Load Dll According To Platform?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a dll for 32bit and 64bit and now I want that my exe call the dll from according to solution platform,means when x64 is set then the dll of 64bit will call.For this I declare a function GetPlatform().[code]...

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Any CPU Platform And X86 Platform

Nov 20, 2011

I am really confused about target platform.For best results, to make my application run on any CPU, what target platform should be used.I tried Any CPU but my application does not run on Windows 7 with Access 2010 installed.It returns an error The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine..Someone told me to avoid this error, change platform to X86.But I am unable to change that too.Dropdown menu contains only Any CPU.

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Get A Box To Sit On A Moving Platform?

Mar 6, 2012

Am making a game for a college project, its just a mario like game except its a frog.

I want the frog to be able to jump on top of a moving platform in order to get to the other side. However the timer doesn't stop and the frog keeps on moving down. The moving platform has a separate timer called timer2 and the gravity timer is called timer1.

Here is a picture just to show you the game and the frog falling through the platform.

For some reason the moving platform leaves a trail of itself, be cool if you could also fix that for me hehe.

Here is the code for the 'collision '

If Player.Right >= platform.Left And Player.Bottom = platform.Top And Player.Left <= platform.Right Then
End If

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.net - Which Platform Is Used For Powerpoint And Flash

Feb 15, 2011

I Want To create Animation Project like powerpoint In .net(vb.net).how to do the effects and what are the controls and components needed.

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C# - CRC For Cross Platform Applications?

Apr 19, 2010

I wish to use common CRC logic in a VB.NET or C# application as well as on a C/Linux application. I have one C/Linux application that interacts with a webservice (written in C#) and also a web application (written in VB.NET). For some data, I want to add a CRC to the data itself (say a file) from the .NET side and check for the integrity of the data (checking the CRC) on the client - and also vice-versa.

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C# - Cross Platform Alternatives To WPF?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm thinking of porting my application from VB.net to the C# based MONO project, so it can run on both Windows and Mac. However, I am in need of a Mac-friendly alternative to WPF. It has to have very similar functionality. QML (by QT) is not a viable option, as it costs far too much money for us.

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Create A Cross-platform DLL In .net?

Aug 4, 2009

I have a interesting problem: Where I work we've built a home-grown ERP system in VB6 that we are slowly moving over into vb.net. There are some projects have are in .net: we have a hand-held C# project that uses a web service to talk to our database, I've built some reporting screens using Crystal and some smaller maintenance screens.

Well as we have been plotting the conversion out, we want to have a way to separate our business logic and UI so that the UI can be a win/web form or a Smart Device project. Is this even possible? I try to reference the DLL in a test I have and it gives me this error when trying to debug using a emulator Deployment and/or registration failed with error: 0x8973190e. Error writing file '%csidl_program_files%smartdeviceproject1system.windows.forms.dll'. Error 0x80070070: There is not enough space on the disk.

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Debug Program As X86 Platform?

Mar 21, 2012

I'm using visual studio 2010 express(.net 4.0) and I can't seem to be able to debug my program as x86 platform.?

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Option To Select A Different Platform?

Jan 5, 2012

My Visual studio does not give me the option to select a different platform, I need to select X86 , but it only gives me the option Active(Any CPU). How can i correct this. I am running on a 64 bit machine with Windows 7, is this the problem?

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Target The X86 Platform To Use Quartz.dll?

Feb 25, 2007

I need to target the X86 platorm to use quartz.dll and directshow filters in the syswow64 folder of my XP X64 system. If I start a project in VB5 and then upgrade to VB Express, I get "Configuration:" and "Platform: drop down list boxes. If I start a project in VB Express, I don't get these boxes. How can I get to choose platforms in VB Express?

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Create Oracle Database For MS Platform?

Aug 2, 2011

I'd like to test Oracle database connection via web service. Could I create Oracle database in MS development environment? Oracle version is 10.2... is it Oracle 10g. I'm familiar with MS SQL Server. Oracle is new for me.

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The Targeted Platform Does Not Support Latebinding

Jan 11, 2011

I have a sender as system.object and I want to code textblock1.text=textblock1.text + sender.text sender is the chars(numbers) sent by digitclick of buttons. the problem is this: it doesn't support sender.text and says it's a latebinding and it is not supported by this platform. I'm trying to make a silverlight app for WP7 using VB and this is my problem. Can I solve it anyway or can I change it with something else with the same action??

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VS 2010 Can't Change Debug Platform?

