C# - How To Encode Japanese Characters

Jun 28, 2011

I have to develop a program. This is encoding system. I have this Japanese characters that are:

I want to convert this string to encoding like this:


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Encode And Only Encode Html Special Characters In URL?

Mar 1, 2012

Say only &, ?, /,.

I want the rest to remain intact, including chinese or japanese characters. Those can be inserted into get just fine right?

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.NET Localization: Japanese Characters Display As Squares?

Jan 18, 2010

I don't do much .Net programming, but I do have one that I maintain, so the answer to this may be obvious.

Windows 7 Ultimate with All Language Packs Installed
Visual Studio 2008 Winforms VB.Net project.

I'm in the process of localizing this project, and when I'm making the Japanese version of the forms, the characters display as squares, though they render in my browser correctly. I'm guessing that this is because the default font does not have a glyph for those characters.So, my questions:

Are winforms UTF-8, or some other character encoding?

Is there a way to change the character encoding?

Should I change the font for the Japanese forms, or will Windows do it?

What's the general best practice here?

I want to know that I am copying the characters correctly into my forms, and I want to be able to test them.How can I do this?

Arial Unicode MS does have all the glyphs, but I wasn't using it, because it wasn't in the VS2008 list of fonts. I manually edited the font box to use it, but then Visual Studio throws the message, "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted." I'm guessing that's because VS doesn't have permission to access that font for some reason. I go back to the default font, scary error message goes away.

Then, even when using Arial Unicode MS, the text renders as blocks in the forms titles.Same text renders correctly in labels.I think I want to use the default font, and let Windows handle it. I think I've read that everything from XP on will handle it. Windows 2000 won't, which is a shame, but what ever, I don't know what font I should use, and whatever font it is was excluded from VS.I don't know how to add it without getting lots of error messages about protected memory.Now the problem is, resizing the labels in the form, since the translated text is often larger.

Also, I don't have a support team to do this for me, but I could maybe install extra copies of Windows 7, and change to the Japanese language pack and try to run it.But that becomes a major pain.I thought I read that you could change the language while the application is running, but that doesn't seem to be true.MS docs talk about how to do this, but Windows 7 also tells you that you have to log out to change the language.MS Gothic seems to work, and it's part of VS 2008, but the title bar is still squares. That's really odd, since the same glyphs are in the winform.Is that because title bar fonts are set at a system level, and not the application level?

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Japanese Characters Storing As Question Mark In Sql Server DB?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a SQL Server Db on DiscountASP Server. I have created a Front End in VB.net and trying to insert the values in the Database. Its working great except when i insert some Japanese Characters, the data is stored in the form of Question Marks (???). My Fields in Database are of type nvarchar and before inserting into DB i am not encoding/decoding any strings in VB.net.

how to store Japanese Characters in DB and then Retrieve them in Japanese as well?

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Encode/Decode Chinese Characters?

Nov 10, 2011

I have a call to Server.URLEncode(string) from an old asp file that stores user input into a table. In this case it was a string of Chinese charters.

The actual data is :


I rewrote the code to vb.Net and after I get the data from the table, I call

HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlDecode(string) to decode the string, add it existing mark up for an email and send it on its way.

Note that with Visual Studio i can see the HTML markup as it appears in the email, and ALL of the Chinese data is EXACTLY as I would expect it.

When the emial is received i get "???????????" characters where there should be the Chinese characters.

What I do not understand:

What Server.URLEncode actually encodes the data to. It appears to be HEX.

What the array of "?" means in outlook or any other email system that opens it, I assume it means "Hey i cant convert this stuff, so here is a question mark for kicks, good luck."

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.Net Function To Replace/encode&decode HTML Characters In String?

Jul 30, 2010

I have the following code:

Dim lStatementText As String
Dim lStatementString As New System.Text.StringBuilder
lStatementString.Append(" ")


Where Request.ID, Request.Description and also RndRes.Forms.txt_* are all strings. I want to display the string I build up here in a Infragistics FormattedLinkLabel. The problem is that if any of the strigs from the Request class contains a HTML character, the label is not displayed properly and the HTML encoding is broken.I need to find a function that masks the HTML codes.

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Application With XML Files Run Well On Japanese OS But Cannot On English OS?

Sep 14, 2009

ifference between Japanese operating system and English operating system when launch an application that be created base on .NET 3.5 framework. Develop computer:

Operating system : Windows Vista, Japanese edition
Developing environment :Visual Basic 2008

Run computer:

Operating system : Windows XP SP3, English edition

Both 2 computers are up to .NET 3.5 framework.The application ran well on Japanese edition OS computers but when I tried to launch on English edition OS computer, there was an error described : See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for system.xml.serialization/xmlSerializer: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. --->


I guess this error is result of not able to reading from XML file that includes Japanese words. These words are defined as string.

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Text-to-speech In Japanese And Korean

Jun 12, 2011

i'm working on a system that include an audio annotation for every word. I have no problem when it comes to English Pronunciation of words. I'm using this Sapi code


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IDE :: Developing Application With Japanese Language (or Other Languages)

Jun 29, 2010

i've developed vb.net window application in english language.. its working fine but it has to support japanees language also.. Displaying text, input text every thing should be japanees... so user can select english or japanees, based on that label, input control language has to change..

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.net - Encode String To UTF-8?

May 17, 2011

I've made a class to encode a string

Public Class UTF8
Public Shared Function encode(ByVal str As String)
Dim utf8Encoding As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding
Dim encodedString() As Byte
encodedString = utf8Encoding.GetBytes(str)


Return encodedString.ToString() always returns "System.Byte[]". How could I get the real UTF-8 String?

