Loading Arrays From Database?

Sep 19, 2011

having trouble understanding databases in visual 2010.

I have a database, which is loaded into a table adapter when the form loads. I want to assign each column of the table adapter into an array

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Loading Strings From A Streamreader To Arrays?

Apr 7, 2010

The problem I'm having is I'm not sure how to go about getting the correct ones into the correct arrays. The data is scattered throughout the file. They are not on the same line and some are multiple on a line as well as blank lines, however they are in pairs. As they are not separated by commas or just white space is there a way to load the first string to the first array and every other string to the second array

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VS 2005 3d Arrays- Saving And Loading?

Apr 2, 2012

I am doing a project for part of my coursework which involves the creation of a series circuit designer.

I am having some trouble with the saving and loading functions; I had intended to save them to a text file with commas separating the component name and the value (if any) attributed with it.

Grid(xcoord, ycoord, 0) contains the component name. Grid(xcoord, ycoord, 1) contains the attached value (resistance or voltage- components such as wires have a value here of 0)

Once the save button is pressed, the text file contains 50 rows of "0".

P.S. Let me know if any other parts of my program are required.

Dim comp(maxsize) as ccircuits[globally declared]
Const maxsize = 50
Structure ccircuits


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VS 2010 - Loading CSV File Into Set Of Arrays

Nov 1, 2011

I need to load a CSV file into a set of arrays, and show the output into a listbox, which are associated with other textboxes(labels). earlier i had the names all loading into the listbox, but the values in the label were only correct for the last line in the csv file, not corresponding correctly to the listbox values.

Here's my current
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.IO
Public Class frmMain
Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

And here are the contents of my csv file:
Tony,Nowakowski,100,100,100,100 .....

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Loading User Input Into Parallel Arrays?

Jun 22, 2010

Ive been working on a checkbook application for my visual basic class and I'm a little stumped..

To preface, the values I need to mess with include:

transaction type (checking or deposit)
check number ("dep" if deposit)


Below is the Change I need to make to my program...

"You will create a set of either collections or arrays (your choice but use just one or the other--don't mix them) scoped at the form/module level. These structures will store all of the input data needed for your checkbook transactions except for the running balance which will continue to be stored in a single module-scoped variable. That is, every input that users made in Assignment 3 will be stored in one of these arrays but you will not store any calculated values. You will not store the transaction type but will store "Dep" or a number in the check number array which will also indicate the transaction type. The Record button will add the current sale's data to these structures using either ReDim for the arrays or an appropriate technique for the collections. (You must ReDim your arrays so that the have just enough space for the data that is in them. Declaring the arrays with a large size with no facility to resize them is not allowed. Don't forget to use the ReDim Preserve syntax to retain the existing array contents when you resize them.)"

I don't know if I make a single array for all the values or if I create a separate one for each. If its a separate one for each I don't understand why an array is needed.

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Random Name Generator Loading Multiple Arrays From Text File

Jul 27, 2011

I have learnt how to create a basic random word generator. I now want to take this further but I would like to know if what I am thinking of is possible. I am in the process of wanting to create a random name/word generator which reads/loads an array from a text file. think this part I will be Ok with as there are some vids and tutorials about. However, I wish for the text file to have multiple arrays and then dependant on the day and time of the day, only a string from the current time array is loaded. Does that make sense and is it possible? I am happy to spend time learning how to do this but only if it is possible.

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Creating A Database Using Structures And Arrays?

Nov 15, 2011

I want to create a relational database in VB2010 and I am attempting to accomplish this goal by creating a structure of records to be stored in a Random Access File.For each record, I want to organize each fixed-length record so that 4-integer sets of data are stored into a a multi-dimensional array.But when I try to write the code below at the module level, I get an error.

Structure PictureDat
'len= needed for Open
of Random Access File [code].....

Since I want to read/write/save the data in this structure to a Random Access File with a fixed record length size, I need to exactly specify the size of the record...which is, of course, determined by the array's dimensions.If I could accomplish this strategy, then I could search this random access file for a match of search criteria consisting of 4-integers with any of the 4-integer sets of data in each record and thus find, edit, delete and search records...therby retrieve information from my database.

Is my program design inefficient? Is there a better way to handle perhaps hundreds of thousands of records? The IDE keeps telling me that I am using a deprecated method of file I/O when I use FileOpen(), FileGet(),FilePut() and should be using MyFile.I am entirely comfortable with my time-tested method of data storage that ensures the security of disk storage while exposing only one record at a time to the PC's volatile RAM, thereby not allowing all my data exposed to possible memory corruption on a PC left on for hours, which would be the case if I loaded the whole file as a monster- sized string or stream. Also, these older file access methods allows my code to run on PC's with modest amounts of memory.

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Use Arrays To Fill Out A List From A Database?

