JavaScript - How To Resize IFrame On Load In ASPX Page

Feb 8, 2011

In an .aspx page with a VB.NET codebehind I am using an IFRAME which would be created inside the repeater control. Since I want to resize the IFRAME based on the content within the page I have been using the resize function obtained from here on the IFRAME onload as shown below.

<iframe id="IframeSubsectionArea" scrolling="auto" width="100%" onload="resizeIframeToFitContent(this)" runat="server">

However it is throwing an error as the method could not be found in the form. Is there any client side script variant for the onload event?

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IFrame Tag - Auto Resize Depending On Page Size In ASPX Files

Feb 9, 2010

I put in the iframe tag as follows in my .aspx page - Now what code do I put in javascript or to make this auto resizable depending on the size of the page that comes in?

View 1 Replies - Using Javascript On An Aspx Page That Uses A Master Page - Which Contains The Page In A Form?

Aug 7, 2009

I have a master page which contains everything that inherits it within a form. A page inheriting from it needs to run some javascript to act on a text field on a page. However, I can't seem to reference that text field through the javascript, since the form begins on the master page. The following line will come up bogus: document.form1.txtFindUser.value = blah.responseText; This is because form1 is defined on the master page, while txtFindUser is on the current page.

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Javascript - Close Child Aspx Page If Gridview Index Is Changed On Parent Page?

Nov 17, 2011

I have a parent page and child page, both aspx. All is working, but now I would like to close child page, if user leaves child popup page and goes back to parent page and clicks on something else like page index of Gridview. I CANNOT close popup child page if user goes to another app, or some other location, I only want to close if something on parent page is changed.

I have the PageIndexChange Event set up for other purposes, I would just like to add some functionality, perhaps a script manager to close the child popup page if the Gridview index is changed, java or another way which ever works best.I think I might also need to check if the child page is even open.


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Why A Page Load Would Be Called Twice On Page When requesting Aspx page

Jul 3, 2006

Does anyone know why a Page_Load would be called twice on a page when requesting an aspx page?I am using .Net 2.0 with the new .net 1.1 compilation model installed. Whenever I request a page, the Page_Load on the aspx page appears to be called twice, so does the Page_Load on and user controls added to that page.

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Run Javascript Function From Aspx Page?

Jul 1, 2011

I have written some code there are 27 different functions that execute like this..


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JavaScript - Opening New Window To Display Another ASPX Page

Dec 6, 2011

In my code behind, I need to open a little window that displays another aspx page. I have found many ways to do this in JavaScript, but haven't been able to find a way to do it using VB.Net. Looks like you can call in JavaScript. Is there a VB.Net version of this call, or is this something that has to be done client side?

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Register Javascript File To Aspx Page From WebReousrce?

Jul 7, 2010

How do i add my javascript file as an embeded resource to the page after the ajax javascript already on the page? NB want to do this part dynamically to have code wrapped up in usercontrol.

in aspx page: scriptmanager
Code: Assembly: WebResource("Functions.js", "text/javascript")
Code: onPreRender:
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptResource(Me.Page, Me.GetType().BaseType, "Functions.js")

This code successfully adds my javascript code to the page but not after the AJAX javascript and so not all of my functions work correctly.

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Javascript - How To Call The Jquery Function In .aspx Page To Usercontrols Controls In

Jan 27, 2011

i have the following function in default.aspx i have webusercontrol which have 10 checkboxes and 1 button i want when i click on button1 of user control then it can access the function of default.aspx page ...if i dragged the usercontrol to default.aspx


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Javascript - Open New Window Passing The Text And Value Of A Dropdownlist On OnClientClick Of Button In Aspx Page

May 25, 2011

I am making my site compatible to all browsers.For that on one page i am selecting the name from dropdownlist and on click of VIEW(button),i want to open a new window .i also want to send the value and text of ddl on new window. all of this i want to do on onClientClick or onClick of button...

for getting the value i hv tried this code:-

input name="button1" type="button" id="btnview" style="cursor:hand" class="Buttons" title="View" value="View" onclick="alert(document.all('<%=ddlScheme.ClientID%>').value);"


View 1 Replies - Could Not Load Inherited Class For Aspx Page

Feb 29, 2012

When I transfer my project to a server, I now get this error message. What does it mean and how do I fix it?

