- Using Values Within If Conditions In Mark Up

Jun 20, 2012

I want to use a value that is pulled from the SQL within the if statement. Ideally i want to do the equivalent of <% If DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.BookID") == 1 Then%> Is there a way to do this with the correct syntax?

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Figure Out The RegEx Formula For Finding The Values Within The Tags Of HTML Mark-up?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm in need of some help trying to figure out the RegEx formula for finding the values within the tags of HTML mark-up like this:

<span class=""releaseYear"">1993</span>
<span class=""mpaa"">R</span>
<span class=""average-rating"">2.8</span>
<span class=""rt-fresh-small rt-fresh"" title=""Rotten Tomatoes score"">94%</span>

I only need 1993, R, 2.8 and 94% from that HTML above.

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.net - Mark Property As Key In POCO?

Mar 9, 2012

I have a POCO object and I want to mark a property as a key (see TestClass below).I'm getting the following error. 'Key' cannot be used as an attribute because it is not a class. C:UserszzzDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectszzzzzzBOTestClass.vb


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Keep Getting Numbers Beyond The 2000 Mark?

Nov 16, 2011

The numbers that get displayed are beyond the 2000. How do I write the code to only display numbers up to 2000.

Sub Main()
Dim iNum1 As Integer
Dim iNum2 As Integer


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Mark A Function As Deprecated?

Aug 5, 2009

Is there an ability in VB.NET to deprecate code?I know that in C# there are 'attributes', and tags in java; is there anything similar in VB.NET, other than leaving a 'todo:...?

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Mark For Delition Of A File

Sep 17, 2009

I have a program that takes data from text boxes and exports them to a text file (all of this works). the problem I'm having is how do i mark the file for deletion? I couldn't find a tutorial on it.[code]

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If Else Conditions Won't Work

May 10, 2009

Public Class Inventory_Edit
Private Sub Inventory_Edit_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'CategoryDataSet.Category' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


I added an "edit" icon on my bindingNavigator. When users click on it, a new form will come out and pull out all the data records from the datagridview. Now the strange thing is that when I wanted to edit the data records, when I left the product name blank, I would get an error message saying "Product cannot be blank" - please see above code. But when I left the "Cost Price" blank(same applies to "Sell Price" and "Quantity"), the error message box wouldn't come out, instead, it did not allow me to move on to another textbox, close the form etc until I filled out that textbox with INTEGER. May I know why the error mesagebox would not come out when I entered the wrong datatype?

View 12 Replies

If Statement Where Both Conditions Get Used?

Oct 11, 2011

the testBoolean is set to the value True, but for some reason when debugging, it step through both conditions, so in the end the button1.visble becomes False, but I want it to be set to True.[code]....

View 14 Replies

Using Operational Conditions?

Feb 1, 2011

I am very new to vb, I know there is an error somewhere, I had an assignment which stated that if a number was < 101 or > 500 and the answer is correct the output should be, for example-123, if the answer was wrong then the message output should be wrong number <101>500. Everytime I type in a number(no matter what the number) and click on my check button I get the output message. If at all possible, can you please assist. My professor gave the following example, but I am still not getting it:

Dim strInteger As String = "52.801"
Dim dblNumber As Double
dblNumber = CDbl(strInteger)


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Add Water Mark To A Photo During Uploading In

Mar 1, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Place watermark image on other images (C#, ASP.Net) how to add water mark to a photo during uploading in ???

View 1 Replies - LinkedResource With Question Mark In Path?

Nov 24, 2011

I am trying to create an HTML email with an attached image using VB.

The trouble I am having is that the image is stored as binary code in a table rather than on the server.

I have the following code:

Dim myHeader As New LinkedResource(Server.MapPath("/Handler.aspx?id=237"), "image/jpeg")

I know it's the question mark in the path that's causing the problem. Does anyone know a way around this??

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C# - Mark Non-unique Rows In A DataTable?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a DataTable which I want to check if values in three of the columns are unique. If not, the last column should be filled with the line number of the first appearance of the value-combination.


I solved this by iterating the DataTable with two nested for loops and comparing the values. While this works fine for a small amount of data, it gets pretty slow when the DataTable contains a lot of rows.My question is: What is the best/fastest solution for this problem, regarding that the amount of data can vary between let's say 100 and 20000 rows? Is there a way to do this using LINQ? (I'm not too familiar with it, but I want to learn!)

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C# :: Possible To Mark .net Function With Obsolete Attribute?

Aug 8, 2011

I have created a few WebRequest extension methods that support cancelling. Is it possible to mark related .net framework methods as Obsolete. That will allow other developers to get warning and encourage them to use a new extension methods.

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Forms :: Red Exclamation Mark In DGV Bound To SQL?

May 15, 2011

In my application I have bound a datagridview to a SQL2005 bindingsource.I really had to change a database field (more length allowed) and now de DGV displays red exclamation marks and states: 'Colomn 'password' exceeds the MaxLength limit'. (the 'password'-colomn isn't even displayed, but that's a sidenote).I tried different things but can't get rid of the exclamation marks. how I can manage this. I really don't want to create a new DGV, because there a lot of code and stuff involved.

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How To Place Question Mark Symbol

Sep 26, 2009

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim Response As Integer
' Displays a message box with the yes and no options.
Response = MsgBox("Do you really want to exit?", Buttons:=vbYesNo)
[Code] .....
How do I place that blue question mark symbol next to "Do you really want to exit?"

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Scan Picture For Color And Mark It

Jul 23, 2009

I'm trying to search a picture from a color or a color close to the original color and then mark it in the picture if it is in the picture. How can I do this?

