense to a text file without me having to write a utility to specifically iterate through each of the object types defined and reflect the members out to text? If I could do this, it would at least make sure that I have a good quality document structure where I can just fill in the blanks. Having to skip back and forth to Visual Studio to check the intellisense for every class member is a very laborious way of doing this.

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Tooltip Text For Method IntelliSense

Mar 24, 2011

I created a function and I want to explain more about argument of methods. Now how can I do that such as .net method? (I want something such as tooltip text for methods).

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[2005] Font And Fontsize - Change Selected Font In List Accordin Font In Combobox?

Mar 7, 2009

How to list all font in combobox, and how to change selected font in list accordin font in combobox?

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Add Text To The Blank Form Below It?

Mar 18, 2012

I have

MyTeam.TabControl1.TabPages.Item(i).Text += myReader("FIRSTNAME") & ", " & myReader("LASTNAME") & vbNewLine

But this just changes the tab title. How do I add text to the blank form below it?

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Blank And It's Contents Are Displayed In The Other Text Box?

Sep 18, 2010

I am a beginner using Visual Basic 2008. I have a problem and can't figure out the code for the following. I have a form that contains two text boxes into which the user types information. When the user clicks on one of the textboxes it becomes blank and it's contents are displayed in the other text box. I seem to be using the correct codes but can't get it to work right. Does anyone know the correct code for this?

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Wish To Prevent Update Of Blank Text Box

Mar 3, 2009

I've written a simple visual basic database program using an access 2000 database.If I enter a non-numeric character in a numeric field, the program will not allow me to update the database, or scroll to the next record etc.My question is how do i invoke the same reaction on a field containing text? If the field is left blank by the user, I don't want the record to be updated, or the user to scroll to the next record until some text is enteredPulling my hair out over this.

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Blank Lines When Saving Text From A ListBox?

Mar 27, 2012

OK here is what it looks like when it saves


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Extra Blank Line Between 2 Lines Of Text?

Jan 12, 2011

first why do I have a extra blank line between 2 lines of text

I have a mainform from which I display a second form with a few comboxes


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How Create Multiple Blank Text Files

Feb 28, 2012

I am running batch jobs on a job scheduler. One of the step is called 6 times so that we can execute the step parallely (to utilize the max server resource and to execuet the step in less than 2 hours rather 6hours). At the end of each instance it has to create a text file (6 instances = 6 text files) and the next job in the queue only runs when it could find all six files,

I am trying to create 6 dummy text files using

1. to create a text file like file1.txt, when each instance of the step is completed running and it should exit the code after a file is create.

2. In this manner the code is executed 6 times and it must produce 6 files like file1.txt ....... file6.txt.

right know the maximum code i could write was ( and this is not correct)

Function CopyFile1()


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How To Ignore Blank Line In Text File

Dec 28, 2010

How can I ignore a blank line in between the data in a text file using VB.NET? For example, I have a file with data like this

Line 1: 020220date20101231salesvalue52..
Line 2: 356465date20101231salesvalue52..
Line 3: Blank Line
Line 4: **strong text**
Line 5: 356465date20101231salesvalue52..
Line 6: 356465date20101231salesvalue52..
Line 7: Blank Line
Line 8: 356465date20101231salesvalue52..
Line 9: 356465date20101231salesvalue52..

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Plain Text Emails Arrive Blank

Feb 7, 2012

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Pro to create a web application in Visual Basic. This app takes the information filled in by a user and then sends it to various people. Some of these people get the email in HTML, the rest in plain text. However, whenever I use the code below to send the plain text email, when the email arrives in my Outlook 2010 Inbox it is completely blank. If I leave the code alone and change only .IsBodyHTML from False to True, it works (it sends the email formatted for HTML).[code]Also, if I create an entirely new web app, using only this code, it sends the email correctly as plain text.

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Remove Blank Line From A Text File?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a comma deliminated text file which i am using to generate a multidimensional array using the following [code]...

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Remove Blank Line(s) From Text File?

May 4, 2011

Basically I've got a list of items in a text file, but sometimes a blank line gets inadvertently put in there, and I need to be able to delete that line (or change that line to a set value, either is fine).

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Remove Blank Lines And Specified Text From A Listbox?

Jun 10, 2011

remove blank lines from listbox?And remove specified text from listbox (text line that i can specify in form code(But if i specify to remove line something like [URL] it will remove the line [URL] but doesn't remove line [URL].

