Access Count Property On Array Of Rows Returned By Datatables Select Method

Apr 21, 2009

I'm trying to access the Count Property on the array of rows returned by the datatables select method, this is after converting the Web Project to 3.5

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MySQL Count Rows Count Rows And Gain Access To Other Information In A Row Based On Provoided Information

Oct 8, 2009

I have a fair bit of experience with VB.NET and C# (In this case I chose VB.NET, blame my laziness), but I do most of my professional work using PHP. I have no experience what so ever in using any database with VB.NET let alone MySQL.Just FYI, at the moment I am only trying to Query the database to gather the information required to activate. The Activation wizard and algorithm building (which is finished anyway), and everything else will come soon. I chose the MySQL database because I have experience with it, and it seems the best option for remote usage.The whole idea already works in PHP, I'm just have major issues moving it accross into VB.NET (Using the MySQL Connector.NET);I understand the basics, and all I need to know how to do is Count Rows and gain access to the other information in a row based on provoided information (in PHP, through mysql_ result)

So, here goes nothing, this is the Query code I am using in PHP to complete the job I want to do in VB.NET. [code] As you can see, I basically need to get the PHP code into VB.NET to fit into the 'btnQueryDB.Click' Command in VB.NET. By Equivalent, the Product ID in VB.NET will come from 'txtPID' and similar, Serial Number will come from txtSNUM. Once counted to be 1, the Activation Code and Status will be fed into 2 other text boxes in the form. (acCode, and acStatus).

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Return The Rows From Datatable Using Select Method?

Nov 22, 2011

I'm having the datatable with three columns, i need to return the rows in which the third column having the null values.

ie., I need to do like this below mentioned coding,

Dim rows As DataRow() = ds.Tables("Tablename").Select("col3 is null")

Is it possible? if no, anyone tell me the way to get the results.

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Runtime Error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)':Could Not Get The CurLine Property. Unexpected Call To Method Or Property Access

Sep 24, 2009

start with I was given a program by a friend that was created in Excel 2003 with the help of Visual Basic Editor. He said he used Visual Basic 2003, which he is not 100% sure about. Anyways he used CurLine in the program and when I try to open it in Excel 2007 and then open the Visual Basic Editor and run the program I get the following error:Run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)':Could not get the CurLine property. Unexpected call to method or property access.

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OOP - Declare Two Datatables And Fill Them Both From A Datatable Returned By A Function In Class

Sep 27, 2010

When I declare two datatables and fill them both from a datatable returned by a function in class, that when i filter the one it seems to filter the other aswell?

For example:

I declare the datatable and initiate my class:

Dim DatatableOne As New Datatable
Dim DatatableTwo As New Datatable

Dim MyClass As New MyClass

I then call the function that returns a datatable and apply it to datatable1 and 2 Then fill two DataGrids with the table:

DatatableOne = MyClass.GetTable()
DatatableTwo = MyClass.GetTable()

DatatableOne.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Name = 'Tom'"


For some reason i don't understand but both grids end up with the filtered data?

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Forms :: Way To Return Multiple Rows Of Data To Calling Method Via Class Property?

Jan 28, 2009

I have this application which has one class. I need to return a recordset of data to the calling form. If i use Properties to return, it can only return only a single value at a time. Right now i'm returning a datareader object with one of the properties.Can anyone suggest a better way to return multiple rows of data to the calling method via Class Property?

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Select All Rows And Update To New Access Database .mdb Table?

Jan 18, 2011

i have a problem to retreive whole rows of a datagridview and transfer to my new access database in vb environment anyone can give me advice or examples of how to do it ? for example my datagridview colums have JOB_NO, ERR_DESC , REMARK

now i would to post all row (not selected datagridrow) from this datagridview to my new database .. i search at google using row count may do the job but i still fail on ...

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DataColumn.Expression Count - Filter On The Day, Count The Rows And Then Populate This Added Column With The Result?

Nov 2, 2010

I have added a column to a Datatable called CallsPerDay which is there to tell me how many telephone calls have been made on a particular day or days.Is there a datacolumn.expression which will allow me to Filter on the day, count the rows and then populate this added column with the result.

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Dynamically Create Array Based On String Length Property and Index Of Method

May 4, 2009

I would like to format output to a property of a custom control I have made.For instance I have a literal control in my control and when populated I want to check if it is longer than 30 characters long, if so, then go to the next space (as to not cut the word off) after the 30th character and place a <br /> tag in to place the next 30 characters on the next line.So if there were 100 characters in a string, there would be 3 line breaks in the label.I have the looping worked out to get the label populated but cannot get how to dymaically create the array based on the string lenth property and index of method.

