DoubleClick Event Not Firing When DragDrop Code Implemented (ListView)?

Aug 29, 2008

As the subject describes, once I implemented support for DragDrop - The DoubleClick event of the ListView control no longer fires.An overview of the code is as follows:

Private Sub ListView_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListView.MouseMove


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DoubleClick Event Not Firing

Aug 26, 2011

We're trying to design a toolbar to use as an addon in another program. we want to set one of the buttons so that when u single click it, the image on the screen is blanked out. And when you double click the same button, it blanks everything except the selected image. However the DoubleClick event doesnt seem to be working at all.


View 7 Replies - DragDrop Event Not Firing On Object Inside Usercontrol (but DragEnter Does)

Feb 12, 2012

Well the title pretty well describes my problem. Here is a little bit more detailed description of my problem: I am building an application with a TabControl, which I populate at execution time with TabPages. In my first version of the code, these TabPages were filled with a children ListView. The ListView was also created in code, using AddHandlers to link it to the DragEnter and DragDrop routines. Everything worked very well... Now as I need some other controls on every TabPage, instead of creating every single control in code, I have created a UserControl containing a ListView and a few Buttons, which I instantiate for every new TabPage. The problem now is that the DragDrop event is not raised anymore


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Winform 2008 Datagrid Doubleclick Event Not Firing?

Mar 3, 2010

i have a databound datagrid in 2008. This is a program where i use the double click event multipal times.. but for some reason on a new form it's not working anymore. In code behind i selected the datagrid and double click event. when i double click on teh grid in debug mode, it never fires off the event(i put a breakpoint in). I've tried several other events and none of them are firing.

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Control Array - Add New Event - Click Event Code And Calling It A Doubleclick Event

Jul 31, 2010

I've read thru Iceplug's tutorial on control arrays and got it working. I tried to add a new event by basically copying his click event code and calling it a doubleclick event. I used the proper addhandler and assigned the correct name to my sub. I have the click event changing the background color to blue and the doubleclick event changing the background color to green. The background color does not change to green. Why?

Heres the tutorial with my new code encased in asterisks ...


Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class form1


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ListView DropHighLight (DragEnter Or DragDrop Event)

Mar 15, 2012

In old vb6.0 it was easy to highlight the target item, where to drop those dragged rows.

Private Sub listView_OLEDragOver(Data As MSComctlLib.DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single, State As Integer) Set listView.DropHighlight = listView.HitTest(x, y)

You can get the item to drop to in VB.NET:

Private Sub ListView_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal _
e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles _


Now we got the index and item, where to drop. But then what? One possibility to do the HighLight is change the ListViews state to "LVIS_DROPHILITED" by sending Windows message "SendMessageA(lvw.Handle, LVIS_DROPHILITED, 0, 0)". But when is the right time to do that (DragEnter or DragDrop event) and what are the right parameters? Didn't succeed on that yet.

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Take Record From A Listview To TextBox On A Form On DoubleClick Event?

Jul 2, 2009

[quote] I Want To Take Record From a Listview to TextBox on a Form on DoubleClick Event

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VS 2008 Uninstalling Programs With A ListView's DoubleClick Event?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm using the following code to pull some of the installed applications from the registry and load them into a ListView:
Public Sub UninstallPrograms()


The problem is that I need to be able to access the the value of the uninstallString so that I can pass it to the appropriate process. Since that info is in a separate block, I can't directly access it.

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.net - Event Fired In Dragdrop Source When Dragdrop Is Completed Or Cancelled?

Nov 28, 2011

I know that there is usually a DoDragDrop method that starts a drag and drop operation. And that there are events (such as DragEnter, DragOver, DragDrop, DragLeave) that can be handled on the target side.

Are there any events on the source of the dragdrop that will tell me whether the dragdrop operation was completed, or possibly cancelled?

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Call Code From An Event (like: DoubleClick) From Within Another Event?

Oct 29, 2010

am trying to call a very lengthy set of code from under the DoubleClick event of one control, from within the Click event of another control....without having to copy and paste the desired VERY length code from the first control into the second.

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Unable To CTRL-DoubleClick But The DoubleClick Event Has The EventArgs?

