Determine How Many Rows Returned By Sqlreader?

Sep 24, 2010

I'd like to know after I've executed MySqlReder = MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader() how many rows it returned. If it's one I can continue processing with the data. If it's more than one I need to populate a drop down list box.

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Determine The Length Of A Value Returned From A Regular Expression?

Nov 1, 2011

determine the length of the value/string returned from a regular expression and convert it to a different string layout Alternate:replace the . with a / in the regular expression?replace a character with another character in a regular expression AND determine the length of that expression to replace it with a string output using that regular expression?IE if the regular expression returns 3.0.4.u1, i need this to read c3/0/4 up 1 instead.Below is the code I have so far (cut from the total program)

' original text
Dim myText As String = rawData
' capture the interface pattern (first # in string)
Dim interfaceUS As String = "s(d.d.d.ud)|(d.d.ud)"


View 4 Replies - No Rows Being Returned From Dataset JUST On IOS Using MVC 3

Aug 11, 2011

I have a model that returns a dataset to a view and builds a list. The crazy thing is that I have tested this code with IE, Safari on Mac and Windows, Chrome and Opera and all return data. However, on the iPad or iPhone, zero rows are returned from the dataset object. It seems that the model is in fact passing the dataset to the view. I am using jquerymobile to render the view for the iOS devices and have taken that out of the mix to test and it still doesn't work.


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Determine Which Are New Rows And Which Are Populated Rows

Dec 15, 2009

I have a datagridview that is bound to a datatable (created by dataset designer) with columns RowID, CreatedBy, UpdatedBy and some other columns for actual data.Every time a user updates a row in datagridview, I will need automatically to populate UpdatedBy column with the user ID.Every time a user adds a new record in datagridview, I will automatically populate CreatedBy with user IDI use CellEndEdit event to check whether RowID is Null to determine the row is a new row. This means I have to set RowID AutoIncrement = False. Doing this way will only allow users to add 1 row at a time before they get duplicate row exception due to 2 same RowID.

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Get The Number Of Rows Returned By A OleDbDataReader ASP.NET?

Jun 18, 2010

After connecting to a database using DataReader, how can I count the number of rows ?

View 2 Replies - Converting The Rows Of A Returned DataTable Object Into A Useful List?

Jun 23, 2009

I am currently writing unit tests for an application near completion (before management looks at it and turns it inside out). I am testing the business layer and a method is set to return a datatable of all "GroupID"s, which are simply an integer to represent the group that a user belongs to.

I'm assuming the best way to assert on this unit test would be to assert that the correct groupIDs are being returned from a controlled test database. However, I'm not sure how to assert on a datatable. Is the only (and best) possible way to accomplish this to simply loop through the datatable until it's empty and add each value to an array of integers? How would one go about asserting on this test?

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VS 2010 LINQ On A DataTable - Are Rows Returned As Reference

Feb 6, 2011

When I query a DataTable using LINQ, are the rows returned as references? Either way, is it possible to control this behaviour, so that rows are either returned as references or as new rows?My guess is that all objects are returned as references by default, since that seems to be the normal behaviour in most programming languages.

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C# - LinqToSql - Prevent Sub Queries When Limiting Number Of Rows Returned?

Sep 16, 2009

Dim query = (From p in Parent _
select _
p.ID, _
Tags = String.Join("|", p.Child.Select(Function(c) c.Tag.TagName).ToArray)).Take(100)

In the above query, when using Take to limit the rows returned, a separate SQL query is executed for each row to return the 'Tags' field. If I remove Take(100), a single query to sent to Sql Server.So, how do I limit the number of rows returned, while preventing a new sub query being executed for each row?

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Access Count Property On Array Of Rows Returned By Datatables Select Method

Apr 21, 2009

I'm trying to access the Count Property on the array of rows returned by the datatables select method, this is after converting the Web Project to 3.5

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Looping Through The Rows Of A Dataset To Determine Edits/changes?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a dataset that I'm trying to loop through to be able to save any changes made to that dataset and update my database doing so. Can anyone offer any code to do that effectively?

