IDE :: Importing A Type Lib With A Module Results In Empty Class?

Oct 27, 2011

We have a typelib where we define some constants. One of our sets of constants is created using the module keyword:

module MyConstants
const int Const1 = 1;

I use tlbimp.exe in a bat file to generate a primary interop assembly for internal use.If I create a VB .net project and add a reference and browse to the .tlb file and import it, the result I see in the browser window is a class named MyConstants. If I click the class, the right hand pane is empty - the class contains absolutely nothing.

If I add a reference to the primary interop assembly, I also see the class MyConstants int he browser window. When I click the class, the constants show up.This is in Visual Studio 2010 (RTM). Why does VB .NET add reference via brwose to the .tlb file differ in this case? Is this a bug in VB .NET or the tlbimp.exe tool?

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.net - Detect Empty Results In A Linq-To-Entities Query?

May 29, 2009

The only way I know of is awkward:

'check for empty return
Dim count As Integer = (From s In myEntity.employee Where employeeID = myEmployeeIDVariable).Count
'If there is a record, then process


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C# - Copy Object Of Type AA To An Empty Variable Of Type BB?

Feb 15, 2010

Writing an mvc app and i have something like this...

Public Class AA
'... has some variables...
End Class
Public Class BB


So, now in my program, i just want to copy object of type AA to an empty variable of type BB?it makes sense to do this, as i expect all the fields in AA type object to be copied to the newly created BB type object, and the ExtraVariable in the BB type object i would (will) just assign a value to it later (after the copy) on my own time!!I know copying BB type to AA type would not be appropriate as there would be lost data!But im trying to copy AA to BB, I've used both DirectCast and CType to do this, and i keep getting "unable to cast" error!

Note: I'm using (but can read c#, no problems)

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BGW In One Class And The Long Process For The BGW (DoWork) In Another Class Or Module?

Nov 16, 2009

I' ve got a short question concerning BackgroundWorker.Is it possible to have the main code for the BGW in one class and the long process for the BGW (DoWork) in another class or module?

I couldn't find anything helpful on the internet.Here is my code - DoWork in a separate class doesn't work:


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Add A Class And Get The Driver Module To Read From The Class?

Nov 13, 2009

What is a driver module, and how would I add a class and get the driver module to read from the class.

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Importing Class From C++ Dll?

Dec 11, 2011

Ok, I've been fighting this for days and so far haven't found very much helpful information on the web. Apparently this isn't a very popular thing to do since there isn't much out there. I'm hoping someone here can help me out. I don't know very much about dll's or implementing classes in vb, so please correct me if my thinking is wrong.If it's relavent I'm using Visual Studio 2010.I'm working on a much larger project, so I've created a greatly simplified version to test and and ask questions about.Here's the situation:I've created a class in c++ that I now need to create an interface for in vb. As I said before I've created a much simpler class and compiled it as a dll. There are two functions in the dll:


The setTestVar function simply sets the value of a member variable, and getTestVar returns the value of that variable. I load the setTestVar function from the dll like this:


Then when I click a button, I call:setTestVar(9) This results in an "AccessViolationException was unhandled" error. "Attempted to read or write protected memory...."After thinking about it, I guess this would make sense if the constructor in the dll was never called (and thus the variable into which I'm trying to store data doesn't exist).So the question becomes, how do I call the constructor in the dll from vb such that I have some sort of handle or reference to that object when the call returns from the dll? Without a handle, I won't be able to access any of the member variables. Is this thinking close to being correct? Or is the problem something entirely different?So again, how do I call the constructor in the dll (from vb) and somehow have access (from vb) to the object that it creates?

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Multi-threading Scoping - Enclosing The Test Module Portion That Hosts The Delay In A Synclock Results?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm on my way to MSDN but thought I'd stop by here first because the answers are usually more cogent.I have a test bed that mimmicks my product app. The general architecture is a factory that builds/instantiates a number of objects (device controllers) that are scalable in number based on requirement. Each object has a threaded portion that reads a device. This way, each object can read its own device simultaneously with all the others. To perform the read, the object calls a routine in a Module that houses the device interfaces. Interestingly (and happily), it seems like each thread has its own copy of the Module routine.

The test bed seems to verify what I'm seeing in the app. In the testbed, a 500 mil second delay is substituted for the device call. Even enclosing the test module portion that hosts the delay in a Synclock results in multi-threaded execution of the pseudo device call. I haven't tested for data yet, but this seems to indicate that when the module routine is called from controller object, it too carries it's own copy of the data just like the calling object. As a long time c++ programmer...that don't quite seem right.

