Loading PictureBoxes And Adding Tags To Each Image

Apr 18, 2012

Basically I am playing around in vb and trying to build a simple photo app. Here is an example of the problem I am facing. I have 3 pictureboxes. The first one is an image of an album the second picturebox shows a thumbnail image of picturebox1 when it is clicked and then the final picturebox shows a blown up image of picturebox2 which is the thumbnail. I can do all this fine when just using the first set of images. The problem that I am facing is that when I run the program and lets say I clicked on picturebox2 which is a thumbnail image it shows it in picturebox3 before picturebox1 is even clicked. I am trying to do this by adding tags to each separate image but have failed miserably.

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Adding Progress Bar While Loading Image List To Listbox?

Aug 7, 2011

I am trying to add Images using open file dialog and folder browse dialog and populating the image list to listbox.While adding these Images I need to show the progress bar for every image it loads.

I am trying to get that but when the value of the progress bar say something around 25 0r 40 it is stopping at that point but I need to show the progress bar until it completes the 100% and then populates the Image list.

Here is my code:

Private Sub AddImages_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddImages.Click
If Not Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "Backup") = True Then


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Loading Images Into PictureBoxes?

Mar 13, 2009

PicBox(0, 0).Image = My.Resources.ship1
PicBox(0, 1).Image = My.Resources.ship2

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Adding Multiple Pictureboxes?

Mar 8, 2012

A while back I made a brickbreaker game with out the bricks. Its a picturebox bouncing on the sides of the form and the whole goal is to keep it from hitting the bottom of the form. Now I'm fed up with that, I want to further myself by adding bricks that I can break and keep score. I have something I came up with, but it will only add 1 picturebox.

Dim pb As New PictureBox
Dim locX As Integer = 75
Dim locY As Integer = 100


I did wrap a try/catch inside the do until. My plan is to add one row, then reset my locX, finally move to a different row(locY) and do the same thing.

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2008 : Extracting Parsing Keyword Tags, Title Tags, Td Class, Meta Tags Etc?

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to analyze web pages for seo. I'm trying to create my own personal tool to extract all the keywords and tags from web pages (a little clearer).I already know how to extract or parse links and text from web pages. The issue is that I tried to implement title tags, body tags or keyword tags in general via using the following code:

Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection
If curElement.GetAttribute("href").Contains("http://twitter.com/") Then


Try to extract all the keywords from the title, body etc. for this page:[URL] and send it to separate textboxes (title keywords in textbox1, meta tags in textbox2 etc.).

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Extracting Parsing Keyword Tags / Title Tags / Td Class / Meta Tags

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to analyze web pages for seo. I'm trying to create my own personal tool to extract all the keywords and tags from web pages (a little clearer).I already know how to extract or parse links and text from web pages. The issue is that I tried to implement title tags, body tags or keyword tags in general via using the following code:[code]

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Game Programming :: Adding Pictureboxes To Form

Jul 23, 2008

I know how to make a single picturebox, but I need to make more different pictureboxes. Example: I want to make a picturebox every time snake and food crash (I'm making snake with pictureboxes, yes). But for that, I need a code that will make a new picturebox with different name every time they crash. For example When they first crash, the code should make a picturebox called snakepart(1) next time they crash it should make snakepart(2). Something like that.

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Visual Basic 2008 Extracting Div Tags, Extracting Title Tags, Extracting Keyword Tags, Parsing Div Tags?

Nov 7, 2009

I was just wondering how to extract or parse any particual tags (whichever I specify) from webpages. I know how to extract text and links from webpages, but I tried to use the same method from the following code for div tags, title tags etcetera and it doesn't seem to work:


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Multiple UI Thread - Show An Animated Loading Gif Image Till Data Loading Is Completed In All Text Boxes

Jul 13, 2009

I have a window application develpoed in vs 2008, framework 3.5, in which i have put a button.. Now where i click that button the other text boxes are filled up with the data from database thru web service.. what i want is while all text boxes are being filled i want to show an animated loading gif image till data loading is completed in all the text boxes.. i have tried to use image picture box but while data is loading gif image is displyes but in static mode.. cant see animation... i think this is because data loading and animation both are done thru one UI thread..

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Adding Proper Number Of Pictureboxes To Array Control [VB 2008]

Aug 10, 2009

My application has no static number of pictureboxes. I want to add picturebox to array control.


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Set Image To Varius PictureBoxes Using A Loop?

