Linking VB To A Microprocessor Programmed By Dynamic C?

May 22, 2009

I am presently working on a bluetooth appliance project using Rabbit's embedded blue RCM3100 microprocessor. The microprocessor is programmed using Rabbit's software dynamic C (Combines C and assembly language). The problem is, I would like to create a GUI (graphical user interface) using to communicate wirelessly via bluetooth with the microprocessor. How do I link VB code with dynamic C?[size=7]

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Dynamic Runtime Library Linking?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a .NET library which I know can be fairly easily linked from VS project to reference it from code. However for security reasons I want to place the DLL file in another location on the disk and reference it from code including executing methods and passing method parameters. What is the proper technique to accomplish this?

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Dynamic Exclusive Library Runtime Linking?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a .NET library which I know can be fairly easily linked from VS project to reference it from code. However for security reasons I want to place the DLL file in another location on the disk and reference it from code including executing methods and passing method parameters.

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Modal Panel With Being Programmed

Apr 9, 2009

I have an ajax modal panel with a div on it that I access from the server and dynamically insert a table into, by showing the values of various controls on the calling form.My problem is this, it works fine if all my controls are doing auto postback, but it ruins the user experience, because tabbing through the controls, the controls lose focus during the automatic postback.Is there a way to have my target control perform a postback, before it puts up the modal, so I can retrieve not posted controls data in the modal?

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Programmed For A While And Mainly Used Classes As Objects?

Mar 5, 2010

Pursuing the Microsoft Certified Professional Developer Certification and working through the training kit.I've programmed for a while and mainly used classes as my objects.The training certification book I'm working through has a section on structures. they look very similiar to classes so my question is: why use them? Do they offer something that creating a class doesn't? What's the difference between structures and classes?

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Programmed Value Displayed Is Not As Accurate As Set From VBT

Dec 16, 2011

I set the value in VBT as 1.205, but if i print that value in Immediate window it get changed to 1.20492553710938. I need to display the value, whatever i have set.

what is the problem here and the solution to get the value whatever i have set?

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VB In A Laptop Through USB Port And A USB-RS232 Converter To Communicate With A Microprocessor Using RS232 Protocol

Oct 18, 2010

I have developed a microprocessor based devise. It can communicate with laptop through RS232 as a VB application. Now most of laptops have USB port only. So I want to use USB replacing RS232 port on laptop side but not change anything on the device side. Can I do this using a USB-RS232 converter? How to change the VB software?

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Call Other Files That Programmed To The Main Program?

Oct 8, 2010

i want to know how can i call other files that i programmed to the main program?

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VS 2010 All Pre Programmed Buttons Stopped Working

Mar 13, 2012

All of the sudden none of the pre programmed buttons on my form work anymore. The only buttons that do work are those i create in runtime.

I allready replaced all my buttons with new buttons.Beacuse i thought maby i've changed something in their settings. I've put breakers on the Private Button_click subs to see if anything happens. Nothing absolutly nothing happens if i click my pre programmed buttons.

Update: Well i figured out what was wrong. VS2010 had removed all the "handles" behind the subs. And it won't create them when i dubble click a button i program time.

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Autoselect Pre-programmed Items In A Listbox When A Form Opens With The Control On It?

Aug 3, 2009

I am trying to autoselect pre-programmed items in a listbox when a form opens with the control on it.but i cannot find a proper method to select all the items in the listbox and hold the resulting text as a string that will later be saved to a text file. i do not need help with saving the text to file but rather selecting the items in the, after alot of trial and error and no luck I think I am supposed to use


propriety. but i have no clue whats so ever in how to manage to select all the items in the listbox when this form opens...if this does not make sence then I will rephraze it.

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Access Values Of Dynamic Controls Added To Dynamic Tabpages?

May 8, 2011

i have created a dynamic tabpage and a dynamic tablelayoutpanel inside it then added dynamic textboxes and labels inside the tablelayoutpanel...the thing is , i am having a problem on how to access the value of those textboxes and labels and add them as new columns in the new table(tagpage) in mysql database, i can already create the table in the database but i cant add the new columns in it. heres the code for accessing the values of the labels and textboxes

error: NullReferenceException was unhandled....Object variable or With block variable not set.

sql = "alter table " & tbl_selected(counter) & " add " & frmMain.Controls("TLP_" & SecArrList_sp(counter2)).controls.item(SecArrList_sp(counter2) & "label" & counter).Text & " varchar(100) NULL;"

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Dynamic LINQ Query Based On Dynamic Number Of Comboboxes?