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Office Automation :: Write A Code For Excel So That It Generates Results In Last Empty Column On Sheet

Jan 4, 2012

I am trying to write a code for excel so that it generates results in the last empty column on the sheet. below is a sample data of what is there:[code]

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Importing A .class In Java?

Mar 24, 2010

I am working on a Java project and I am having some difficulties with importing a .class file. Unfortunately I do not have access to the source code of the file?

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VB Importing Of DLL Functions With Build Type Conditionals

Jul 11, 2011

So I'm trying to import a function from a library I'm developing. I have "libraryD.dll" built for debugging and "library.dll" for release. Unfortunately, that means that I have to do this:


Now this would be fine but for ALL 40 functions this would make things very ugly to look at (and a tad bit unfriendly).I would like to do something more like this:


Is there ANY way to do this in VB?

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Importing Class From Bin File Virtual Directory

Jul 4, 2011

the problem i met is that i have iis 7 running on my the root file, wwwroot, i have a website folder, namely [apex] which is a virtual directory. in the folder is a bin folder containing a compiled class with namespace.then in an aspx file, i tried to import the namespace and use the class inside the namespace.


the namespace and classname has been checked well, no mistake. but at compiling stage, i got "type is not defined " message. ok,then, in iis 7 control panel, i convert the whole website folder from "virtual directory" to "application" type. the problem goes away!

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VS 2008 - Getting Error When Importing Class To Form

Jul 16, 2010

When I import a class to a form and use it I get this error:
An error occurred creating the form. Additional information is found in Exception.InnerException. Error: The document refers to itself of the default instance created during the formation of infinite recursion. Set a reference to the form constructor using the form attribute of Me.

The code is...
Imports TCP.SystemBuild
Public Class MainForm
Dim SystemBuild As New SystemBuild

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Importing An Enum Into A Visual Basic Class So That It Becomes Inheritable

Nov 16, 2011

Here is what I have in my file

Option Strict On
Imports MyNameSpace.MyEnum
Public Class AwesomeClass


But since MyEnum isn't defined in the subclass it won't work. I am not very familiar with what these types of things are called, but I think that I am import a type definition of sorts. Since I am Importing, and not defining, it is only available in the first file. Basically, I want to include MyEnum as part of the class but I don't how to do it. I don't want to copy/paste it over, and I don't really want to write Imports ... at the top of all of my subclasses.

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Class - Use A .net Module?

Jan 12, 2011

Some of my co-workers make extensive use of the concept of Modules. Unfortunately, I just don't 'get it'. I see no benefit in using modules over shared classes. When would it be preferable to use a module?

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Use A Class (DLL) Rather Than A Module?

Jun 17, 2012

Use a DLL rather than a module so that if I updated the DLL it would propagate over all the projects that used it. I want to create a library of functions and subroutines that may be used in many projects (such as my gradient and some error messages).

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.net - Where To Keep A Structure: Class, Module Or None

Apr 18, 2011

This is purely a coding practice question concerning VB.NET structures. Where do you keep one?As an example, I've created a structure for the simple purpose of keeping information organized, I'd like this structure to be stand-alone, not belonging to any class so I wouldn't have to access it through SomeClass.MyStructure but rather simply MyStructure. So, do I keep it in a separate class and import it into my namespace? Do I keep it in a module (Static class, essentially)? Do I just make a separate VB.NET code file and place is there (I would like it to live in a separate file). Just to clarify, I need this structure to be accesses by the whole application, not just a single class.

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Booleans In Module Class?

Mar 6, 2009

I'm working on a program that I have 90% finish.Its basically validates certain information such as credit card, telephone numbers, name etc...

Im trying to create a separate class 'IsValid'to figure out if the creditcard number is valid (is equal to 12 characters only).

This will be initiated with a "Validate button".I know how to do this in the mainform just using an If statement.

But I'm trying to figure out how to valid date this and return it to the form and possibly change cardnumber.forecolor =

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Class Can Do All The Jobs That A Module Can Do?

Sep 6, 2010

Recently i studied about Module and i think it is a Shared Class and all its members are Shared by default and we can not change that. I have query that is it doing something special that a class can not do ? I have just tried with a simple example and found that classes even do a Module's job.Below is my code:


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Module / Class Won't Fetch

Aug 6, 2011

I got a problem with this piece of [code]...

The problem is that i want to move the >>dim dataLoad...<< to a different file (a config file), but when i move it, i get bunch of errors. And i do call the class/module but still it wont work.

Also the other question is how to download multiple files from a server, so when they are downloaded they stay/ are placed in the corresponding folder.

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Replacing Module With Class?

