Option To Select A Different Platform?

Jan 5, 2012

My Visual studio does not give me the option to select a different platform, I need to select X86 , but it only gives me the option Active(Any CPU). How can i correct this. I am running on a 64 bit machine with Windows 7, is this the problem?

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Program Should Select Option In Second If Possible Or Other Select First Option

Jun 25, 2009

I have two comboboxes which are related to each other. When a make a choice in the first there are different choices possible in the second. So far so good. But is it possible to remember the second choice when i change the first? the program should select the the option in the second if possible or other select the first option.[code]

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Javascript - Make A Select Option Change Options In Another Select?

Oct 3, 2011

I have two drop down. SelCurrentManuf and selCurrentModel. I want the option in selCurrentModel to change depending on the option selected in selCurrentManuf. How do i do it?

<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="selCurrentManuf"></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="selCurrentModel"></asp:DropDownList>

This is how i am currently populating selCurrentModel

Public Sub PopulateCurrentModel()
Dim mySelectQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM Model where ManufID = "+ selCurrentManuf.Text+";"
Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(Session("localConn"))


but it only populates the first selected manuf, and doesnt change after

Private Sub selCurrentManuf_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles selCurrentManuf.SelectedIndexChanged
End Sub

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Forms :: Listbox - Multi Select Option?

Dec 15, 2011

I had set the multiselect option to true for listbox.Let me know how to move the list items up and down with this option.

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Required Select Option That Locks After Selection

Mar 29, 2010

I have a combo box (named cboGrade) that includes three different options (3rd, 4th, and 5th). I want to make the user be required to select an option from the list and then once the selection has been made, lock the control until either the user finishes the game or clicks the button named btnBeginAgain. How do I do this? I'm using Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition.

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Loading An Image - Select The Application From The Open With Option?

Jan 22, 2011

there is a "open with" option in the context menu right.if i select the application(app i have build from VB2010) from the open with option. i want the picturebox in my application to load the image i had selected(the one with the "open with" )

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Select From A ComboBox - Option Selected Is Shown, But Not Activated?

Apr 1, 2011

basically i'm making a webbrowser, and i want it to select and option from a dropdown ComboBox, on a certain button click. I use this code which i found it on these forums as well:

For Each element As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("select")
If element.GetAttribute("id") = "wrapper_opacity"
element.SetAttribute("value", "51")[code].....

The problem with this code is that it just inputs the selected value, but it doesn't really SELECT it.The option selected is shown, but not activated.

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Forms :: SELECT Dropdown Has No OPTION Tags (WebBrowser Control)?

Aug 27, 2010

I created a Windows Form application that used a Webrowser control to automate the process of entering data into a website. One of the tasks included selecting a server name from a dropdown menu (SELECT tag). I was able to get a collection of all of the OPTION tags and use HTMLElement.SetAttribute("selectedIndex","indexVal ue") to select the server I needed.The website recently went through a redesign and now there are no OPTION tags. It appears that the values for the SELECT tags are added by JavaScript dynamically. I have tried using HTMLElement.SetAttribute("selectedIndex","indexVal ue") directly, but I am unable to select what I need.

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Select The Address Option On This Webpage Programmatically With 2010 Webbrowser?

Mar 20, 2011

I need to select the address option on this webpage programatically with vb 2010 webbrowser.I think the html code is here

<select size="1" name="bytool" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: -1pt" onChange="searchTool(document.frmNavigation.bytool.options[document.frmNavigation.bytool.selectedIndex].value)">
<option value="none">Select Item</option>


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VS 2010 - Combobox & Button - Select Option Then Open Website In Browser

Mar 20, 2011

So I've made a program in VB 2010, and it has three comboboxes and a button to view. Now lets say my first combobox is "Type of website". The options are "search engines", "social networking" and "news". The second combobox values would depend on what the first combobox value is selected, like if it was "news" the options would be "technology", "uk", "us", and "world".

The third combobox would then use the values in the first and second comboboxes to give even more values, for example if it was "news" and "technology" the values would be "engadget" etc. Then the view button would open the selected website in an internet browser. How would I code this?

