Importing Class From Bin File Virtual Directory

Jul 4, 2011

the problem i met is that i have iis 7 running on my the root file, wwwroot, i have a website folder, namely [apex] which is a virtual directory. in the folder is a bin folder containing a compiled class with namespace.then in an aspx file, i tried to import the namespace and use the class inside the namespace.


the namespace and classname has been checked well, no mistake. but at compiling stage, i got "type is not defined " message. ok,then, in iis 7 control panel, i convert the whole website folder from "virtual directory" to "application" type. the problem goes away!

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ADVERTISEMENT - Accessing Image File From Virtual Directory?

Dec 24, 2011

I am trying to display an image from a Virtual Directory that is within my website. If I use the follwoing code the image is displayed on the on the Page:

Dim sourcefile As String = Server.MapPath("~/Common/Images/Flag.jpg")
Response.ContentType = "image/jpg"

But if I try displaying the image in an Image control useing the following code the image isn't displayed:

Dim sourcefile As String = Server.MapPath("~/Common/Images/Flag.jpg")
Image1.ImageUrl = sourcefile

Here is the HTML/ASP code:

<div id="contentQE">
<span class="graytitle">The Flag Image


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Iis - Create Virtual Directory In .net?

Oct 4, 2011

I want to create virtual directory using But while creating permission denied error occurs.If im manually creating virtual directory no error..

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C# - Map A Virtual Directory For *.asmx Methods In ASP.Net 2.0?

Jun 7, 2012

A little while ago, I managed to get WebServices to return JSON as well as XML from the code-behind of an ASPX.

Today, I needed to migrate an existing ASMX WebService to return JSON instead of XML (which was accomplished with little fuss). My problem became evident in testing the new method.

In the code-behind for the ASMX, I created a new method to return JSON instead of XML. The method works, in that it returns the expected JSON however the new routine breaks every XML-returning method in the code-behind (they all throw "System.NotSupportedException: The type System.Collections.Hashtable is not supported because it implements IDictionary." which is unexpected because the return types are all defined as XmlDocument).

If I simply comment out the JSON-returning method, the XML-returning methods function normally. Uncommenting out the JSON-returning method breaks the XML-returning methods again.

While I cannot find any supporting documentation anywhere, this behavior leads me to believe that in ASP.Net 2.0, JSON-returning methods cannot co-exist in the same module as XML-returning methods.

This led me to try separating the methods in sub-classes like so:

<WebService(Namespace:="")> _
<WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _
<ScriptService()> _


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Assign Virtual Directory To Application Pool?

Mar 14, 2011

i want to assign a virtual directory to application pool using to do this programatically in vs 2008.

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WinForms - Creating Virtual Directory Programmatically As Unprivileged User

Feb 2, 2010

I'm trying to write an application that will allow a non-administrator user to create virtual directories in IIS6. I've tried numerous different ways of impersonating a administrative account but nothing seems to work to create the virtual directory.

Here's some of what I've tried:
dim sDirPath as string = "IIS://remotehost/W3svc/1/root"
Dim de As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry()
de.Path = sDirPath
de.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.Secure
de.Username = tbxUsername.Text
[Code] .....

what is the correct way to impersonate another user in winforms application that will allow me to create the virtual directory without the user that's running the application being an administrator on the web server? I know this can be done, IIS manager allows you to use "connect as" checkbox to do it.

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Importing Images Into Lightweight Active Directory

Mar 25, 2011

How to put jpeg images from my access database into active directory. I'm currently looking at one particular tutorial but its not making any sense. [URL]

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Importing Images Into Lightweight Active Directory?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to put jpeg images from my access database into active directory. I really don't know where to begin? I'm currently looking at one particular tutorial but its not making any sense. [URL]..

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Importing Class From C++ Dll?