Nov 30, 2010

My problem is that i am trying to use a list box to display all the data from one column in one table of my database. and so, i dont know how to do that although someone hinted at using an array, i'm just not entirely sure how also when the list of data is displayed i aim to have a 'select' button that will take the user to the record of the selected item from the box.

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Loading Menu From Database?

Oct 17, 2011

I am developing a windows application.In that I am loading Menu dynamically from database.And on MenuItem_Click event I am opening the forms with respect to the clicked menu.For this I have a code as

Select case MenuId

case "1"


Now What I want is: I want to save respective forms for the menu also in the database so that i dont have to write select case. so on MenuItem_Click event my should look like

form(value from database associated with clicked Menu Item).show

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Efficiently Loading Sitemap From Database?

Jan 13, 2010

i have a custom SiteMapProvider which I populate from a database. I also have a custom SiteMapNode which has to be constructed with a custom Page argument.[code]Should I return false in AuthorizeCore() to have everything work according to default authorization protocols? (What are these?) Or should I throw my exception.SiteMap.CurrentNode is Null / Nothing (in AuthorizeCore()) if the page which is requested is not accessible to the user (obviously). How should I change my implementation? I want to keep the functionality that the Page objects are only loaded once, so I need to store them somewhere.

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Error Loading A Database Object?

Apr 28, 2009

im trying to load a database and I get this error.

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Loading Data From Access Database?

May 8, 2011

i have access database connected to application.. i have a table in database called "clanovi" (members) and first column items loaded to combobox their name and surname..now..when i select one of them from combo box i need all their other info loaded into several text boxes..adress,email etc..all of that info is in the same table ..i need some example code too .

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Loading Database Into Treeview In Groups?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm thinking about using the treeview for creating a phonelist. The issue here is that I can't think how to load the data into the nodes according the group they are categorized in.

Here's a screenshot of my test_database:

So there is an ID and a row with groups (groep). What I want is that when loading the data a DISTINCT node gets create for each group and that the person is added to the sub-node. Got the faintest idea where to start.

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Loading Dataset From Database Table?

Mar 11, 2009

how to load the contents of an Access Database table into a Dataset? The Access Database consists of multiple tables with different data table names but all tables has same row header and same data type.

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Loading Image While Reading From Database?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a code wherein datagridview will load according to the query given.I have no problem with that but when i put a loading image while reading the database, loading image wont work as well as if i put only "Please Wait" to a label.I searched from google and said that backgroundworker sahould use to this problem. But how can i use the backgroundworker?i have no idea about it.

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Loading Items From Access Database?

May 9, 2011

i've got access database connected to my project,i can read,write and delete records in it..what i need now is when i select one item from combobox (which is connected to table "clanovi"(members) and it loads their name and surname which is the first column of that table..now when i select one item from that combobox i need other info of members their adress,email,city etc to display in seperate textboxes..this is the function that my friend made for me..it connects to the single table in database,in this case to table "clanovi" .

Public con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Public dbProvider As String
Public dbSource As String


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Loading Table In Datatable From Database?

Dec 30, 2009

I am using Dynamic Textboxes. I am Loading table in Datatable from Database. From that Datatable i am naming the textboxes. After entering some values in the textboxes during runtime, i want that values to be added to the database. So i Coded as below. But i am getting errors as value of type '1-dimensional array of System.Windows.Forms.Control' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.Here's my coding

Private Sub btn_click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Progressbar While Loading Data From Database

Jun 6, 2009


Sub laad_leden()
Dim myConnection As New connectdb
Dim tabel As New DataTable


While loading the data to the program the window freezes. It shows the progressbar but the progressbar is also freezing. How can i let the progressbar marquee while loading / freezing.

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VS 2005 - Loading From A Database - Too Slow

May 6, 2009

I've got a database that's 13,000 lines long and I'm trying to load this into a string array when the program loads but it takes approx 5-6 minutes for it to load it.I've got a MS Access database or an Excel file that I can load this information from, each has two rows: SVONo, Description This is my current MS Access


Does anyone have any idea of how to make it faster? Or does anyone have a better way?I did have the idea of loading it by letting the user select the first letter and then only loading the ones that begin with that letter but I've got 4000-5000 'S' ones and it still takes about 2-3 minutes to load it All I want is to load the data from the database or the excel file and then put the products into 'cboProducts' and the 'cboProducts AutoCompleSourceList' and the descriptions into the 'txtDescriptions' AutoCompleteSourceList and a string array.Then when the user selects a product using 'cboProducts' the description will automatically be put into 'txtDescription'.

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VS 2008 Loading Database In The Background

Oct 4, 2010

I am loading an access database in vb.net using


The thing is that this takes a lot of time and the program doesn't move on to the next line until it finishes loading all the data. Some of these tables I need only later but I don't want to make stall work while doing it. Is there a way to load a database without waiting for it in the code. and a way to check if it finished loading in code. this way i'll be able to load it in the backgroud after the program has started and if the user wants to use options which require tables which weren't loaded yet i'll be able to know and avoid errors.

