Inheriting From Controls That Use Embedded Resources

Apr 30, 2009

I'm having some trouble trying to inherit a control that uses an embedded resource. The trouble is - this control uses me.GetType() instead of GetType(ControlName). Now when I try to use the derived control, it looks for the resources in the derived control's assembly, instead of the base control assembly, and obviously - doesn't find them.

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Reading From Embedded Resources?

Jun 19, 2010

i have added 3 .png files [done.png, failed.png, busy.png] to my project & changed them to "embedded resource" [from this wht i understand is that they will be integrated within the exe hence eliminating the dependency on the actual location it is stored]

i have 1 picturebox on my form whose image i have to change as per the output of something else

this is wht my code looks like :

If text1.text = "Done" then
picturebox1.image = my.resources.done.png
end if


but it gives me error during run time.. am i using the right code ? or is there an alternate method for this ?

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[RESOLVED] Run Exe As Embedded Resources?

Nov 19, 2011

I am wanting to use a vnc installer as an embedded resource, and if the computer running the program does not have vnc installed then typing in a password will install vnc. I have tried everything I can think of and running the process from my computer works, however when ran on a different computer i get the error "File not Found". I am sure I am not calling the embedded resource correctly. I am using Process.Start(" ightvnc.exe /S")

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How To Access Resources Embedded With Codedom?

Jul 29, 2011

in CodeDom you can add a resource with EmbeddedResources like this:


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Running Program That Embedded Into Resources?

Sep 29, 2009

Is there a way to running program exe that i embeded into my exe program without need to extract it, and run it from shell ?

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Application Crashes When Calling Embedded Resources?

Jul 3, 2009

I'm writing a console application in Visual Basic 2008 Express. I added several text files to my project as resources. Specifically... I went to my project's "Properties" page and selected the "Resources" tab. I clicked the "Add Resource" dropdown and chose "Add New Text File". I entered some simple text and saved the file as "Welcome.txt". I built the entire solution.n my code, I use console.writeline(My.Resources.Welcome) to display the text

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Setting Build Action To Embedded Resources

Mar 20, 2012

I've copied the files albanyc.ttf and MTCORSVA.TTF into 'Resources' and set the 'Build Action' for both to 'Resource'. A label is set to one or other of these fonts dependent upon what is being displayed. This works fine on this PC but when I copy the program to my laptop it seems to me that neither font is used and the same 'other font' is used in stead of either of the ones I want to use. I tried setting the build action to 'Embedded Resource' but that made no difference and I got an error message when I tried 'Compile' (I kinda expected that, but thought it worth a try). Both CP and laptop have the same OS, Win.7 64bit, the only difference is that the PC has Pro. and the laptop Home P.

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VS 2005 Read A File From Embedded Resources?

Mar 13, 2010

I'm having trouble with reading a file from embedded resources.

I'm starting to learn about developing applications for eBay. You can pass queries to eBay in XML format, and receive replies back in the same format.

I have some examples of code to do this. Here's how the sample code loads an xml file, containing the query.

'Get XML Document from Embedded Resources
Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
Dim current_assembly As Assembly


I can't see any difference between the sample and my attempt.

The Assembly Name and Root Namespace in my project are both set to "Sample," just as in the original.

I've tried things like changing the filename and the namespace, but I still can't get it to work.

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Prevent Controls In Groupbox From Inheriting Font And ForeColor?

Apr 5, 2009

In runtime I'm programmatically changing the forecolor to all label and radiobutton controls placed in the groupbox.

The only thing missing is to set the groupbox text/caption forecolor, but as soon as I do so programatically all controls in the groupbox inherits the font type and color making the text hard to read on the Button controls placed within the groupbox.

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Does Making COM Files 'embedded Resources' Improve Performance

Jun 25, 2009

If I took a COM object (specifically Excel 2003 workbook) and made it an embedded resource of my executable, would that improve the notoriously slow .NET-COM interop at all?