Dec 11, 2011

Ok, I've been fighting this for days and so far haven't found very much helpful information on the web. Apparently this isn't a very popular thing to do since there isn't much out there. I'm hoping someone here can help me out. I don't know very much about dll's or implementing classes in vb, so please correct me if my thinking is wrong.If it's relavent I'm using Visual Studio 2010.I'm working on a much larger project, so I've created a greatly simplified version to test and and ask questions about.Here's the situation:I've created a class in c++ that I now need to create an interface for in vb. As I said before I've created a much simpler class and compiled it as a dll. There are two functions in the dll:


The setTestVar function simply sets the value of a member variable, and getTestVar returns the value of that variable. I load the setTestVar function from the dll like this:


Then when I click a button, I call:setTestVar(9) This results in an "AccessViolationException was unhandled" error. "Attempted to read or write protected memory...."After thinking about it, I guess this would make sense if the constructor in the dll was never called (and thus the variable into which I'm trying to store data doesn't exist).So the question becomes, how do I call the constructor in the dll from vb such that I have some sort of handle or reference to that object when the call returns from the dll? Without a handle, I won't be able to access any of the member variables. Is this thinking close to being correct? Or is the problem something entirely different?So again, how do I call the constructor in the dll (from vb) and somehow have access (from vb) to the object that it creates?

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Importing A .class In Java?

Mar 24, 2010

I am working on a Java project and I am having some difficulties with importing a .class file. Unfortunately I do not have access to the source code of the file?

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Running Pre-Compiled & Non-Pre-Compiled Webpages Under One Virtual Directory

Feb 21, 2011

I've a requirement to have PreCompiled webpages and Non-PreCompiled webpages under same application. For example below is my structure:

/Test1 (PreCompiled)
/Test2 (NonPreCompiled)
/Test3 (PreCompiled)

I would like these to have their separate "Bin" folders too if possible at all (I tried using "Probing" but I guess that's not allowed for web apps and defaults to "Bin" folder). If not that then definitely some ability for these to work together under one app/virtual directory because I'm not allowed to create another at any cost :(

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VS 2008 - Getting Error When Importing Class To Form

Jul 16, 2010

When I import a class to a form and use it I get this error:
An error occurred creating the form. Additional information is found in Exception.InnerException. Error: The document refers to itself of the default instance created during the formation of infinite recursion. Set a reference to the form constructor using the form attribute of Me.

The code is...
Imports TCP.SystemBuild
Public Class MainForm
Dim SystemBuild As New SystemBuild

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IDE :: Importing A Type Lib With A Module Results In Empty Class?

Oct 27, 2011

We have a typelib where we define some constants. One of our sets of constants is created using the module keyword:

module MyConstants
const int Const1 = 1;

I use tlbimp.exe in a bat file to generate a primary interop assembly for internal use.If I create a VB .net project and add a reference and browse to the .tlb file and import it, the result I see in the browser window is a class named MyConstants. If I click the class, the right hand pane is empty - the class contains absolutely nothing.

If I add a reference to the primary interop assembly, I also see the class MyConstants int he browser window. When I click the class, the constants show up.This is in Visual Studio 2010 (RTM). Why does VB .NET add reference via brwose to the .tlb file differ in this case? Is this a bug in VB .NET or the tlbimp.exe tool?

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Importing An Enum Into A Visual Basic Class So That It Becomes Inheritable

Nov 16, 2011

Here is what I have in my file

Option Strict On
Imports MyNameSpace.MyEnum
Public Class AwesomeClass


But since MyEnum isn't defined in the subclass it won't work. I am not very familiar with what these types of things are called, but I think that I am import a type definition of sorts. Since I am Importing, and not defining, it is only available in the first file. Basically, I want to include MyEnum as part of the class but I don't how to do it. I don't want to copy/paste it over, and I don't really want to write Imports ... at the top of all of my subclasses.

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Creating A Virtual File Handle

Apr 30, 2011

I've been trying to find a Windows API function I can use to generate a virtual file handle in Windows. I'm working with VPC/xVM and I want to create a virtual machine that actually points to my physical hard drive - the methods provided with VPC and xVM for this really suck (I've never been able to get it to work with either virtualization product).


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File Attachment Using Virtual Path In

Mar 8, 2012

I'm working on an project which has a form with a file attachment capability. Since I'm uploading the form on a server, I can't use a physical path. How do I use the asp:FileUpload with a virtual path?

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Mount A File As Virtual Drive?

Nov 11, 2009

I'm trying to make a program that can mount a file associated with the program as a virtual drive such as PGP does. Encryption isn't necessary to the program, but if it is needed to mount the file as a virtual drive then so be it.

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C# :: Save/retrieve A File In A Project Directory, Not The Output Directory?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm creating a simple .NET console application where I want to save a file in a folder that's part of the root project, like so: SolutionName.ProjectNameTestData. I want to put test.xml into the TestData folder. However, when I go to save my XDocument, it saves it to SolutionName.ProjectNameinx86Debug Console est.xml.

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Copying The File From One Directory To Another Directory By Create The Folder?

