List Of Controls That Support Renderer?

Mar 5, 2011

Can you tell me list of controls that support renderer.

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VS 2008 - Fetch List Of Directoies From 1 Special Ftp Server Wich Does Not Support LIST Command

Jan 27, 2011

I have a small problem i'm trying to fetch list of directoies from 1 special ftp server wich does not support LIST command i was try this code and it works for all ftp server i have try exept this special one :

'' Get the object used to communicate with the server.
'Dim request As FtpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create("ftp://" & txtFTPhost.Text), FtpWebRequest)


I'm getting error 502 which means command is not supported and app crashed. I would just simple said leave it but i have try normal ftp clients like FlashFXp and it works just fine (i can see error in the log but it just pass it and show direcoties)

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Design-Time Support For Custom Controls?

Apr 17, 2011

Now as the title says, I'm looking for guidance on some design-time support for the many custom controls I'm working on at the moment.At the moment I'm 3 months in on a Business and Inventory management system for my mothers business. It contains many, many custom controls I had to build from scratch because the ones provided just didn't cut it for what I needed. Now one in particular is a tab page control. Just as the provided TabControl Visual Studios supply's us. It has a lot of design time control. Such as clicking the tabs and adding controls to the panels being brought to front by the corresponding tab being clicked. I had a friend of mine try to show me what I had to do, but the way I had already built my control would have made it difficult - His words, so he never officially showed me anything. If it is true what he said then I can skip that, no problem. But adding the controls to the panels during design time I must have, but cannot seem to find anything through Google searches, text books or even kids majoring in software engineering.

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Does DirListBox Control Support DFS - Only Partial List Displayed

Sep 23, 2009

We have implemented a DirListBox control and when referencing a DFS, it only returns a partial list of directories. Does the DirListBox fully support DFS? Has anyone else had problems using DirListBox and DFS?

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VS 2008 Software-Only 3D Renderer

May 31, 2010

That's what I'm planning on making, for the unfortunate people like me who don't have DirectX8-compatible videocards. So, I'll put a poll similar to chris128's. First of all, is this is even possible in VB.NET without a truly ridiculous amount of code? What would be the performance cost? Is there a formula I can use to incorporate the Z coordinate and the viewing angle to X,Y coordinates? I've got a lot of it done already, and this is a rather key component I'm missing

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VS 2008 Renderer For Listview Header?

Jun 19, 2012

There are all kinds of renderer's in .net for rendering system control image components (like the TrackBarRenderer for eg. but where is one for the listview header?.. I want to know how to draw one!

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Create Web Browser Using Gecko Skybound Renderer?

Oct 10, 2010

I have tried last time to do this. but i face lots of hurdles now i want to start from scratch. i want to develop a web browser using gecko skybound rendering engine.

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Customize Toolbars And Menus With A Custom Renderer ?

Oct 17, 2009

In VB.NET Tutorials I was following the tutorial Customize your toolbars and menus with a custom renderer and with the folowing code I get an error 'Declaration expected'


What am I missing?

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Toolstrip Renderer - Remove The Border At The Bottom

Jan 24, 2010

On Form Load:

ToolStripMenu.Renderer = New CustomRenderer

Another Class:

Public Class CustomRenderer
Inherits ToolStripSystemRenderer

Protected Overrides Sub OnRenderToolStripBorder(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripRenderEventArgs)

End Sub
End Class

Obviously nothing is changed:

Changes that has to be made:
1. Remove the border at the bottom
2. Change the style From this:

To This:

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VS 2010 - MenuStrip And ToolStrip System Renderer

Nov 5, 2011

I would put the MenuStrip VisualBasic equal to the system

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VS 2010 MenuStrip And ToolStrip System Renderer?

Jan 15, 2012

I would put the MenuStrip VisualBasic equal to the systemfrom:o:

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If Compile A VB6 App On Win7 - ADODB.Connection Errors With "Class Does Not Support Automation Or Does Not Support Expected Interface"

Apr 28, 2011

I compiled some VB6 code on my Win7 x64 machine and the result .exe will not run correctly on any other machine. VB6 code is just a new template .exe file with one button, a reference to "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6 Library" and the following code in the button press event: Dim db Set db = New ADODB.Connection It runs correctly on my machine, but no others (even other Win7 x64 machines) (Update: I found TWO other users where it runs and one of them is Jeff Atwood!, but most machines have the same problem)


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.net - Register Custom Log4Net Object Renderer In Configuration File

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to log an object in log4net using a custom renderer. My configuration file has the following line:

<renderer renderingClass="LogLibrary.Log4NetObjRenderers.PdaLogObjRenderer" renderedClass="LogLibrary.TranferObjects.PdaLogObj" />

But I get a TypeLoadException when loading the configuration file, and log4net internal debugging gives this detail:

log4net:ERROR OptionConverter: Could not instantiate class [LogLibrary.Log4NetObjRenderers.PdaLogObjRenderer].
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type


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C# - List Of All Available Server Controls?

Oct 7, 2010

Just as the title states, can anyone point me to a list of all available server controls (preferably with descriptions)? I would have thought that something like this would be readily available but I've had no luck finding this. I almost always have to dig around to find a control to solve a particular problem, a quick reference would be really handy.

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List Controls From Another Program

May 1, 2012

I have found a program called "E-speaking Voice and speech recognition" wich has a feature of detecting buttons from another running program and allows you to "press" them through voice commands. My question is: how can i list the controls and the buttons from another program into a listbox on my form? Eventually, how can i handle the commands that those buttons execute within my own code? I have found something about the API functions FindWindow and FindWindowEx but nothing else...

