Listview - Fill Out Of Information Gathered From User Inputs In Various Textboxes?

Feb 19, 2009

I have a listview with multiple columns that I need to fill out of information gathered from user inputs in various textboxes I use to have a code for Windows Forms Application as below


This works fine.However,when I shifted to WPF and tried to reproduce EXACT same code,it tells me Too many arguments to 'Public Sub New()' Alternatively,
Basically I have about 15 data that I want to display in different columns per row in a listview.I need it in such a way I can sort, edit, delete, insert,etc.With my previous methods, I could do those fine, but in wpf im stuffed...

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Accessing User Inputs In Textboxes Created At Runtime?

Jul 13, 2009

I have created a page that creates a number textboxes at runtime depending on the result of a database query, (ie one textbox per row in query result). My problem is that I can't for the life of me work out how on earth to access the text from the textbox that is posted back to the server by the user when they press submit.

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Program Where The User Enters 3 Inputs In A 3 Textboxes - First Name, Last Name, Birthday

Dec 7, 2009

Ok so i made a program where the user enters 3 inputs in a 3 textboxes (First Name, Last Name, Bday) and when the person presses enter a check list is made under the checklistbox with the Lastname. So can any1 tell me if i click on that checklist then everything i entered shows up in a label.

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Exiting Msgbox - User Inputs Values Into Textboxes In Inputform, Then Runs The Check

Jun 6, 2011

I have a code which runs a check. User inputs values into textboxes in inputform, then runs the check, and the msgbox is displayed. if msg is yes then program continues, else I want it to return to the input for to change values in textboxes. How can I do that?

Below is the code.
If (optanodespacing > 300) Then
optanodespacing = 300
Dim answerspc As Integer = MsgBox("Anode Spacing Must NOT Exceed 300m,


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Write A Program In 2008 That Allows The User To Enter In Information About A Video Into Textboxes?

Apr 30, 2009

I need to write a program in visual basic 2008 that allows the user to enter in information about a video into textboxes and from there it needs to be sved to a file. The user also has the option to search for a video in the collection by name and the info for that video should go to the textboxes. how i can do this?

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Populate A A Listview Control With Items And Subitems That A User Enters Into A Group Of Textboxes On A Form?

Feb 13, 2009

I am trying to populate a a listview control with items and subitems that a user enters into a group of textboxes on a form. It looks as if some of the code to do this has changed since VB6 and I am confused again. Here is the current code I am using without success:

lvSurgProcedure is the name of my listview control
Private Sub btnAddSurgeProcedure(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddSurgProcedure.Click
Dim lvItem As New ListViewItem


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Pull Information From A Websight's Textboxes In IE Into Program Textboxes?

Oct 21, 2010

My goal is to, Pull information from a websight's textboxes in IE into my program textboxes. and to later Put changes from into other values on the websight from my program into it. The sight has multiple textboxes, on different frames. within it.I need to keep it as a exsiting open browser instead of making a new one. only gotten as far as finding the open internet explorer window, by useing


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Execute Based On Inputs From User?

Mar 3, 2009

I'm not sure the best way to accomplish this, what i have is 10 checkboxes on a form named chkbox1 to chkbox10, say ther user selects 4 then clicks a button, i was wanting to execute code one after each other like[code]...

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User Form With 5 Specific Inputs

Dec 9, 2010

I'm trying to create a User form that has six inputs.

1.) User input textbox 5.00 to 60.0 inches only accepted.
2.) User input textbox 2.50 to 30.0 inches only accepted.
3.) User input textbox 6, 8, & 10 nominal input only accepted.
4.) User input textbox 60% or 65% only accepted.
5.) User input textbox 2.50 to 30.0 inches only.
6.) User input textbox where 500 shows up in the box as "standard" but can be changed by user input.

Then an "OK & Cancel" button. I don't know whether to use a dialog box or a form, what class, masked text box vs. not masked, etc.

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VS 2010 - How To Validate User Inputs

Jan 18, 2012

How can I prevent users inserting sql injection in my database? How can I validate their inputs? I am new with this sql injection. I don't know how to prevent users to insert this sttmnentif and I don't have the idea of sql injection how can I be sure that I am safe with sql injection??

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Building Webpage Out Of User Inputs Off A Form

Jun 25, 2009

I was trying to find examples of how one would make a webpage using asp so that I could have the visitor enter information on a form and then when they hit submit it will be attached to my webpage indefintaly and any visitor can view it.

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Check If User Has Entered All Inputs And Go To The Next Form?

Sep 3, 2009

How do i check if user has entered all inputs and go to the next form.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub


In this code it gives an error, but after displaying the error it jumps to next form.

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How To Save Different User Inputs In Form To Harddisk

Jan 22, 2011

i have created a simple form which takes some input from the user. Now, I want that the input should be saved to my harddisk and can be seen later as well. Can you please tell me how to save the inputs as a record on my harddisk.

I mean the first time the form appears, it has four options. All the four options will be a record. The next time the form is re-loaded, then the same four fields will have data for someother client. It should be saved as another user.

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Verify Multiple User Inputs With An Array?

Apr 28, 2012

I have several text boxes which a user is supposed to input a numeric value and the program will use an array to verify whether the input in each text box falls within the numeric range allowed for that text box. So one text box will only accept number 3-7 and i'm supposed to create an array that will verify the input in that text box falls within that range. Personally, I would just do:

Dim intInput1 as Integer
intInput1 = CInt(txtInput1.Text)
If intInput1 >= 3 or <= 7 Then"Input Verified")
Else"Input must be a numeric value between 3 and 7")
End If

But this isn't what the assignment asks.