Sep 10, 2011

i'm trying to set image to varius PictureBoxes using a Loop I'm trying to make it in this way because there are a lots of PictureBox and i don't want to set image one by one This is what i'm trying to do

For i = 1 To 45
PictureBox(i).Image = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("Image_" & i)

But it doesn't work

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Interface And Graphics :: Count Number Of Pictureboxes Whose Image Is Not 'nothing'

Dec 5, 2008

I need to be able to count the number of pictureboxes whose image is not "nothing". At first, this seems really simple (and it probably is) but I'm unable to see a way to access the array I created. (This is a workaround to the .net framework's lack of support for control arrays.)Here's the code as it exists now. Please look at it and give me a pointer in the right direction.[code]

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VS 2008 Loop Through All The Pictureboxes And Assign Each Image To A Picture Box

Jun 1, 2010

I have a List wich contains names of all images that is going to be used in the application. I want to loop through all the pictureboxes and assign each image to a picture box. I tried this:


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Document Object Model - Adding Tags To Text In Runtime?

May 2, 2011

If I am using with WebBrowser how I can add tags to source code of the page in runtime (Make a changes on site).
For example: I have site with this
Test page
this is the text
Now how possible to add elements/tags to text in runtime?

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Saving Tags To Image/ Tag Property?

Feb 7, 2010

I am just wondering what was the use of tag property in VB.Net....

I am planning to make a system wherein i can add tags to images so that if i search in my computer, all images tagged in same keywords will be displayed..

For example i open an image to my system, and it's file name was "WhiteHouse.jpg" and i added or tagged it as "Building". Once i search on my computer, and type the word/keyword "Building", the image "WhiteHouse.jpg" will be displayed on search results as i tagged it on my system.

if the TAG PROPERTY in VB.Net can make this thing., How can i save the images together with this tags?

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VS 2008 - Image Transparency - Loading A Bunch Of Pictures On Top Of One Image

Oct 14, 2009

Ive been programming in VB6 for years, i figured its time for an upgrade. Here's what im doing, and what the problem is:

Im loading a bunch of pictures on top of one image. They are all PNG files, and some of the images have transparent edges, and some semi-transparency within the image itself.

So basically, i need to be able to load these images on top of the other images, and still maintain the transparency.

Is this possible in VB08? This is one of the main reasons i moved to 08 from vb6, more things possible including multithreading.

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Loading External Image On SSRS (Image Box)?

Jul 8, 2011

I have a picture box on SSRS. I want to load a picture to it, for exam from D:\Pictures\TV1.jpg (actually user will decide it by using OpenFileDialog)I have set the Source to external and in Value expression I tired


but my picture box shows error picture in both cases.

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.NET Renaming File And Retagging / Edit Image MetaData / Meta Tags?

Jan 4, 2011

How do I Edit and Save Image EXIF / Metadata / FileInfo without using an external DLL?

Project:I'm building an app for personal use to rename, retag, and organize the apocalyptic quantity of images I host on my personal website. As I have been collecting funny pictures and such for several years, there is no real rhyme or reason to the file naming conventions. Ergo, Image0001.jpg needs to be renamed to a descriptive filename, and the Metadata fields need to be filled in.

The desired process will take an existing jpg, gif, png, tiff or bmp and do the following:

load image into memory
convert bmp files to jpgs if needed (for a smaller file size, mostly)
load image tags into ImageData Structure (see below)


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Renaming File And Retagging / Edit Image MetaData / Meta Tags?

Jan 3, 2011

Project:I'm building an app for personal use to rename, retag, and organize the apocalyptic quantity of images I host on my personal website. As I have been collecting funny pictures and such for several years, there is no real rhyme or reason to the file
naming conventions. Ergo, Image0001.jpg needs to be renamed to a descriptive filename, and the Metadata fields need to be filled in.The desired process will take an existing jpg, gif, png, tiff or bmp and do the following:

[1] load image into memory

[2] convert bmp files to jpgs if needed (for a smaller file size, mostly)

[3] load image tags into ImageData Structure (see below)

[4] load file data into ImageData Structure (where needed)

[5] display image and tags for user to edit (In a Picture Box and several Text Boxes)

[6] allow editing of fields and renaming of the file

[7] write the changes to the image file

[8] go to next file.


[1] Load Image0001.jpg. Populate ImageData Structure fields.

[2] Type in Description: "lolcat ceiling cat sends son".

[3] ImageData.FileName changed to "lolcat-ceiling-cat-sends-son.jpg".

[4] ImageData.Name, .Keywords, .Title, .Subject, and .Comments changed to "lolcat ceiling cat sends son".

[5] Save file with new filename and save all new tag fields.

(Later, I will also be using SQL to build a referential database with links to the online copies of these files to allow for searching by keywords, subject, filename, etc, but that's another layer that's much easier than this one. At least to me.)

