Insert Into Access Primary Number Key?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a database program, and the first row of the table i'm inserting into is a primary key, just a number that increments by one each row. This is my SQL statement,

SQL = "INSERT INTO Squad VALUES('" & (NUMBER) & "','" & txtfirstname.Text & "','" & txtsurname.Text & "','" & txtdob.Text & "','" & cbxposition.SelectedItem & "','" & lblhiddenid.Text & "')"

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Access - Get Counter (autoincrement Primary Key) During Insert

Mar 2, 2011

MS-Access Database

Table: myTable
Field1: ID (COUNTER, which is autoincrement in Access)

I want to get ID returned, whenever I insert a row. Is there a way? (I am using VB.Net)

EDIT: Solution using SELECT @@IDENTITY

'Execute insert statement and return identity (autoincrement ID field)
Public Function executeInsertGetIdentity(ByVal insertStatement As String) As Integer
' Execute insert


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MS Access Primary Key Keeps Defaulting To 0 Regardless Of The Specified Number In VB?

Apr 29, 2009

I am in the process of creating a system using VB in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. The system which I am creating is connected to an Access database via a tableadapter.Currently, I am coding a form for a table called Employee and this form allows the user to create a new employee, edit or delete an existing employee. Editing and deleting an existing employee works fine but adding a new employee is causing me trouble. When I specify an employeeID (this is the primary key), the declared value is stored appropriately in memory and it also displays in the form, however once I save the new employee to the database, the employeeID always defaults to 0 for some unknown reason. So, the record which I've just entered has a primary key of 0 regardless of what the the primary key should be.

The employeeID is declared as an integer and the value is obtained by getting the employeeID of the last record in the table and adding 1 onto it. I've also tried hard coding the employeeID and a specific number, but this does not make any diffence. I've reused the code from another part of the system which works fine before, but why it suddenly doesn't work is baffling me. The employeeID field in Access is a long integer.


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INSERT INTO Statement With Number In Access Database?

Nov 30, 2011

I have an access database that I am writing a SQL query to insert data from my datagrid into a table that I created.I get an error that I have tracked down to field types that I have created as a DOUBLE. Here is my SQL Query for creating the table -

("CREATE TABLE [SSR Shts_" & FullName & "]([ID] AUTOINCREMENT,[Division] Text(255),[Bid Reference] Text(255)," & _


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Insert/Update/Delete Access With Auto-Number?

Oct 18, 2010

I am having Syntax Error problem with the Insert and Update statement on using VB and Access that is having an AutoNumber that works also as Primary Key, the below is my code for it. I can do the insert if there is no Auto Number but if it does have, my code is not working. For my delete, when i RUN the below code, it wipes out all my my data inside my

Dim strsql2
As String = ("update visa_block set(@utilized, @balance) where @id")


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Refresh Auto-Incrament Primary Key After Insert Using VS2010 With MS Sqlce 3.5?

Mar 23, 2010

I have an issue that I can't seem to tackle. Going on 3 weeks. I have a VB.NET app with an sqlce 3.5 database. I have created several tables in this database. I have attached them to my form using DataSet then BindingSets and so forth. Done this many time before. VS automatically created a TableAdapterManager for me.I was having an issue getting the Refresh of the primary key value of a newly inserted row. Ok, find out that sqlce does not do big transaction, or multiples rows at a time, found Beth Massi's blog on how to work around this:Ok, got it somewhat to work, but I had to take one of the tables out of the tableadaptermanager so I can update it by itself so insted of doing this:



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Get Primary Key Id Number From Table WITHOUT Making A Second Trip?

Jan 18, 2010

How would i get the primary key id number from a Table WITHOUT making a second trip to the database in LINQ To SQL?

right now, i submit the data to a table, and make another trip to figure out what id was assigned to the new field (in an auto increment id field). I want to do this in LINQ To SQL and not in Raw SQL (I no longer use Raw SQL).

also, seond part of my question is: i am always careful to know the id of a user thats online because i'd rather call their information in various tables using their id as opposed to using a guid or a username, which are all long strings... i do this because i think that SQL Server doing a numeric compare is much (tentative use of the word 'much') more efficient than doing a username (string) or even a guid (very long string) compare.

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DB/Reporting - SQL Pick A Random Number Of Primary Keys

Oct 28, 2008

anyone know how sql pick a random number of primary keys, I know get max number and call a random number work but what if there a missing numbers like 1,2,4,6,7 so max 5 and random will missing 6 and 7 also there a error if 3 and 5 come up.