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VS 2008 Progressbar During Database Loading?

Jul 28, 2009

i have me a database (.sdf) which loads its records into a listview. One of the database, due its size, takes some time before everything is loaded. I'm using cursor.wait atm, but it I guess there's a more professional approach.

How do I show a progressbar while loading the data?

Here's a small piece of the code I use to load the data:


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VS 2010 : Loading And Saving To Database?

Sep 12, 2011

I need some help with this project I'm trying to get my program to load and save data to an online database and I haven't been able to find anything that helps me to much, I have the working code for a local database but this program will be being used to multiple people for our business I want everybody to be able to add data, delete data, and such as necessary...

Here is the code i have for opening the file on my local machine

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|data.mdb;")

but i can't get it to open from my webpage

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VB6 Used Recordsetsor Arrays - .Net Framework In VB2010. Datasets, Dataviews. Tableadapters, Arrays. Enums ?

May 9, 2010

In VB6 I load a recordset containg all of the records (6 fields per record)in a table into an XArray and then manipulate the records in the array and then write them back to the original table. The array issorted by the first field (1 to maybe 8000 or more) I need to find records in the array by an ID field and then move them (because of some external criteria that happens many times) from say number 400 to number 375. Then all of the other records between 375 and 399 were renumbered up 1 to fill the gaps left by the move.

The XArray worked well as it could find and also move to a next record easily to facilitate the revisions to each record quickly. Everything is done in VB6 in code and nothing visual needs to be shown to the user until say 2000 of these external changes are complete. What is the best, most efficient way to do this in the .Net framework in VB2010. Datasets, Dataviews. tableadapters, arrays. enums ?

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Integer Arrays - User Enter In Big Integers Using - Two Parallel Arrays

Dec 10, 2009

My assignment is to have a user enter in big integers using what i think is two parallel arrays. I got this far but now im stuck. I think i need to actually convert the text box input into an array but i do not know how to do that. I am all over the place in this project.

'Created/ Revised by: Jessica Falcetta
'Cap 204 Final Project: Big Integer Project
'Project Purpose: To calculate large integers through parallel arrays


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Passing Arrays Through Fortran Dll From App Turning To Single Element Arrays?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a VB.net console app and I am opening a function in a dll written in fortran. I am passing 3 arrays through the function by reference. When they come back out the otherside they ahve all tunred to arrays of only one element And that element is 0.I read on the internet somewhere that when doing this kind of thing it is a good idea to only pass the first element of the array into the function.I tried changing my function declaration to accepting single elements rather than single dimensional arrays, and now the arrays are the same length before and after the function call, but they don't seem to be changing at all, so i'm not sure that this is working

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Forms :: Progressbar While Loading Data From Database?

Jun 6, 2009

Sub laad_leden()
Dim myConnection As New connectdb
Dim tabel As New DataTable[code]....

While loading the data to the program the window freezes. It shows the progressbar but the progressbar is also freezing.How can i let the progressbar marquee while loading / freezing.

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Loading A Filter On Load Of A Report In Database

Oct 22, 2009

i am trying to load a filter on load of a report in my database. here is the line of code, i know i am close but i just cant get it right, i know the titles of all the forms, queries and reports are all correct but i am missing something still and cannot figure it out.

Me.Filter = "qryVisa list.[Country] Like " + Chr(34) + [Forms]![frmPassports and Visas]![Combo24].[Value] + Chr(34)

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Loading An Instance Of A Form Before A Database Call?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a strange problem with creating an instance of a form which I want to use as a custom message box.

The idea is that when the user clicks the button to perform a database search, an instance of this form is loaded. The background image of the form never displays but the text on the form does - but it all works fine when I remove the call to the database.

I also tried putting a "proper" VB message box just before the database call and when I block it this way it seems to allow the image to draw on the form.I also tried using a timer delay before the database call - just a couple of seconds to see if that would allow it time to draw the image.


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Loading Byte Data From Database File?

Jul 29, 2011

I am using following code to get data from database and load to picture box

Dim vrPicFromDB = IO.File.ReadAllBytes(DsPic.tblPicTest.Item("Picture"))
Dim ms As New MemoryStream(vrPicFromDB)
PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(ms)

It gives error on DsPic.tblPicTest.Item("Picture")) portion of the statement.
I also tried


but it gives the same error.

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Loading Database Values In Strange Order

Jul 18, 2010

I am doing a small MS Access database based program, but I got one problem. Instead of loading the the rows like this (each nr is the count of the row):
"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", it loads it like this: 7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6

Here is my code for where it loads the data:
con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source =" & Application.StartupPath & "\Filmer.mdb"
sql = "SELECT*FROM Film"
[Code] .....

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