For Loop Statement With .count Method

Dec 7, 2011

For loop statement with .count method

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Making A Next Statement Into A Loop Statement In Visual Basic?

Jun 8, 2009

y friend and I are re-learning Visual Basic, and we are stumped on this bit of code.

For intAsterisks As Integer = 0 To intLine - 1
lblAsterisks.Text = lblAsterisks.Text + "*"

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Error: Statement Cannot Appear Within A Method Body. End Of Method Assumed

Jul 13, 2011

Why does my the declaration of my string in the code result in the following error? Is there a workaround?


<script runat="server">
Protected Sub form1_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
Dim x As String = "</script>"


Error: Statement cannot appear within a method body. End of method assumed.

Note: The following page did not fix my issue and instead resulted in the string </script> being output in my page. ( VB.NET hates </script> tag in string literal )

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Break Up The Code In A Method Body Into Statement By Statement Symbols/"tokens"?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm writing something that will examine a function and rewrite that function in another language so basically if inside my function F1, i have this line of code var x=a.b(1) how do i break up the function body into symbols or "tokens"?I've searched around and thought that stuff in System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetMethodBody would do the trick however that class doesn't seem to be able to have the capabilities to do what i want..dit 2:basically what I'm trying to do is to write a program in c#/vb and when i hit F5 a serializer function will (use reflection and) take the entire program (all the classes in that program) and serialize it into a single javascript file. of course javascript doesn't have the .net library so basically the C#/VB program will limit its use of classes to the .js library (which is a library written in c#/vb emulating the framework of javascript objects)

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Count Multiple In One Statement?

May 8, 2011

i have a table with data title and date of the data inserted.and right now i want to do count to make the statistic out of it.can i do multiple count in one sql statement?like from, the column date, i want to count how many on this month, and how many in this year, until month selected. this is what i have come up, for now.

SELECT a.trigger_type_code
, c.trigger_name
, COUNT(*) AS number
FROM issue_trigger a


by this is only for one count.

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Does A For-Each Loop Have An Iteration Count

Jun 18, 2009

Does a For-Each loop in VB have an iteration count, or would I have to do that myself?

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How To Make Loop And Count

Dec 22, 2010

I have this code.I need to loop through it, until button 2 is pressed.I also want to count how many times its looped and show how many times in a label.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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LINQ Statement Where Result Count Is Used In Expression's Condition?

Mar 23, 2009

I have a requirement where I have to add items into a List(Of T) (let's call it Target) from an IEnumerable(Of T) (let's call it Source) using Target.AddRange() in VB.NET.

Target.AddRange(Source.TakeWhie(Function(X, Index) ?))

The ? part is a tricky condition that is something like: As long as the as yet unenumerated count is not equal to what is needed to fill the list to the minimum required then randomly decide if the current item should be taken, otherwise take the item.Somethig like...

Source.Count() - Index = _minimum_required - _curr_count_of_items_taken _
OrElse GetRandomNumberBetween1And100() <= _probability_this_item_is_taken
' _minimum_required and _probability_this_item_is_taken are constants

The confounding part is that _curr_count_of_items_taken needs to be incremented each time the TakeWhile statement is satisfied. How would I go about doing that? I'm also open to a solution that uses any other LINQ methods (Aggregate, Where, etc.) instead of TakeWhile.If all else fails then I will go back to using a good old for-loop =)

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Count Number Of Iteration For Each Loop?

Mar 4, 2009

Does anybody know how to count the number of iterations in a for-each loop? I want to have a variable inside the loop, returning the corresponding counter every time the loop iterat

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.net - Loop Takes Forever With Large Count?

Aug 3, 2010

This loop takes forever to run as the amount of items in the loop approach anything close to and over 1,000, close to like 10 minutes. This needs to run fast for amounts all the way up to like 30-40 thousand.

'Add all Loan Record Lines
Dim loans As List(Of String) = lar.CreateLoanLines()
Dim last As Integer = loans.Count - 1
For i = 0 To last


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Loop To Count And Accumulate Numbers Does Not Work?

Mar 23, 2011

My loop that needs to count and accumulate the numbers from a list box does not work. When I debug it reads the first line of the Do While loop then jumps to the code where it would average the numbers. Here is my code:

'calculate average
'get first item in list box
lstListBox.SelectedIndex = 0


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String.Contains Method That Return Count Of Found Instances?

Jan 6, 2010

I know there is a function Contains that returns true if string has a certain substing in it. But is there a function that returns the count of instances of that substring inside another string.

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Using The Replace Method To Get A Count Of How Many Actual Replacements Were Made?

Aug 5, 2009

1. In the old VBScript, there was a compareMethod (binary or text, which with text, I could compare case) but I don't find anything like that in the new .Net Replace method. I know I can use the old way, but I'd like to use the new Replace method. I just need a choice of comparing case or not?

2. Let's say I have a long string, and I am using the Replace method - - it would be nice to get the count of instances replaced, and I'm sure that if I read line by line, I could actually get that count, but it would take to long.Is there a way, using the Replace method, to get a count of how many actual replacements were made?

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Change The Pretest Loop Code So It Will Count Down Instead Of Up From The Number?

Dec 8, 2009

I have already a Pretest loop that counts the number that the user inputs and displays a message. I need to change the Pretest loop code so it will count down instead of up from the number of times entered by the user.I have already coded this: Public Class frmMain Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click Me.Close()End Sub Private Sub txtNumTimes_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtNumTimes.KeyPress


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DataGridView Check Record Count - Infinite Loop

Jul 26, 2010

As you all know, If the dataBase requires a numerical value then an error will occur when the user tries to insert the incorrect data type. With the code below after the user types in a value beside an int value type then it will go into an Loop through more than what is needed. How can I apply the same logic but allow the program not to check the 60 rows (I set the row size to 60). I want to break out of it if there are blanks ONLY if a row is blank and not for a black cell, because if the user leaves one cell blank then it would loop through the 'for each' for how many rows that they is. Initially there are 60 rows.