Aug 17, 2010

I've received a project from a friend and the Debug platform is set to "Active (Itanium)",so I changed it to x86, saved, closed the "My Project" window, and debugged. Same message:Error while trying to run project. Cannot start debugging. The assembly to be debugged was built with a platform incompatible with the current system." I went back into My Project > Debug and it's been set back to Active (Itanium). I tried everything and looked around Google, has no-one else had the same problem? How do I fix it?

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Connecting To MS Access DB From VB On Windows Vista Platform?

May 12, 2010

I need to connect to MS Access 2003 database using ADODB connection from Visual Basic.I use the following connect string.

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Create A RTSP Video Stream On A .NET Platform

Jan 14, 2011

I want to create a RTSP/h264 video stream from static images, and incorporate it into my .NET application. So far I have found two possible ways to do this:

Use ffmpeg/ffserver, but I would need to compile ffserver on windows and then rely on it... and I don't necessarily want to rely on an external application
Use the LIVE555 [URL] library, but they do not have any .NET libraries, so I would need to spend some effort to make it work with the rest of my .NET application.

Can you comment on either #1, #2, or which is better. Is there a faster way to bring up a RTSP server in .NET? I do not mind putting in development time if there is a solid solution that takes time, but it would be good to have something we can work with fast, for prototyping and demos.

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Create A Universal Platform App With An Access Database?

Nov 8, 2011

Until recently I have been using net 2005 with distributing an app which uses an access database with getting data using recordsets

I decided it was time to upgrade so I got net 2010 & started using ADO.net with a dataadapter.

To my dismay I have found that my app will not run on all platforms, ie XP, Vista 32 & 64 bit, Windows 7 32 & 64 bit From another question I have been told

"If compiled to target AnyCPU, your program will fail to run in an x64 environment if it utilizes any ODBC database driver. In this case, you must compile it to x86. Therefore, x86 is safer than AnyCPU."

Which I have found to be correct I am not familiar with all the options to open a database & the respective code required to extract/change the database data. I also don't understand the implications of using x86 cpu instead of any CPU

MY net 2005 apps have been working fine for the last 6 years (until W7 64 bit), so I want to develop an app that has the same lifespan without having to make variations to the build for specific platforms

I would like the answers to the following:

1. is x86 the new standard for specifying cpu & works on all platforms?

2. why does W7 64 bit have a windows & windows x86 system folder

3. why does my installer when "any CPU" is specified install it in the x86 system folder (W7 64 bit, even though the app fails when trying to open the database as outlined above)

4. which method of opening an access database is preferred which works on all platforms with a common cpu specified?

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Ensure App Fully Compatible With X64 Win7 Platform?

May 6, 2012

How can I ensure my app fully compatible with x64 Win7 platform? I have a choice of 32 or 64 bit development machines to use.

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String Format - Converting App To MultiLanguage Platform

Oct 25, 2010

I have to Convert my Application to a Multilanguage platform including Other Cultures and their formats. I Cannot convert anything..

For example
rd.RD_STARTDATE.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(dsRsv.Tables("RSVDetail").Rows(i).Item("RD_STARTDATE")).ToString("d", CultureInfo.DateTimeFormat.FullDateTimePattern)

Why does this always result in a " Cannot convert to 'Interface IFormatProvider'." ? How I can Proper handle this conversion of DateValues?

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VisualStudio Implement X64 Platform On A X86 Project On A X64 System

Jan 31, 2011

I have a x64 Win7 VisualStudio 2010 system for development. The problem is, that I only break project for "just in time editing" while unsing x86 target platform. No problem, I switched all to x86.

The problem is now, that one of the camera drivers, I am using from a third party is x64 combiled because it is on my x64 system.

No problem, I re-created the class in a very new project where I can choose the target platform. I build an wrapper for all methods.

But visual studio fails to run with error:


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VS 2008 Platform Related Issues In VB Program?

Mar 6, 2012

I am facing a certain problem in a program that i am writing. I am using Visual Basic 2008 on a 64 bit Win 7 OS. The program i am writing calculates the hash of certain windows processes and then stores them in an Access database (2003 .mdb type).Now the problem that occurs is that to access the database I make changes asProject (right click) -> Properties -> Compile -> Advanced Compile Options -> Target CPU to x86But when i use this setting the program throws a file not found exception when it tries the access the windows/system32 folder.So to access the windows/system32 folder i have to use the settings as :Project (right click) -> Properties -> Compile -> Advanced Compile Options -> Target CPU to x64

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C# - Game Engine/Platform To Use In Order To Write Once And Deploy Everywhere?