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Raise Event Because A User Didn't Not Select A Checkbox Option After Choosing A Certain Value In A Combobox?

Aug 4, 2011

I am new to vb.net and I have looked at other topics. I cannot find the answer I need. OK I have a combobox named cboRaceDesc and five checkboxes (CkRaceAfricanAmerican, ChkRaceAmerican Indian, ckRaceAsian, ckRacePacificIslander, and ckRaceWhite). I was going to post an image, but I cannot.cboRaceDesc has two options...Hispanic and Other. If the user selects Other then they have to choose one of the five checkboxes or it will raise an exception when the record is being saved. I am assuming I would generate the code under the "save" button. I know I need to gather the following information in my code:

If cboRaceDesc.SelectedValue = Other Then
<I am not sure how to code the logic regarding the checkboxes>
<I know I need to use multiple else/else if statements>
<I know towards the end I would generate the exception>

Can anyone help me fill in the blanks or point me in the right direction?

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Set Option Explicit And Option Strict On A Project / Solution Level?

Feb 22, 2011

I really like the coding speed that vb.net provides, but I don't like the possibility to forget to declare variable types, return types of functions, etc. and that is why in each class I use[code]..

Is there a way to define those two options on the project/solution level?

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The Combo Box Style 1 Has Both The Drop Down Option But Also A Manual Entry Option

Jan 26, 2010

the combo box style 1 has both the drop down option but also a manual entry option. I need to know how to code it so that when you manually enter data, it takes that data and places it in a text message "The shipping charges for "data" is $15" displaying in a text box. Shouldn't be hard but have developed a mind block.

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VS 2005 Option Explicit On; Option Strict On

Feb 24, 2010

what does these two code means in vb.net: Option Explicit on Option strict on i think option explicit means the compiler is not going to do any kind of conversion and i need to do all of them by the code;also it becomes case sensitive i.e;


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Any CPU Platform And X86 Platform

Nov 20, 2011

I am really confused about target platform.For best results, to make my application run on any CPU, what target platform should be used.I tried Any CPU but my application does not run on Windows 7 with Access 2010 installed.It returns an error The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine..Someone told me to avoid this error, change platform to X86.But I am unable to change that too.Dropdown menu contains only Any CPU.

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Get A Box To Sit On A Moving Platform?

Mar 6, 2012

Am making a game for a college project, its just a mario like game except its a frog.

I want the frog to be able to jump on top of a moving platform in order to get to the other side. However the timer doesn't stop and the frog keeps on moving down. The moving platform has a separate timer called timer2 and the gravity timer is called timer1.

Here is a picture just to show you the game and the frog falling through the platform.

For some reason the moving platform leaves a trail of itself, be cool if you could also fix that for me hehe.

Here is the code for the 'collision '

If Player.Right >= platform.Left And Player.Bottom = platform.Top And Player.Left <= platform.Right Then
End If

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Load Dll According To Platform?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a dll for 32bit and 64bit and now I want that my exe call the dll from according to solution platform,means when x64 is set then the dll of 64bit will call.For this I declare a function GetPlatform().[code]...

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How To Handle Input - Console Application - Click One Option On Windows Context Menu And Another Function When You Click Another Option

Jul 28, 2009

I want my console application to be able to do one function I have when you click one option on the windows context menu, and another function when you click another option.

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Option Strict - Error Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From 'Object' To 'XtremeCalendarControl.CalendarControl'

Oct 17, 2009

How can I get round this error: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from


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Use Of Option Strict And Option Infer

Feb 22, 2011

1. I have read that keeping Option strict on and Option infer off is good practice and will insure your code is tight and properly written. I would like input regarding this, pro's and con's from those who are in the know.

2. Having said that, I have set Option strict on and Option infer off in an existing program I wrote (that was working perfectly mind you) with them off and on respectively. I went through and cleaned up all the errors on the 'need AS' and casting of variables, but one is leaving me a bit put out.[code]

I have also read where using My.Computer.System.Directory.GetFiles() instead of System.IO.Directory.GetFiles() is probably not a good thing, but when I change to this I get no error, but also no dataI am thinking I should stay with the strict on and infer off but am really slogging through getting this code correct.Running Win7 on Dual Quad Core XEON Intel Extreme with 8Gb RAM.