Sep 11, 2011

I am using Joe Mayo's book Visual Studio 2010 A beginners guide and in it he suggests that the default Module Module1 should be replaced with a Class and that it was a hold over from previous versions of VS. How can I change VS's behavior so it defaults to Class Program instead?

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Saving A Module And A Class?

Oct 31, 2010

Im going through the 2008 Express tutorials on methods and classes. Since the advantage of subs, functions, methods, etc is their reusability, how does one save them and later import them into an application?

Also when one writes a class, how is it tested without being part of a form? Besides testing a class, why would one wants to write a class without a form, if it is to be published for a user?

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Would A Module Be More Suited Class

Nov 30, 2011

Currently i am using a class thats created and amended on startup and then passed as needed to other class constructors as needed. Now my project is around 20+ classes i am getting tired of passing each new instance this class. Would a module be more suited?

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The Type Initializer For <Module> Threw An Exception?

Jul 19, 2010

The Type Initializer for <Module> threw an exception?What does this error mean.

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Accessing And Using Array In Class Module

Mar 1, 2010

Any some simple examples of how arrays can be put in a Class Module? The examples should show how the array is used and accessed in a form.

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Calling A Webpage From Within A Class Module?

Jun 1, 2009

I have been given an ASP.Net assignment at work because I had taken a few courses a couple of years ago. Currently, there are no ASP.Net programmers for me to ask here and I have searched several places (including Pro ASP Net book) to find a solution but have come up empty handed.

I have a class named spErrors which takes the values passed to it. Values passed include the offending page,function/sub, and other values and stores them in property values, then calls Response.Redirect("Errors.aspx") from the page's code behind page. In Errors.aspx, the values of the error/exception trapped in the Catch statement are displayed. This works fine from a web form. My question is, how do I call a web page from a class module?

Each class module has the ErrorHandler() procedure that passes these values to the class object. In the class, there is a Write Only property named Redirect and a method called Execute() which is used to display the error page if the error occurs in another class module. Since Response.Redirect() does not work in a class module, what namespace is needed in order for this to work?

Here is the code I'm using.

In the Catch block.
Catch ex As Exception
Err.Description = ex.Message
ErrorHandler(Err, "function name")


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Class Module For Multiple Buttons?

Jul 13, 2011

When loading the buttons to the class I keep getting the 'Null Reference Exception was unhandled' error. How can I fix it? Here is the code...

Class Module:

Public Class Buttons_Group_Class
Public WithEvents Button_Group As System.Windows.Forms.Button
Sub Button_Group_Click()


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Class Module Which Is Shared Between The 2 Projects?

Mar 29, 2010

I have no idea what is going on here but it is strange to say the least.I created a new solution in VS2008Pro under windows 7 This solution has 2 projects one for the pc and one for a CE based device.There is one class module which is shared between the 2 projects.In VS2005 under xp this same basic project worked fine but here I am seeing error messages that appear out of no where.

Example the CE portion flags 3 lines initially 1 related to a file i.o function and 2 others related to socket methods. All three of these were supported in VS2005 using framework 2.0 which is the same framework I am using here. This is just the tip of the ice berg however.If I attempt to run the code it runs fine for the pc client and of course not for the CE device. If I make any kind of change, add a line, comment a line or just add a comment I get lots more errors with odd messages that are not even valid.

In one case after I saved it jumped from 3 errors to 30, in another case to 50 and yet another to 144 errors yet the only errors that were present were the original 3 that were flagged.The ide threw errors like Try Catch must end with matching End Try.Get no longer supported ' apparently referring to the binary file get but here it is used as the get portion of the property.Get must end with matching end get.It also started complaining about functions and data types.For example saying "an is not declared" pointing to the word Boolean Or telling me my functions are not declared point to only 1/2 of the function name.

I do not see any errors in the code and it reports no errors in VS2005 under XP.As a test I tryed adding a new property to the project after it was telling me there were 144 errors. I allowed the ide to do most of the work and when I hit enter the errors went back to 3. Then I saved the project and the errors went to 105 pointing first at the new property just created.

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Compiling A Class Module Into A .dll File

Feb 23, 2009

I want to know how can convert (compile) a class module into a .dll file. You can refer to me an article, tutorial or a code sample.

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Convert A Module To Class Library?

May 21, 2011

I have a single solution with 2 projects. One project contains all my forms and some other modules and the other project has 1 module with 1 giant class in it. I try to click on properties and change the output type, but it won't let me make it a Class Library, the only 2 options are "Windows Application" or "Console Application". The startup object is the module, and the project has references to a socket component.

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Converting A Static C# Class To VB Module?

Dec 3, 2009

I am trying to convert following code into a VB equivalent so that I can use it with threading my forms and controls.



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