IDE :: VS 2008 - Controls - Changing The Look Of The Control?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to change the look of some controls in VB.An example would be a button, I now have a stack of 4 images on top of eachother. By using the mouseover events and such, I get the same result as a normal button. However, I'd like to be able to insert those images into a normal button like thing.

I know it's possible to do this by creating a custom control, but that'd end up with the exact same code, just in a different file.

However, the real issue would be a dropdown box and slidebar. I'd like to get them to look nice with my theme. (Background, buttons, borders. Things like that..). I got absolutely no clue on how I should do that.

I know that there's a tool to create controls, but that's from scratch and I can't get a grip on it, at all.

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VS 2008 Changing Properties Of Controls Created At Runtime?

Nov 23, 2009

how to change the properties of control which are created at run time. The actual situation goes like this: I will be creating 4 picture boxes at runtime and assigning pictures to them. Now if i wanted to change those pictures, i am not getting how to call those picture boxes.

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VS 2008 Binding Source And Changing Row Values From Code Vs Bound Controls

Sep 6, 2009

[edit]oops - stupid typo - this is resolved and explained in the next post[/edit] I've got a BINDING SOURCE - that I bind to controls - textboxes mostly. I create a row in the datatable behind this BINDING SOURCE like this.


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VS 2008 - Changing User Control Values In Form?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a form which has a user control in it added dynamically. How can I change the values in that dynamically generated user control? All my functions are in a module and I will just call them in main form. So in module how can I find that user control and change its values? I tried writing a function in user control form. Like it has 10 txt box and I tried to pass a structure as argument in that user control form but I am unable to do so. when I tried to declare the structure outside function parameter in user control form it works well but not as function parameter..

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VS 2008 - Updating Database File After Changing Value In DGV Control

Jul 23, 2011

I have been trying desperately to update a data base file (Microsoft Access file) through a DataGridView control. The form is very simple, containing only a button and the DataGridView control. Whenever I change anything on the DataGridView control and press the Update button, I get an error saying ""No value given for one or more parameters". Below there's a picture showing both my form and the whole code , along with the error message. In case it is not possible to update a data base file through a DataGridView control.

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VS 2008 Changing Tab Control Background Color For Dummies?

Apr 4, 2009

I've been following you for some time, and many of the things you've done have helped me a lot, but this time I got stuck and need the help of an expert.I'll explain my case:I'm developing an assistance programme for an online game, and being this the 10th version I release, I wanted to do something special for the users, so I decided to make the programme based on tabs and give it the aspect of a new skin of the game that will be released soon.

As you may have guessed from the Title, I want to change the gray that is arround the flat buttons and on all the border of the tabcontrol, which is docked to the form. Here is a picture of the programme.To colour the tab buttons I used the following

Private Sub TabControl1_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs) Handles TabControl.DrawItem


The problem is that I don't understand how to apply the "A Completely OwnerDraw TabControl" to my project, my knowledge isn't so far yet. Is there any way I can achieve the same results using something simplier? Or if not, could someone explain to me how to apply it without making any mistakes?

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VS 2008 Changing The Default Font For The Label Control?

Sep 4, 2009

When you add a label from the the toolbox, the default font is always Microsoft Sans Serif, Regular, 8. I like to use Ariel as my font of choice. Is there a way to change the default font setting so I don't have to pick the font I want every time? I've looked under Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors and I can't find it there.

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VS 2008 Change Form Opacity Without Changing Control Opactiy

Mar 16, 2011

I need to be able to change my form's opacity without changing the opacity of the components.

I really only need to do this on one form in my entire app, so this is getting a little frustrating

I've been researching for about half an hour now, trying to figure out if it's possible, but I'm coming up short.

I've seen some WPF examples and if it really comes to that, I'm more than willing to change the app from a WinForms app to a WPF app. I've made a WPF app before, so I'm familiar with it. But, I don't want to have to remake my entire project for this one form.

On that note, does anyone know if I can make a WPF form how I need it and just import it into a WinForm app? It doesn't seem possible, but it's better to ask than not. I'll look into this more.

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VS 2008 - TabControl (Contained Controls ) PDF Control Within Each Tab Page

Nov 25, 2009

I'm using a TabCotrol in my project , and I want to load as many tabs pages as I need with a PDF control within each tab page so I used this code :

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

Dim NewAdobePage As New AxAcroPDFLib.AxAcroPDF
Dim tb As New TabPage


And now I want to use OpenFileDialog control to load PDF files into any of the already opened AxAcroPDF controls , How ?