May 24, 2012

Basically, I want to design a strategy game, where most of the game will be spent in menu areas and making "decisions" (like a Tycoon style game), however, there will still be some graphics, and I would prefer 3D, but if not possible, can resort to 2D. The graphics aren't user controlled, but the moving objects will be the result of the "decisions" the players make.

I really just want to write it once, and have it run on the following Platforms:

Windows Desktop
iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad)
Android Phones (not strictly required)

(any other platforms would just be a bonus, but at the absolute minimum, all i really want is Windows Desktop and iOS [iPhone, iPod, iPad]).

Now, I don't want to learn objective-c or any other languages which i may have no use for in the future, I really just want to be able to program in Visual Studio (VB.Net or C#, since I can convert from vb.net to c# I will just be writing it in vb.net).

Is it possible to write in vb.net/c# and deploy to all these platforms? I heard of MonoTouch, so i can convert from vb to c# but is this seemless or difficult to do? Do I have to learn and write in another language in order to make tweaks to make it work on the iPhone or Android? So, with MonoTouch, can I still use XNA or is there a different engine that I need to learn/use with Visual Studio?

Alternatively, if I cannot do this all in VB.NET or Visual Studio, what programming language and/or graphics engine should I learn in order to be able to write once and deploy everywhere that is relevant? (So, not fussed about Linux, Mac's or other less used OS's).

Right now, I haven't learnt XNA but am wondering if I should or need to, or if i should learn another engine & language. Basically, I don't really know what I need to learn/know in order to be able to write once and deploy on Windows Desktop, iOS (iDevice's) and maybe Android. So, my question really is, what do I need to learn in terms of both the programming language and game/graphics engine. Right now I know VB.NET and would prefer to use what I know, but if not possible, then am prepared to learn another language & engine combination to be able to achieve what I want, if this is what I need to do, I would like to know what language & engine I need to learn.

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Choosing A Development Platform To Convert Our Current Software?

Jun 16, 2010

choosing a development platform to convert our current software. I work in an academic research lab, and our current software is written in VB6/ActiveX, and C. I was given the job to convert the software into a more 'modern' platform. I am trying to decide between VB.net and Python. In a nutshell, the software is used to control a system to collect live images from people's eyes. It consists of a number of activeX modules that control various hardware pieces, like ccd camera, frame grabber, deformable mirrors, motorized stages and so on. The core of the software processes the ccd images (huge arrays), and manipulates the hardware(the deformable mirrors) to try to get better images.

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Game Programming :: Multiple Platform Collision Detection

Jan 12, 2010

Lately I have been making a platformer game, just to experiment and see how it would work, and after making two very basic levels I realized that it would take a lot of code to include several or more platforms.


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Using .NET Save Data In Access On A Windows Vista Platform?

Jul 1, 2010

We have developed an application using Visual Basic .NET as the front end and Microsoft Access as the back end. If we run the application on Windows XP we can write records to the database but when we run it on Vista it does not write records to the database.

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VS 2010 Chat Server That Can Interact With Mobile Platform

Mar 1, 2011

I've recently created my first serious Windows Service. It is a chat Server that can interact with a mobile Platform.Now If a Exception occurs in OnStart Sub you have no way of knowing there was an exception other than the misleading messagebox.I've Pinpointed the Exception to my fairly Simple log Class that Writes to a log file. Please look if you can see any obvious places where exceptions could occur. [code]

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VS 2010 Cross Platform Application (windows & Linux)

Dec 22, 2010

am devoloping a simple program in vb.net but i wanna do it a cross platform almost (windows & linux) or if there is a vb.net to C++ code converter

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TextBoxBase.AppendText Method - .NET Framework Does Not Support All Versions Of Every Platform

May 11, 2012

I'm looking at the MSDN webpage for TextBoxBase.AppendText Method [URL] Under requirements I see "Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows XP SP2 x64 Edition, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2


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Office Automation :: Using Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition Targeting The .Net 2.0 Platform With C#?

Apr 11, 2009

make VBE add ins for Office using .Net?Detail:Using Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition targeting the .Net 2.0 platform with C#

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Waveout Sometimes Memory - Output A Piano Tone Using Winmm.dll Via Platform Invocation Services

Feb 23, 2010

This code works to output a piano tone for 2 seconds using winmm.dll via platform invocation services, it seems to work fine on XP but waveoutopen fails in windows 7 rc updated based on feedback from John Knoeller


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Convert Application To Platform Independent Mobile Application That Is Supported On All Devices?

May 13, 2011

I have a vb.net windows application. I want to convert some part of it to an application that can be run on all mobile platforms like iphone,windows mobile, ipad etc. It should be platform independent

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