Server Error in '/HD' Application.

Parser Error

Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'HD._Default'.

Source Error:

Line 1: <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="HD._Default" %>
Line 2:


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How To Redirect To Another .aspx Page On Clicking On A Rectangle On A .aspx Page?

Mar 18, 2011

how to redirect to another .aspx page on clicking on a rectangle on a .aspx page? mention the whole program including headers, preferably in vb

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Javascript On Page Load?

Dec 20, 2011

I have used JavaScript on body onload event I used this code:

function timeMsg()
var t=setTimeout("mywindow()",1000);
function mywindow()


when the page load a pdf file open and also popup window,problem is that when i reresh the page which is callong pdf the popup window dnt open.I want to open every time when page is loaded each time

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Jquery - Colorbox- Get Value From Popup (Child.aspx) Page To The Parent (parent.aspx) Page?

Jun 27, 2012

I have 2 pages. parent.aspx and child.aspx. In parent.aspx, i use colorbox and send some value for the child.aspx to popup.


child.aspx will popup and shows ASPxGridView base on the value passing from parent.aspx. User will select the data from ASPxGridView. the selected data need to send back to the parent page. I code it in child.aspx.vb page.My problem is how can i get the value from child.aspx.vb and pass it to parent.aspx ?

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Hide Div In Aspx Page And Show Div In Aspx.vb Page?

Mar 15, 2012

I have following code in aspx page:

<div id="a" runat="server" style="display:block;">


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Store Multiple Id's From First Aspx Page To Next Aspx Page?

Jun 17, 2010

i have my first aspx page that has data thatthe user fills in. it is in format of textbox's and at the end of it all the user clicks submit and all data goes in the database. In the database each record gets an ID field. Now when the users clicks submit and goes to the next page, i want the ID's (they could be 1 to 1000+) from the DB that he just inserted and have them available on the second page. how can i take all the id's from page 1 to page 2? can i do it in session?

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Javascript - Multiple Page_load When Using Script To Set Src Of Iframe?

Sep 7, 2011

I have a jQuery modal that pops up when a customer clicks on a link on one of my product pages (which is a classic asp store...) This modal contains an Iframe, Within this Iframe sits my .net vb form.

The src= for the Iframe is populated with script when the link is clicked.when the form is loaded within the Iframe I have a SQL insert on page_load..For some reason Im getting 3 inserts into the database instead of the one? when I debug my app locally it works perfectly. Can anyone help? Perhaps somone knows a better way of achieving what im trying to do? I want a sexy modal that pops up with my .net form in it from my classic asp page..


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ASP.Net VB Javascript Function: Calculate Height Of Content Passed To IFrame

Jan 26, 2012

I'm trying to convert an old ASP.Net 1.0 application to ASP.Net 3.5 and am running into trouble with a JavaScript function. The application passes in content into an within a table cell. The function is supposed to calculate the height of the content and size the table cell appropriately.

way of accomplishing this with the

JavaScript function

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function calcHeight() {


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Javascript - Pass Page Or Master Page Object To AJAX Page Method

Oct 5, 2010

I wrote a page Page method in my aspx page. in web service method I need to call FindControl method return textbox and get text box value. But my findControl will take MasterPage object to iterate.

see my code

<script type = "text/javascript">
function ShowCurrentDateTime() {


How to pass Master Page object or Page to Page method?. So I can use in Sared method.

Is there any way I can access Textbox value directly in Page method? I need access couple of controls in Page Method.

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Run JavaScript Function On The Page Onload Event In Content Page Of Master Page?