Feb 9, 2012

copying the file from one Directory to another directory by create the folder if that folder is not exists in destination directory.Example:

Source path: C: emp est1.txt
destination path: C:Data
if C:Data doesn't contains "temp" or "test" folder, it should create the folder before copy the 1.txt.[code]....

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Create A Directory Listing Of Every File Inside A Specified Directory

Jun 30, 2009

I'll tell you what I'd like to do which is to create a directory listing of every file inside a specified directory and then use a loop to upload each file in this directory to a remote folder via FTP.


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File I/O And Registry :: Importing Specific Data From An XML File

Oct 19, 2009

I wish to import data (into a text box) from specified tags within an XML file.[code]Instead of loading the whole file into a text box I would like it to load data within <ABC></ABC> tags.The amount of <ABC></ABC> tags varies for each XML file. As does their placement (which line they are on).

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Compare Two Directory Trees - File & Directory

Feb 1, 2010

I am attempting to compare two directory trees. I have the program map the network drive and copy a directory. I need it to verify that the files copied successfully by comparing the source to the destination. If comparison returns equal then perform action1, if comparison returns unequal then perform action2.

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Importing A CSV File?

Sep 14, 2010

i am importing a csv file into my app. this is to let the users pull in info they have in excel.somehow, they have slanted apostrophes, and not tick marks. so when i open the file stream and do the import, it pulls in those characters as blank boxes (unknown char).

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Importing File From VB5 Into VB8 ?

Sep 1, 2008

Is this possible? I upgraded to VB Express 8 and have several programs that I would like to import into VB Express 8 from VBE 5. But everything I have tried so far has not worked.....This is the first time I have imported files from one computer to another. I have tried to save the file as a zip file and unzipping it in VB 8, but that didn't seem to work.

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Importing .xls File Into DataGridView?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a datagridview on my form with 7 columns and a variable number of rows. It's used to track stats on games (kills, deaths, assists, etc.) The way I ended up saving it was in a .xls file for the simplicity of being able to edit it in excel as well as my program. how to import the file back into the DataGridView though.

Here's the code I'm using the save the file:

Private Sub exportExcel(ByVal grdView As DataGridView, ByVal fileName As String, _
ByVal fileExtension As String, ByVal filePath As String)
' Choose the path, name, and extension for the Excel file


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Importing A File Into Access?

Jan 27, 2009

I want to create a button that will open up a form that will be used to browse a filesystem and select an excel sheet to import into access. I'm a noob at .Net and I needsome help on how to do this.

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Importing Text File In VB 08?

Jun 10, 2009

I am working on a program for the Windows Mobile 6.0 system and using Visual Basic 08.I would like for the current txt file that I have, that is formatted as follows: "NOR400","277225","ZIMA 4/6 12OZ NR BOTTLES","07199077603",21.65,"cs",7.19,"pk","C4/6PK","12 OZ " to be imported and each item in the line will be assigned to its own txt box. I have been able to load up the file, in to one txt box, but am unable to separate the items in to their own box. Should I be using arrays for this?

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Create A Virtual Piano Using Pictureboxes To Represent Keys That Play .wav File Versions Of Notes

Nov 5, 2011

I'm trying to create a virtual piano using pictureboxes to represent keys that play .wav file versions of notes. I've gotten this to work fine; however, I'm having trouble with two features I want to implement.The first feature is to be able to save what I play in a text file. I thought I could use this code but I'm getting an error. [code] The second feature is to play random keys using the random class. Is there any way I could store the pictureboxes in an array and then use the random class?

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.importXML Not Importing Complete File?

Jul 21, 2010

When i run the following line of code I only get the first part of the XML file imported into Access.

Application.ImportXML DataSource:="", ImportOptions:=acStructureAndData

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Importing A MDF File Into SQL Server 2008?

Aug 7, 2009

I have inherited a web app that I'm making some changes on. I'm perfectly capable with the programming side (VB and MSSQL) but I'm getting lost with the tools. I was given a zip file of the code and everything. I opened the sln file in Visual Studio 2005 and it worked fairly easily with little modification.

Running the app works perfectly. Problem is, I need to write some new SPs so need the database admin. SQL Server 2008 Express is installed but it doesn't see any database and I have no idea how to import it.I have a folder App_Data in the project with the file ASPNETDB.MDF. Opening this in VS gived the error: This server version is not supported. You must have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 or later.

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