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Database Condition - All Inputs Required From User On Form

Nov 4, 2009

I am building a program where all the inputs (10) required from the user are asked on one form. Since it is not possible to let fields blank on the database, I would like to know how can I build an 'IF' saying that if all fields are full, then the database CAN save all the input. So that if there are any field blank, it won't save. I just dont know how to do the database condition. Thats all.

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Improve Speed Of Program - User Inputs Min And Max Values

May 3, 2012

I'm currently trying to improve the speed of my program. Basically the user inputs min and max values for a, b, c, and d and a constant n, and then it tries to find the curve/line in the form a (x/b + c) ^ n + d. However for large ranges (1-100 for a,b,c, and d; total of 100 million values to try), it would take around 100 minutes at the current rate (approx 800k values/minute). I'm wondering whether I can further improve the speed. [Code]

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Listbox To Display A List Of Costs That The User Inputs?

Oct 14, 2009

This is what I'm trying to do: I have a listbox to display a list of costs that the user inputs. I want to use some kind of loop to add those numbers from the listbox sequentially, then display the total in a label.

How do I set up a loop (and what kind of loop is best) to pull the numbers and add them to a total? give an example of what the code might look like. I'm new to VB

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Making The User Inputs Insert At The Cursor Position Instead Of At The End?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm making a program similar to a wordpad or whatever, but i'm having issues making the user inputs insert at the cursor position instead of at the end.. I'm running DevStudio 5 btw.

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VS 2008 : Loop Until The User Inputs A Valid Answer?

Feb 16, 2010

Is it possible for you to loop a block of code until the user provides a valid input? Like, when I click the save button, the program will prompt the user for an integer value, and I would like to validate if the user has inputted a valid value. If the user fails to input a valid value, then the program will re-prompt the same message again until the user inputs a valid value. Eg:

If MsgBox("Add copies to this book?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Adding Book Copies") = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
Dim CopyQty As String = InputBox("Amount of copies to generate:", "Add Book Copy")
If IsNumeric(CopyQty) = False or (CopyQty < 1) Then


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Fill In Website Textboxes

Feb 12, 2009

I need to develop an application which fills the textboxes in my webbrowser control and presses a button.Ok as an example there is and i need to develop a program that once you press a button he fills my username and password and presses login.I got no initial code but i think i should program it with the send message api.

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Must Fill All Textboxes To Close?

Sep 2, 2008

Working on a dialogForm, I have 4 textboxes and I want to setup something that makes sure the form can't close in any of the textboxes are empty. I have tried the .enabled property for the OKbtn in the textChanged event for each textbox - but they cancel each other out.

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Data Type Validation - Get An Invalidcastexception If The User Inputs A String

Nov 25, 2009

Im trying to improve some apps ive written, the first is a console app... Im trying to get it so that i wont get an invalidcastexception if the user inputs a string, when the variable is type "Double"


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Return A Value That Is Set In A Radio Button And Add It To What Decimal A User Inputs Into A Text Box?

May 1, 2010

I am wondering how do i Return a value that is set in a Radio Button and Add it to what Decimal a User inputs into a Text box?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub txtbasic_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtbasic.TextChanged
End Sub


i have 2 Error and 1 Warning Function 'OverTime Doesn't Return a value on all code paths.

1 Expression is not an array or a method, and cannot have an argument list

2 Expression is not an array or a method, and cannot have an argument list

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Unable To Check The Exercise Answer One By One As The User Inputs The Info?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a form that has 10 addition execises. The user has the option of using a timer or not. I have the timer part correct, but now I want to be able to check the exercise answer one by one as the user inputs the info.


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URL Validation - Making A Small Webbrowser - User Inputs A Proper Url

Feb 28, 2010

I'm making a small webbrowser, and I need to make sure the user inputs a proper url!

The text box is called TextBoxAddress.

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Able To Stop User From Entering Other Information Until Enter Right Information In The Textbox

May 24, 2012

I have a text box where i am entering numbers of double datatype andon the Keytdown event of the textbox some checks take pace and in certain circumstances I want to be able to stop the user from entering other information until they enter the right information in the textbox (where it says right here) . now when I say exit sub the textbox somehow loses focus . but this is not how I want it to be I want the textbox to remain with the focus so the user can change the information . How can i go about this. And the other thing is why is my txtDestPayRate1.Focus() just befor the exit sub not working?

Private Sub txtDestPayRate1_KeyDown1(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtDestPayRate1.KeyDown

If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then


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Columns Of Listview Can Be Resized Automatically Based On Information In Listview?

Feb 15, 2009

I would like to know if it is possible if the columns of the listview can be resized automatically based on the information in the listview?

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Auto Fill TextBoxes When Paste?

Nov 20, 2011

I have this picture to be more clear:[URL]..My idea is when I paste (ctrl+v) for example this number :


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Auto-Fill TextBoxes When Paste?

Nov 20, 2011

I have this picture to be more clear:My idea is when I paste (ctrl+v) for example this number :4111111111111111it would automatically paste them in textboxes one by one in order!

so txtBox1 will contain : 4111
txtBox2 : 1111
txtBox3 : 1111


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Use Excel To Fill Combobox And Textboxes?

Oct 18, 2010

I need my application to open an excel document and fill in the combo boxes, with whats in Column A, and then fill in text boxes with whats in Column b etc, but I also neeed to edit those textboxes incase I need to do any edits to the excel document, then click a button, and save those edits to the excel document.

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