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Sync Framework How To Determine Rows That Has Been Synchronized To SQL SERVER Database

May 5, 2011

I want to filter the SQL Compact Database to get rows that as been synchronized to the SQL SEVER Using sync framework can any one give me an hint on how to get this done. I will prefer a sample code in VB.NET

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C# Dont Reference Sqlreader In Client Portion Then Where?

Oct 30, 2009

Assume I have a form that has say 5 text boxes and I need to pull some data from a database then set those 5 text boxes with that data.So assume I have 3 basic layers: the code behind for a default.aspx page a BLL class that contacts the DAL and a data access layer (DAL)But I've heard and read that the default.aspx page should not know about sqldatareader, in fact you probably dont want to add the sqlclient namesspace to the default.aspx code behind page. [code] Then the BLL would simply call the DAL to call a stored procedure in SQL Server and do a CommandObject.ExecuteReader, get the results pass it back to BLL and BLL would then send it to the code behind page of default.aspx.I can provide full source code if that doesn't make sense. My question is if its bad that default.aspx actually declares and knows about an SQL Data Reader then what is the better way to do this? What datatype should I be using to avoid having an sqldatareader in my interface code ?

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Sending Parameter Values To A Stored Procedure With Sqlreader?

Oct 1, 2009

I would like to pass to values to a stored procedure. I am using a sqlreader to populate a excel sheet. I need the user to be able to select a range, rather that the whole table.

Dim strSQL As String = "sp_im_select_customerdtl"
Dim data As String = ""


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Sql - When Run The Query In Query Analyzer, It Returns One Row But When Use The Same Query, No Rows Are Returned?

Aug 19, 2010

Here is the code:

Function getData(ByVal id As String)
Dim reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim statement As String


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VS 2008 Insert Rows In Between Rows In Gridview Based On The Parent And Child Nodes?

Jan 20, 2011

I am working on Treeview control and Gridview Control VB.NET08. In the Treeview i have Parent and Child Nodes. Like:

- 31


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Add Rows Inbetween Rows In Gridview Based On Parent And Child Node

Jan 19, 2011

I am working on Treeview control and Gridview Control VB.NET08. In the Treeview i have Parent and Child Nodes. Like: [Code] Comparing the Parent Node text and first two digits in the Column values. I want to add rows inbetween the gridview rows based on the parent and Child Nodes. If i expand the First Parent Node Called "31" then according to the Number of Child Nodes (for first parent node(31) there are 5 child nodes.) add rows in the gridview.

These New rows should be add under the 31-xxxx. If i expand the 32 Parent Node based on number of Child Nodes, add rows under the 32-xxxx. [Code] I am getting the rows in the end of the Gridrow not in the Specific row.

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VS 2008 (DataGridView) :: Delete Successful Inserts Of Rows And Move Rows Up?

Jul 30, 2010

How would i delete only the successful inserted rows for insert and then move the non successful rows up and allow the user to correct the data and get it ready for an insert. If i dont delete the successful rows then i will have multiple inserts of the same dataRow and we dont want that! AND if i dont move the data up then it will have blank rows uptop and will end the try and not insert the corrected data. You can better see what logic i am trying to perform at the bottom of my code, right after I insert into the database. Here is my code.

Private Sub btnLaserGenerateTicket_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLaserGenerateTicket.Click
'Function declarations


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VS 2008 - Lock Grid Rows To The Number Of Rows In The Data Table?

Jul 27, 2010

when populating a data grid i keep getting a redundant row in the bottom. is there a way to lock grid rows to the number of rows in the data table?

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VS 2010 : Combine Similar Rows In A Datatable (the Rows Only Differ By One Column)?

May 8, 2012

I have three sub tables that I want to process. For each I want to combine the rows, as they are only different by contents in the second column(I want to do the same to the fourth column, later):

'Sub table 1
xx|C201 |02300877 |Samsung |....
xx|C201 |02300877 |Toshiba |....
xx|C213 |02300877 |Samsung


p.s. For the fourth column, Manufacturer information , I want to do the same and I'd probably get something like this for the final table:

xx| C201,C213,C606,C619 |02300877 | Samsung
xx| C201,C213,C606,C619 |02300877 | Toshiba
xx| C303, C305,C712 |02301163
xx| C207, C209, C708 |02301165

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Find The Number Of Expanded / Collapsed Master Rows And Grouped Rows In A DevExpress GridView?

