IDE :: Have A If Statement That Will Take The Users Inputed Value?

Jan 13, 2010

i'm trying to have a if statement that will take the users inputed value and if the value is greater then 8 it will take the greater amount and times it by 1.5 can't get my head around it, only just started studying Visual Basic so would be greatful for any help you could give me. Here's the code i've done so far on the if Statement,


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Detect If A Character Is Inputed In Wrong Place By User?

Jan 19, 2009

Below is the code i am using for user input which works fine apart from one thing that i can not work out how to do.I want to detect if a user had inputed a character in the wrong place. The correct input is:

D:Folder name

The incorrect input is:

D:Folder name

How would i detect the extra '' at the end?

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
Select Case Doc.Text
Case ""
MsgBox("Invalid Path")


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VS 2010 - Get Letters Inputed In A Text Box To Determine Which Part In The Array It Is

Dec 11, 2010

Im trying to do it myself but im not sure how you get letters inputed in a text box to determine which part in the array it is. Here is the problem:


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How To Play Sound Files In Desired Order According To Text Inputed In Txtbox?

Feb 26, 2010

i got the following things:

-A button (called "btnplayvoice")
-A textbox(multi-line enabled, called "txtinput")
-Some *.wav audio files in my "resources" (2 of them called "A.wav" and "B.wav", of course there are still some more sound files in my resources xD)Note: the button and the txtbox are in the same form.

i want to make a program with this feature:When I type "B A"(note between "B" and "A" has a space)into txtinput, then i click the btnplayvoice, it will look up and check the resources and see if the wav file exists there, if yes, it will play the related(same as inputed) sound files one by one in correct order. That mean in this case I should hear "B.wav -> A.wav" in this order.

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Administer Website (create New Users, Assign Users To Roles) From A Windows App?

Feb 9, 2010

I have an web app that uses forms-based authentication, a SqlMembershipProvider (using an encrypted password format), and a SqlRoleProvider. I need to know if it's possible to administer the users (create new users, assign them to roles, etc.) from a windows application - the powers that be don't want any administrative functionality in the web app itself.Here is the membership provider definition from web.config:

<membership defaultProvider="MyProvider">
<add name="MyProvider"


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VS 2008 Database Search - Using SQLClient That Loops Though All Users In A Users Table

Dec 29, 2010

I've got a code using SQLClient that loops though all users in a Users table inside each loop i want to preform another search in the UserOrders table, thus doing a count of all orders.

I get this error


There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.

Here is my code UserLists.Items.Clear()
Dim connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(My.Settings.ConnectString)
Dim command As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Users ORDER BY PersonName",


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.net Desktop App : Log Users Application's Usage By Users After Remote Deployment?

Apr 3, 2012

1.I�d like to publish a free desktop application for the users to download and use meanwhile I�d like to collect usage information ex: user ip address, user�s registration information, used features, time spent� if the user allows the report to be sent back.

2.Also , in order for the user to be able to use the application, he�ll have to register it then, everytime, before the application loads, it gets verified online that it was registered, maybe validate the registration information or a valid user name and password, no critical personal information. The target of this step is for the application to be used exclusively by the registered user and maybe on his computer only.

View 2 Replies Desktop App : Log Users Application's Usage By Users After Remote Deployment

Apr 4, 2012

1. I�d like to publish a free desktop application for the users to download and use meanwhile I�d like to collect usage information ex: user ip address, user�s registration information, used features, time spent� if the user allows the report to be sent back. 2. Also , in order for the user to be able to use the application, he�ll have to register it then, everytime, before the application loads, it gets verified online that it was registered, maybe validate the registration information or a valid user name and password, no critical personal information. The target of this step is for the application to be used exclusively by the registered user and maybe on his computer only. Any alternative way to achive the target is just fine.

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Excel - Data To Be Inputed Into The "line Schedule"?

Jun 4, 2009

instead of trying to explain the layout and everything, ill just post a link, with a screen shot. It's pretty self explanatory.

Pic 1.http:[url]....

Pic 2. http:[url]....

Pic 1 is a daily Schedule that i use.

Pic 2 is a Weekly Schedule with all the employee's and the times they work at.I dont know how to set it up, so that..When i select an employee's name, their position, & shift time. I want that data to be inputed into the "line Schedule".And their Shift time to be inputed onto the "weekly Schedule" under their name.Is this possible?

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Get Path Of 'All Users' Desktop And 'All Users' Start Menu

Jun 10, 2008

I cannot figure out how to get this call to work.I have searched EVERYWHERE.MSDN is no help at all and the only thing I can find is this vb6 code that doesn't work in .net.I tried to convert it over but I've had no luck.Specifically I'm trying to get the path of the "All Users" Desktop and the "All Users" Start Menu.It would rock if anyone could help me out with this one.