Nov 4, 2010

HOW TO RUN THE JAVASCRIPT FUNCTION ON PAGE ONLOAD EVENT IN CONTENT PAGE OF MASTER PAGE.? means i have masterpage and the content page of master page namely default.aspx in wanna run javascript function in Default.aspx and i have called the function body onload in master page.when i run my website it shows the error "" Microsoft JScript Runtime Error : Object Expected ""

View 4 Replies - Enable/disable Web Elements Of A Parent Aspx Page From The Child Ascx Page?

Jul 20, 2009

I have an aspx page with three web controls: one to control the List Users page, one to control the Edit Users page, and one to control the Add User page. I have discovered a method for accessing these elements, but it seems to be limited. Here is what I have done:

Protected Sub editUser(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs)
'set selected user from gridview.


This works in most cases. However, I am unable to access the "enabled" attribute of these web controls. Why is this, and how might I access that attribute?

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Check All The Checkboxes On A Webform (aspx) Page, Which Is Inside A Master Page?

Aug 30, 2009

I am trying to check all the checkboxes on a webform (aspx) page, which is inside a master page,depending on the ID of the checkbox. The checkboxes are created dynamically, so I only know the prefix for finding it. So, I need to find these checkboxes by iterating the controls on the page somehow. It's not working out.


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C# - Post XML Data To Aspx Page And Reditect To The Page From Code Behind?

Aug 16, 2011

I need to post some xml data to a different aspx page and redirect to the same page.I tried the following code it does post to the page sucessfully but i need to redirect to the same page with posted data


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Retrieve A Querystring Value From An .aspx Page And Pass It To Ascx Page?

Jul 8, 2011

Is is possible to retrieve the ID value from the Request.QueryString from a aspx file and pass it onto a ascx file in order to successfully update a profile using the retrieved ID?

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.net :: Do Postback Programmatically From Iframe To Parent Page?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a aspx page, in that page i have an Iframe. In the Iframe i do some stuff in code behind and when it is done I would like to do a postback from the aspx. In other words, Is it possible to do a postback programatically from the code behind of the iframe to the parent page?

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Php Invoke A Post From VB Code To An Iframe On A Page?

Jun 16, 2009

I've written the code to post the information to a page, however I don't know how to make the post target the iframe I've placed on the page. (I haven't tested this code so I'm not sure if the post even works)

Dim param1, param2, result, url As String
Dim request As HttpWebRequest
Dim paramStream() As Byte[code].....

That is what I have written to post to the website, however I would like the post to affect an iframe which I have placed on the page. I know when you're writing html you can have a target specified in the form tag

<form target="my_iframe" method="post" action="dosomething.php" />

But I wasn't sure if there is one similar to target that I can specify from VB code.Just a note: I am trying to do a post from a ASP.NET page to a PHP page that is contained in an iframe.

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.net - Passing Variable From .aspx.vb To .aspx Javascript Variable

Jan 11, 2011

How do I pass a variable difined in .aspx.vb to .aspx. I've tried this in the .aspx.vb:


'postcode' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. What am I doing wrong?

View 1 Replies - Pass Value From Javascript To Aspx?

Jan 14, 2012

i had a javascript to detect user broswer width and want to pass the width to aspx.vb.

function chk_width() {
var winW = document.body.offsetWidth;
document.getElementById("hiddenfieldsize").value = winW;
// alert(winW);

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Access The HTML Source Of IFrame Within A Page By Using WebBrowser Control?

Dec 18, 2007

How can I access the HTML source of IFrame within a page by using WebBrowser control?

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Webbrowser Control Documentcomplete Event Not Firing When Iframe Does Not Load?

May 23, 2008

First off I hope I'm in the right forum.I have an application I built with the WebBrowser control in Visual Basic 2005. I am using the DocumentComplete event to track when a page has fully finished loading as some of the webpages I need to work with have frames.

The problem I am having is that when some iframes time out or don't load, the documentcomplete events stop firing. So if my webpage has 2 frames on it, we'd expect 3 documentcomplete events. One for each frame and one for the parent document once the frames have loaded. If say frame 2 does not load properly, the documentcomplete event for the overall document never fires.

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