ListView DropHighLight (DragEnter Or DragDrop Event)

Mar 15, 2012

In old vb6.0 it was easy to highlight the target item, where to drop those dragged rows.

Private Sub listView_OLEDragOver(Data As MSComctlLib.DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single, State As Integer) Set listView.DropHighlight = listView.HitTest(x, y)

You can get the item to drop to in VB.NET:

Private Sub ListView_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal _
e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles _


Now we got the index and item, where to drop. But then what? One possibility to do the HighLight is change the ListViews state to "LVIS_DROPHILITED" by sending Windows message "SendMessageA(lvw.Handle, LVIS_DROPHILITED, 0, 0)". But when is the right time to do that (DragEnter or DragDrop event) and what are the right parameters? Didn't succeed on that yet.

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ADVERTISEMENT - DragDrop Event Not Firing On Object Inside Usercontrol (but DragEnter Does)

Feb 12, 2012

Well the title pretty well describes my problem. Here is a little bit more detailed description of my problem: I am building an application with a TabControl, which I populate at execution time with TabPages. In my first version of the code, these TabPages were filled with a children ListView. The ListView was also created in code, using AddHandlers to link it to the DragEnter and DragDrop routines. Everything worked very well... Now as I need some other controls on every TabPage, instead of creating every single control in code, I have created a UserControl containing a ListView and a few Buttons, which I instantiate for every new TabPage. The problem now is that the DragDrop event is not raised anymore


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DragEnter And DragDrop Events Fire Multiple Times In VB?

Jul 8, 2010

I've got a research application that is hosting a webbrowser control and I'm implementing a feature that allows the user to select text from a web page and drag it to various research note fields. The issue I have is the dragenter and dragdrop events continue after the initial drop, inserting the text multiple times. Here's the test case on my box and the result.

Select Text in Browser Drag to Text Box Drop Text What happens is after the drop event is fired and the text inserted to the drop target, when you move the mouse after dropping the text, the drag enter event is fired, followed by the dragdrop event, then another dragenter and dragdrop. So, selected text such as "Selected Text" becomes "Selected TextSelected TextSelected Text".

Note: The dragenter event is properly raised once when the mouse enters the textbox, however the mouse does not have to leave the textbox after the dragdrop event fires. i thought there was something wrong with my application so I created a simple test app, containing a Webbrowser and a multi-line text box. This test app generates the same results and the code is below. This is the first time, I've implemented
drag and drop operations and I followed the guidelines noted in this MSDN article. While I did what the article suggests, I'm thinking I need to note the event was handled somewhere.


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DoubleClick Event Not Firing When DragDrop Code Implemented (ListView)?

Aug 29, 2008

As the subject describes, once I implemented support for DragDrop - The DoubleClick event of the ListView control no longer fires.An overview of the code is as follows:

Private Sub ListView_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListView.MouseMove


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.net - Event Fired In Dragdrop Source When Dragdrop Is Completed Or Cancelled?

Nov 28, 2011

I know that there is usually a DoDragDrop method that starts a drag and drop operation. And that there are events (such as DragEnter, DragOver, DragDrop, DragLeave) that can be handled on the target side.

Are there any events on the source of the dragdrop that will tell me whether the dragdrop operation was completed, or possibly cancelled?

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ListView DragDrop To Explorer?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm looking for a way to click and drag an item out of a listview, and get the explorer path I dropped the file on, so I can write data to that location.

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Why Can't Get .DragDrop Event To Fire

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to drag and drop items from a listbox into a richtextbox? I can not get the .DragDrop event to fire? I have copied and past the code from [URL]

I can get the .DragEnter event to fire. The mousedown event fires the drag and drop, is there something for mouseup?

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Listview DragDrop Multiple Items Not Working?

May 6, 2008

I trying to do a drag drop from a listview in one form to another instance of the same form (same application running twice).I have it working with single items selections, but I want to make it work with multiple selections. 289508(VS.71).aspxThis works if I drag/drop onto itself (the same form), which I don't want, but I need it to work across instances.During debugging it seems the code DragDrop code just quits at the line during the drop:Dim myItems() As ListViewItem = e.Data.GetData("System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem()")Any ideas what is wrong or how to drag/drop multiple items in a listview between apps?

here's my code:
Private Sub ListView1_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.DragDrop


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Can't Get Any (copy) Effect - Make Dragdrop Event?

Jul 19, 2009

When I use the code below, I can't get any (copy)effect as I drag things onto the picture box(img). Therefore, I can't dragdrop files. How can I make dragdrop event possible?


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VS 2008 Filtering Dragenter File In Label?