View 13 Replies

VB2008 Find A Mark In An Image?

Jul 14, 2009

Lets say I have opened image on the screen. I want to find coordinates of little object on that picture. I know pixel pattern of that object.


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VS 2008 Show NUD With Inches Mark?

Nov 9, 2010

What would be the easiest way to have a NumericUpDown control showing a double quote " after the value? It's to represent a distance in inches.

From MS Word:

View 10 Replies

Write Quotation Mark Into String?

Mar 10, 2006

I am encountering a problem. I want to write a string into a text file, and string is:


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Combining Two Conditions In One Section?

Jun 21, 2010

How to combine these two conditions in one section
Private Sub DataGridView1_CellValidating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellValidating
'condition 1
' check given value is numeric or charactr type
If e.ColumnIndex = 3 Then
If Not IsNumeric(e.FormattedValue) Then
DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).ErrorText = " must be a numeric value"
[Code] .....
'condition 2
' check given value is greater than 0 or not
If e.ColumnIndex = 3 Then
If (e.FormattedValue.ToString = "0") Then
[Code] .....

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Displaying The .rdlc Conditions?

Jun 6, 2011

I have and existing .rdlc file where I display the grades of each students as well as the general average. I get general average like

=FormatNumber(Switch(Fields!YearLevel.Value="LC7" or
Fields!YearLevel.Value="LC8",(IIF(Fields!SectionName.Value<>"1st Sec A" and
Fields!SectionName.Value<>"2nd Sec A",


I want to display:

"1st Honor" if gen. ave is >=90 but all the subject grades must be >=90 also
"2nd Honor" if gen. ave is >=88 but all the subject grades must be >=88 also
"Third Honor" if gen. ave is >=85 but all the subject grades must be >=85 also

How do I do it?

View 6 Replies

Evaluate 3 Conditions In An If Statement?

Dec 9, 2011

So I am trying to evaluate 3 conditions in an if statement. Its not working how I would assume it should. I basically want to do this:
If PGN = &HEF007E And PGNData(0) = &H58 And (PGNData(1) And &H40) = &H40 Then IgnOn = True Else IgnOn = False

If I write it in that manner it gives inconsistent results. If I workaround by writing it this way it works perfectly:
If PGN = &HEF007E And PGNData(0) = &H58 Then
If (PGNData(1) And &H40) = &H40 Then IgnOn = True Else IgnOn = False

What is the proper way to do this with only one if statement?

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If Stament And Doubles Conditions ?

Jun 8, 2011

Having problem make last if an statement work in the code. the variables in the if statment are doubles but the ide keep telling i need a proceeding if statement. but is already there it is in the last if statement of the code
Public Class Form1

Dim Totals As New List(Of Double)

Private Sub btnclear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Multiple WHERE Conditions SQL Update

Feb 15, 2012

I'm doing a stock Control System as a school Project using An Access 2007 DB and Visual Studio 2010. I'm trying to do an update Query based on two variables entered into comboboxes, I cannot get the VB to accept the conditions for this, Can anyone Help me?[code]I Cannot get the Code to recognise the Last "'", is there a way to do this?

View 7 Replies

Sql Query Not Meeting Conditions?

Jul 28, 2011

The following code is looking for the phone number of contacts in a database when the column "hoohoo" = 15. However it doesnt keep to this condition, but displays all of the numbers. Am i missing a line that tells it to keep to the condition???

Dim SQL As String = "SELECT *, Phone FROM TblContacts WHERE Hoodoo=15"
Dim myOleDbCommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQL, con)


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Treeview Image With Conditions?

Feb 18, 2008

client2 so like this my treeview has be displayed.i can able to display the value in my requirement is i need to keep image for the treeview nodes. for example Group1 - sample1.gif server1 -sample2.gif client1 -sample3.gif so i need to keep images to this nodes at run time and i need to chage the image depeds on my need. for example in some situation i will keep sample2

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Using Multiple Conditions In The Same For Loop?

May 7, 2010

i want to set 2 conditions for a for loop as i want to loop through the same line of code at the same time . here it is as i have it now

it does not work how i want it to as i want both loops to run simuntaneously instead it runs the first loops continuously before the second and way around this?

For Me.i = 0 To maxrows - 1
For Me.h = 1 To maxrows
Me.Controls.Item("TextBox" & Me.h).Text =


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.net - Get Mark Position In Ms Charts On Mouse Click?

Dec 1, 2011

I m making a chart using MS Charts. Now the chart has mark points from where i want to get the coordinates if user clicks on the mark points.

I want interactivity in the chart such that on clicking on the mark points i can retrive the cordinates (x-axis and y-axis) for the mark points.

For example for the graph:-

on clicking on the orange dots or blue dots i want to get the cordinates for that point,

for example the first blue point is (10/11/2011, 49)

View 2 Replies :: Page Reloads Every Time Mark A Checkbox?

Oct 19, 2011

How do I prevent the page from reloading when ever I click on a checkbox?This can be cumbersome when I have hundreds of checkboxes.Below is my code:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then


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C# :: Conditional Logic For Gridview ItemTemplate (using Mark Up Only)?

May 30, 2012

I have a gridview as shown below. When the EmpType is contract the EmpID must be masked as "XXX"; for regular employees, actual EmpID should be shown. Also, when it is masked, I need to add a button control in the EmpID column.I need to do it using mark-up; not using code behind. How can we write the conditional logic for Gridview's ItemTemplate for this logic?Note: .Net 4.0

<asp:GridView ID="Gridview1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="AssociateID" DataField="AssociateID" />


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