Image Magick - Determine If It's Been Installed?

Jun 1, 2010

so my application (Visual Basic 2010) is making use of Image Magick, via the COM object. If the COM is not installed then my application crashes (not surprising). How can I detect if the COM has been installed, so abort and tell the user to install it?

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Image Magick - Error 8004015 When Trying To Using COM Object

Jun 1, 2010

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {5630BE5A-3F5F-4BCA-A511-AD6A6386CAC1} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

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Determine If Acrobat Reader Is Installed On User Computer?

Mar 8, 2009

I am creating a project with VB2008 Express Edition. The end result will be a CD containing tech manuals in pdf format which will be accessed via various buttons on a form. I am going to include Acrobat Reader Redisributable on the CD which the user can install by pressing a button on the form if required. What I want to do is this:- When the user inserts the CD into the PC, the form will load.When the form loads, I want to search the users PC to determine if Acrobat Reader is installed.If the Acrobat Reader program is not found on the system, then display a MessageBox to inform the user to install the reader from the CD.Would this involve searching the users registry? I would need to insert in my Form1_Load sectionTarget systems would be Windows XP/ Vista with programs on the C: drive as default.

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Examine All Installed Services To Determine Logon Type?

Jun 11, 2009

I'm working on a project that requires that I programmatically examine the ServiceAccount of all services installed on a machine (regardless of status) to determine Logon Type which will be used as an indicator of which passwords need to be changed on a machine for maintaining security.

If possible I would like to keep the entire project in VB.Net and Ive been looking through the API to find namespaces that contain classes to allow me to do this. Ive come across System.ServiceProcess which does allow me to get quite a bit of information about services installed, but I cant seem to find a way to get the Logon Type (I would guess that it would be returned as a System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount object).Ive also tried System.Management using ManagementObjectSearcher and ManagementObject, but Im not sure if theres a way to get that information with a WQL statement (I know next to nothing about WQL, unfortunately).

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Image Added To App Not Being Accessed When App Is Installed Via ClickOnce

Apr 11, 2010

I have some jpeg images that are added to my application. The Copy To Output Directory property is set to Copy Always. Running from Visual Studio the images are accessed and if I install the application to a drive on my computer directly the images are accessed but if I publish my application to my web site and install via the publish.htm page then the images are never accessed regardless of what I have the Build Action set to.

If the Build Action is set to Content then it won't even install because I get an error that says the computed hash for the images doesn't match the manifest. I've tried all the different Build Action options without success. For Build Action = None, Compile and Embedded Resource I don't get the error I do for Content but the jpeg images aren't accessed. [code]....

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Determine If Image Is On Screen

May 11, 2010

I am trying to detemine whether an image is currently displayed on the screen or not, even if only in a given location on the screen since I will know the exact pixels it will display it & everything but I am having a hard time trying to determine whether an certain image is there or not.

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Determine An Image's Screen Coordinates?

May 11, 2012

I have an image resembling a chessboard inside a picturebox displayed on the screen at runtime. I am using Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2008. I need to determine when a user clicks on a particular part of the image. I am able to do this without a problem when debugging on my computer, where I can experiment with trial-and-error clicking to get the screen coordinates of the portion of the image of interest. Everything changes, however, when the program is run on a screen with a different resolution and coordinates.

I can easily get the coordinates for the picturebox that contains the image using PointToScreen. However, there seems to be no such property for the image within the picturebox, which is what I need.

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VS 2008 Determine If An Image Is In A Directory Or Not?

Feb 2, 2010

Is this possible ? Im creating a desktop wallpaper changer using a timer to set a delay between images. the images im my directory folder is numbered from 1-15. If you look at the pic below theres an option to select how many images the user wants to display on the slideshow, if a user selects up to 15 thats fine. But what can i do if the user enters a number that exceeds the number of images in the directory.

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Programmatically Determine Background Of Image (logos, Etc) And Make Transparent?