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Count Rows For Particular Columns If No Data Then Ignore And Count

Oct 6, 2010

Declare some class level variables that will keep track of the sums for each column. For example:


During the RowDataBound event, retrieve the data from each column and add it to the appropriate sum. I'm not sure if you are developing an ASP.NET application or a Win-forms desktop application so I cannot help you any further at this point. What have you tried so far to solve the problem?

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.net - Using The Returned Value Of A Getter Method In Another Method?

Dec 11, 2011

Just playing about with some and i dont understand why when i enter Dog into the text box the label continues to say not dog?


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Display The Rows Of A DataTable Derived From Other Other DataTables On Textbox (Typed DataSet)?

Mar 29, 2010

I created a DataSet using the DataSources wizard. I can display the rows of each Datatable one at a time. But in this case, I needed to add a new DataTable (newDT) using the Add New Table Adapter control(?) on the toolbox. newTable is derived by JOINing three different existing tables (or, dataTable) in my DataSet designer. The query works fine and returns all the data as expected. Trouble, if I try to display the rows of the newDT on textboxes, I get a NULLREFERENCE Exception.


View 1 Replies - No Rows Being Returned From Dataset JUST On IOS Using MVC 3

Aug 11, 2011

I have a model that returns a dataset to a view and builds a list. The crazy thing is that I have tested this code with IE, Safari on Mac and Windows, Chrome and Opera and all return data. However, on the iPad or iPhone, zero rows are returned from the dataset object. It seems that the model is in fact passing the dataset to the view. I am using jquerymobile to render the view for the iOS devices and have taken that out of the mix to test and it still doesn't work.


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Determine How Many Rows Returned By Sqlreader?

Sep 24, 2010

I'd like to know after I've executed MySqlReder = MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader() how many rows it returned. If it's one I can continue processing with the data. If it's more than one I need to populate a drop down list box.

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Get The Number Of Rows Returned By A OleDbDataReader ASP.NET?

Jun 18, 2010

After connecting to a database using DataReader, how can I count the number of rows ?

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Bind A Dataview.count Property To A Textbox.text Property?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a dataview an i would like to show the count property in a text box.

i tryied the following

me.textbox1.DataBindings.add(new DataBindind("Text",DataView,"Count"))

But i have a exception.

View 10 Replies - Converting The Rows Of A Returned DataTable Object Into A Useful List?

Jun 23, 2009

I am currently writing unit tests for an application near completion (before management looks at it and turns it inside out). I am testing the business layer and a method is set to return a datatable of all "GroupID"s, which are simply an integer to represent the group that a user belongs to.

I'm assuming the best way to assert on this unit test would be to assert that the correct groupIDs are being returned from a controlled test database. However, I'm not sure how to assert on a datatable. Is the only (and best) possible way to accomplish this to simply loop through the datatable until it's empty and add each value to an array of integers? How would one go about asserting on this test?

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VS 2010 LINQ On A DataTable - Are Rows Returned As Reference

Feb 6, 2011

When I query a DataTable using LINQ, are the rows returned as references? Either way, is it possible to control this behaviour, so that rows are either returned as references or as new rows?My guess is that all objects are returned as references by default, since that seems to be the normal behaviour in most programming languages.

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Sql - Returned ID From SELECT Statment?

May 21, 2011

I use in my Project the IfExistsTable function; in order to see the existence of a table.

For this purpose I use the Select statement as follows.

MASQLComm = New SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) AS [RecCount] From sys.tables WHERE name Like '%" & tName & "%'", SQLConn)
RecCount = CInt(MASQLComm.ExecuteScalar)

After that I take the number which returned in RecCount. Until now the numbers was 1 and 0

And so I was turn the numbers in True or False.Now suddenly the returned number is 2 which I can't understand what it means.

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C# - LinqToSql - Prevent Sub Queries When Limiting Number Of Rows Returned?

Sep 16, 2009

Dim query = (From p in Parent _
select _
p.ID, _
Tags = String.Join("|", p.Child.Select(Function(c) c.Tag.TagName).ToArray)).Take(100)

In the above query, when using Take to limit the rows returned, a separate SQL query is executed for each row to return the 'Tags' field. If I remove Take(100), a single query to sent to Sql Server.So, how do I limit the number of rows returned, while preventing a new sub query being executed for each row?

