"If" Statement Immediately Following A "For Each" Loop?

Jun 25, 2010

I am attempting to loop through an array of some sort (doesn't really matter) and evaluate it in an If statement. If I put the "If...Then" immediately after the "For Each..." declaration it only checks the first item and then will jump out of the For loops. However if I pass the item to a variable and then evaluate the variable, it works fine.

Case in point:

For Each pool In nodeList
For Each node In pool
If node = host Then


does not work, yet:

For Each pool In nodeList
Dim pool2 = pool
For Each node In pool2


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Making A Next Statement Into A Loop Statement In Visual Basic?

Jun 8, 2009

y friend and I are re-learning Visual Basic, and we are stumped on this bit of code.

For intAsterisks As Integer = 0 To intLine - 1
lblAsterisks.Text = lblAsterisks.Text + "*"

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How For Each Loop Statement Actually Works

Dec 8, 2011

I am trying to understand how a for each loop works and am having some trouble. I am trying to create a program that will query a sql database, pull back the information and store it. I currently having it writing to a text file, and would like to take the information (such as name) and compare it to another list where the name is equal. However I am not exactly sure how the for each statement really works. I have looked at numerous sources and it doesn't make since to me as you can probably see from what I have put in here.

Public Class Form1
Public Sub newarrest()
Dim strsports As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
Dim employeelastname As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
Dim cnPodaci1 As New SqlConnection
[Code] .....

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If Statement Or Where Extension With A For Each Loop?

Nov 18, 2009

I was wondering which of the two code samples would be more efficient (or is the difference between the two negligible)?[code]

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Loop In DataRowview Using For Statement?

May 26, 2009

I am a new with using datarowview

The problem here is how to loop in dataRowview using for statement

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While Loop Vs If Statement When Printing?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm practising printing, and doing fairly well - not as hard as I was thinking.

My question is: is it better/preferable to use a "while..." loop instead of an "If..then" statement when printing.

All my printing code is in various If statements (if PgNbr = 2, If PgNbr = 3 etc) but I notice in most of the examples and webpages I read that a lot of printing is done in a "while..." loop

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For Loop Statement With .count Method

Dec 7, 2011

For loop statement with .count method

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SyncLock Required Before If Statement Or For Loop?

Oct 2, 2009

If completedOrders.Count <> 0 Then
For i = 0 To completedOrders.Count - 1
SyncLock completedOrders
'Do some work, for example this:
Dim text As String = completedOrders(0).getCN & " " & completedOrders(0).getDeviceName & " "
End SyncLock
End If
Is a synclock needed before the if statement or for loop? In other words. When you call methods like .length or .count is it necessary to synclock them or can another thread be writing to it at the same time. CompletedOrders is a generic list of a class.

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VB Update SQL Statement Inside For Loop?

Jun 27, 2012

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim s As New Staff


Basically I am trying to update each record with 2 random numbers each time the button was clicked,my problem now is, the system will update the record but the data was wrong. Example, by right all data should be different (randomly string) but for some row it was updated with same data but in randomly, something row1 row2 row3 has exactly same data for column 1 and 2 then row 3 has distinct data, second time, row1 row2 same data row3 ro4 with different data. It is in random sequence. When I add a MsgBox to do testing in the For loop the data was updated correctly with all different data.

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Put 10 Radiobutton Values In Insert Statement With While Loop

Jan 29, 2010

i have 10 radio buttons that have yes/no values. These are options to one question, so need to in the database under 1 record. so - question1 yes, question 1 no, question1 yes and so on. i want to use a while loop or some other loop to take all these values and insert them or update them in the database for that particular question. i m new to programming. the db table is ID, question, Answer. so it will be 1 question1 yes, 2 question1 yes, 3 question1 no.

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Terminate A Do Loop Without Using An Exit Or Continue Statement?

Mar 11, 2010

I would like to terminate a do until ....loop when future value is greater than 1000 without using a Exit or Continue statement.

Do Until inti > intMonths
decFutureValue = (decFutureValue + decMonthlyInvestment) * (1 + decMonthlyInterestRate)
If decFutureValue > 1000 Then


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VS 2008 Using Greater And Less Than Parameters In A For Loop Statement

Jun 21, 2010

I am having a few issues with a For loop statement, code below:

Dim y1 as integer = "12"
Dim y2 as integer = "24"
Dim y2a as integer


Problem i have is that it selects all records that have a value equal to or less than 24 rather than the records that have a value greater than 12 and equal or less than 24. This appears to be an error i am making in the use of greater and less than?

