Php Invoke A Post From VB Code To An Iframe On A Page?

Jun 16, 2009

I've written the code to post the information to a page, however I don't know how to make the post target the iframe I've placed on the page. (I haven't tested this code so I'm not sure if the post even works)

Dim param1, param2, result, url As String
Dim request As HttpWebRequest
Dim paramStream() As Byte[code].....

That is what I have written to post to the website, however I would like the post to affect an iframe which I have placed on the page. I know when you're writing html you can have a target specified in the form tag

<form target="my_iframe" method="post" action="dosomething.php" />

But I wasn't sure if there is one similar to target that I can specify from VB code.Just a note: I am trying to do a post from a ASP.NET page to a PHP page that is contained in an iframe.

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Page Cannot Invoke SOAP POST Method In Middle-tier

Jul 27, 2010

I have a ASP.NET (C#) web page which utilizes a VB class library. The VB library performs a SOAP POST to a remote web service and returns a message. However the VB library keeps running into a "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" However, I've also created a C# test client which consumes the same VB class library and can perform the post just fine! [code]

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C# - Post XML Data To Aspx Page And Reditect To The Page From Code Behind?

Aug 16, 2011

I need to post some xml data to a different aspx page and redirect to the same page.I tried the following code it does post to the page sucessfully but i need to redirect to the same page with posted data


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Create And Post An Html Page From Code Behind In Program?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a NameValueCollection in and I need to be able to iterate through it and create an html form that posts automatically to a 3rd party site.

I have this to go off of as an example, but I am not sure exactly how to do this from code behind and end up with an html page that actually posts.[code]...

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.NET End Invoke / Post Operation Completed

Nov 20, 2009

My question involves async operations in VB .NET. Given the following:


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.net :: Do Postback Programmatically From Iframe To Parent Page?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a aspx page, in that page i have an Iframe. In the Iframe i do some stuff in code behind and when it is done I would like to do a postback from the aspx. In other words, Is it possible to do a postback programatically from the code behind of the iframe to the parent page?

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JavaScript - How To Resize IFrame On Load In ASPX Page

Feb 8, 2011

In an .aspx page with a VB.NET codebehind I am using an IFRAME which would be created inside the repeater control. Since I want to resize the IFRAME based on the content within the page I have been using the resize function obtained from here on the IFRAME onload as shown below.

<iframe id="IframeSubsectionArea" scrolling="auto" width="100%" onload="resizeIframeToFitContent(this)" runat="server">

However it is throwing an error as the method could not be found in the form. Is there any client side script variant for the onload event?

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Access The HTML Source Of IFrame Within A Page By Using WebBrowser Control?

Dec 18, 2007

How can I access the HTML source of IFrame within a page by using WebBrowser control?

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IFrame Tag - Auto Resize Depending On Page Size In ASPX Files

Feb 9, 2010

I put in the iframe tag as follows in my .aspx page - Now what code do I put in javascript or to make this auto resizable depending on the size of the page that comes in?

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Page Should Not Post Back The Whole Page On Submit?

Feb 17, 2012

I have an ASP.NET page with a Submit button. When I click the button my code runs and then the page reload/refresh....the whole page gets posted back.

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C# - Talking To IFrame From ASP.NET Code Behind?

Oct 15, 2010

I found this really cool page that allows you to hook up facebook into your site: See here

<iframe id="MyIframe" src=";layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=true&amp;width=100&amp;action=recommend&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:100px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

I want to be able to call this iframe in my page (I am using ASP.NET) and I want to be able to set the visibilty based on a variable and most important I want to be able to change the src of the iframe based on a string that is build up by variables to change the "" to another URL based on the location of the page.

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Insert A PICTURE Into A Forum Post - Inserting Code Into A Forum Post?

Nov 25, 2008

<edit on 10th March 2010.>

Changed thread type to QUESTION. I was then able to mark AS ANSWER the relevent post which now also immediately follows this post and so it is easier to find as suggested by forum user j2associates .

<edit> It is also my 3rd post in this thread, the 8th one up, of my posts, from the bottom ( for now ), as the forum format has changed yet again.I will leave the rest of this post( as is ) purely for historical reasons. I have been on these forums long enough to see 3 forum changes. <edit> 19th May, 2010> Link added to a video on the next line of text.