My code for adding items to listbox is:

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim PageElements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("img")
For Each CurElement As HtmlElement In PageElements


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Remove Extra Blank Line From Text Box

Oct 15, 2009

I'm using a Do Loop to do calculations and display them in a textbox. how I can remove the last blank line at the very end of the displayed values?

I know that it's caused byControlchars.Newline, but I need it to display the calculations line after line.[code...]

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Adding Text To Web Browser Document Redirects To About:blank

Apr 9, 2012

When I load a page into the web-browser control I have a text box and a button to insert more html and various other, but when I do so it redirects to about:blank. How do I stop this from happening. I cannot find anything that would hint me to fixing this problem anywhere Also this is how I add text to the page:

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VS 2008 Remove Blank Lines From Text File?

Oct 1, 2009

I have a text file that I'm reading into a listbox. I want to skip a line if it's blank. The following code works if I leave out the check for the line being blank. It puts the file in the listbox with no errors. However, when I include the If statement that checks for the line being blank, I get an ArgumentNullException in the Items.Add line when It gets to the end of the file.

'Read Multiline File
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C: empliz-etsy.txt"
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then


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VS 2010 How To Read A Text File That Has Blank Spaces

Dec 4, 2011

I have a notepad txt file that has two columns of data. Vb reads data having one blank space (this is in column one) but ignores any other data beyond two blank spaces. in addition to being able to read the second column, I want to store the data thats in the column 2 in a separate string.

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.net - DateTimePicker And UserPaint Text And Button Missing?

Oct 20, 2009

I've got a DateTimePicker which I 'dynamically' assign the Paint-Event, unfortunately as long as this Event is assigned neither the text nor the DropDown-Button are rendered (but are working).


At disposing of the component I'm removing the handler and resetting the styles. But as long as the Handler is assigned the DateTimePicker renders like a normal Textbox without content, but the button is working and I can also enter values. If I've overwritten the OnPaint() method I'd simply call MyBase.OnPaint() or similar...but this is an eventhandler...I'm totally clueless here right now.

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VS 2008 - Text Values Missing From DataTable?

May 26, 2010

I'm having a hard time figuring out why my code will not produce a datatable with text.

For Each line In Values
' Create rows collection using TableRow object to dynamically add rows
Dim tRow As New TableRow()


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Pulling SQL Data Into Text File - Some Fields Null / Blank

Apr 2, 2010

I am trying to pull sql data into a text file. The code works just fine, until some new data comes in from lazy employees and a couple fields (used for notes/comments) are now left blank. Originally I've never seen them blank so I didn't think anything of it.
col2 = myreader.GetString(1)
It will error if the field is ever null - I even tried using a case when:
case when note is null then '" & empty & "' else note end and set the variable emtpy = '', but vb still thinks that it's null and errors?

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VS 2008 IO StreamWriter -- WriteLine Leaving Blank Text File?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm trying to use StreamWriter to write to a text file; it creates the file fine, but when I open it up, it's still empty. I marked the code below where the writing action takes place.

vb Public Sub BHorse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BHorse.Click
Dim oMarketsReq As New BFExchange.GetAllMarketsReq
Dim oMarketsResp As BFExchange.GetAllMarketsResp
Dim BFWrite As System.IO.StreamWriter
BFWrite = IO.File.CreateText("C:Datamarket.txt")
With oMarketsReq


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Appending Missing Text To A File To A Specific Place?

Oct 17, 2008

I have a several text files that get updated each month - when they are updated certain lines are missing that I always want adding back to the files - the text I want adding back needs to go into a specific part of the text file(its always the same text that needs adding and same location)

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Setup A Few Text Boxes / Missing The Control Array?

Apr 6, 2011

In VB2008 Professional, how would I set up a few text boxes, as I did in VB6, to be able to access them in a loop?

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Loads A Blank Text File On Server Containg The Current Version?

Oct 2, 2009

I have this code for my update checker. It loads a blank text file on my server containg the current version. I have it set to naviagte to this url then searches the web browser for the current version. If it cannot find it then there is a newer version, and a button becomes visible which lunches a webpage that has the current version. I would like it to loop my Check_for_update code until the webbrowser1.statustext = "Done" Below is the code i have but it doesnt work for some reason. Private Sub Update_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Add Font Dialog On A Text Box?

Mar 1, 2009

I want to add the font dialog on a text box

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Text Font Conversion To UTF-8

Sep 22, 2010

I have text and I want to convert it. Font name is Helvetica and I want to convert it in utf-8. Users cannot show this fonts on another computers. How can I do this in Example I have this text "‰ €" in textbox. How can I convert textbox.text?

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