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VS 2008 Recursive Search Through Controls In A Custom Control?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm using a recursive search to find all of the controls on my form and then do something with those controls once I find them.This is the basic layout:



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VS 2008 Writing Control Values From XML To Controls Within Group Boxes?

Nov 28, 2010

So basically what I'm trying to do is write data from an XML file (a "save file") back into the form. My controls are in all different group boxes (makes it much easier for showing and hiding groups of controls dynamically). I thought about and am putting each control's Parent name into the file, but can't figure out how to get that parent name back into the DirectCast within a For...Next loop so it will actually cast the data into the control.


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Changing A Specific Property For Several Controls At Once?

Apr 24, 2012

Let's say I've got a TableLayoutPanel with 50 cells in it. Inside each cell is a separate text label. If I want to change the color of each of those 50 labels at run-time to the same color, is there an efficient way to do it? (so that I don't have to write 50 lines of LabelX.ForeColor = X, etc).

Not that I would mind writing 50 lines of code for this, but I would like to figure out the most efficient way to do this sort of thing, for future reference.

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Changing Disabled Controls ForeColor?

Jan 26, 2007

Is there an "easy" way to change a control's ForeColor when it is diabled? Yes, I know that this goes against the Windows standard.

On our forms, we have buttons with a dark blue background and a white foreground (the design is dictated by marketing). When the buttons become disabled, the ForeColor goes to a dark color making the button unreadable.

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Changing Multiple Controls During Runtime?

Mar 15, 2012

I need to change size parameter of OvalShape, I have about 100 of them, named like OvalShape1, OvalShape1...... OvalShape100

This example works for Label, but throws error for OvalShape, following is my modified code that giving error;
For Count As Integer = 1 To 100


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Changing Opacity Of Panel And Its Controls

Dec 9, 2009

Is there an efficient method of changing the opacity of a panel and it's controls?
Is there an efficient method of changing the opacity of a MDI child?

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Changing The Layout Order Of Controls?

Feb 28, 2011

I dynamically add picture boxes to a form. However, when I add the new picture box, it is always under/below/behind the picture boxes that I previously created. Is it possible to change it so that the newly created picture box would always be in front of the others?

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VS 2010 DLL's For Changing Form Controls?

Aug 17, 2010

What I am trying to do is have a Form which can dynamically change the controls which are on it and their properties; this allows my main GUI to be more fluid and not have tons of groups and controls on it which I must hide and show when needed. To make this as extensible and reusable as possible, however, I want all the control additions/subtractions/edits to occur through a separate DLL which I write. The problem is, I can't seem to instantiate any controls in the Class Library because I cannot import 'System.Windows' or any of its children ('Forms').

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Control Recommendations - Controls At The Top Of It And A Large DataGridView Is Docked Below All The Controls

Nov 10, 2011

I have a maximized form that has controls at the top of it and a large DataGridView that is docked below all the controls. Its kind of like the Ribbon in MS Office. The controls cover about 1/4 of the screen at the top. I would like a way for the user to click a button to hide all the controls then automatically expand into the place the controls were so the user can view more data in the DataGridView and visa versa. For example, in MS Office Excel you can hide the ribbon by clicking a tiny button that has "^" on it.

I'm not very familiar with all the controls in Visual Studio so I would like to hear some recommendations. Is this situation ideal for a SplitContainer or ToolStripContainer or am I way off base here?

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VS 2010 Changing Control Parent Property Changes Control Location Position?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to make a program with transparent labels over pictureboxes and when I set the label Parent to the PictureBox the position of the label changes.

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Looping Controls / Migrating Among Controls In Control Array

Jun 19, 2009

i have created control array , now i wann to loop around as well wann to find which control has triggered the respective event my code :


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Forms :: Controls Changing Size For No Reason?

Apr 20, 2010

My program has two lists, one a listbox and the other a listview viewed in details mode.

Both of them change heights (get taller) for no obvious reason. I am having to add a call to a method that resizes them to the end of every method, which is kind of absurd, I think. Also, when the window size is changed, these components change size, which means I have to keep track of that.

Edit: I had also thought of adding a timer to handle this.

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Preventing Controls Enable Property From Changing?

Mar 9, 2010

I m implementing control based security in my application. where i m saving controlname (per form) in database, which are to be restricted. So far I have implemented the security and restricted control get disabled.