Dec 15, 2011

Alright i have a code for getting the path of drop file to my label.Private Sub Label1_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles Label1.DragDrop If e.Data.GetDataPresent("FileDrop") Then

Dim theFiles() As String = CType(e.Data.GetData("FileDrop", True), String())
For Each theFile As String In theFiles
End If
End Sub


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DragEnter And Running As Admin - Get The File Location From The Item Being Dragged?

Sep 2, 2011

I need to run my program as admin because it accesses the registry on load. Well I wanted to implement a drag and drop feature but have come to find there is a access issue with running as admin and the dragenter event. Is there any known workarounds for this? I have searched all over the place.Just a side note I only need to get the file location from the item being dragged in...

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Treeview Dragdrop To Richtextbox?

Apr 5, 2010

i have to forms, one with a RTB on it, the other with a treeview on it.I want to be able to drag a image from the treeview over to my rich text box.Basicly like a clip art window.The treeview nodes have a short description of the image (e.g Dog) then a picture of a dog next to it. I want then to be able to drag that into my rich text box, and the picture of the dog to appear.Is there a easy way to do this?

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[2008] DataGridView DragDrop Into New Row?

Jan 15, 2009

I am dragging and dropping values from a listview to a datagridview cell.In the datagridview I have AllowUserToAddRows = True because I want them to drag in as many items as they need.

The problem is that when I drag an item into the new row a newer row is not created below it as it would if I had typed something int he cell and left.

I tried to add a new row on the CellValueChanged event but that inserts a row above the row that I just dragged to.

Anyone know how to trigger that event after a drag and drop?

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Move FlowPanelLayout Controls Via DragDrop

Apr 23, 2012

I have a FlowPanelLayout that can contain several UserControls called DataGridViewFilterSortElement. These controls look kind of like buttons, but different. I want the user to be able to click one of the DataGridViewFilterSortElement controls and drag it to another position (index) in the FlowLayoutPanel. Is there a way to see the control physically moving as the user drags it to another position? In other words, is there a way to take a "snap shot" of the control that is being dragged (instead of a shadowed box) which would show the actual control moving as the cursor moves?

Also, as the control is being dragged I'd like to have the other controls position to shift automatically instead of waiting for the user to drop the drag to see the shifts. For example, let's say the FlowPanelLayout contains 3 controls and the user wants to drag the first control to the third controls position. So the user clicks and holds the first DataGridViewFilterSortElement, then drags over the second control, which causes the second control to shift to position 1 of 3, then the user drags over the third control, which causes the third control to shift to position 2 of 3, then the user drops the control in position 3.

Here is a short little video that shows what I want to do: Video Example
Private Sub lblDescription_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown, lblDescription.MouseDown
' if the user left clicks and holds the element begin a DragDrop action
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
Me.DoDragDrop(Me, DragDropEffects.Move)
End If
End Sub
[Code] .....

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TreeView DragDrop Not Working In Citrix?

Dec 10, 2009

I have a treeview dragdrop event written in VS2003. It works perfectly fine when the application is running on desktop, until we move the application to Citrix. So, users are now running it off from Citrix, the DragDrop event doesn't work anymore. It doesn't even have the effects of allowing dropping.

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VS 2008 DataGridView DragDrop Indicator?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm using the following code to reorder rows, it does work but i can't find a way to implement any indicator that shows me where the row will be droped, is it possible to do? It seems that the handler DragDrop is blocked until the mouse is


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[2008] DragDrop From Program To Explorer?

Mar 8, 2009

Below is a practical example of how this would be useful:A practical example would be an FTP client where a user dragdrops files to be uploaded and would naturally want to dragdrop remote files to their local folders with the intention of triggering a download of that file to the folder they dragged the listview item to.

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ListView Event Handler?

Mar 4, 2010

Why can't I get the clickedItem.SelectedItems.Item(0).Text value?

Dim UserList As New ListView()
AddHandler UserList.MouseDown, AddressOf ToolSearchAD_ListView_Click
UserList.ContextMenuStrip = c_mnuADSearch


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DragDrop Control - Fails To Copy Files?

Mar 10, 2009

I am new to and development in general. The basics are I have a control that accepts dragdrop, I use this control to drag files onto - based upon the text contained in a combobox the directory path is built in the dragdrop event, and I initiate System.IO.File.Copy. I then refresh my listview, which is working well and is listing files based upon the content of a directory. Here is my code for the dragenter and dragdrop subs

Private Sub pnlDataDrop_DragEnter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles pnlDataDrop.DragEnter
If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy
[Code] .....