May 20, 2011

I'm attempting to write a solution so that my user's can "watermark" their Images with their Company Logo. I've got the actual watermarking part done and working so now I'm creating the "upload logo" feature so that they can provide me with the Logo they wish to appear watermarked onto their Images.I'm using VB.NET and this will probably end up in a Web Service that accepts the Logo JPG file, and returns the "altered" Logo. What I need to happen in this Web Service is:

1) Gray-scale the image. Which I have working as well, thanks to this article.

2) Make the background transparent (so the logo looks clean when watermarked onto an image). This is where I'm stuck.

I think for the most part, any logos that are uploaded will have a generic white background but I can't assume that. Is there a way to somehow detect the background of an image or the background colors, so that I may make those colors transparent?So basically what I need is just a way to determine the background on an Image or even just the background colors so that I may make them transparent.

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Export An Image Into An Excel File Without Excel Installed?

Oct 7, 2011

I need to export Chart(image) and grid (tabular) row data into excel file. I can not use automation because Office tools are not installed in my server. I've found a bunch of free/proprietary tools like:

ExcelWriter (softartisans)
JetCell (DevTrio)
Aspose.Cells (Aspose)

But I do not know which one is better for my needs. I need to export not only grid row data but also Chart (image), thats why I am thinking about.

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VS 2008 - Choose Data Source - User To Easily Create A Connection To Any Installed Data Types They Have Installed

Jun 1, 2011

I have been trying for days now how to create a process to the user to easily create a connection to any installed data types they have installed. I have found an example right inside vb2008. I never use this because I code my own connections, but this would be real nice if I could include it or duplicate it.

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Determine The Pixel Width And Pixel Height Of The Largest Image?

Jul 4, 2010

How do i determine the pixel width and pixel height of the largest image i can paint onto the graphics object of a printer while inside a printpage event?



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VS 2008 Finding If An Image Control Has An Image Loaded (flashing An Image With A Timer)?

Aug 14, 2011

I'd like to verify if an image control has an image loaded . If it does , I want to unload that image (and load no image) , but if the image control has no image loaded , I want to load an image . Is it possible ?

If ImageMY.Image.Equals(Nothing) Then
ImageMY.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("C:ImageBlaBlaBla.jpg")


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Database Will Not Be Installed

Jun 5, 2011

I have made an application using an access database. When I publish the application the database is set to be included. But when I install the application, the database does not install, then when I start my application I get an error because it cannot find my database.

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.NET Installer To Check If WSE Is Installed

Jul 17, 2009

I have created one setup package using VS 2005 deployment. I need to check wheather Microsoft Webservice 2 is installed or not condition before installing. I have used "Launch Condition" which need Component Id. But i am not able to find to where i can get component id for "Web Services Enhancements 2.0 SP2 for Microsoft .NET".

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.net That Checks For Installed Hotfix?

Feb 1, 2011

I need to check to see if a hot fix is installed on a windows box. from XP - Win7 there is a mix on the network and I am charged with making sure that they are up to date and have all patches.

I need it in a window app so that I can sort the IP's that have them and IP's that dont. and them am going to print the list out.the thing is I am not able to find how to pull the Hotfix'es off of Vista and Win7

I am looking for a Snipit to point me in the right direction.

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Check .Net Framework Installed Or Not?

Apr 19, 2010

i need to create one application to check

1.Windows installer installed or not if not i have to invoke WindowsInstaller MSI

2. .NET Framework installed or not if not i have to invoke .NET Framework MSI

3.then finally i have to invoke one EXE file

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Check If .NET Framework Is Installed?

Mar 3, 2009

Is there a quick code (VB 2005/2008) for checking if Framework is installed on the host system?

So the program you are designing runs and checks for framework.

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Check If J# Framework Installed?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a VB.NET 2008 (FW 3.5) app with J# 2.0 as a prerequisite.For some problems I have to check during runtime if this framework is installed.

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Class Not Registered When Installed On Different PC

Jun 2, 2010

I developed a new complex VB 2008 Windows Forms Application last year. It was developed on a 64 bit PC using the Vista operating system, and developed in Visual Studio 2008 Professional. Active Solution Platform is x86.The application has been installed on XP PC's with no problems for over a year.I made a change to the application. Installed it on the Vista Development PC where it works fine. But,now when I install the application it install with no problems until the user opens the application.[code]

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Detect Installed Paths?