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Loop Statement - IF Process Is NOT Running - Delete The Files

Aug 12, 2010

I am currently teaching myself the caveman code of Visual Basic (VB.net). Apparently I fail at If-statements or something, because I cannot get this to work...


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Performing Like Statement In For Each Loop To Check For Specific Item

Jun 17, 2011

Is it possible to define my list of strings like in 'good old' VB60, to use only on ebyte of memory for each character? .NET always seems to store any string as unicode, which doubles the required memory. The case is that I have a huge list of strings, all of the same size. It is about 50.000.000 items, 12 characters each. You can imagine I am running out of memory in no time. I tried converting them to arrays-of-bytes but in that case I loose the possibility to perform a "LIKE" statement in a FOR-EACH loop to check for a specific item.

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VS 2005 Adding INSERT INTO Statement Inside A Loop

Jun 1, 2011

if I have the following vb code,

for i = 0 to dTable.Rows(i).Count -1
Dim sql As String = ""
Dim strConn As String = ConnString


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When Remove 'Not' In 'Loop While' Statement Program Runs Indefinitely

May 11, 2009

[code] The problem in my case, this is not working with this code. All I need are random numbers outside the above boundaries.Please note when I remove 'Not' in 'Loop While' statement, the programme runs indefinitely!!

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Loop Statement - Display A Table Giving The Balance On The Loan At The End Of Each Month

May 17, 2010

I am trying to create a program in vbfor this problem: "A TV set is purchased with a loan of $563 to be paid off with 5 monthly payments of $116. The interest rate is 1 percent month. Display a table giving the balance on the loan at the end of each month". It must have 1 button and a list box that displays successive balances, contains loops to balances, loop code includes output to the list box, List box displays 2 columns (one for month and one for amount owed) and 5 months are displayed and the amount owed for each. The Amount Owed should go down each month from month 1 to month 5 where month 5 will equal to $0.00

Here is my code so far but somehow the 1 percent interest i cannot get to add on each month so I am not getting the write answer.

Dim rate As Decimal
Dim loan As Double
Dim pay As Double


I have attached a jpeg of what the end result should look like when code is being run.

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VS 2010 Read Multiple Text Files In My Resources By Using A Loop Statement?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm trying to create a "quiz" program in VB. The questions to be asked are placed inside text files and have the following format:


> VB thinks that im trying to open a file named, what im trying to do is open a txt file which have a file name similar to the value of integer.

labelQuestion.text = variable.Readline().

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Stop A Loop Statement In VB And Not Perform Display Changes Until After Call Procedure Is Valid And Complete?

Apr 19, 2010

I am having problem with the coding of this (endless loop) and formatting of summary boxes before tests are complete that should not happen. (the overall goals is to have a separate validation procedure that does not calculate or dat displays are not performed until after call function is complete and valid. The validation that takes place are that two boxes are filled in - one is text and the other is a numeric value. (using vb 2008)


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Run Exe Immediately Of A CD?

Aug 24, 2009

I have had absolutely no prior experience in any programming whatsoever. Yesterday I downloaded the visual basic 2008 express edition from Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.

I have a small question which I am sure is very easy for somebody else to answer and I apologise in advance if this question is in the wrong section.

I wanted to make a small exe to autorun from a cd. I want to be able to hand the cd out to friends and family. So far I have achieved what I wanted with the little app. On the cd I have an exe file in a particular folder that when clicking a command button on a windows form - I would like to run this exe. At the moment I have:

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
Shell("explorer.exe ..appfolderapplication.exe")
End Sub

This finds and selects the application as required, however It does not run it. Another box comes asking me "Do you want to run or save this file?" If I click run, another box comes up "The Publisher could not be verified, are you sure you want to run this application?"

what code to I need to enter or change to make this exe run immediately as if I were the same as browsing for it and double clicking on it?

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Evaluates Loop Condition In Do...Loop Statment To Determine Whether Loop Instructions Should Be Processed

Mar 14, 2011

Makes the following statement about the code below:

**"The computer evaluates the loop condition in the Do...Loop statment to determine whether the loop instructions should be processed. In this case, the inputsales <> String.Empty condition compares the contenst of the input sales variable to the String.Empty value. As you know the String.Empty value represents a zero length, or empty, string if the inputsales variable is empty, the loop condition evaluates to True and the computer process the loop instructions. *If on the other hand the inputsales variable is not empty, the loop condition evaluates to false and the computer skips over the loop instructions.

Based on the code I think it is the opposite: ...that while the inputsales value is not empty it should evaluate to true and process the loop and if it is empty it should evaluate to false and skip the loop?

See below.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System.Globalization


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Asp.Net Session Expires Immediately?

