Japanese Characters Storing As Question Mark In Sql Server DB?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a SQL Server Db on DiscountASP Server. I have created a Front End in VB.net and trying to insert the values in the Database. Its working great except when i insert some Japanese Characters, the data is stored in the form of Question Marks (???). My Fields in Database are of type nvarchar and before inserting into DB i am not encoding/decoding any strings in VB.net.

how to store Japanese Characters in DB and then Retrieve them in Japanese as well?

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C# - How To Encode Japanese Characters

Jun 28, 2011

I have to develop a program. This is encoding system. I have this Japanese characters that are:

I want to convert this string to encoding like this:


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.NET Localization: Japanese Characters Display As Squares?

Jan 18, 2010

I don't do much .Net programming, but I do have one that I maintain, so the answer to this may be obvious.

Windows 7 Ultimate with All Language Packs Installed
Visual Studio 2008 Winforms VB.Net project.

I'm in the process of localizing this project, and when I'm making the Japanese version of the forms, the characters display as squares, though they render in my browser correctly. I'm guessing that this is because the default font does not have a glyph for those characters.So, my questions:

Are winforms UTF-8, or some other character encoding?

Is there a way to change the character encoding?

Should I change the font for the Japanese forms, or will Windows do it?

What's the general best practice here?

I want to know that I am copying the characters correctly into my forms, and I want to be able to test them.How can I do this?

Arial Unicode MS does have all the glyphs, but I wasn't using it, because it wasn't in the VS2008 list of fonts. I manually edited the font box to use it, but then Visual Studio throws the message, "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted." I'm guessing that's because VS doesn't have permission to access that font for some reason. I go back to the default font, scary error message goes away.

Then, even when using Arial Unicode MS, the text renders as blocks in the forms titles.Same text renders correctly in labels.I think I want to use the default font, and let Windows handle it. I think I've read that everything from XP on will handle it. Windows 2000 won't, which is a shame, but what ever, I don't know what font I should use, and whatever font it is was excluded from VS.I don't know how to add it without getting lots of error messages about protected memory.Now the problem is, resizing the labels in the form, since the translated text is often larger.

Also, I don't have a support team to do this for me, but I could maybe install extra copies of Windows 7, and change to the Japanese language pack and try to run it.But that becomes a major pain.I thought I read that you could change the language while the application is running, but that doesn't seem to be true.MS docs talk about how to do this, but Windows 7 also tells you that you have to log out to change the language.MS Gothic seems to work, and it's part of VS 2008, but the title bar is still squares. That's really odd, since the same glyphs are in the winform.Is that because title bar fonts are set at a system level, and not the application level?

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.net HTML Encoding ISO10646 Characters, Trade Mark, Euro, Etc?

Jun 20, 2011

I am having a constant series of problems with encoding characters for output in an XML file through .NET. I have a feeling that the problem relates to a setting on the Response object being used but I'm unable to get anywhere finding the correct setting. If I do the following:

system.web.httpcontext.current.response.write("€ & ™" & server.HTMLEncode(" € & ™ "))

I get the following output:

€ & ™ € & ™

The question is why are standard ASCII characters encoded, but the extended(?) characters not? Is there some kind of setting I need to give to the server object to tell it to convert characters like Euro/Trade Mark?One of the bullet points of MSDN's HTMLEncode function page states that: Any ASCII code character whose code is greater-than or equal to 0x80 is converted to &#, where is the ASCII character value.

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Storing Text With Special Characters?

Sep 24, 2009

I have a requirement of storing the following lines in a text file using VB.Net

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE scenario SYSTEM "anup.dtd">
I am unable to add the entire line enclosing it between " and ". I have used the


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Storing HTML Plaintext In SQL Server DB?

Jun 12, 2011

Basically I am developing a web crawler so once the html source is converted to plaintext in a textbox, i intent to save it in dB.But the dB seems to be having trouble excepting some characters into the table and throwing up errors like shown below where database 'our' does not exist and it seems to be picking up random db names when i try to save source from different pages.An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll

Additional information: Incorrect syntax near 'll'.Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'our'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.


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C# - Session Is Storing The Values On The Server Not In The Client?

May 17, 2012

I used this way to make my shopping cart system :

Click here to see the example

when I add a product to the shopping cart it adds it very well but the problem is in the session, it stores it in the server not in the client browser.

so if some body visit the website from another computer he can see the added products on his browser while it should be empty.

Is there a way to save it on the client side instead of the server side ??

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Combine These Two Codes For Storing Image In Sql Server?