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Multithreading - Me.Invoke Doesn't "Invoke" - Threads Stall On Invoke Statement

Mar 16, 2010

I've got the following code:


The problem is that, when I call the "SetStatusBarText" sub from another thread, InvokeRequired is True (as it should be), but then my threads stall on the Me.Invoke statement - pausing execution shows them all just sitting there, not actually invoking anything.

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Send POST To A .PHP Page?

Feb 18, 2010

How would I go about sending POST data to a PHP page? For, example, if I used this as a PHP page.

$User = $_POST['User'];


And, a form with a TextBox, and a Button, how would I go about sending the contents of the TextBox to the PHP using a HTTPWebRequest? I don't need to receive any data back, just send it.

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.net - Post-Redirect-Get (PRG) Summary Page On Submit?

Mar 19, 2012

So I read up on this method called PRG as a way of addressing the form double-submit issue. However, I have yet to find a descent implementation of the Summary Page / Success Message displayed to the user. The only way I can think of is storing a session variable, but I don't want it to persist on multiple refreshes. It should show the message/summary once, and be done. Furthermore, it would be ideal if the user could not return to the previously submitted page.


The question is, how to display this message on the redirect which directly results from the submit, and preferably not for any further refreshes? Or just simply display the message regardless of refreshes,whatever is easiest and makes the most sense.

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Make An Application That Post Data To A Joomla Login Page?

Oct 17, 2009

i am trying to make an application that post data to a joomla login page but the only thing i get back is cookies is not enabled.

Function GetPage(ByVal Url As String) As String
Dim CookieJar As New Net.CookieContainer
Dim enc As Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252)
Dim Data As Byte() = Nothing


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Submit A POST Form And Retrieve Result Page In A String?

May 30, 2011

I am trying to create a program that is able to submit post data for the page [URL] where it submits the request fields and then the resulting page is receiving in a string.

View 2 Replies - Accessing POST Data From ASCX User Control On Parent Page?

Nov 1, 2011

I have an ASP.NET page (WebForm) on which I set the content of a central DIV by dynamically loading one of five user controls during Page_Load, dependant on the stage of the application.

One of the user controls contains radio buttons and a text box together with a submit button. What I want to do is process that information when the form is posted using the submit button.

I could do this with an AJAX call using jQuery, but I don't really want to do that, so I'm trying to access the form data on postback, but on page load following the postback the data is not present in the Request.Form object.

Looking at what I need to do it seems pretty simple and I'm sure is once you've got your head around it, but I can't find out how to carry this out. Some of the things I have read refer to event bubbling, but that doesn't make too much sense in this scenario.

EDIT: To clarify, I want to post the page back to itself to capture the values from the form elements via the Request object, store them in the database, and then display a confirmation message (or something else) on postback, and not re-display the same control again. So I won't be loading the same user control again.

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.net - P/Invoke BSTR From Unmanaged Code?

May 23, 2011

What should be the VB signature for the unmanaged function void PopulateBSTR(BSTR outstring)?The function PopulateBSTR does a SysAllocString and populates the string. Note the unmanagaed signature has the argument BSTR and not BSTR*. I can marshal the BSTR string using IntPtr signature when the C++ signature has BSTR* as the argument.

(The unmanaged code is an external dll which I cannot modify but I need to use.)

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C# - Organizing .NET P/Invoke Code To Win32 APIs?

Mar 12, 2010

I am refactoring a large and complicated code base in .NET that makes heavy use of P/Invoke to Win32 APIs. The structure of the project is not the greatest and I am finding DllImport statements all over the place, very often duplicated for the same function, and also declared in a variety of ways:The import directives and methods are sometimes declared as public, sometimes private, sometimes as static and sometimes as instance methods. My worry is that refactoring may have unintended consequences but this might be unavoidable.

My instict is to organize a static/shared Win32 P/Invoke API class that lists all of these methods and associated constants in one file... EDIT There are over 70 imports to the user32 DLL.(The code base is made up of over 20 projects with a lot of windows message passing and cross-thread calls. It's also a VB.NET project upgraded from VB6 if that makes a difference.)

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Invoke A "link Address" Without Actually Being Redirected To That Page?

Feb 10, 2010

invoke a "link address" without actually being redirected to that page?

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Insert DD Code Into A POST Url?