Nov 16, 2011

My Asp.net Session Expires immediately even though i did the settings in web.config file,

<sessionState timeout="2880" mode="InProc" cookieless="UseCookies"></sessionState>
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"/>


i did above settings in web.config even then it expires after approx 3 minutes..

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C# - Why Is Thread Not Starting Immediately

Oct 4, 2010

see below program. I start a new thread x with function abc, then I do some longer task.
Why does x only start after end sub? Shouldn't it start right-away, before sleep ?


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Changes From Comboboxes Into Datagridview Immediately?

Sep 11, 2010

i have a datagridview with a column with comboboxes. My problem is that the changes that i am doing from comboboxes didn't occur to datagridview immediately but after the user click to another cell.

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IDE :: Datagridviewcombobox Closes Immediately

Jan 13, 2011

I have an issue with VS 2008 datagridview combobox control.

The combo box in question closes immediately after the CellValidation method that I wrote invalidates the input in the combo box cell. What I mean by closes immediately is that when the drop down arrow is left-clicked, once I remove my finger from the left clicking of the mouse instead of staying down so that the user can see the selection options the combo box just closes.

I'm currently using EditOnEnter as my EditMode style. (I've tried switching between the different option the same behavior exists). The datagridview is bound to a dataset which was created from my database in MS Sql Server 2005.

This problem exists on two different forms and occurs exactly the same way. I don't know what other settings to mention to help in the troubleshooting of this error, but please feel free to ask me any questions so that I may resolve this issue. By the way both forms use datagridviews tied to the same dataset, just different tables and table adapters.

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Kill A Thread Immediately?

Nov 12, 2010

Can anyone tell me how to kill a thread immediately.

I have tried MyThread.Abort, but it seems to do nothing. Someone told me it's because 'Abort' waits for the current operation to complete, but my thread will run for over 30 minutes before that happens.

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.net - Execute A LINQ-Query Immediately?

Jan 25, 2012

I don't like the verbose way of adding DataRows one by one via Tbl.Rows.Add, so i've created this pseudo LINQ query that does nothing but adding rows implicitely:

Private Function GetData() As DataTable
Dim years = {"2010/2009", "2009/2008", "2008/2007", "2007/2006", "2006/2005", "2005/2004", "2004/2003"}
Dim tbl = New DataTable
tbl.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Year"))


As you can see i don't need the result of the query at all, it's only purpose is to iterate and call DataTable.Rows.Add. So the result is already available in the DataTable itself and not needed from the query.Admittedly this question is somewhat hyphotetical because there would not be a big difference in using f.e. ToList and normally a query's purpose is to return something.But anyway, what's the cheapest way(in terms of memory consumption, execution time) to execute a LINQ query when only the execution and not the result matters?Edit: Ok, thisquestion was a quick-shot and a chicken-and-egg problem. I wanted to reduce 20 lines of code to a single line but noticed that i need some kind of DataSource for the LINQ-Query. Therefor i've created the Array. But at this point i could have simply used a for-each loop as well to add the DataRows.

Conclusion: Use a LINQ-Query for what it's for: a query. Then this question is pointless since there is no cheapest way but only that which returns the correct result.

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Can Immediately Stop A Thread From Running .NET

May 25, 2011

I have the following code running in a thread to enumerate the local machines in the active directory. This takes some time to complete (about 5-10 seconds) so if the user quits the application before the enum is complete the application takes 5-10 seconds to quit. I tried thread.abort but because it is waiting for For Each SubChildEntry In SubParentEntry.Children to complete it doesn't abort until this returns.

Dim childEntry As DirectoryEntry = Nothing
Dim ParentEntry As New DirectoryEntry
ParentEntry.Path = "WinNT:"


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Force The Email To Send Immediately?

Jul 15, 2010

I have an application where I provide e-mail notification that a task has been completed. The e-mail works okay except that it is not sent until the user quits the program or sends a new message. Is there a way to force the e-mail to send immediately?I'm using Visual Studio 2008 / Visual Basic

Dim ToEMail As String = email_address
Dim FromEMail As String = email_address
Dim EMailAddr As New MailAddressCollection


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Immediately Close Form After Saving

May 17, 2012

I have my form checked if it's dirty when a user goes to close it. If its dirty is true, the user is asked if they would like to save the data. When they click yes, the 'save event' is called. The problem I'm having is trying to get the form to completly close after saving. At the end of the save I put in me.close(), but another form closing event is triggered. Is this the correct way to dictate having the form close immediately after saving the data or is there a better way? If it is, I must have it placed in the wrong part of my code. Immediately after the "success" dialog box is displayed, I am asked if I want to save the data again.


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