Large Font Settings - Some Button's Text Changes Size And Some Don't

Dec 16, 2009

Within our application, some of the object's text are effected by users with "Large font" turned on under Control Panel>>Graphic Properties. I can't determine what is the trigger to this behavior. I have many forms including TableLayoutPanels, ComponentOne Sizers, some objects with DOCK=Fill, and AUTOSIZE=TRUE. I wrote a simple Hello World form, and it is not impacted by the "large font" setting.

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IDE :: Font Dynamically Change Size To Be As Large As Possible Without Overflowing The Fixed Label Size

May 3, 2009

I have a label which appears full screen on a projector (VGA 2). In this label I will be sending strings. Some one liner's, some wrapped paragraphs. Some multi-line with carrage returns. My goal is to have the font dynamically change size to be as large as possible without overflowing the fixed label size.

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Forms :: My.settings Save Only Font Name Not Size?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a question how can I save in My.Settings only the font name and not the size.I have a form where I can change the font for a label on another form. This works perfect.I can even save it in my.settings.

The thing is though, that on that other form I have 2 labels, thet should have the same font name, but the size should be different. (label1 has font size = 40 (can be changed) and label2 should have a fixed font size (should not be changed)).I tried to use label2.font.size = "14", but font.size is readonly.

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Change Font/text Size Of Every "label,button,groupbox" Ect. Globally?

Nov 26, 2011

I have a checkbox in my options form to change every every font size in the form to something like "20" when it's checked. is there a way to globally change the font size of everything when the checkboxes checkstate becomes checked.

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VS 2008 - How To Display Colored Text With Large Font In ListBox

May 14, 2009

I am trying to put colored text into a list box. I use the following

Private Sub ListBox1_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DrawItem
Dim myBrush As Brush = Brushes.Blue
Select Case e.Index
[Code] .....

This works fine and dandy as long as I use 8 pt font, but when I change the font to 20 I get the following: How can I get the list box to display colored text in a large font?

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Change Font Size For Label According To Text

Jul 27, 2009

I had an old program that I upgraded from VB6 to VB 2008. I am creating a program similar to it in VB 2008. There is a piece of code that I tried to enter into the program I am creating now from my old program. It tells the computer that if the label's text is a certain text that is on the clipboard, then the text size will be smaller.

LabelAbsent.Text = My.Computer.Clipboard.GetText Then
Label104.Font = VB6.FontChangeSize(Label10.Font, 8)

When I insert this code into my new program, it doesn't recognize the "VB6" in the code.
How can I get the same result in the program I am currently creating?

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Let The User To Edit The Color, Font And The Size Of The Text ?

Jul 10, 2010

i want to put text pox , with Availability to allow to user to change the the color , font and the size of text ( that insert by user ) .

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Rich Text Formatting - Setting Font Size

Jul 1, 2010

I have created an instance of a Rich Text Box:

Dim RichText As New RichTextBox()
I was able to write to it using:

I was able to save the document to a file:


What I cannot find is how to set the font, and font size. IntelliSense doesn't help. Everything is "read only", meaning retrieve a current value.

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VS 2008 Font Size And Text Return To Default?

Nov 26, 2009

So i have this code that changes the size and the font of the text but my problem is that how can i make the font and the size of the font to return back to default after it runs this code.

ListView1.Items.Add("Found Files In C: ")

My code

Dim Font As Font
Font = ListView1.Font
ListView1.Font = New Font(Font.Name, 32, FontStyle.Bold)


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How To Search For Texts With A Specific Font Size In Rich Text Box

Dec 24, 2010

How do I search for the words with the same font size (e.g. 15) in a rich text box and put the words into a list box? For example, consider a dictionary whose word entries are of size 15 and the rests are of 12. So how do I put all word entries into a list box and then the description (of size 12) in another list box. I am using visual basic 2010. I've tried regex but couldn't find a way of specifying the font size.Consider the bold letters of size 15 and the rests of 12.[code](physics) hypothetical truly fundamental particle in mesons and baryons; there are supposed to be six flavors of quarks (and their antiquarks), which come in pairs; each has an electric charge of +2/3 or -1/3

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Cannot Change Font Size, Font Name And Color In Dhtml Editing Control?

Aug 25, 2010

I can't change change the font size or font name or color of the text in the DHTML Editing Control. I have 2 listbox controls FontNameList containing all of the installed fonts on my PC and FontSizeList containing some numbers to be used as fontsize and I use the execommand and build my App but the font did not change instead it grew bigger but when I tryed to change it back it stayed the same. The Code for that was:

Design.ExecCommand(5044, False, Font.Name)

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VS 2010 Combo Boxes Text Hilighted On Form Font Size Change

Jun 17, 2012

In VB10/win forms project, when I change the forms font size the form and all the controls on the form get larger or smaller, OK great! The problem is the combo boxes then appear with their text highlighted. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong, simple example..


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Excel 2007 - Code To Enlarge Font Size, Font Name And Do Page Setup In Ms.excell?

Jun 2, 2011

I am creating an excel report from Now it works. But i realize that the apparent does not make sense. I just want enlarge some font size and change font name plus setting up the page to fit my receipt printer (Epson TM-T88IV).

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Setting The Font Style And Font Size Of My Textbox

Feb 2, 2009

how will I set the font style and font size of my textbox in a programmatic way? Also, if possible, a code that displays the different font style on a combo box.