Mar 15, 2012

is there any way i can do this? As normally you can use a BB code on the post. But when using POST string it says error. i'm not sure if its because of the characters in the URL which are giving it an error but i've added in front of " etc [URL ="http://url"]LINK[/URL] is the BB Code, how can i make this work please? as i'm currently using this in a text box then postings it.

ive tryed

[URL =""http://url""]LINK[/URL]
[URL ="http://url"]LINK[/URL]

*Had to add space before "="

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Post Your Query Code?

Aug 15, 2011

How to code "post your query" functionality in for a college forum??

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Code For Page By Page Browsing Of Data From The Database To Datagrid?

Mar 13, 2009

I am creating a notes software. This is just a simple application that will show the data from the database which are Notes_Title, Due_Date, Priority. I display the data with datagridview. I also added a checkbox for each row to the datagridview to mark as check if the Notes_title is already done. In displaying the data, I need to display only a 5 data in a row.So, I create a another CLASS that will only show 5 rows per page. But the PROBLEM is, if I mark the checkbox as check in the first page then if I turn it to the next page the checkbox in the first page that mark as check will be uncheck if I turn it back to the first page. The mark check in the checkbox will mark as uncheck if I turn the page. How can I make it mark as check even if I turn the pages? And How can I save the data row as done if I check


View 2 Replies Mvc - Post Code Being Triggered On JQuery Load?

Jan 13, 2010

I have the following functions in my ProceduresControlller:

Function Add(ByVal bpid As Integer) As ActionResult
Return View(GetAvailableProcedures(bpid))
End Function[code].....

I'm loading the Add dialog via jQuery like so:

{ bpid: 123 }[code]....

This is failing because it's calling the Post method (where "covered" can't be empty) instead of the Get. I tried decorating the Get with <AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)>, but it doesn't change the do I get it to use the Get? I realize I could change the names to not be ambiguous, but I want to know why it won't pick the Get if I'm only passing "bpid".

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VS 2008 FilesystemWatcher - Treeview.invoke - Error "invoke Or Begininvoke Cannot Be Called On A Control Until The Window Handle Has Been Created"

Aug 27, 2010

I have a filesystewatcher object. On it`s event it runs a procedure which fills a treeview with a data. I had problems with treeview methods, but when I run them using invoke method everything is ok. But I still have one problem. When I load the form for the first time, everything works fine. But, when I then close the form (me.dispose, me.close), and load it once again, when Filesystemwathcer start the procedure i have an exception "invoke or begininvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created" trying to run a treeview.invoke method?

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Code Only Prints One Page Of A Three Page Document

Jul 27, 2010

This code was intended to split a long text file into pages based on the calculations of lines_per_page.The code only prints one page of a three page document.But a very strange thing happens if I click print a second time the message box which shows "Document 1 Page X of XX goes crazy up to 100 pages until I click cancel.The code compiles fine, just doesn't function as intended. [code]

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Scroll An ASP.NET Page Under Control Of The Code-behind Page?

Jun 3, 2009

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 page with some AJAX, some Validators and some business-rule validation done in the code-behind page (VB.NET).

The Validators set focus to the 'offending' control when an error is detected.

When a business rule is violated, I used the following code to generate some javascript "on the fly" and execute it to simulate the Winforms "MessageBox.Show" functionality:

Sub DisplayMessages()
Dim lblError As New Label
lblError.Text = "<script language='javascript'>" & Environment.NewLine & "window.alert('"


At the end of the "btnSave.Click" code, if everything went ok, calling that subroutine.

What I get is the page scrolling to the top and then back to where it was when the Save button was clicked.

For various reasons, 'MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="True"' is in the Page directives at the top of the .aspx code. What I'd really like is to make that FALSE for just a moment so that the page resets at the top - again, only if everything is ok and only for this button (there are other buttons on the page that require the page to keep it's scroll position).

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FAQ: What Is Platform Invoke Service (P/Invoke)

Apr 10, 2009

What is Platform Invoke Service (P/Invoke)?

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Invoke UI From Separate Thread Does Not Invoke

Oct 13, 2010

We have a UI with a progressbar. I know how to invoke, safely, the control from which it was not created from a thread. there are threads being processed in a threadpool, all of which calls an "agent" (which is a notifier to raise an event back to the UI to then increase the progressbar). an "agent" is set as a property in a State object, which is then passed into a method which will be executed on the ThreadPool. so, I invoke on the UI the method to update the progressbar, but the bar does not seem to update at all (screen frozen) and it takes a very very long time for it to execute. without threading, no problem.


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