Feb 5, 2010

I would like to bind a DataGridView to a different LINQ query every time (in order to reuse the same form/DGV for different queries), like this:


but the "Qry", and the number of comboboxes, and their field names would change every time.

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VS 2010 MDITAbControl Add Dynamic TextBox With Dynamic Webbrowser?

Feb 29, 2012

Basically i have one TabControl with a form and 2 browsers within one form I have ProBlem To call the dynamic browser to navigate with dynamic Textbox.text


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Dynamic SQL To Dynamic LINQ In .NET With MS SQL Server 2008?

May 24, 2010

I need to represent the following query using LINQ:

DECLARE @PurchasedInventoryItemID Int = 2
DECLARE @PurchasedInventorySectionID Int = 0
DECLARE @PurchasedInventoryItem_PurchasingCategoryID Int = 3
DECLARE @PurchasedInventorySection_PurchasingCategoryID Int = 0


Now, I know that a query in .NET doesnt look like this, this is my test in the SQL Design Studio. Naturally VB.NET variables will be used in place of the SQL local variables.My problem is this: All of the conditions after "WHERE" are optional. In that a query might be made that uses one, some, all, or none of the conditions. V.PropertyID and V.Value can also appear any number of times.In VB.NET I can make this query easy enough by simply concatenating strings, and using a loop to append the "V.PropertyID/V.Value" conditions.I can also make a Stored Procedure in MS SQL, which is easy enough.However, I want to accomplish this using LINQ.

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VS 2008 Dynamic Timer In A Dynamic Form

Feb 19, 2010

Ive managed to dynamically create a form, and dynamically create a timer, but i have not been able to create the timer on the dynamic form. Specifically, i need to be able to have the timer itself create another form with a timer. (I realize that this would create a new form every interval on the timer, that is what i want to do)

1. A way to add the timer to the dynamic form, and maintain the timer sub on my main form.

2. A way to create the whole thing over (dynamic form and timer) through the previous dynamic form and timer.

I was thinking i could use a collection/array to store the forms and timers, but i'm still having trouble figuring out how to add entire forms or timers into a list. (A timer is not considered a control, so i cant use a controlcollection...)

Heres my code;

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim frm As New Form


*EDIT* Btw, my idea was to use i as a variable that increases every time a form is created, then insert the form into the array, with i as the integer. i just need to know how to create a new form with a different name each time. (as with timers)

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Dynamic ContextMenuStrips On A Dynamic Form?

Oct 15, 2009

I have a form that i need to be 100% Dynamic. So it could contain 10 labels maybe 100 who knows.

When you hover over a label there will be a different contextmenustrip to appear for each and every label. So all the contextmenustrips are Dynamic and contain 1 option maybe 2 options even 3 or 4 up to the users settings.

My problem is not creating a handler for when the user clicks on the contextmenustrips options. The problem is knowing which one of the options for that contextmenu was clicked!!

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Dynamic ToolTip For Dynamic Text Box?

Jan 11, 2012

OK, I'm trying to display tooltip text for a dynamic edit box. Well, at least I'm trying to.

On my form, I've got a tool tip control which I've conveniently named ToolTip. My edit box displays OK. But, what I want to do is when the user hovers their mouse over the text box, I want the tool tip to display some text.

I think there are two problems that I'm having. I'm not convinced that I'm properly addressing a dynamic text box name. Ideally, I would want to be able to refer to the text box (but using a dynamic variable that will contain the prefix of the name). To hardcode, I would want to be able to achieve (not in this example but in theory): ABCDEFGt_0300.Text = "hello"

Dim controllerName as string = "ABCDEFG"
Dim t_0300 As New TextBox()


View 12 Replies - Linking Two Projects?

May 4, 2009

I am currently doing a project which is to be linked with another project. I.e., when I click on some button in my current project's page I should get a page from the other project..

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Hyperlink Not Linking?