Problem:So far, several days of research have yielded almost no measurable progress. Information has apparently been inexplicably hidden behind a bunch of unexpected search keywords. Current Code as is:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.Path
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging[code]........

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VS 2005 - Returned Strings To Be Like When Reads Tags Of Mystrings1 And Mystrings2 While Ignore Other Tags

Apr 23, 2012

With my code as I have a trouble with the returned strings that I have extracted from my php source to add the strings in my listview.

I'm reading the tags of mystrings1 and mystrings2 for each paragraph from the php source. I got the returned strings which it looks like this:


<p id='mystrings1'>my strings</p> | <a href="http://xfvasfasfasfasf">Link</a> </td> | <a href="delete.php?id=0">Delete</a> </td> | <span id="mystrings2">Enabled</td>

I want the returned strings to be like this when I reads the tags of mystrings1 and mystrings2 while ignore the other tags.


<p id='mystrings1'>my strings</p> | <span id="mystrings2">Enabled</td>

Here's the

Public Sub timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
timer1.Enabled = False


Do you know how I can ignore the other tags when I get the returned strings of mystrings1 and mystrings2?

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Add Tags From Images And Search For It By 'tags' Such As Photobucket

Jun 21, 2010

I am planning to create a system for my case study wherein i can Add tags from images and search for it by "tags" such as photobucket. For example i open an image to my system, and it's file name was "WhiteHouse.jpg" and i added or tagged it as "Building". Once i search on my computer, and type the word/keyword "Building", the image "WhiteHouse.jpg" will be displayed on search results as i tagged it on my system.Is that possible guys? or i can only search by tags using my system/application? and not in the search command in my computer?If it is possible please tell me what to do. or if you have sample vb.net2008(windows Application) files it will be helpful. Or if you have sites related into it. pls send me those links, especially downloadable vb.net files w/ codes for further studying.

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Loading An Image From My.Settings

Jun 13, 2010

How do I save an image and then reload it from My.settings

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Forms :: Loading An Image Dynamically?

Mar 25, 2009

I want to load picture dynamically within VB.NET and the following code does not work due to 'loadpicture' not existing in VB.NET.


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Forms :: Loading An Image From A File In .net?

Mar 18, 2009

i have a problem in loading an image from a file in vb.net. I have the following code in the class of my project.

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Windows.Forms


So, now I've exactly used this code to load an image from a path specified. Still, i seem to get a blank form when i run. im quite sure about the path and the existence of the file. Also, the exact piece of code is also available at: Draw an image : Draw Image2D GraphicsVB.Net Tutorial So, now do i have to insert a picture box to se the loaded image. Its like.. ive used the graphics thing to draw the image. so i reckoned that picture box was unnecessary.

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Forms :: Loading Image Into Picturebox?

Feb 6, 2010

Is it possible to load an image into a picturebox when that picture box is clicked? What would the syntax look like? It's an image that I already dropped onto the form that I would like to load into that picturebox.

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Image Doesn't Show After Loading

Sep 1, 2009

First problem im having is that My image gets grabbed from the website but then it doesnt automatically load i have to click the PictureBox[code]...

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Image Resource Not Loading In PictureBox1?

Jun 11, 2010

I cannot seem to get my image resources to load into PictureBox1.I can see all the images I added as resources in the solution explorer.They are a series of PNG files with names associated with countries.I am at the beginning stages of randomly changing the image that is displayed in PictureBox1, but I cannot even get the first image to load.Here is my code so far. When I click on Button2 I can see that my array returns a random country, but no image loads.I even tried typing in several of the countries names as well as the country name followed by png (e.g. chine.png) and again no image loads.

Public Class Form1
Dim randomObject As New Random()
Dim Flags() As String = {"australia", "brazil", "china", "italy", "russia", "south africa", "spain"}[code]......

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Loading An Image From Browser Into Picture Box?

Sep 9, 2009

I have this url as an example: [URL] As one can see, it returns a nice picture--just what I need. Now, I need to put that "picture" inside a picture box or perhaps save it to a file. I would prefer the first as I believe it would be faster. Note the picture comes to us in a .gif format. I use vb 2005.

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Loading An Image In The ImageBox Control

Feb 19, 2009

Alright, so I'm still working on my slot machine, and I have it all done, for the most part, just got a quick question. I don't know how to set an image in an imagebox. Here is my lame attempt. I've been pulling my hair out and searching google for about an hour now


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Loading Image From Access DB To PictureBox

May 2, 2011

I'm new in the vb.net world. The question I have is how to display an image which is in a access data base in a picturebox in visual basic(2010).

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