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.net - Which Platform Is Used For Powerpoint And Flash

Feb 15, 2011

I Want To create Animation Project like powerpoint In .net(vb.net).how to do the effects and what are the controls and components needed.

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C# - CRC For Cross Platform Applications?

Apr 19, 2010

I wish to use common CRC logic in a VB.NET or C# application as well as on a C/Linux application. I have one C/Linux application that interacts with a webservice (written in C#) and also a web application (written in VB.NET). For some data, I want to add a CRC to the data itself (say a file) from the .NET side and check for the integrity of the data (checking the CRC) on the client - and also vice-versa.

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C# - Cross Platform Alternatives To WPF?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm thinking of porting my application from VB.net to the C# based MONO project, so it can run on both Windows and Mac. However, I am in need of a Mac-friendly alternative to WPF. It has to have very similar functionality. QML (by QT) is not a viable option, as it costs far too much money for us.

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Create A Cross-platform DLL In .net?

Aug 4, 2009

I have a interesting problem: Where I work we've built a home-grown ERP system in VB6 that we are slowly moving over into vb.net. There are some projects have are in .net: we have a hand-held C# project that uses a web service to talk to our database, I've built some reporting screens using Crystal and some smaller maintenance screens.

Well as we have been plotting the conversion out, we want to have a way to separate our business logic and UI so that the UI can be a win/web form or a Smart Device project. Is this even possible? I try to reference the DLL in a test I have and it gives me this error when trying to debug using a emulator Deployment and/or registration failed with error: 0x8973190e. Error writing file '%csidl_program_files%smartdeviceproject1system.windows.forms.dll'. Error 0x80070070: There is not enough space on the disk.

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Debug Program As X86 Platform?

Mar 21, 2012

I'm using visual studio 2010 express(.net 4.0) and I can't seem to be able to debug my program as x86 platform.?

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Target The X86 Platform To Use Quartz.dll?

Feb 25, 2007

I need to target the X86 platorm to use quartz.dll and directshow filters in the syswow64 folder of my XP X64 system. If I start a project in VB5 and then upgrade to VB Express, I get "Configuration:" and "Platform: drop down list boxes. If I start a project in VB Express, I don't get these boxes. How can I get to choose platforms in VB Express?

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Writing The Save Option - Code Up The Save Menu Option So That It Updates The Current Document?

Jun 10, 2010

I am writing a text editor program and I have written the new, open, save as, exit menu items but I am struggling with writing the save option.Now I have created the menu itself (well vb did, I just used insert standard items) but how do I code up the save menu option so that it updates the current document or if the documnt has not yet been saved bring up the save file dialog.Here is the code I have so far

Public Class Main
Private Sub NewToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewToolStripButton.Click, NewToolStripMenuItem.Click[code]....

I know I have some finishing touches such as messages and error handling and stuff but at the moment I want to get all the basics working,I think the save menu option is all I am struggling with at the moment.

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Create Oracle Database For MS Platform?

Aug 2, 2011

I'd like to test Oracle database connection via web service. Could I create Oracle database in MS development environment? Oracle version is 10.2... is it Oracle 10g. I'm familiar with MS SQL Server. Oracle is new for me.

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The Targeted Platform Does Not Support Latebinding

Jan 11, 2011

I have a sender as system.object and I want to code textblock1.text=textblock1.text + sender.text sender is the chars(numbers) sent by digitclick of buttons. the problem is this: it doesn't support sender.text and says it's a latebinding and it is not supported by this platform. I'm trying to make a silverlight app for WP7 using VB and this is my problem. Can I solve it anyway or can I change it with something else with the same action??

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VS 2010 Can't Change Debug Platform?

Aug 17, 2010

I've received a project from a friend and the Debug platform is set to "Active (Itanium)",so I changed it to x86, saved, closed the "My Project" window, and debugged. Same message:Error while trying to run project. Cannot start debugging. The assembly to be debugged was built with a platform incompatible with the current system." I went back into My Project > Debug and it's been set back to Active (Itanium). I tried everything and looked around Google, has no-one else had the same problem? How do I fix it?

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