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Font Size / Type And Size In Paper RDLC + ReportViewver + VB2005

Apr 15, 2009

Whats the font size real meaning? since when i use Arial font size 10 in the report its gonna take different space than the textbox im using (Both using exactly same font type/size/unit) its kinda if i set 10 milimiters to the font size why would the i and M for example have so diferent size.

i wish it was like in the Notepad where all the letters take the same space. what i need its to give a certain texbox(in the report) with auto grow to have always the same lines of height but its not posible to calculate it from vb b4 being inputed to the report.

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Change Font Size Without Creating A New Font?

May 28, 2009

Is it possible to change the size of a font in .net winforms without having to create a new Font with the new size?

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Can Auto-size Font Size Follow By Length Of String

Jul 4, 2010

I had set a print format to print some word in a Text box, when I input the text in text box is an normal size from system,but I want it print out to printer follow the Rectangle size that is was set to print out on paper.actuary i want it can auto size the font size follow by the length of string.

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Changing Font Size & Bold - Get Property 'Size' Is Read Only?

Feb 27, 2009

I'm new to VB in Visual Studio 2008 and am just trying out some simple test.I just want to change the Font & Boldness of some text but get the following errorProperty 'Size' is Read onlyI have been browsing the forums and it seems that changing the font size etc isn't as simple as

TextBox.Font.Size = 12
TextBox.Font.Bold = True

Is this true, and if so what do I need to do

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Change Font Size Based On Form Size?

Jun 23, 2011

Okay here's what I'm trying to do. I want to change the font size of a label based on the size of the form.If the form size is 0 through let's say 500 I want the label size to be 50. How can I write this?

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Convert Font Size To Control Size?

Aug 10, 2010

I'm writing a couple of custom controls in VB.Net 3.5, in VS2008, and would like to resize the font size based on the height of the control, and vice-versa. Is there any way of converting a font of say 38.25pts into a me.height, or the other way round?

I realise the font width will change dependent on the font used (which isn't an issue for my purposes), but as far as I know, the font height is usually consistent Accessibility/Large font settings won't be an issue with this application.

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Making Font Bold Using Button Controls In A Rich Text Box

Aug 6, 2011

How can i make the Font Bold in a RTB using buttons?

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VS 2010 Button To Toggle Between Bold/regular Font In A Rich Text Box

Oct 1, 2011

I have a rich text box ('RichTextBox1') and a button ('BoldButton'), and have it set up so that whenever the user highlights some text in the box and clicks the bold button, that text becomes bold. That much I've figured out...

Public Class Form1
Private Sub BoldButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BoldButton.Click
Dim Bold As New Font(RichTextBox1.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = Bold
End Sub
End Class

But I'd also like to add the ability that if the user highlights text that is already bolded, then clicks the bold button, that text will go back to 'regular' font. In other words, I'd like the 'bold' button to be able to toggle between bold and regular font.

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Detect If The User's Font (DPI) Is Set To Small, Large, Or Something Else?

May 21, 2011

I need to find out if the user's screen is set to normal 96 dpi (small size), large 120 dpi fonts, or something else. How do I do that in VB.NET (preferred) or C#?

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VS 2005 Make Extra Large Font?

Apr 16, 2010

why the buttons in an application I developed, shifts from its original position whenever the font size of the Windows is changed to Extra Large (Properties > Appearance > (Font Size=Extra Large).

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Change Controls Size And Location Based On The Change Of Font Size?

Jun 14, 2010

I have the Context Menu Options like ( Small Font , Large Font ) based on the selection I want to change the size of the Font in the Controls,Control's Size & location(x,y,height,width). The resize of the controls should not affect the look and feel of the forms.

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Multiple Check Boxes - Cannot Get The Bold And Large Font To Work At The Same Time?

Oct 31, 2011

I have 3 check boxes on a form and am trying to code them to change the font in combinations of Large Font,Bold Font, and underline font.I coded the bold font check box and large font check box but cannot get the Bold and large font to work at the same time.

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Compare 2 Large Size Xml Files?

Jan 29, 2010

I have created an windows application. In the application i have 2 xml files (e.g., Pre.xml & Post.xml) & the 2 files are same structure.

My requirement is compare the pre & post xml files and get the differences between xml files. Like what are all the newly added nodes, removed nodes and modified nodes as well.

I tried with XmlDiffPatch.Dll, it is working for small size xml files, but in my case xml file size should be upto 100+ mb.

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How To Write Large Size Of Files

Apr 13, 2009

I am using this code to write files

Dim ObjWS As New localhost.Service
'ObjWS.AssigningDataToTemplate(1550, arrValues)


Here i got proble to send a large size of file like 500 mb file etc

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Load Large Size XML Into DataSet

Oct 30, 2010

I want to load minimum 150MB of XML into dataset,

simple way of doing that is

XmlDataDocument xmlDatadoc = new XmlDataDocument();

But i feel on Lagre size message this code make some performance issue.

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Load Large Size XML Into DataSet?

Aug 8, 2009

I want to load minimum 150MB of XML into dataset,simple way of doing that is

XmlDataDocument xmlDatadoc = new XmlDataDocument();

But i feel on Lagre size message this code make some performance issue.

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