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Access Name Space In Primary Project?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a application that has three project in it. Two of the project are DLL with references in the primary project. I have a public Model "RegSaveGet" in the primary project listed below. When I look for the namespace for the module from one of the DLL projects I can not see it. I want to use this module from the two DLL projects. I can only see it from the primary project.


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How To Check If Primary Key Exists In Access DB

Feb 21, 2011

I want to check in an Access Database if a primary key exists using VB.Net & OleDb:
By primary key name
By number of fields as primary keys

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Primary Key Column Value In MS Access Database

Jan 21, 2009

I'm using vb2005express for forms (front-end) and ms access database. I have a form with a master-detail setup. The problem I'm having is that when I set the primary key column to autonumber, I don't get the pk value generated in ms access database into my master datatable in forms when a new record is created. Then I tried setting the AutoIncreament to True in the pk column of the datatable in my dataset (forms). This generates a number in my pk column but its not the number generated in the database (since I think because the pk column is still set to AutoNumber). So I change the field property of my pk to Number in the access database and on my dataset (forms), i still have AutoIncrement to True.

This works okay since what it seems to be doing is getting the max value for the pk column when the datatable is filled upon form load. The problem now is that I normally don't do tableadapter.fill(datatable) at form load since I think there would be a performance issue if record counts around millions. What happens now is that when I create a new record, the pk generated is still 1 which will cause duplicate violation when saving to database. I'm not quite familiar with access features but in oracle, what I do is I create a sequence in database then I create a function that gets the next value of the sequence. Then at form load I set the datatable.column.default_value = get_sequence. How do I do this in ms access?

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Set On / Off Primary Key When Connected To Access Database?

Jul 21, 2009

i am wondering if it is possible to get the source code for the following:

1. use code to set on/off primary key when connected to Access database

2. update a particular data.

for e.g: hostname: AES-19 *use source code to check data in Microsoft Access database
if hostname is new, insert into Access. if hostname already exist, update into Access
*so that i will not have duplicate data in Access.


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Hide Primary Key Fields On Forms Like You Can In Access?

Feb 22, 2011

I have noticed that whilst in the past using MS Access you could have a primary key field on a form and have it not visible. You could still use it for Dlookups etc using the value in the field no problem even though it is not visible. In Vb if i hide a textbox that is bound to a PK field in a datasource and try to use its value in code i get an error. Making the field visible again prevents the error. My goal is to use a PK bound textbox not visible to the user but still read its contents.

Also, what is the equivalent of a simple DLOOKUP in VS2010? EG. You have the PK and want to know, say 3 other pieces of information from the record based upon the PK you have.

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Inserting Data To An Access Database With A Primary Key?

May 21, 2011

I have managed to successfully create a logon page and have created a form to insert data into one of my tables using text boxes and a "Save" button, however the first field in the table is the named "CustomerID" and is set to Autonumber, this is the primary key of the table. If I enter a record into the table in Access it automatically enters the next valid ID however when I can't seem to make this happen when entering data via my VB form!

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Sql - MS-Access: TableAdapter UpdateCommand For Table Without Primary Key?

Mar 15, 2010

What's the syntax for an Update query for a table without a primary key?Disclaimer: Frustratingly, adding a primary key is not an option. My program is a small program in a much larger system with poor data management. My development time does not include rewriting the other software.

Note: The database is Microsoft Access.

Note: Similar to: Excel: TableAdapter UpdateCommand for table without primary key

UPDATE: Am I correct in saying, "If the table in the database has no explicit primary key, then there can be no valid TableAdapter UpdateCommand?"

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LinqToSql Contains On Multi-column Primary Key From In-memory List Containing Primary Keys

Aug 23, 2011

On a client i have an anonymous list containing a multi-column primary key previously selected from the DB.Then i need to select all the records from the DB that equals the primary key list i have stored in the memory.[code]

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Import Row From TABLE1 To TABLE2 Without Primary Keyfield Or Adding Correct Value To Primary Key

Mar 2, 2012

How i can import row from TABLE1 to TABLE2 without primary keyfield or adding correct value to primary key

i tried with two different codes, but result is same, it says: "In the column "Key"a constraint on the uniqueness.[code]...

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Access DB With 3 Columns, ID#(Primary Key), Minutes, And Profit/Loss?

Aug 5, 2008

I have an access DB with 3 columns, ID#(Primary Key), Minutes, and Profit/Loss. I'm using the Total feature in access which adds a Row 'Total' to the bottom and shows the sums. How would I get the sum from the 'Minutes' column, 'Total' row, and get that to show in a text box (txt002004Min) ?

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form13
Dim cn As OleDbConnection


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Auto-Numbering Primary Key In Access 2007 Database?