Nov 13, 2010

but i can't complete it if i dont know how to make it auto detecting the pathsexample: i have a combobox and only the text COD 4 MWand i have a textbox so when they select COD 4 MW in the combobox the install path shows in the textbox.

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Detecting If Program Is Installed?

Mar 6, 2012

I currently have a property in my program which returns a true/false depending on if the program is "portable" or not. I need this to know if I should do a certain thing or not.

It checks if it is by checking if the registrykey the installer creates exists, here:

(And under the Wow node if the OS is 64 bit)

The problem is, I am trying to get rid of the need for admin rights, and this is the last function that needs to be fixed. But I don't have a clue on how.
Why I want this property is because then I don't need two separate versions of my program (like a set property in My.Settings which I set before I build).

The only files that differ using the portable vs the installer is one file, but the reason why I don't want to base the result on the existence of that file is because I want to warn the user if it's not there (if the program is not in Portable mode), so he can reinstall the program.

how I can check if the program is installed by an installer, without using admin

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Get Location Where Setup Is Installed?

Jul 28, 2009

I m doing a project merely completed. now while the setup is being installed i need to get the location where the user selected as the target location.

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Getting Location Of Installed Application .net?

Apr 9, 2010

i published an application in the user will be able to install the application anywhere they choose on the computer (or perhaps not anywhere they choose but where ever the default location is). how can i programmatically get the location where the user installed the application? another words i need the application to know where it is running from. how do i detect that?

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How To Check If Particular Program Is Installed

Feb 26, 2009

I'm using VB.Net 2005 Pro and want to be able to check if a particular program is installed. I've seen lots of ideas about checking files in the program files folder or scanning the registry for keywords but none of these seem particularly foolproof. Is there a way to get a definitive answer to if an app is installed?

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How To Fake Amount Of Ram Installed

Jun 30, 2009

Does anyone know of a way to script falsifying the amount of RAM installed on a PC for an install. I have a program that needs to be installed on many systems that all have little RAM. The program requires during the setup that at least 384 MB of RAM be installed. Some of these systems only have 256 so the install fails. I know the easy answer is install more RAM. Ain't going to happen. Company has no budget. The install should be fine I think, but would like to test more. in order to do the testing to see if this would even work though I need to figure out how to have the OS tell the app it has more RAM than it does. I don't know this app but my first guess is the app queries WMI for amount of RAM?? If that's the case is there a way to set that WMI entry to something different until after the app is done? Or if someone knows another way that would be good too?

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How To Know If .net Framework Is Installed On System

May 15, 2009

I want to know if the .net framework is installed on the system if it is not installed on the system then i would like to give a message to the user about it and exit my application. The problem is if the frame work is not installed on the system the application doesn't even starts.

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How To Verify That A Dll Is Installed On A System

Jul 18, 2011

I have a dll installed on my machine and want to find a way to verify this programatically with VB.Net. I have been trying to use LoadLibrary but it always returns a zero. Can someone provide a code snippet of how I might do this?

Also, if there is another way to verify that a dll is installed, without having to supply a full path, please let me know.

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IDE :: Can VS2010 And The CTP Installed On Windows 7

Jul 24, 2009

If not what else is needed.

Is it possible to install it as a virtual application?

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IDE :: Deployment - Is Already Installed From A Different Location?

Apr 19, 2010

After deployment and clicking 'setup.exe' the error message: 'Cannot Start Application - You cannot start application ... from this location because it is already installed from a different location.'details: cannot start it from d:/... (local path) because it is already installed from ... shared directory on different pc.on the shared dir: I tried to install it there some days ago, but cancelled the installation process, because the .net framework wasn't there. So I do not have a clean application that i can uninstall. The shared folder is now deleted, but if I try to deploy locally, the error is thereI installed the app on a third PC in a shared folder and uninstalled it afterwards. I can deploy and start the app on this third PC (but at the moment it is uninstalled there) .What file / entry in a file can I delete that I can install my application locally again (it runs in the debugger of the IDE)?

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