Jun 17, 2009

Within my program, I'd like to allow the user to hold the CTRL key down while double-clicking with the mouse. Specifically, within the treeview control, I'd like to allow the user to be able to CTRL-DoubleClick but the DoubleClick event has the EventArgs parameter that doesn't provide any keyboard data.I'm guessing that this is possible, but I'm just drawing a blank on how to implement it.

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ListView Click Event Not Firing?

Mar 3, 2010

Using VS 2005 I've created a project with some form on it. Each of the forms are fairly similar in structure and I have copied the contents of one form to another form etc. I have code the loads the data into the ListView on each form and that works fine but when I put a Click event on the ListView, it doesn't fire. I created a new project to do some testing and put some items in the ListView and the Click Event fires when I expect it. What am I overlooking? The code for the Form is included below: it loads the data fine and I can select a line in the ListView but as previously stated, the Click event just won't fire!

Private Sub frmViewRequests_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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VS 2008 Listview Event Firing TWICE But Not In Debug?

Dec 22, 2009

I have a very strange bug, I can't really find any reason so far why it's happening..I have a Listview doubleClick Event that fires twice.. for no specific reason, even if I go very slow (carefully) to dbl click properly.But when I put a BP to check what's happening,

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Event ItemSelectionChanged Of ListView Firing Three Time When Showing A MDI Form

Dec 20, 2011

I have a VB (.NET3.5) project like this:

- form1: IsMDIForm = true.

- form2: adding a list view with 2 records, select first record, and register the event ItemSelectionChanged.

- Add form2 as a child of form1 (form2.MDIParent = form1).

- When use "form2.Show()" -> the event ItemSelectionChanged firing three time:

+ 1st: SelectedItem = 1

+ 2nd: SelectedItem = 0

+ 3rd: SelectedItem = 1

I want to know the rootcause (not Solution) of thi issue, can anyone help me !?

Project code:

View 18 Replies - Prevent Firing The Code-behind Event From JavaScript?

Jul 22, 2011

I would like this ASP button control to stop calling its event handler when the JavaScript client method IsCorrectPrice() returns false.

<asp:Button ID="btnsubmit" runat="server"
Text="Submit" OnClientClick="javascript:IsCorrectPrice()"/>
btnsubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnsubmit.Click

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VS 2008 - Infinite Loop - Event Triggered Keeps Firing Off The Code

May 9, 2010

I'm not even sure what I need to know. None the less lets say I got a timer with an if event to check if said event is triggered then it fires off some code. The problem is if said event is triggered it keeps firing off the code and I only need to do it one time. Whilst letting the timer keep checking if event happened. I hope I worded that right and here is a rough translation in code. [Code] Is there a way to keep checking if an event happened and only fire off the code one time?

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ListView DragDrop To Explorer?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm looking for a way to click and drag an item out of a listview, and get the explorer path I dropped the file on, so I can write data to that location.

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Why Can't Get .DragDrop Event To Fire

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to drag and drop items from a listbox into a richtextbox? I can not get the .DragDrop event to fire? I have copied and past the code from [URL]

I can get the .DragEnter event to fire. The mousedown event fires the drag and drop, is there something for mouseup?

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Listview DragDrop Multiple Items Not Working?

May 6, 2008

I trying to do a drag drop from a listview in one form to another instance of the same form (same application running twice).I have it working with single items selections, but I want to make it work with multiple selections. 289508(VS.71).aspxThis works if I drag/drop onto itself (the same form), which I don't want, but I need it to work across instances.During debugging it seems the code DragDrop code just quits at the line during the drop:Dim myItems() As ListViewItem = e.Data.GetData("System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem()")Any ideas what is wrong or how to drag/drop multiple items in a listview between apps?

here's my code:
Private Sub ListView1_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.DragDrop


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ReadOnly Property ListView In ListViewItem - How Is Implemented

Nov 30, 2009

how ListView pointer is stored/removed at ReadOnly Property ListView in ListViewItem? How is it implemented? I know ListViewItems are stored in ListViewItemCollection which has constructor New(owner as ListView) but I dont know how pointer to ListView is add/remove in ReadOnly Property in ListViewItem...