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Replace Existing Text With User Inputed Text?

May 18, 2010

Here's the code:

Dim strTab


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Adds Numbers Between 2 Inputed Numbers

Oct 26, 2009

I am very new to visual basic and was recently asked to teach a course without any formal training. I am writing a program that adds the numbers between 2 inputed numbers. I need to display the sum of the numbers between the inputed numbers and the expression used to create the sum.For example: If 10 and 15 were inputed the answer label would display the following 10+11+12+13+14+15=75..The code is properly generating the sum but I can not figure out how to display the expression used to generate the sum. [code]

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SQL Statement Doesn't Work - INSERT Statement Works Fine In The Form Load But Not In The Button Click Event?

Oct 14, 2009


Public Class Form1
Dim sql As String
Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


The problem, The INSERT statement works fine in the form load but not in the button click event?

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If <expression> Then <statement [:statement]> Else [statements] In Concrete Form?

Jan 1, 2010

I was convinced that If <expression> Then <statement [:statement]> Else [statements] in concrete form of If a = b Then SayHello() Else SayBye() End has sense. I read article on msdn on If-then-else, but I forgot why I was reading, so I concluded, that snippet above means this

If a = b Then HelloIsSaid : IsNotEnded Else ByeIsSaid : IsEnded But I have tested it now, and I see, that Else without statement is nothing more than decoration. It would be pretty good if it had function I described. Do you think its good request? Or do you know any circumstance where this Else has some function?

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Making A Next Statement Into A Loop Statement In Visual Basic?

Jun 8, 2009

y friend and I are re-learning Visual Basic, and we are stumped on this bit of code.

For intAsterisks As Integer = 0 To intLine - 1
lblAsterisks.Text = lblAsterisks.Text + "*"

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Sql - Perform An Inline Select Statement In A LINQ Statement?

Jun 24, 2011

I have the following SQL:


I want to put it (the select count statement) in this LINQ statement so I can get the sales count in my linq statement: Dim TheLeads = (From L In DB.Leads Where L.IsDeleted = False Select L).ToList() Is this possible to do in LINQ?

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Change The Exit Statement To A Continue Statement?

Feb 23, 2009

add an if statement and an exit statement to my do loop that exits when my future value (FV) is greater than 1000, then to change the exit statement to a continue statement so my loop will continue even though my fv is greater then 1000, point is to get this to run even though my if statement doesnt do anything. problem something wrong in my code and an exception error (xception of type 'System.OverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll)

so can someone show me where or why I have an error is, what am I overthinking now! I could use a hint, OMG i could use a tutor for that matter


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ElseIf Statement Into A Select Case Statement?

Jun 23, 2010

A co-worker wants to convert the following IfThenElseIf statement into a Select Case statement.
Explain why this is not possible.

If temperature = 100 Then
X = 0
ElseIf population > 1000 Then
X = 1
ElseIf rate < .1 Then
X = -1
End If

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SQL Statement :: Nearly Working Just Cant Get Form Values In Statement?

Aug 4, 2010

I cant get this SQL statement to insert any of the values in the form to add to the database

sql = "INSERT INTO prevresults (ExamDate, ExamTime, CorrectAnswers, PassPercentage) VALUES (,, rightanswers, percentage.text)"


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Return Statement Which Is True In An If Statement?

May 24, 2012

Return statement which is true in an if statement

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Break Up The Code In A Method Body Into Statement By Statement Symbols/"tokens"?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm writing something that will examine a function and rewrite that function in another language so basically if inside my function F1, i have this line of code var x=a.b(1) how do i break up the function body into symbols or "tokens"?I've searched around and thought that stuff in System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetMethodBody would do the trick however that class doesn't seem to be able to have the capabilities to do what i want..dit 2:basically what I'm trying to do is to write a program in c#/vb and when i hit F5 a serializer function will (use reflection and) take the entire program (all the classes in that program) and serialize it into a single javascript file. of course javascript doesn't have the .net library so basically the C#/VB program will limit its use of classes to the .js library (which is a library written in c#/vb emulating the framework of javascript objects)

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Exceptions - Can The "Throw" Statement Exist In A Block With No Try/catch Statement

Oct 5, 2009

how to use them then before, but am still a little confused with a few aspects. Here goes:

1.) Lets say you have a method that checks for a certain condition(s) and if it fails Throws an exception. Does it have to be in a try/catch block? Meaning can the "Throw" statement exist in a block with no try/catch statement?