I have added some break points so that I can see the values for targetpath and myfiles(), and all looks ok. The app is in its very early stages, so I am only testing in the development environment at the moment. So you know, the targetpath is a UNC: \myservermydirectory.

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Release Filefolder Lock When Using Dragdrop Onto Control

Dec 12, 2010

I'm trying to loop through a list of files to get the path and filename. These files are dragged onto a datagrid:


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Cancelling The ListView SelectedIndexChanged Event

Apr 13, 2004

I have a ListView that populates some fields whenever the user selects an item. However, if they change the data in the fields and then select a new item without saving, I want to display a message box that warns that their changes will be lost, and asks them to confirm whether to continue. Sounds simple.

Unfortunately, the ListView's SelectedIndexChanged event cannot be cancelled, and it's actually called for each change in the selection. So, for example, if item 1 is selected and the user then selects item 2, the event is called twice: once to remove the selection of item 1, and then to add the selection of item 2. If you go from having one item selected to having five (for example), the event fires to remove your original selection, and then again for each of your new selections - six hits in all.

Obviously, this makes it a bugger to determine when the event should be cancelled and reset back to the original. I obviously don't want my message box appearing six times....

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ListView Click Event Not Firing?

Mar 3, 2010

Using VS 2005 I've created a project with some form on it. Each of the forms are fairly similar in structure and I have copied the contents of one form to another form etc. I have code the loads the data into the ListView on each form and that works fine but when I put a Click event on the ListView, it doesn't fire. I created a new project to do some testing and put some items in the ListView and the Click Event fires when I expect it. What am I overlooking? The code for the Form is included below: it loads the data fine and I can select a line in the ListView but as previously stated, the Click event just won't fire!

Private Sub frmViewRequests_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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TreeView And ListView Click Event

May 10, 2010

I have an explorer-like form with a TreeView and a ListView. I have finally figured out how to populate the the ListView based on the selected node, but when I am debugging, I click on a node, and the ListView doesn't change. I have to single click twice on the node for it to work. What could be my issue? I have included the code from my sub below.

Private Sub TreeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.NodeMouseClick
Dim newSelected As TreeNode = e.Node
Dim subItems() As ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem
[Code] .....

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VS 2005 - Looking For ListView ItemDrop Event?

Jul 13, 2009

I'm making an explorer sort of program, and I want to be able to drag files into folders to move them. I looked in the events of the ListView, and there's an ItemDrag event, but no ItemDrop event. I'm probably missing something obvious, aren't I? How do you do it?

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Drag And Drop - Change Cursor As Feedback In DragDrop

Mar 5, 2011

Working on a DragDrop application. I have a class object (built as an object) which has a GroupBox that is enabled for DragDrop.

In the class I have set it up so that the cursor will change when it enters the groupbox, leaves the groupbox, mouse is down within the groupbox and drag/drop is working. I also set up a label in the class object and changed the text in that label as well. Basically, the text changes in the label as expected including 'FEEDBACK' appearing when I am dragging the object BUT the cursor stays stubbornly as a pointer. This is tghe state of affairs either when I debug the class or when, after I build the class, it is run as part of the main program.

Here are the subs set up in the class.

Private Sub GroupBoxSourceMouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GroupBoxSource.MouseDown
GroupBoxSource.DoDragDrop(GroupBoxSource.Text, DragDropEffects.Copy)


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Drag And Drop - Change Cursor As Feedback In DragDrop?

May 25, 2010

drag and drop - Change Cursor as Feedback in DragDrop

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Forms :: Make A Textbox With Complete Support For Dragdrop?

Oct 30, 2009

I am trying to make a textbox with complete support for dragdrop, however, it doesn't work.

Private MouseIsDown As Boolean = False
Private SelectionLen As Integer
Private SelectStart As Integer


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Get Collection Of Items Of ItemMouseHover Event In ListView?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a problem getting the collection of items in the ItemMouseHover event. I want to get the collection of all the items and subitems when the Mouse Hovers in the ListView. I have the property of Full Row select in the ListView.

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Get The Collection Of Items In The ItemMouseHover Event In ListView?

Jun 16, 2009

i have a problem getting the collection of items in the ItemMouseHover event. I want to get the collection of all the items and subitems when the Mouse Hovers in the ListView. I have the property of Full Row select in the ListView.

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Get The Listview_keypress Event To Select The Appropriate Letter In The Listview?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a listview filled with single letters as the text. How do I get the listview_keypress event to select the appropriate letter in the listview when that letter is pressed on the keyboard? The listview has focus, and I can even msgbox e.keychar to see it is getting the proper letter. But how do I get it to select that letter as if it were being double clicked?

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