IDE :: Windows Application Framework Properties?

Feb 18, 2009

For a reason I cannot explain, I now get compiler errors from the Application Designer whenever I enable the application framework in the IDE. I do not find much on this issue, except Scott Hanselman's admonition not to use this feature. I have mature projects in which this feature was enabled, but now even they will not compile.As this only began a few days ago, I have been trying various approaches to resolving the problem, up to and including removing VS2005 and reinstalling it, along with the framework, SDK, and all updates. No dice. The errors are below.This condition will occur even if I enable the feature in a new project.Does anyone have some thoughts and the cause and resolution of this problem?I probably should mention that I was using both VS2005 and VS2008 on this computer. I had been experimenting with 2008 for several weeks without incident.


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Windows Application Framework Properties Disabled?

Apr 7, 2009

I am trying to add a splash screen to my app and when I go into project properties the windows application framwork properties are disabled so a cannot set my form as a splash screen. The checkbox for enable application properties is also disabled so I cannot check it.

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Developing Messaging Framework For Windows Application That Sends Messages To Java Application

Feb 9, 2009

I am in the process of developing a messaging framework for a windows application that sends messages to a java application. To be precise when the win app wants to send a message it simply drops the message in a common database table which will be picked up by the java app. The windows application is deployed across 10 application servers (10 instances) over citrix for load balancing.Each instance of the application is capable of sending a message to the java application and each of these messages should have a unique id. From my end I need to make sure every message generated has to carry a unique id so that they can be identified when necessary. All the messages can be cleared every day or two.i am not quite sure about a best method of achieving this. Initially I wanted to create a static method that serves the next available id (incrementing the last id by 1). But this approach willn't guarantee unique number as the application starts only when at least one user is logged on. For e.g .On one server the app starts when a user logs in, he then sends a message and then the application stops when that user logs off. So when a next request for the app comes to that server a new instance will be started.

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Compact Framework Migrating To Windows Application?

Jun 6, 2012

Had any of you tried to migrating the code written in Compact framework (For Windows CE mobile application) into windows application 2010 I did this but getting .resx error i.e resource file error since it is in old version.Has any of you tried a workaroud on this in order to get rid of .resx error.

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VS 2005 - Localization In Windows Application - Label Which Text Is Merged With Some Variables Or Object Properties

Sep 2, 2010

I've implemented the localization in my windows application with no problem for the label or command button which have a fixed text.

My problem is related to the label which text is merged with some variables or object properties.

E.g.: vb label1.text = "There are " & myDataGridView.Rows.Count.ToString() & " items"

So, how can I set (if it's possible) the localization for these labels? I've this kind of assignment in modules and not in the form. It's possible to set a resources file also for modules?

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Application That Has Multiple Front Ends Developed Using Windows Forms / WPF / ASP / Compact Framework Mobile Forms

Apr 9, 2010

I have the requirement to create an application that has multiple front ends developed using Windows Forms, WPF, ASP and Compact Framework Mobile Forms.I would like to be able to create a series of obejct representing the business logic and have this logic accessible from the various front ends available. My first thought was to use remoting as I'd like to be able to pass the business objects back and forth between client and server but the compact framework doesn't support remoting and also transferring a full framework business object to a compact framework business object doesn't seem possible.My next thought was to use web services but again the passing of business objects seems to be very hard to accomplish. Without doing this I would have to create individual web methods for each business operation.

Finally my next option is to use sockets and write the whole client/server logic within some classes and expose them to the UI/Business layer. My only problem with this is it is not scaleable should the number of clients increase dramatically whereas using remoting or web services I can host the solution via ASP.Net.Does anybody have an ideas on the best way forward for this or even have any input on how they would write an application that required a windows form, wpf, asp website and mobile device GUI all of which want to use the same business logic?

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C# - Does IntelliSense Sometimes Miss-out On Some Framework Class Properties Or Methods

Nov 11, 2010

I came across a DbParameterCollection object, which should have an "Item" property inherited from IList, but IntelliSense does not show this object has the Item property.

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Create A VB Application In VS2008 Without Requiring The Application Be Run On A Computer With A .NET Framework In Place?

Feb 26, 2010

How can I create a VB application in VS2008 without requiring the application be run on a computer with a .NET framework in place?