Apr 24, 2012

Am really crying for getting nothing of my program.This code below stores something which not quite sure if its storing image in database becuase when i go to database, all what i see is null for the column of image while i see other informations such as fname.


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Storing Image In SQL Server 2008 R2 Database

Feb 28, 2012

I am trying to store a .png image inside a database using SQL Server 2008. I have done this just fine using mySQL but for some reason it looks like this when placing it into ms SQL Server:


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C# - Storing Microsoft Word 97 Documents In SQL Server Column?

May 6, 2011

I have this database with a table which has the the following but I have no way to decypher it

0x15234324 , Word.Document.8 ,DOC, 19968, WORD.DOCUMENT.8

The field seems to contain a word document stored in a SQL Server IMAGE column

Has anyone come across this before or a way to extract this data in a readable format?

So far I have tried using PHP to extract the file and write it to a word document but not had much luck.

UPDATE: I now have Visual Studio Express and would like a way to extract this data and save to a word document

UPDATE2: This is what I have in VB sofar

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1


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SQL Server - Storing And Retrieving Session Variables During Login

Feb 20, 2009

Is there a way to set session variables during login that are then available to reports? We have a reporting services server where we move and denormalize data from our transaction system for reporting purposes. In order to allow our users to login with the same user name and password from the transactional system we have set up custom forms authentication and after much trial and error it is finally working. In addition we have the authorization accessing our transactional system so that any changes in user authority is immediately reflected in Reporting Services.

Our problem now is that we would like to add some additional features such as locking down parameters depending on user authority/groups in our transactional system. We have found a way to do it but it's inefficient, basically we have stored procedures that will query our transactional system to check for access. The problem is that these queries will often be run for every report request even though the answer is unlikely to change. It would be nice to have access to session level data that can be set once during log in and then accessed from the reports.

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Storing Oracle TimeStamp Precision 6 In SQL Server DateTime

Apr 20, 2011

I've a scenario where I've to move data from a Oracle Table to a SQL Server table. The column in Oracle is Timestamp(6) 6 being the precision. Now I cannot send the Oracle Data in string format. I pull the data straight from the Oracle Table, so cannot format it on oracle side. What I can do is format the data using VB6.Format to make it suitable for SQL Server DateTime. I'm doing this for Oracle Date to SQL Server Datetime. Can something similar be done for timestamp and Datetime.

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Application With XML Files Run Well On Japanese OS But Cannot On English OS?

Sep 14, 2009

ifference between Japanese operating system and English operating system when launch an application that be created base on .NET 3.5 framework. Develop computer:

Operating system : Windows Vista, Japanese edition
Developing environment :Visual Basic 2008

Run computer:

Operating system : Windows XP SP3, English edition

Both 2 computers are up to .NET 3.5 framework.The application ran well on Japanese edition OS computers but when I tried to launch on English edition OS computer, there was an error described : See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for system.xml.serialization/xmlSerializer: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. --->


I guess this error is result of not able to reading from XML file that includes Japanese words. These words are defined as string.

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Text-to-speech In Japanese And Korean

Jun 12, 2011

i'm working on a system that include an audio annotation for every word. I have no problem when it comes to English Pronunciation of words. I'm using this Sapi code


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IDE :: Developing Application With Japanese Language (or Other Languages)

Jun 29, 2010

i've developed vb.net window application in english language.. its working fine but it has to support japanees language also.. Displaying text, input text every thing should be japanees... so user can select english or japanees, based on that label, input control language has to change..

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Regex - .NET: Manipulating TextBox Input: Dash Every 5 Characters And Removing Special Characters?

Dec 21, 2011

Essentially I am trying to replicate the Windows 7 (In-Windows) activation key TextBox form. The Form where it will auto capitalize letters, remove or deny all non alphanumeric characters except dashes every 5 characters that will be auto-input.I assume this can be done with a fairly complicated replacement Regular Expression but I cannot seem to create one to fit the needs.

This is an Example of what I have right now, but it creates an infinite loop as it removes all characters including dashes, than adds a dash, which changes the text and removes the dash again.


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Remove All Special Characters(except - And /) From A String Including All Cr,lf,crlf, Other Illegal Characters?

Sep 13, 2010

i have been trying to remove special characters. i am not able to remove many crlf in middile of the string.

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Inputting A String Of Keyboard Characters And Outputting The Characters In Reverse?

Aug 3, 2009

I need to create a console program that allows you to enter a string, of which is then outputted in reverse.

Input: Diewas
Output: saweiD

Apparently I need to find out about strings and will also need to use a loop.