Jul 9, 2009

I have an e-mail that i send out and everything works fine exceptthe hyperlink doesn;t link.

taskMessage = <a href="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\powerpnt.exe"> Powerpint </a>
myEmailClass.SendEmailMessage("myemail", "your email", "You have a new stalker",


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Linking 2 Database In 1?

Aug 12, 2009

I got 3 tables in database namely A,B,C. how am i going to link the column a in A and column b in B to table C so that table C can have both my data a and b?

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Linking Excel To .net?

Mar 7, 2009

was just wondering if it's possible to link up excel and vb so that data can be inputted into vb and then transferred to excel which would carry out calculations using functions and send the data back.

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Linking Of DLL Via The DLL's Path

Mar 17, 2011

I'm trying to do is access a DLL that is outside the original EXE's file structure. So like this

C: estexe estexe.EXE 'The EXE that needs to access the DLL
C: estdlls
eturnstring.dll 'The DLL I'm trying to access.

So far everything I've tried has failed. I keep getting a FileNotFoundException.

I've added the following code to my app.config

<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">


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Linking To .xml In A VB Listbox?

Apr 26, 2011

I've recently decided for my VB final that I'd like to tackle something my professor and I discuss constantly; portable game server apps.

What I'm wanting to do, essentially, is create just a rudimentary programme that allows you to check the server status of either the north American or European servers for the game Rift and just (instead of opening your default browser, which I know how to do already) displaying the info in a listbox inside the programme itself.

The information I have to work with (aside from the obvious direct .php link to the web page) is two separate .xml links that contain all the information that is contained on their webpage. I could easily just turn these .xml files in an access database but I want something dynamic rather than static, but I honestly have no clue of how to turn this info I have into something I can actually use in my programme lol.

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Linking To A Database?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm creating a system (for a project) that is based on a vet.I want to create a combo box that has a list of different animals (e.g. Dog or Cat etc.)and when an animal is selected,a group box, with loads of checkboxes inside appears. Then the user can tick a check box (a vaccine to be given to the animal) and the record is saved to a database.I have hard coded this to work, but I want a more sophisticated code set, that links to SQL so that when a new vaccine is to be added, I would only need to add it in a table, in the database. I don't know where to start for this could any one give me a nudge in the right direction?

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Changing Colors 'linking LED'

Sep 18, 2010

Individually the Draw red and draw white work. The delays work.When in series the only color seen is the last color. Why? [code]

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DLL Explicit Run-time Linking?

Feb 25, 2009

What are the main functions needed to create a .dll file in which needs to be Explicitly linked i.e at run time to an application Plz post me an equivalent code snippet in VB.Net

Explicit run-time linkingDLL files may be explicitly loaded at run-time, a process referred to simply as run-time dynamic linking by Microsoft, by using the LoadLibrary (or LoadLibraryEx) API function. The GetProcAddress API function is used to lookup exported symbols by name, and FreeLibrary — to unload the DLL.


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Linking 2 Combo Boxes Together

Jun 9, 2011

i've been searching everywhere to try to get this setup. I am running Visual Basic 2008 I have 1 Combo Box that Has 3 Entries, Kyocera>Konica>Toshiba I have a 2nd Combo Box that has entries for each of those manufactors ...Kyocera has 3035,4035,5035....the konica has c250,c352,c452......the Toshiba has c3520, 4520


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Linking 2 Combo Boxes Together?

Jan 12, 2011

i've been searching everywhere to try to get this setup. I am running Visual Basic 2008 I have 1 Combo Box that Has 3 Entries, Kyocera>Konica>Toshiba I have a 2nd Combo Box that has entries for each of those manufactors...Kyocera has 3035,4035,5035....the konica has c250,c352,c452......the Toshiba has c3520, 4520

I want it so when i click on Kyocera the 2nd combo box only reads 3035,4035,5035 and when i click konica it only reads c250,c352,c452 etc etc

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Linking A .exe File To A Button In VB?

Jul 16, 2010

I have created a form in VB 2010 and I want a executable file (.exe) to open when the user clicks on that button. What do I need to do to accomplish this?

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Linking A Listbox To Database?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a database (sql server) where i store activity information example (activityid,id,summary,signs etc.) I can successfully save this information to the database. what I also want to achieve is to add this information to a listbox so that it can be displayed in the corresponding textboxes at runtime for an encounterid.

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