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Error On Embedded Resources File Even Though The Data Is Correct

Mar 29, 2012

the story goes something like this:i have embedded resource file, a vbs script.i have an error when i use writeallbytes and it says dimensional error cannot be converted to bytes something like that so i decided to make a module instead of writeallbytes,what my program does is it writes the content of the script to textbox and after that this data will be written in a script and will be save on drive C: as .vbs.that is perfectly working on my codes


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Using Inheritance-Based Controls - Creating As New Classes (not UserControls) Inheriting From An Existing System Control

Oct 15, 2011

I seem to be having a problem with controls that I am creating as new classes (not UserControls) inheriting from an existing system control. Everything seems ok while I create the control code, through to the compile (which is successful and adds the control to the toolbox) and dragging the control from the toolbox to the GUI surface. However, when I then debug or compile the project, I get a message such


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Access Embedded Resources Without The Use Of "My" In .NET?

Jul 29, 2011

I added some resources in my codedom project but I have no Idea how to access the resources? the "My" Keyword is not available and it doesn't work:


How can I access my resources without the using of "My" keyword?

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Programming Resources - Using Stored Procedures Rather Than All The Fancy Data Controls?

Mar 20, 2009

I have downloaded and played with the standard MS Examples in the VS2008 Download pages.They are very good for some areas but a little light in database handling.

1) Search Grid plus the Record Selected Display (this is beyond the scope of MIcrosofts VS2008 Examples)

2) Using plain ADO commands with VS2008 (rather than all the fancy data controls)

3) Using Stored Procedures rather than all the fancy data controls

4) Database Access Examples

My application area of interest is mainly ERP, Accounting and CRM Systems

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Resources On Vb Controls - Use The Actual Vaue That Is Stored In The Checked Listbox

May 15, 2009

I was wondering if anyone had any resources on vb controls, I'm just a beginner so please excuse my little knowledge. I have been having troubles with the checked listbox control, selectedindex is the method for displaying the checked list position yeah? so what is the method that i need to use the actual vaue that is stored in the checked listbox ( the string ) ?

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Unable To Debug Project - Warning    1    Could Not Find Type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time Table'?

Feb 28, 2009

i'm unable to debug my project that i made. i save it and everything, but it just won't playit says Warning 1 Could not find type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time table'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built. C:SchoolIPTTime table, using 2 loopsTime table, using 2 loopsForm1.Designer.vb 123 0 now when i open it up and try to debug it , it comes up with an error, i even try referencing it but it does nothing ,

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Embedded DLL In Another DLL As Embedded Resource?

Mar 13, 2012

I have seen this done in C#, such as here although, I cannot seem to figure out how to do this in VB.NET. For some background, I have created a custom ComboBox control as a .dll, and I need to implement it in another .dll(ArcMap Component)

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Get Name Of Inheriting Class?

Apr 17, 2009

In the below mockup, how do I find out, if I am an instance of FooDAL or WeeDAL from within the method DoMagix()?

Public MustInherit Class DataAccessClass
Public Sub DoMagix()
'** LOOK AT ME!!! **


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.net - Inheriting From List(of T) Class

Apr 27, 2009

I want to implement a priority queue class. When an item is added at a higher priority it is pushed to the front of the queue instead adding to the end of queue. Simple few lines of code


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C# - Inheriting From System.ValueType?

Jan 30, 2012

Am I correct in believing that any object that doesn't inherit from System.ValueType must therefore by definition be a reference type?

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Forms Inheriting From A Class?

Jul 3, 2010

I've created a class called connector. By clicking on project and adding a class.And I want to inherit from that class in the forms But I get this error.

Base class '<baseclassname1>' specified for class '<partialclassname>' cannot be different from the base class '<baseclassname2>' of one of its other partial types`

what do I do?Here's the class named connect.vb:Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient


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Inheriting Classes + Its Constructors?

Nov 2, 2009

i've got a class called prob that inherits system.exception however it seems not to have inherited the constructor

Public Class prob
Inherits System.Exception
public sub stuff


throw new exception("test") 'works Throw New prob("test") 'doesn't work is it possible to inherit the constructor into my class prob as well?

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VS 2005 - Inheriting Forms Within An .exe ?

Apr 1, 2010

I have an .exe project with a form in it that I want to use as a base class for other forms in the project. So I try to add a new inherited form to the project, but it says "Warning: No build assemblies contain components to inherit from. Build the current application, or click Browse and select a previously built assembly from another application". My base class is declared public and my exe has been built. I don't understand. Can you only do form inheritance in a dll?

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VS 2010 Inheriting From ListBox?