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Error When Getting A Substring Of X Characters Out Of A Parent String Of Less Than X Characters?

Feb 23, 2011

Not sure if too many people know this, but the following line will cause an error:

GroupName.Substring(0, 3) = "jt_"

....if the length of GroupName is less than 3 characters. I always thought it would simply return whatever characters in GroupName, but no, it errors. I must be thinking of the old VB6 days.So, I now have to change the code to:

If (GroupName.Length > 2) Then
If (GroupName.Substring(0, 3) = "jt_") Then

Note that the two comparisons need to be on separate lines. If they are on the same line, such as:

If (GroupName.Length > 2) and (GroupName.Substring(0, 3) = "jt_") Then then the code will still fail as the length command is executed at the same time as the substring command- which will cause the error when the GroupName length is less than 3.Just thought that those of us not aware of this should be!

dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf = '/dp.SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/clipboard.swf'

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Replacing Characters In Textbox (including Special Characters)

Aug 5, 2011

I have two textboxes. I type in one of them and the text gets copied in real time into another textbox. There is one catch. I need to replace specific character with something else.

If I enter a quote " in textbox1, it has to be replaced with " in textbox2.

I started with something like the below code, but obviously this does not work (tried different stuff - this is for demonstration only). In the example below 'a' represents " , and 'b' represents "

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyUp
TextBox2.Text = TextBox1.Text


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Shape Of Really Large Characters Such As Numbers And Alphabetic Characters

May 9, 2011

With the shape of really large characters such as numbers and alphabetic characters + others, is there a way to get that shape as a REGION please?Imagine a really fat snake forming the letter S or two rectangles placed together to form a large letter L or a T like the shapes in TETRIS.

1) Does anyone know of anything in VB.Net that can translate such shapes into a System. Drawing.Region or know of a project elsewhere that achieves this please?

2) While I'm on the subject, how would you SCALE UP / DOWN a System.Drawing.Region please? How would you work out the Transform Matrix required please?

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VB Mixing Characters When Change Position Of Two Characters In Word

Aug 27, 2011

I'm making an application that will change position of two characters in Word.


Program works good, it is mixing characters good, but it doesn't write text to the file. It will write text in console, but not in file. Note: Program is working only with words that are divisible by 2, but it's not a problem. Also, it does not return any error message.

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VS 2010 Turn Only Selected Characters Into Password Characters

Feb 20, 2011

I'm making a custom control suited for handling passwords. I have created a control that inherits from a text box and I have implemented a lot of things so far. But what i want to do now is create a system so that when a user types It will display his last character typed for a X amount of time. Is there a way to turn only selected characters into password characters and still be able to get the password text from the Text property ?

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.net - Mark Property As Key In POCO?

Mar 9, 2012

I have a POCO object and I want to mark a property as a key (see TestClass below).I'm getting the following error. 'Key' cannot be used as an attribute because it is not a class. C:UserszzzDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectszzzzzzBOTestClass.vb


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Asp.net - Using Values Within If Conditions In Mark Up

Jun 20, 2012

I want to use a value that is pulled from the SQL within the if statement. Ideally i want to do the equivalent of <% If DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.BookID") == 1 Then%> Is there a way to do this with the correct syntax?

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Keep Getting Numbers Beyond The 2000 Mark?

Nov 16, 2011

The numbers that get displayed are beyond the 2000. How do I write the code to only display numbers up to 2000.

Sub Main()
Dim iNum1 As Integer
Dim iNum2 As Integer


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Mark A Function As Deprecated?

Aug 5, 2009

Is there an ability in VB.NET to deprecate code?I know that in C# there are 'attributes', and tags in java; is there anything similar in VB.NET, other than leaving a 'todo:...?

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Mark For Delition Of A File

Sep 17, 2009

I have a program that takes data from text boxes and exports them to a text file (all of this works). the problem I'm having is how do i mark the file for deletion? I couldn't find a tutorial on it.[code]

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Add Water Mark To A Photo During Uploading In Asp.net?

Mar 1, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Place watermark image on other images (C#, ASP.Net) how to add water mark to a photo during uploading in asp.net ???

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Asp.net - LinkedResource With Question Mark In Path?

Nov 24, 2011

I am trying to create an HTML email with an attached image using asp.net VB.

The trouble I am having is that the image is stored as binary code in a table rather than on the server.

I have the following code:

Dim myHeader As New LinkedResource(Server.MapPath("/Handler.aspx?id=237"), "image/jpeg")

I know it's the question mark in the path that's causing the problem. Does anyone know a way around this??

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