Listview Text With File.copy?

Nov 18, 2010

i want a file copier. just for experience wise. so i found this code using and its

file.delete("C: est2.txt") file.copy("C: est.txt", "C: est2.txt") and it WORKS great but i introduced a listview item and textbox2 and then it wont work for some reason


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VS 2005 - Copy ListView Items Text Faster

May 20, 2011

I need to copy listview items text, not subitems to array without looping, how do I do this?

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File I/O And Registry :: Load - Read - Locate & Copy Text In A File?

Aug 12, 2010

Before I begin I would like to mention that I am not a noob in VB, it's just I've never had to do anything this complex before. Basically what I want is to have a program that you can load a txt file in, have it copy key words, and paste it in a textbox so I can use it later on. So in this text file, there is a bunch of info, but I am only needing a certain part. Here is an example of a text file (actually a .dat file, but is easily read):


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Copy Text Box Contents To Text File?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a patient register form in my project...When the patient details will be saved in the database it should also be saved in the text file...I am dynamically creating a folder with patientid and firstname in that folder I am creating a text file patientreg.txt and it should contain the contents of text file....

I have wriiten the below code but I am getting an error....
Dim di As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(Application.StartupPath & "" + txtPatientID.Text + txtFName.Text)


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Copy From One Text File And Insert In Another Text File

Aug 12, 2009

[code]I must read the line which not contain (T value). I must take the value in [] and serch whether the same value exist in the line that contain (T value) if exist i must remove the line which not contain (TValue) and insert in another file called "Top". If value doesnot exist than i must delete the line.

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Copy From One Text File And Past In Another Text File?

Aug 13, 2009

My text file is like this

| From | To | From | To
Length|Ga|Color |(b r c )|(b r c )| X Y | X Y
2.0 28 Red [2 16.72 35.3] (2 18.64 33.3) 83736 -28329 86611 -41775


I must read the line which not contain (T value). I must take the value in [] and serch whether the same value exist in the line that contain (T value) if exist i must remove the line which not contain (TValue) and insert in another file called "Top". If value doesnot exist than i must delete the line.

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Copy Text From A File?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm a real beginner at this stuff, so I'm grateful for this website. Anyway, I decided to create a little program as a practice and to make my life a little bit easier, but because of my low skills, I'm a little stuck. I hope this isn't too confusing. But this is what I'm trying to do.I have a text box, a button, and a combo box. I want to do the following.

1. Enter text into the text box.
2. Press the button, the name from the text box appears in combo box.
3. The program takes the text from the text box, open a text file and searches the text file for that text.
4. Once found, the program identifies the line in the text file and copies only the first numbers (id) in the file until the comma.
5. The numbers are inserted into a variable under the combo box name from the text box.
6. When the name is selected in the combo box, a website opens up and adds the id at the end of the url.

-This is an example of what the text file contents will be like.



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Writing File/Folder Sync Prog, Result Text Boxes Not Updating Untill After All File Action Is Done Even Though Update Code Comes Before Copy?

Apr 12, 2011

I am working on a program using VB.Net 2010 which will enable me to setup groups of files & folders for back up with syncing capabilities etc. I have a concept program which is based on some sample code I found out in one of the VB.Net forums. I have modified it from a command line based program to a form based program. At the moment I consider this code to be a "concept" program which once I have the various copy/sync routines developed and debugged will be integrated in to another program I wrote for
creating "Back Up" groups to automate the process. There are some 3rd party programs that do similar things that I want to do such as Microsofts Sync Toy, but none of them offer the grouping and exclusions options that I am going to program in to this backup/sync program.

So here is my problem, I have the included code taking two folders, a source and a destination, and copying everything from the source to the destination. It will skip over any unchanged files/folders and will delete anything found in the destination folder that is not found in the source folder and it will update all files in the destination folder that have a newer version in the source folder. In other words it will mirror image the source to the destination but will be smart enough not to copy unchanged items from the source to the destination thereby saving a lot of time. The sync part of the program is working fine, the displaying of the progress and results is not.