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VS 2005 : Make Program To Select A File, Create DataTables And Then Perform Some Other Functions?

Feb 9, 2011

I am attempting to have my program select a file, create DataTables and then perform some other functions. I want to be able to open another file and re-do the same steps.The problem I am having is that I add columns to my Datatables and when I try and to open another file while one is already open I get a message that a column of xyz is already added how do I properly "clear my datatable" or perhaps that isnt even the correct approach? Here is the code I have that Opens a File

Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click


This was working at one time but after adding to my project I must have placed something in the wrong place inadvertantly or it has soemthing to do with adding columns,?

View 4 Replies - Dealing With Data Returned By A Web Method As JSON With JQuery?

Jan 13, 2012

[URL] Using this I have managed to use Server Side Web Methods to perform actions with AJAX.In most instances, I just need it to do stuff (save things to a database for example) so don't need to do anything with the response, but now I've come across a situation where I do, and I can't work it out!The Web Method returns a JSON object, which looks like this:

{"d":"[{"validDetails":"True","lateAlert":"","LoginResponse":"Logging in Jamie at 16:53 please wait"}]"}

This is the output shown from Firebug. I am not sure what the 's are, but bear with it...The AJAX call and attempt at outputting this response is:

$("form").on("submit", function () {
var LogonObject = new Object;
LogonObject.password = $('#password').val();


And several other variations from info I have found on Google and SO, but it seems to treat the results variable as a string, not an array, and the output I get on the alerts is each individual character, ie;

[, {, ", v, a, l, i, d, D... etc

So I wondered if results needed to be converted to JSON again (though I don't know why) so I tried

results = $.parseJSON(data.d)

But that didn't work either.

EDIT, the code which generates the response (missing out tons of logic, but this is the important bit):

Public Class OutputObject
Public validDetails, lateAlert, LoginResponse As String 'content of JSON output'
End Class


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Assign The Value Of The Integer Returned From The InStr Method To A Variable

Jul 21, 2009

I want to assign the value of the integer returned from the InStr method to a variable. So, If TextBox2.Text = "The Apple Pie" And TextBox1.Text = "App", I want the integer returned, which in this case would be 5, put into a variable, lets say its called 'VarString'.
So VarString (would) = 5.


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Datatables Left Join Linq - Joining 2 Datatables And Have The Joined Datatable As Result

Jun 1, 2012

I'm having a hard time joining 2 datatables and have the joined datatable as result. First datatable (labels) holds data including a printerid. Second datatable (printers) holds printer references (id > unc). I would like to have as endresult (joined) a datatable with all data from the first datatable with the field (unc) of the second datatable. [Code]

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First Method Draw() Is Affected By The Standing Property AND Not The Second Method?

Mar 31, 2010

I am not sure whether this is a trick question?One of the object i have has 2 boolean properties, Standing and Sitting.I have a class called student with the 2 methods stated below- Am I coorrect is assuming that the first method draw() is affected by the standing property AND not the second method?Also the way it affects is that it draws an image when the the stugent is standing?


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Check When OLEDB Returned A Result From SELECT Statement?

Nov 25, 2009

In my .NET application I have to get results from a MS Access database. I would like to add error checking to make sure a row was returned from my SELECT statement.

View 1 Replies Mvc - Getting A Count Of Rows That Match In Mvc 3 Using EF

Oct 24, 2011

I have a mvc 3 app that uses EF. In one function I need to get a count of rows that match a statement. I thought I could just do it like this:

Dim _ClassCount As Integer = _CurrRegistrants.Where(Function(c) c.tues_class = _CurrCourse.course_ref).Count

But that stays at 0 even when there are 40 records that match the criteria.. I think I have the right idea I just need to change the syntax a little..

Dim _CurrRegistrants As List(Of reg_classes) = db.reg_classes.ToList
For Each Course In _courses.Where(Function(a) a.course_day = "Tuesday")
Dim _CurrCourse As cours = Course


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Assign Value In Rows Count?

Jan 8, 2010

i want to change iC to make iC.Value but how?

For iC As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1
For iR As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1
If DataGridView1.Columns(iC).Name = "mode" Then


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Count Datagridview Rows?

Mar 14, 2012

I have hide some data in datagridview. When i write datagridview1.rowcount-1, it will count all data no matter is visible or invisible. But i only want to count data that display in datagridview. How to do??

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Count How Many Rows Include In DGV?

Dec 7, 2011

How to count how many rows include in DGV ?

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