View 4 Replies Mvc - Dynamic Object Properties In A MVC Helper On Entity Framework Object

Jul 20, 2009

I want to build a MVC helper function for which I pass a Entity Framework object and have it build a select. Generally speaking I tried something like this:

Public Function RenderSelect(ByVal helper As HtmlHelper, ByVal sSelectName As String, ByVal aItmes As Array, Optional ByVal sTitleKeyName As String = "name", Optional ByVal sValueKeyName As String = "id") As String
' open select


However, it isn't working. It would be great to have a way to do this and pass the current entity object.

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Dynamic Object Properties In A MVC Helper On A Entity Framework Object?

Oct 26, 2010

Dynamic Object Properties in a MVC Helper on a Entity Framework object

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Control In The Windows Framework?

Mar 23, 2009

Is it possible? Apparently yes but... how?

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.net - Entity Framework - Update Only Certain Properties On A Detached Entity

Jul 22, 2009

I want to update an entity without loading the entity from the database first. I've accomplished this but only by knowing all of the entities properties and then using the "attachto" method. My issues is i don't want my app to need to remember all of the properties. Example:


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Execute Compact Framework With Vb Before Windows Check?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm developing an application with visual studio 2008 and compact framework 3.5 who needs to tell users about the compact framework version. If the user don't have the version specified in the application it sends a message but windows check the version before the application runs and send error message. How can i check the version before windows in vb without compact framework?

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VS 2010 : Specify Target Framework For Windows Service?

Nov 11, 2009

I have built a Dll and a Windows Service in vs2010. Both are targeting the .net 3.5 framework, but when I install it on the server it installs fine, but for some reason it targets the 2.0 framework and any time the methods fire that are using linq it crashes out with a clr20r3 error system.nullreferenceexception. Not really sure why it's not targeting .net 3.5.

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Windows API Code Pack For Microsoft .NET Framework?

Apr 14, 2010

is this even necessary in VS2010 & .NET 4.0? I've been trying to take advantage of the new Windows 7 taskbar interfaces like the Jump List. The MSDN documentation/tutorial instructs me to include a System.Windows.Shell, but apparently Shell isn't a member of System.Windows. I downloaded the API code pack, but I am unsure of what to do with it. The instructions say to open the main solution file and build it:QuoteTo build the library (except the DirectX related features) in Visual Studio 2008, please extract the contents of the �� file in a new folder and build the included �WindowsAPICodePack.sln� file.And so I did that, but that is the extent of the instructions. I thought maybe it was a Visual Studio extension, so I tried accessing Shell again to no avail. Do I need to add each of the respective namespaces' projects to the target solution to use the API Code pack?

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Windows Load The .Net Framework At Boot Time?

Dec 5, 2011

1. Does Windows load the .Net framework at boot time? How can I check (eg. some DLL running in the background)? How much RAM does the framework use, so that I check I have enough to pre-load at boot time? Once loaded, will it stay in RAM?

2. What is the point of JIT once the application is installed on a given computer? Are there drawbacks about compiling into binary code applications that I use often on my own computer so that no time is wasted recompiling the application every time it's ran? If not, can I compile apps for which I only the .Net bytecode?

3. Is the framework downward-compatible, ie. will a 2.0 application run if I only have the 4.0 framework installed?

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Windows Mobile - Compact Framework And Saving XML?

Jun 23, 2009

I am writing my first windows ce app. I am using an xml file (app.Config) to store state data... basically user preferences on the last location (connection string) that the person was using before closing the app. I am having trouble understanding what is happening on deploy. It looks like it is copying my xml file to the debug folder on deploy. My problem is, when I save the xml file it is not saving in my project. Is there another folder in which the emulator resides that contains all of the state data and possibly the file that I am writing out? I am saving the doc to the same filepath as I am reading in but it does not actually save or throw error or anything.

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Application Framework Not Showing On Application Tab

Mar 12, 2009

I imported some code I found a few months ago for a client server messaging program from vs2003 and everything appeared to be ok, apart from a couple of niggles such as the windows form designer generated code being visible on the main form code page but i could live with that. I just tried to add a splash screen but when I went to the application tab to set it up there is no enable application framework checkbox and no windows application framework groupbox. I tried running my application again and now the xp visual style has gone and it looks terrible, is there anyway to get the application framework back on again or do I have to start a new project and copy and past all my code into the new project.

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Access Application Properties Of Application In Run Time?