Apr 6, 2012

I have a custom control type that inherits from ListBox. It is a list box where you can assign a ContextMenuStrip to each individual item, stored in a Dictionary object. To do this I also had to create a helper class that inherits from ObjectCollection to make sure the owning ListBox gets notified whenever an item is added or removed from the collection, so the corresponding entry in the dictionary can be removed.Now I have a problem that baffles me: Whenever I right click an entry in my EnhancedListBox, I get the following error on the line that has been marked red in the "InvalidArgument=Value of '1' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'."(Of course, the value can be 0 or 2 as well, depending on which item in the list I click.)

I have checked, and there are 3 objects in the collection, in fact the current value of SelectedIndex was 1. The quotes are also misleading, the value I am trying to assign if of type integer, as is the current value of SelectedIndex.


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VS 2010 Inheriting XML Comments

Apr 20, 2010

I have a MustInherit class, let's call it BaseClass, with a bunch of MustOverride ReadOnly properties. The user is supposed to inherit this class and override the properties, returning appropriate values.To help the user decide which property does what, I have included XML comments for each property, so the BaseClass looks like this [code]I now want to enable the user to inherit this class (DerivedClass1) instead, so that he can, for example, override only the Name property, and leave the other properties untouched. This way, he can create a slight modification to one of the default classes, instead of having to rewrite it completely (in reality, there are loads more properties). There are no XML comments, because they are in the BaseClass, and not in the DerivedClass1, which is the class I'm inheriting. In other words: the XML comments are not 'inherited'.Do I really have to copy/paste all the XML comments from the BaseClass and put them in the DerivedClass1 too? Or can I somehow tell the DerivedClass1 to use the XML comments from its base class?

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IIS 7.5 Web Application Inheriting From Parent Web.config

Sep 27, 2010

Well the title says it all im using a 4.0 project.My file structure looks like this [code]Now the WebService seems to get some parts of the web.config from the RootSite, the problem here is <configuration><system.webServer>..So i tryed to place this around that section <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false"> but that had the result of making a httpHandler only to function in the root directory.So is there any solution to this? i don't understand why my webservice's web.config is inheriting from the root's web.config..

View 1 Replies - Inheriting From DataSourceControl Does Not Produce An IDataSource

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to create a custom datasource control.

I have been following this article to the letter (I think...).

I have a skeleton / basic implementation of my datasource, however when I declare it in the markup and try to statically bind it to a gridview, I receive the following error:

The DataSourceID of 'grdVw' must be the ID of a control of type IDataSource

This seems extremely strange to me, since my datasource inherits from DataSourceControl, which in turn implements IDataSource. Even if I explicitly implement IDataSource in my custom datasource, it makes no difference.

My Markup is:

<DataBrokerDataSource ID="objSrcDBroker" runat="server" />
<asp:GridView ID="grdVw" DataSourceID="objSrcDBroker" DataMember="Table0" runat="server">


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Inheriting From A Custom User Control

Oct 28, 2011

I have a component class that inherits a user control class and i'm trying to inherit from that same class in a new class.public class B inherits class Unfortunately, I get an error pointing to the .g.vb file saying:Base class 'System.Windows.Controls.UserControl' specified for class '...' cannot be different from the base class '...' of one of its other partial types When I swap the "Inherits System.Windows.Controls.UserControl" with inherits from the base class in .vb files the program compiles but when I try to access any of the components I get an error saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."Why is it doing this? it's as if the my sub class isn't inheritingUserControl method at all.

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Inheriting Shared Variables/properties?

Nov 29, 2009

basically i was wondering if we could inherit shared variables but restrict its scope to only that of the class itself.

Class A
Public Shared shared_variable as Boolean = true
End Class


when i do this A.shared_variable = False, B's shared_variable also becomes false. how do i stop this?i cannot remove the Shared keyword because shared_variable should be able to be accessed without an instance of the class?

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Superclass Access To Inheriting Class?

Dec 19, 2009

I have 2 business classes, user & salutation and 2 DAL classes of the same name.

The business classes both have properties of the data class E.g.

Public Property Data() As Data.Salutation
Return _Data


To access some data, you would do Business.Salutation.Data.SalutationID

Both busines classes inherit from BaseClass which contains all my database access methods.

Is there a way that I can access the Data property of the inheriting classes from the BaseClass?

I assume I will need to use reflection as the property types will always be different.

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