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Copy The Content Od Text File ?

May 7, 2009

The system must read the text file serch for the word 'top' and coby the specic content below 'top'. 'top' is the title of the specific section. Now i can read and serch for the word then i dont know how to copy the the below portion of 'top'.This is my code .Dim File As String = "c:wires.txt" ' file name that suppose to read

Private Sub CheckFile(ByVal theFile As String)
Dim myFileChecker As FileStream = New FileStream(File, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)

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Delete The Transaction From Listview And Text File(temporary Log File) Using Button

Jun 6, 2011

Below is my code for DELETE button. What i want is if the user select the transaction from the listview and press the DELETE button it must be able to delete the transaction from listview and text file(temporary log file) which i keep all the transaction record. At the same time the list view must able show the total current balance from the deleted trnsaction.


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Copy Contents From One Text File To Another In Vbscript?

Jun 21, 2010

I have used Mid,InStr and other methods to get a substring of a string from one text file and copied the required string to another text file. While I get the correct string, vbscript however generates a BLANK SPACE after evry character in the output string.

I tried to use the Replace function inorder to replace the " " with ""... but the function does not detect any blank spaces at all to replace.

Instead of copying to another file, I even tried to replace the undesired part of the string with a " " and get only the required part ... but then again it gives the same problem[ a BLANK SPACE after evry character]

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Copy Contents Of A List Box To A Text File?

Apr 21, 2010

I understand I've been asking alot of similar questions around this topic, but I think, with luck, and your help, this will be the last time.

I have a listbox containing x-many different values.

What I want the program to do is to overwrite a pre existing file with all these values,

that is, essentially, to do the reverse of this piece of [code]...

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Copy Data From Textboxes To A Text File?

Jun 21, 2010

I am using this code to copy data in a textbox to a text file. I have several forms to copy data from. Can this be done or do I need to do each form separately?[code]...

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Copy Selected Text From Word File?

Apr 2, 2009

Am working on a project where i have to get the selected text from a word file(Ms word 2007)Please Advice how i can do this.. I have a Created an ADD-IN button in word. I need to get the Selected Text from the Active Word Document and have to store it somewhere for future use.

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Copy The Data Present In The Text File Using VB 6.0?

Apr 29, 2009

i gave input text file. now i should copy the contents of the text file.need code.

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VS 2010 How To Copy A Text File From 'resources' To PC

Dec 24, 2011

I am working on a project that copies a text file from embedded resources:[code]This doesn't work.

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Copy Data From Text File Onto Excel Sheet?

Apr 28, 2009

i need code to copy data from text file to excel sheet. please help me out. need copy function.

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2005 - Copy ListView To ListView?

Jan 23, 2008

VB.NET 2005

Anyone has a quick way to copy a listview to a new listview?

It tried the following, but it crashes ..

Dim arrTemp(lvwTemp.Items.Count) As ListViewItem
lvwTemp.Items.CopyTo(arrTemp, 0)


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VS 2010 - Load, Read, Locate, & Copy Text In A File?

Jun 14, 2011

I'm calling a 3rd part app which 'sometimes' works in VB.NET (it's a self-hosted WCF). But sometimes the 3rd party app will hang forever, so I've added a 90-second timer to it. Problem is, how do I know if the thing timed out?

Code looks like this:

Dim MyProcess as System.Diagnostics.Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(MyInfo)

What I'd like to do is something like this

If MyProcess.ExceededTimeout Then
MyFunction = False
MyFunction = True
End If

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VS 2010 Load, Read, Locate, & Copy Text In A File?

Aug 11, 2010

Before I begin I would like to mention that I am not a noob in VB, it's just I've never had to do anything this complex before.Basically what I want is to have a program that you can load a txt file in, have it copy key words, and paste it in a textbox so I can use it later on.So in this text file, there is a bunch of info, but I am only needing a certain part.Here is an example of a text file (actually a .dat file, but is easily read):

s t y l e T h e m e d s h y - A l p i n e V i l l a g e S e t S t y l e & h y - a v p o s t 1 H a n g 3 , V ¯s t y l e T h e m e d s h y - A l p i n e V i l l a g e S e t S t y l e , y - a v p o s t 1 H


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Write A Program Where A User Can Copy Text From A Pdf File, Paste?