Aug 3, 2010

When I add a new row to an access database, I would like the primary key to be automatically incremented and entered. I've got this to work using a sql database, but it doesn't work with access for some reason. The following code works if I give the code a value for "@key" which is my primary key column. If I leave it out I get the error "Number of query values and destination fields are not the same". I don't want to have to supply the primary key, I want it to generate automatically.


In the database the primary key is type "AutoNumber". Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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IDE :: Get Primary Key Like Code For .net Form While Access Database Connected To It?

Apr 9, 2010

when i will enter form no. in the text box this should check the on the lost focus event either this form no. is already exsist or not.if exist show msgbox?

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Insert Data From An Access Unbounds Form To An Access Table

Jun 9, 2009

I'm trying to insert data from an Access unbounds form to an Access Table using the follwoing code:

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Cannot Insert New Row To .mdb Access Database, "Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement" Occurs

Feb 20, 2011

here is my code so far:

Public Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click
Dim i As Integer


when i click the button, i get a error message saying "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". as far as i can tell, i have everything i need to insert a new row into the database, and i dont see why this problem is occuring.

item(0) is an autonumber key field, so that should make a new record by itself, and i have declared the input textboxes as the data() array

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Insert A Slash In Between A Number In

Feb 26, 2010

I have a date like this:-20091023 i have to convert it to a suitable format so that i can insert it into the database.For this firstly i have to convert it to 2009/10/23.How can i do this?

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.Net 2010 To Access 2010 DataSet Primary Key?

Jan 17, 2011

I am using Access 2010 and VB in VS2010.I have created a DB and have several tables. 1 table in particular called Employers, has the normal AutoNumber Primary key. Everything in Access runs fine. I used Access to develop a basic model application of the full version I am developing in VS.My VB front end contains a dataset linked to the employers table. I have dragged onto my form the "detail" view of this DataSet, not the DataGridView. The usual controls are in place such as the EmployerBindingSource, EmployerTableAdapter, TableAdapterManager and a EmployerBindingSourceBindingNavigator.On my VB form Scrolling through the record set is fine and all works well.My problem is after I click the "Add" record button on the EmployerBindingSourceBindingNavigator. The form fields go blank as expected awaiting user input. However, the field that is bound to the employer_id field (the Employer table's primary key) shows a value of -1.The insert command works no problem, and having looked at the database the table contains the new record with a correctly incremented PK


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Insert A Negative Number Into A Byte Parameter?

Dec 7, 2010

How can I insert a negative number into a byte parameter?

Something like this:

Dim b As Byte = -111

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Insert Into Statement - Error: Oracle Number Already Exists

Mar 30, 2009

I have the following insert into statement. What I want to do is insert the values to gprdsql.TblOracleNos if TxtOracleNo is not empty, therefore if a user logs on and fill the textbox the values are saved to the table. However, if the oracle number exists in gprdsql.TblOracleNos (i.e, the values ) it should not insert the values, presently it creates the same record again with same values (when the save button is clicked) and this creates duplication. Instead probably bring a pop up message "Oracle number already exists. [Code]

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Large Number Of Records And Manage To Use The INSERT,UPDATE?

May 26, 2010

If you are working on a large record in database. How you manage to use the INSERT,,UPDATE? I mean when selecting a record base on two tables or more and those tables consist of 20 columns it hazard to put all those columns in one query.


How to lessen the code without typing all those queries over and over again ?

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Unable To Insert A Number In To A List Box In The Correct Order?

Jul 8, 2009

Ok here goes my stab in the dark again: I would like to be able to insert a number in to a list box in the correct order, at the moment the number gets put at the end, but the list box starts negative and then gets larger and the values that will be added are within the range already there, My guess would be some sort of sort function?


i have seen addrange as a function. can you also tell me if i am starting to think like a VB ((novice) programmer?

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Wpf - Insert Page Break At Specified Line Number Word?

May 9, 2012

I am trying to build a report from, and here is

Dim oWord As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
Dim oTable As Word.Table


The problem is, if the data in the for each loop extends to next page, I want the entire data in for loop to move to next page. I think of adding a page count integer and verify it with starting and ending to determine and change the page.The problem is I dont know how to insert a page break at a specified line number. page break is Word.WdBreakType.wdPageBreak but how to insert it at a line number?

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Insert Error: Column Name Or Number Of Supplied Values Does Not Match

May 5, 2011

I have a form in an application that I'm building that shows a datagridview with the last field being a checkbox. What I'm attempting to do is if the user clicks on the checkbox and then clicking on "Save Changes" all of the fields on that datagridview row (except the first field) is then saved to a database. I have the following [Code] The error I keep getting is "Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.".

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