Now what i want to do is that i have to prevent that for those controls the "control.Enable" property should not change. how can i restrict that.

I have achieved the functionality by canceling enable=true property in "Invalidated" event of the control. but this is not some generic way. I have to map this event for all controls in all forms :(.

What i really want is that as all my froms are derived from same parent which implements the security. so the parent should some how restrict enable property from changing.

So,HOW CAN I PREVENT CONTROL enable property from changing in their parent class?

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Designer Changing Location And Size Of Custom Controls

Oct 8, 2011

I have come across a problem with visual studio 2010 & i have a few custom controls on the form and few standard controls. When i build the application, the custom controls automatically change size and location. Anchoring and Dock properties are fine. Anchored to Top Left without dockstyle. Even if i fix the location and size in design mode, after i run the application the controls again change back to weird position.

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Winforms :: Why Changing Form Font Resize Some Controls

Feb 15, 2011

All my forms inherits from one base form where we handle background paint and set standard properties. Recently, I think of cheching if the app is running on Vista or Later to use Segoe UI font, and I added this. The problem is than inherited forms changed sizes and their inner controls changed also... even PictureBoxes! The controls and forms seems to be thinner (in width), so square picturebox became vertical rectangules!


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[2005] Changing The Font Sizes Of Controls At Runtime?

Feb 17, 2009

I would like to have an application setting wherein the user could set the font size of the controls at run-time.

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Changing Form Controls After Receiving Serial Port Data?

Feb 13, 2009

first post here at the forums. I am a complete noob when it comes to VB .Net, but I have done a lot of VBA programming and some VB6 back in the day. I have posted this question on two other forums (including the MSDN forums) and no one has responded so please let me know if I need to clarify the question.

I am (trying) to write my first .net app which reads/writes data to a device connected over the serial port. I have manged to get it to work to send commands to the device and receive the reply back, mainly using the info from this article: Beth Massi - Sharing the goodness that is VB : Reading from a Serial Port and Saving to a Database

However, I am having problems with updating the controls on the main form based on the received data from the serial port. Basically I want the user to click a button (one of six on the form) which will send data to the device, then based on the response from the device, the BackColor of that particular button, will be changed accordingly. I just am missing something b/c the button click is a different sub than the sub that handles the form controls update and I can't get the two to talk


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Make The Controls Stack And Fill Up The Available Space Left By A Control If The Control Is Hidden Or Removed From The UltraGridBagLayoutPanel?

Sep 8, 2011

I am wondering if anyone has any idea how to make the controls stack and fill up the available space left by a control if the control is hidden or removed from the UltraGridBagLayoutPanel.


[Textbox 1]
[Textbox 2]
[Textbox 3]
[Textbox 4]
[Textbox 5]

If I hide [Textbox 3] as of now, it will disperse the space left equally and pad the remaining text boxes with the space. However, I would like it to do this...

[Textbox 1]
[Textbox 2]
[Textbox 4]
[Textbox 5]

Where all the text boxes will move up and [Textbox 4] will completely consume the space left by [Textbox 3].

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VS 2008 Changing Picturebox Back Color To System Color "Control"?

Feb 5, 2010

Im havin a problem changing my picturebox back color to System color "Control".I can set it to , etc , but not control .

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Changing A String To A Control?

Dec 1, 2010

I am reasonable new to programing and have ventured in to using after creating macro's etc in excel, as this seemed to be the easiest transition into the world of programing.I am creating a application to work with an access database and before I submit the forms textboxs to the database, I check to make sure each field is filled in and if it isn't then I highlight the field by changing the label back colour to orangered.

What I have is a bunch of textboxes and a label above each saying what the field is. so for example the textbox name is txtBox1 and its label is lblBox1, txtBox2 - lblBox2 and so on.So what I thought I would try and do is, as the user leaves the txtBox after editing, the label background colour would be changed back to transparent.

As I have multiple txtbox's I thought I could do this using sender to get the name of the txtBox on leave, strip the first 3 letters txt and change them for lbl cast it as a label, then change the background color but I cant seem to convert my string to a label control. can someone help me with what am i missing or not doing.


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Changing The Orientation Of A Win Control?

Dec 2, 2009

I need to allow the user to rotate a control (the control inherits from a TextBox) in 90 degree increments so the text can be read from either side, or even upside down.

I'm guessing I could override the control's paint event and just paint it in the orientation that I want, but I'm just wondering if there's a quicker/built-in way?

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