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List Of All Controls In Project

Mar 15, 2011

I've searched the whole web (at last where google can see) for a solution, but i just can't find. The problem is the following: I want a list of all controlls in my project, not only on open forms. The reason is that i want to make an access control, and the admin will set which buttons each users can use.


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Find A List Of The Controls On A Form?

Jun 10, 2010

I have this VB.Net form and I need to know the names of all the controls on it. I would suppose that Microsoft keeps a list of all the controls on any given form I just don't know how to access it.

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VS 2010 Scrollable List Of Controls?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm building a break-timer application. The objective of this, in VB, is to have an application that lets me create a timer dynamically (maybe through a button click) that counts up (or down if you wanna call it that) to a preset point, then makes beeping noises like an alarm. This is due to my desire to no longer be late to and from my breaks at work.

I was able to create a super simple one that just had three timers that I could tick off, but I find myself using them for way more than just three uses. For example, I start one when I get in to count to the point when I need to punch in my timecard (our system is annoying about being exactly on time) then I start one for when my first break starts, then one for my break, then one for after my break but before my lunch, etc.

So, I wanted to have a program that does the following:Has a scrollbar-capable box that can scroll up and down.Each line of the Scrollbar-capable box has one of my custom controls in it (a wide, thin bar containing a field for how long to go, a start button, a display of time elapsed in seconds, and a stop button).

I can just click a button to create each control one line at a time.Now, I know HOW I can create these, but I want to know:Is there an existing type of box that would let me do something like this? Has someone already written this? Or am I going to be creating a COMPLETELY custom control that will be fairly painful to figure out? In which case, is this even doable, or should I just try something else?

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Do List View Controls Accept Blank Data

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to fill a ListView control in a VB2005 project. It works fine from underpinning (Access) database IF all the data is present. However, if a field is blank (in this case - a field called "Actual Date" which is meant to be blank for this record), the ListView will stop populating at that point.I thought this may have been the 'CausesValidation' property of the ListView but that doesn't seem to change the behaviour.Is this an inherent feature of the ListView - if so it seems daft - or is there a property I need to change or an override that I need to code?

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Looping Though A List Or Collection Of Controls Available In The Development Enviroment?

Apr 12, 2009

How can I find a List or Collection of User Controls available within the development enviroment and dynamically add them to a combox by their Name Property. I am looking for something along the lines of:

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VS 2010 - List Of All Controls - Make An Access Control

Mar 15, 2011

I want a list of all controlls in my project, not only on open forms. The reason is that i want to make an access control, and the admin will set which buttons each users can use.

What ive got so far is:


Public Sub getallforms(ByVal sender As Object)
Dim Forms As New List(Of Form)()
Dim formType As Type = Type.GetType("System.Windows.Forms.Form")


This shows me all forms in project. But i cant access their controls.

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Inserting Data To Database From A Form That Uses As List(Of TextBox) / Controls?

Jul 29, 2011

I've used Me.Controls.Add() to add text boxes and now, I'm thinking how can I INSERT the data in these text boxes to database.


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Link Datagridviews To Other Controls Like A Combobox, List View Or Even Another DatagridviewBecause Much Of The Code Is Managed By The IDE?

May 18, 2008

figure out a way to link datagridviews to other controls like a combobox, list view or even another datagridviewBecause much of the code is managed by the IDE, I was expecting an IDE approach to linking controls. Is this the case or do I have to modify the generated code to do what I want.An example would be to use a combobox to limit the number of entries in a datagridview etc

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Winforms - Grouping Controls In Pairs Windows.forms - Dynamic List In Grid Format?

Sep 8, 2010

I have pairs of controls: immagebox + textbox = one pair.I want these to show up in a single column grid/tabular format.Each cell contains one image/text pair.I want this grid to scroll because the number of pairs is dynamic depending on a user selection.I suppose I will be adding these controls in code at runtime when the user makes his/her selection.

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If / When .NET Support For SFTP

Jul 29, 2011

Does anyone know if/when .NET will support SFTP?

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Is Email Support Still Available

Jun 24, 2010

1. Is email support still available?

2. Is there any way to tell when it will be available if it still is a service that Microsoft provides?

3. Is there any way of telling what I might be doing wrong, if anything?

The message I receive at all hours anytime I try this (about 10x so far) is:"We are sorry, we are unable to process your order at this time."without any explanation as to why or when I could be able to process the order.

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Looking For Some Rundll32 Support?

Mar 17, 2009

Ok ive looked all over the web but all I can find is examples in other programming languages (cant convert). Can anyone shed some light on how to make a dll that works with rundll32 (just the basics) or tell me were i can find info.

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Set Up To Support One Proxy?

Oct 6, 2011

I am attempting to make a browser. I have it set up to where it can support one proxy. My question, is, How would I make it to where the program would read from a text file, and use those proxies? 1 proxy per line?

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Support Of Vb6 In VS 2010

Sep 7, 2010

I tried upgrading vb6 to using the convert tool in visual studio 2010. But I couldnt find the option Visual Basic 2010 Upgrade Wizard.

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VS 2005 Support Of Both 32 And 64 Bit OS

Dec 9, 2009

I am developing an application in VS 2005 (VB.NET) that should run on both 32 and 64 bit OS.The Framework is distributed with the application. Microsoft has two different FW redistributables dotnetfx.exe for 32bit OS and NetFx64.exe for 64bit OS.Is there any installation file that can detect the OS type and install correct redistributable?

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