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INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged Implemented And Not Implemented; Visual Studio Build Error

Jan 2, 2012

I'm seeing a strange build bug a lot. Sometimes after typing some code we receive the following build error.

Class 'clsX' must implement 'Event PropertyChanged(sender As Object, e As PropertyChangedEventArgs)' for interface System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged'.


'PropertyChanged' cannot implement 'PropertyChanged' because there is no matching event on interface 'System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged'.

Those error should never go together! Usually we can just ignore the exception and build the solution but often enough this bug stops our build. (this happens a lot using Edit and Continue which is annoying)Removing the PropertyChanged event and retyping the same code! sometimes fixes this.We're using a code generator that causes this error to surface but just editing some files manually triggers this exception too. This error occur's on multiple machines using various setups.

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IDE :: Dataset Code Behind Datatable.ColumnChanging Event Firing / But Dataset.HasChanges Property Not True

Jan 28, 2010

I have code running in the Datatable.ColumnChanging event in my dataset. This dataset underlies a form and conventional drag/drop controls are in place for data entry.when the event triggers and runs, I am running code in the form that checks the dataset.HasChanges property. It is showing False. But this is immediately after the ColumnChanging event has been triggered.Okay, I see by others posts and MSDN that .HasChanges will only be true after moving off the row with the changed column. I have also noted lots of discussion about the advanced binding property of DataSourceUpdate Mode, but that does not address this issue.I guess I can do this by checking the state of the row for the binding source. Just seems odd that the event behind the dataset can be triggered and that does not change the dataset.HasChanges property.

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DataGridview Doubleclick Event?

Sep 13, 2011

How do I set the all data in the datagridview goes into the textbox?For Example Fields name.LastName the data will be shown into lastname.text , FirstName will be shown into the firstname.text and also the other fields into the sql database.And how also to can not type into the datagridview or will be disable to type in every cells.

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Can't Get Any (copy) Effect - Make Dragdrop Event?

Jul 19, 2009

When I use the code below, I can't get any (copy)effect as I drag things onto the picture box(img). Therefore, I can't dragdrop files. How can I make dragdrop event possible?


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How To Add Doubleclick Event In Checkbook Organizer

May 9, 2012

This is my first post on the forum here. And I have a question about checkbook organizer. here what I done so far.

Public Class Form1
Dim Transactions As New ArrayList()
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Syst


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Listbox DoubleClick Event On Item?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a list box that contains about 10 items? Why cant I get a doubleclick event to fire when I double click an item?

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Raising The Same DoubleClick Event For Different Controls?

Jul 16, 2009

I am using Visual Basic 2005 Express and have 8 PictureBoxes on the Form.. When the user Double-clicks any of the Picture Boxes, the path of the image needs to be passed to a Subroutine..As of now, I have a different event for each of the PictureBoxes.. I was wondering if there is a way such that I can use a common event. i.e. if a user double-clicks on any of the picture boxes, the same event is raised ?

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Event Based Async Pattern - Correctly Implemented?

Oct 9, 2009

I've implemented the Event Based Async Pattern for the first time in a relatively complex class. I'm having some doubts about if I've done it as it should be done, and if there are no better approaches. One of the things that make me frown the most is how I'm currently handling all the cross thread events. This class contains a decent amount of events, about 20. What I've done is created a dictionary in which I have a list of callbacks, one for each event. The keys are a value of an enum containing all keys I created. In the underneath line, eventDelegates is the dictionary, and delegates is the enum.


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Doubleclick Event On Datagridview2 To Highlight Same On Datagridview1?

Apr 20, 2010

Using VB 2008:

I am using 2 bound datagridviews.Each on it's own form, bound to the same table.

DGV1 is for displaying

DGV2 is for searching

I am wanting to double click a row on the DGV2 on search form2, closing it, and have the same row highlighted, selected or displayed first on the DGV1 on the display form1.

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VS 2008 View Only .bat Files Listview, Populate Textbox Doubleclick

Mar 8, 2011

Want to display all files ending in extension .bat in the %Homepath% dir and upon double click populate a textbox.text with readalltext.

Public Class batviewer
Public Sub showfiles()


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