2.) Now lets say we have a method that has a try catch block and in it there is a throw statement. When the throw statement is executed does it first try to find an appropriate catch block in the same method or does it immediately go back to the calling method without looking at the catch statements in the current method where the exception was thrown?

3.) I created a custom exception class that inherits from ApplicationException. Next I created a method which has a catch block that catches this type of exception and does some action. Is the System(i.e CLR) smart enough to throw an exception of this type, or does it only throw exceptions from SystemException?

4.) I know that some people are more liberal in their use of exceptions and others use it more sparingly when truly strange stuff happen like the DB going down. I am writing code where I am getting some info back from the database, converting it and then storing it. Sometimes there might be data that comes back from the database and other times the field is empty and the Null value comes back. Therefore in the instances where Null comes back from the database I should not convert the value to anything, since I will get an error. What should I do in this situation? Should I let the CLR throw the exception when it goes to convert the Null value or should I check for the Null value and if it exists not convert?

5.) In general when I throw exceptions, is it sensible to only throw exceptions of the type Application Exception or are there instances where the programmer throws exceptions of the type SystemException?

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Make A 'like' Statement Or Use Some Kind Of Wildcard To Make The Statement Not Case Sensitive?

Jul 11, 2010

I'm building a listview search feature in my app. (See the code below). It works really well, except if you search "T" then the code removes all items, if you search "t" then it removes every item except for those starting with "t". Is there any way to make a 'like' statement, or use some kind of wildcard to make the statement not case sensitive?

For Each itm As ListViewItem In ListView2.Items
If itm.Text Like TextBox1.Text & "*" Or itm.SubItems.Item(1).Text Like TextBox1.Text & "*" Then


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"End Of Statement Expected" Error In VB 2010 In A Do While Statement?

May 2, 2012

I have a line of code that is working in one statement but not the second statement. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I am learning slowly but surely, and it is by no small margin because of the ave found here =) The error is occuring in the intResult = intSelection x intCount line of the SECOND Do While Loop.

The blue squiggle line is under "intCount" just FYI
Dim intSelection As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer = 0


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Components - "if" Statement Shows An Error " Statement Cannot Appear Outside Of A Method Body"

Jan 29, 2009

I have the following vb code which works as expected when it's in a code-behind page. I tried to move it to a shared or component page since I will need to use it in multiple pages:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Class DetTime
'Determine eastern time


However the "if" statement shows an error " statement cannot appear outside of a method body" and the Microsoft solution is to "move statement into a procedure or subroutine"

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Log The Ip's Of The Users?

Feb 18, 2010

I want to log the ip's of the users that use my program.

First of all, is this legal?

If it is, how can i log the ip's in a textfile on a webserver?

Im thinking about a small non-visible webbrowser that sends the ip to a .txt file.

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.net - Get Users IP Address When Many NIC?

Oct 24, 2010

I am wanting to get the users IP address (the logged in user will be running the application under there user context on there local PC), but many PC's in our environment have multiple NIC's that have been added by VMWare Workstation, I would like to exclude these type of bridged connections and only show the "primary" NIC on the PC.The following function will get the IPv4 address, however on my test PC it is returning the bridged connection and not the IP Address of the network facing NIC.

Shared Function GetIP(ByVal computerName As String) As String
'Dim ipEntry As IPHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(computerName)
'Dim tmpAddr As IPAddress() = ipEntry.AddressList


My users have a mixture of DHCP and static addresses so cannot limit the NIC to either of these connection types. We tend to have a 172.16.x.x IP range, so is there a way to modify the above function so that it will only return a 172.16.x.x address?

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Allow Users To Use The Enter Key Instead Of Just The Tab Key?

Jun 12, 2009

My form's KeyPreview is set to True. I want to allow my users to use the Enter Key instead of just the Tab key. I have the following code in my form's KeyPress event:

Private Sub frmDesigner_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
If e.KeyChar = vbkeyreturn Then


It doesn't like vbkeyreturn, which I used in Visual Basic 6.0. I think I must be close to having it right.

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ASP.NET / VB ... Users Log On And See The Own Data Only?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm attempting to make a system that stores employees address etc. I would like the users to be able to log on, see and change their own details only. Is this possible is and if so how? I'm really new at this so if you could keep answers as simple as possible.

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Get All The Users Under A Tree From AD?

Mar 18, 2011

i am trying to get all the users under a tree from AD with the following code:

Dim RootEntry As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://OU=Mayor,OU=IS,OU=Users,DC=*******gatn,dc=gov", "myusername", "mypassword")


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