Jan 18, 2012

I am currently using DevExpress 10.2 within Visual Studio 2010. In a previous question I was trying to print the current user view of a DevExpress GridControl with the user's choice of expanded or collapsed master rows and/or group sections. I was told this was not possible at this time. I have now decided to use the following code:


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.net (DataGridView) - Delete Successful Inserts Of Rows And Move Rows Up?

Jul 30, 2010

How would i delete only the successful inserted rows for insert and then move the non successful rows up and allow the user to correct the data and get it ready for an insert. If i dont delete the successful rows then i will have multiple inserts of the same dataRow and we dont want that! :) AND if i dont move the data up then it will have blank rows uptop and will end the try and not insert the corrected data. Here is my code.


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Accessing Specific Rows And Information From The Rows Using VB In An Access DB

Mar 23, 2010

Public Shared Function isMatch(ByVal username As String) As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To table.length - 1
Dim cellValue As String = table.getRow(i).getCell("Alias")


I have the code listed above as a translation from a Java snippet. The problem i have is that in Java, my table was stored as a dataset and as such, the methods were easily identifiable by "getRow" and getCell" using specific numbers and column names. However in VB the information is stored in an MS Access database (which i already have an open connection to, called: "_SalesPerformance_AnalyticsToolDatabaseDataSet12") and as such i do not know the correct way in which to iterate through each row in the database, checking a specific column against an already specified variable and then returning an integer based upon the value of a seperate column in the same row.

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Error - Rows Cannot Be Programmatically Added To The DataGridView's Rows

Feb 7, 2012

'Invoice Form
Dim daInvoice As New OleDbDataAdapter()
Dim dsInvoice As New DataSet()
Dim MyDataTable As DataTable



Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound.

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Remove Keywords From Excel Rows, But Not Delete Rows?

May 5, 2009

I have an Excel sheet that looks like this.

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Rows Cannot Be Programmatically Added To The DataGridView's Rows Collection

Sep 2, 2010

how to add Rows programmatically to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound? here is my code but i got error as "Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound? "


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Add Rows To A DataTable Without Losing The Previous Rows?

Apr 14, 2012

Dim _tableBackLogs As System.Data.DataTable
Do While i - 2 > 0
_tableBackLogs = Global.DataAccess.GetDataTable("SELECT SubjectID,SubjectName,Grade FROM SubjectPI WHERE RegNo='" & CInt(HttpContext.Current.Session("userName")) & "' AND Status='Fail' AND Semester='" & i - 2 & "'")
i = i - 2

Doing this replaces the previous data in the DataTable. I want to retain the previous data i.e i want the new rows to be added to the DataTable w/o replacing the previous rows.

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Won't See All The 01-01-2009 Rows Listed First Followed By The 01-01-2010 Rows?

Nov 2, 2009

My DataGridView sorts by date. For grins I entered the date 11-02-2010 fully expecting it to be at the bottom of the list, not listed right after the last 11-02-2009 row and before the first 11-03-2009 row.How do I handle this so that come January 1, I won't see all the 01-01-2009 rows listed first followed by the 01-01-2010 rows then the 01-02-2009 rows, etc?


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VS 2010 - "Rows Cannot Be Programmatically Added To The DataGridView's Rows Collection When The Control Is Data-bound"

Sep 1, 2011

Can anyone tell me why "Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound." I keep getting an error "Invalid Operation Exception was Unhandled" error. All I am attempting to do is allow the user to select products from a list(or a second datagridview) and have it added to the datagridview so they do not have to type in every cell since the other cells are not visible because they do not purtain to their needs. Plus they will be able to save all items at the same time.


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VS 2008 Get An Array Of Rows Or Rows Indexes In Which Boolean Column "Aktywny" Is Set To True?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a datagridview, and I want to get an array of rows, or rows indexes in which boolean column "Aktywny" is set to True.Obviously I can Do it using loop, but LINQ will be much faster for sure...

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VS 2010 - Datagridview - Rows Cannot Be Programmatically Added To DataGridView's Rows Collection When Control Is Data-bound

Sep 13, 2011

I have two datagridview's both are databound. First one shows items for sale and the second stores all the items that were sold. I am trying too transfer selected rows from one to the other but no matter what I keep getting told "Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound."

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