For Each item As DataGridViewRow In dgvLaser.Rows
If IsNumeric(item.Cells(3)) Then
Exit For
MessageBox.Show("Check Record Count. Numerical values only..!")
End If

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VS 2008 - Loop Count In Label Stops Refreshing

May 28, 2011

I am using a label inside my loop to get a count on the number of records processed by the loop. during testing of the program I noticed that if I load a smaller Table( 1000 records) my label stops refreshing after about 110 and my mouse turns to an hour glass. The program finishes and the label returns the correct count when complete If I load a larger table (10,000 records) it works all the way through???


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Dispose Method In Using Statement

Feb 7, 2012

I have Overloaded the Dispose method of System.Windows.Forms.Form Class in which I have written some extra code which I need to execute when object of Form Disposes. But when I create the object of Form in 'Using' statement, the 'End Using, statement do not execute my overloaded Dispose method. What should I do?

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Sql Statement Using Call Sub Method?

Apr 6, 2011

i have a problem i use a call sub procedure to do a delete records in my database for my vb .. now i have a problem when i call my sub delete proceudre in like this call GetDelete("tblName") , but in the sql query the sysem declare like this delete * from 'tblName' in my sub procedure when i set the breakpoint in which cause an exception error "Syntax error in query. incomplete query clause " anyway how to delete the quotes so i can retreive it without error

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Statement Cannot Appear Outside Of A Method Body

Aug 13, 2010

Statement cannot appear outside of a method body.I am posting my problem .


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Components - "if" Statement Shows An Error " Statement Cannot Appear Outside Of A Method Body"

Jan 29, 2009

I have the following vb code which works as expected when it's in a code-behind page. I tried to move it to a shared or component page since I will need to use it in multiple pages:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Class DetTime
'Determine eastern time


However the "if" statement shows an error " statement cannot appear outside of a method body" and the Microsoft solution is to "move statement into a procedure or subroutine"

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How For Each Loop Statement Actually Works

Dec 8, 2011

I am trying to understand how a for each loop works and am having some trouble. I am trying to create a program that will query a sql database, pull back the information and store it. I currently having it writing to a text file, and would like to take the information (such as name) and compare it to another list where the name is equal. However I am not exactly sure how the for each statement really works. I have looked at numerous sources and it doesn't make since to me as you can probably see from what I have put in here.

Public Class Form1
Public Sub newarrest()
Dim strsports As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
Dim employeelastname As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
Dim cnPodaci1 As New SqlConnection
[Code] .....

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If Statement Or Where Extension With A For Each Loop?

Nov 18, 2009

I was wondering which of the two code samples would be more efficient (or is the difference between the two negligible)?[code]

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Loop In DataRowview Using For Statement?

May 26, 2009

I am a new with using datarowview

The problem here is how to loop in dataRowview using for statement

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While Loop Vs If Statement When Printing?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm practising printing, and doing fairly well - not as hard as I was thinking.

My question is: is it better/preferable to use a "while..." loop instead of an "If..then" statement when printing.

All my printing code is in various If statements (if PgNbr = 2, If PgNbr = 3 etc) but I notice in most of the examples and webpages I read that a lot of printing is done in a "while..." loop

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Method To Return From A Goto Statement?

Oct 26, 2009

I just want to know whether there is any method to return from a goto statement.


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Use A Select Case Statement In A Method Or Sub?

Mar 10, 2009

am using VB.NET 2008 and am a complete beginner. am writing a programme that requires the user to select a number from a NumericUpDown control and the number selected will enable the equivalent number of GroupBoxes on a form following a click event.


think that the argument to be passed to the method or sub will be the Case condition but how do I return the corresponding code to enable the GroupBoxes? I have the same issue with resetting all my textboxes to some default text then the user activates more then one event.

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Access Count Property On Array Of Rows Returned By Datatables Select Method

Apr 21, 2009

I'm trying to access the Count Property on the array of rows returned by the datatables select method, this is after converting the Web Project to 3.5

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SyncLock Required Before If Statement Or For Loop?

Oct 2, 2009

If completedOrders.Count <> 0 Then
For i = 0 To completedOrders.Count - 1
SyncLock completedOrders
'Do some work, for example this:
Dim text As String = completedOrders(0).getCN & " " & completedOrders(0).getDeviceName & " "
End SyncLock
End If
Is a synclock needed before the if statement or for loop? In other words. When you call methods like .length or .count is it necessary to synclock them or can another thread be writing to it at the same time. CompletedOrders is a generic list of a class.

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VB Update SQL Statement Inside For Loop?

Jun 27, 2012

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim s As New Staff


Basically I am trying to update each record with 2 random numbers each time the button was clicked,my problem now is, the system will update the record but the data was wrong. Example, by right all data should be different (randomly string) but for some row it was updated with same data but in randomly, something row1 row2 row3 has exactly same data for column 1 and 2 then row 3 has distinct data, second time, row1 row2 same data row3 ro4 with different data. It is in random sequence. When I add a MsgBox to do testing in the For loop the data was updated correctly with all different data.

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Put 10 Radiobutton Values In Insert Statement With While Loop

Jan 29, 2010

i have 10 radio buttons that have yes/no values. These are options to one question, so need to in the database under 1 record. so - question1 yes, question 1 no, question1 yes and so on. i want to use a while loop or some other loop to take all these values and insert them or update them in the database for that particular question. i m new to programming. the db table is ID, question, Answer. so it will be 1 question1 yes, 2 question1 yes, 3 question1 no.

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