Feb 28, 2009

I'm wanting to write a program where a user can copy text from a pdf file, paste it into my program and it can identify which file the text came from and where in the file the text was copied from. This is so that later on, the user can then select the pasted text, and the program can load up the source pdf and highlight the text section.Are there any components out there which I can use to accomplish this

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Text File To ListView?

Nov 7, 2011

I have been trying to load two text files into a listview all weekend, this one has me stumped. I have searched the web and my material but have been unable to make anything work or display the data in the listview.

I am trying to load two text files at the same time. I have figured out how to load the files but I cannot get the data to display. One file has 50 lines of numbers, which I want to display in column 1, and the other file contains 50 lines of letters, which I would like to display in column 2.

Once the data is loaded to the listview I will need to sort the columns by alphabetical order and numeric order. But I need to get the files to load and display first, this is the code I have come up with so far:

Private Sub ButtonLoadFiles_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonLoadFiles.Click
Dim myStream As Stream = Nothing


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Display A Text File With A ListView?

Mar 6, 2011

Explain how i would get feilds from my file to a listview.[code]...

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Export Listview To Text File?

Feb 26, 2011

how i would be able to export my data in listview to text file.

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Import Text File To Listview?

Jun 18, 2009

I have an application with a listview which contains 3 columns (account, password, and a hidden column).

I have written some code to save the contents of the account and password columns in the format Account|Password.

Now I would like to be able to import text files into the listview. I was thinking about reading the text file then splitting it using Split("|") however I don't know how to put the variables in the seperate columns. Here is my code:

Dim accounts As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim aryTextFile() As String


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Listview: Displaying From A Text File?

May 5, 2009

on my application i have a username and password form that saves the username & password It's not meant to be secure, and it writes to a text file displaying as so


here is the code

Private Sub cmdPostAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdPostAdd.Click
'Add new username and password


This all works fine, but i have no idea how to reload this information when the form loads.Obviously it needs to read the string, the seperate the username and password.also is it possible to password char the password section in the listview? at the moment it can be read.

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Read A Text File Into A Listview?

Mar 8, 2009

Now i use this part of the code to write the file out for the listview items [code]...

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Reading Text File Into ListView

Feb 17, 2009

I currently have this:
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnImportProxy.Click
If (CheckBox3.Checked = True) Then
' Displays a OpenFileDialog so the user can load the proxy .txt file
' This one shows the user which types of files ar eallowed to open .txt
[Code] .....
But what I was after was to put the contents of the .txt file into the list view I can't seem to get it.

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VS 2005 Crystal Report Viewer - Unable To Right Click->Copy Or Ctrl+c And Copy Any Text

Dec 28, 2009

I got a problem...after load crystal report viewer, I am unable to right click->Copy or ctrl+c and copy any text. I am using 2005, crystal Report 11...I am showing the report content on the Report Viewer..

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ListView Data Save Into Text File

Jun 9, 2011

I have a question because in my I.O.File. I use this to save the data in the listview in a c: est.txt but the problem is that it only save one data and every time I click the save the previous data that I save is deleted and it change the new one that I save. And also when I click the remove in the listview it will also delete the data that save in the c: est.txt and the format should like this

First name | lastname | address |
rae alanah new york
john smith los angeles

Here the code that I did...
Dim myFile As String = "C: est.txt" '//file location
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(myFile, TextBox1.Text & " " & ComboBox1.Text & " " & TextBox4.Text & " " & ComboBox2.Text & " " & TextBox3.Text & " " & TextBox2.Text & " " & TextBox5.Text)
Or you can also create new code base on ur understanding. This is the first time I use the I.O file or file stream in because my crystal report does not detect my database that's why I need to do this.

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