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How In .net We Can Encode String For SQL

Jul 20, 2011

all ` should be replaced with `` right? Well, is there a function built in by vb.net that does that sort of thing already?

That way I do not have to encode it.By the way, I do not access sql database directly. Basically I am creating a text file and that text file contains raw sql statements. Most of the answers deal with accessing sql data directly.

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How To Encode String

Oct 28, 2009

I need to send string over by TCP/IP protocol, but i need to encode it first to Hebrew DOS-862 how do i encode String.

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Percent-encode URL Twice?

Apr 11, 2012

I have been given some instructions to percent encode a URL twice. I know how to percent encode a URL once but how do you do it twice? Surly when it is encoded once, it will be the same when encoded again.

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Encode An Array To JSON?

Feb 23, 2009

I need to pass back a JSON result for a routine I am working with. How can I encode an Array I created to JSON? I am writing this in VB.net

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Encode Numbers In Barcode?

Apr 18, 2012

make a barcode with barcode software. id is it possible to turn numbers into VB.NET applications, cause I'm a vb.net user? And how to do it?

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How To Encode Text File

Jul 12, 2010

How I can encode a text file to ASMO449+?

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Re-encode The Data As ASCII?

Jun 10, 2012

I open the serial port and using a recieved data sub, pull data out of the input buffer.I then place the data on a textbox. Problem is, all I seem to get is "????xx??" of various different lenghts.How can I re-encode the data as ascii?

With SerialPort1

.ParityReplace = &H3B ' replace ";" when parity error occurs
.BaudRate = 9600
.Parity = IO.Ports.Parity.None


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XML Validate / Parse / Encode

Apr 27, 2010

any thought on an efficient way to properly parse and encode xml data created from a client application. the use case is fairly simple. there will be a textbox where a generic xml structure will be presented. the xml will then be modified (in the textbox) by a user.... then, i need to validate the xml and data entered. below is an example of xml that will require processing.


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.NET VB 2010 Express - Cannot Encode URL String?

Jul 5, 2010

How can I encode an URL address?

Do I need to create a function to do that?

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Asp.net - Prevent Html Encode On String?

Nov 7, 2011

How can I prevent an a string variable which contains a few xml tags not to be html encoded in vb.

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Encode And Decode Using The Unicode Language?

Dec 30, 2008

I am trying to encode and decode using the unicode language and I don't know why I am getting these errors.

Public Class Form1
Dim strEncodedBytes As String
Dim chrTestChar As Char
Dim intCharCode As Integer
Dim strCodedMessage As String
Dim strMessage As String


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Forms :: String Encode And Decode?

Sep 25, 2009

I am trying to write a function which has the ability to decode a string from utf8. I am getting the string as a response from a webserver.I am using the following line to do the decoding:

DecodeReply += System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(temparray(i).ToString))


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Know The Encode Type Of .txt File Before Read It

Aug 11, 2011

A few days ago i found how to open a .txt file with by program by double click on Windows Explorer.


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C# - Encode A Datetime In A QueryString And Read It In The Asp:QueryStringParameter?

Mar 17, 2010

How to encode a datetime in a QueryString and read it in the asp:QueryStringParameter

out: (it's a asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl )

String.Format("~/Reports/Logs/Option_History.aspx?OptionID={0}&time={1}", _
id, _

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Convert/encode CP437 To UTF-8 Text In Richtextbox

Feb 15, 2012

converting CP437 [URL] to UTF-8. Its like this online converter.. [URL]

EG: I need this converted to & #9604; with a space because this software converts it already

Look for samples on the internet but cant find any..

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Detect A String's Code Page And Encode It?

Nov 4, 2010

I am trying to detect if a string's encoding if different than cp1251

- usually its koi8-r and if so convert it to cp1251

As I understood it can be done using encoder and unencode?

I tried searching on the subject, and find almost nothing. I am kinda lost.

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Encode A Word Or Boolean To Be Printed In A Record In A Dateview

Aug 13, 2009

The user choosed an item in listbox ok ... the evnt loaded an image ok.... i need to encode that a word or boolean TO BE PRINTED IN A RECORD in a dateview that was created in my prog. the user choosed an item I NEED TO SAVE THIS CHOICE as a data.

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VS 2008 Create An Algorithm And Get It To Encode Text In A Textbox?

Feb 1, 2010

How would I "create" an algorithm and get it to encode text in a textbox?

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Wrote Some Code To Encode Data Using Hashed Technique?

Mar 8, 2010

I wrote some code to encode data using hashed technique,

Dim strPlainText As String = "admin"
Dim hashedbytes As Byte()
Dim encoder As New UTF8Encoding()


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Build An Oscilloscope And Display The Signal As On And Off (square Wave) From The Encode?

Feb 26, 2010

I am trying to build an oscilloscope; I will be using a signal coming from digital encoder going through MAX232 logic level converter to the PC via the serial port 1. The signal from the encoder is 3VDC when it is high and 0VDC when it is low, the encoder resolution is 1024 PPR, the encoder is attached to motor (1800 RPM) so the max resolution is 1843200 pulses per minute or 30720 pulses per second. I would like to make my form display the changing of the input from the serialport1 to graphical display just like the digital oscilloscope. I

I want to be able to display the signal as on and off (square wave) from the encoder and be able to display the signal as speed so when the motor is running at full speed the line be at the top of the graph and when the motor drop to 20% of its full speed the line will drop to 20% and so on.

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