May 19, 2010

Is it possible to access Application Properties of my applicaiton in run time ? Please refer the below attached image (I want to access the Title and Category properties in my application)

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C# - Application Framework Building

May 17, 2010

I was looking to build a Data Access Layer for my new web based application, I'm using ASP.NET. I'm want to build a framework not only for this application but also want to utilize it for my future projects.

Actually my main aim is to make a framework, from DAC, DAL, BL to GUI. I want suggestions from you guys that what should i adopt, what give me flexibility, which suits for both small and large size applications.

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Making An Application To Run On .NET Framework 1.1?

Mar 25, 2009

I'm currently using MS Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition. My .NET Framework version is 3.5. I made an application in VS 2008 and it worked perfectly. However, when I ran it at my friend's place (who's got .NET Framework 1.1), it didn't run. Now, I know that the framework incompatibility is the issue.So, what I ask is, how do I code the application so as to make it run on Framework 1.1 as well while still using VS 2008?

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Program An Application On For Net Framework 1.0?

May 23, 2011

I have a Windows 7 machine and I see that Microsoft does not recommend Visual Studio 2003 on the computer (Windows 7). How can I develop an application for the .net framework 1.0 then?

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Run 2.0 Framework Console Application In 3.5 ?

Jul 6, 2009

How to run a .net 2.0 framework console application in 3.5 framework.

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Running Net Application Without Framework

Aug 2, 2011

This sounds weird and dumb but supposedly is this possible to run .Net application without installing .net framework? Is there anyway of embedding reference .dlls into the respective application? This came in my mind because I made a small notepad application in < 1mb in size and to run it, it requires full .net framework.

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Use Linq In C# Application With .net Framework 2?

Oct 6, 2010

I need to use linq in C# Windows form application working with .Net Framework 2 not 3.5 . I Know it may be some sort of stupidity to do that. but i need that for some special reasons. Can i import just linq libraries to my project by anyway ? or there is no way except for using 3.5 ?

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.NET Framework Unhandle Error When File Not Exist On Windows Start Up

Aug 4, 2011

Actually this application will run on window start up. what i try to do is to delete the file for certain date. I ask the program to delete file if set date equal to now system date... i also ask the program to check if the file is exist or not. If the file is exists. the program run properly but if the file not exists then on windows start up. .NET framework unhandle problem come out [Code]

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Detect When Application Framework Is Enabled?

Jun 15, 2012

Is it possible to use reflection (or some such thing) to find out if the application framework is enabled? (set in project properties)?

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Developing An Application For Use Over Different Versions Of The .NET Framework

Jan 4, 2011

I am developing an application using VB.Net which is a simple executable which is to be run from a network drive of our company servers. Most users can access this executable without issue - others however can open the executable but have no connection to our database (even though when running the executable off a local drive such as C:, the database works no problem).

From some posts I have seen this might be a CAS issue - however our IT department suggest the issue might be down to different version of the .NET Framework being to blame. Firstly, is this the issue? Secondly, how can I develop my application to work with different versions of the .NET Framework? Surely this doesn't mean developing many different executables?

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Enable  Application Framework Check Box?

Jul 30, 2011

The Enable Application Framework Check Box seems pretty well defined in a number oprevious postings, but leaves one question in my mind. The default is unchecked and the sub-topic Check boxes are:

Enable XP Visual Styles - - Checked

Make Single Instance Appllication - - Not Checked

Save My.Settings On Shutdown - -Checked

There are also 3 Combo Boxes:

Authentication Mode - - "Windows"

Shutdown Mode - - "When startup form closes"

Splash Screen - - (None)

When I un check the Enable Application Framework Check Box all items under it are grayed out. However, if I have changed one of the Comb Boxes my selection is also grayed out...My question is, have I lost the use of those function: Specifically I am mos interested in starting my application from a Sub Main and closing the application when all forms close.My underlying question is . . . are the greyed out selections still valid?

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Getting A Compiled VB2010 Application To Run On 3.5 Sp1 Framework

May 16, 2010

I have made a simple vb application and have used vb 2010 to create it, which all of you would know, uses .NET Framework 4.0. I wanted to use this application at work, however, I found out that my work uses .NET framework 3.5 sp1.

So my question is, is there a way to compile something in VB 2010 that will work on .NET 3.5 sp1? If so, how?

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