Loading Dataset From Database Table?

Mar 11, 2009

how to load the contents of an Access Database table into a Dataset? The Access Database consists of multiple tables with different data table names but all tables has same row header and same data type.

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Filtering Dataset - Dataset (WW1Dataset) With One Data Table(WW1) (database Used In An Access Database)

Feb 1, 2010

I have a dataset (WW1Dataset) with one data table(WW1).(database used in an access database) I'm trying to filter the dataset e.g a user wants to filter by a chosen surname (SurnameTextBox.text) so the datset is filtered to display only those records wherethe surname column in the dataset matches SurnameTextBox.text.

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Update Dataset Table With Mysql Database Table?

May 22, 2011

How can I update local dataset with mysql database without making duplicates. Assuming I set some column in mysql as primary key, which has unique string.

adapter.fill will just add duplicates, but adapter.clear before that is not an option.

So I want to update if the key column is the same with mysql data and if there is option for ignore adding new row.

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Loading Table In Datatable From Database?

Dec 30, 2009

I am using Dynamic Textboxes. I am Loading table in Datatable from Database. From that Datatable i am naming the textboxes. After entering some values in the textboxes during runtime, i want that values to be added to the database. So i Coded as below. But i am getting errors as value of type '1-dimensional array of System.Windows.Forms.Control' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.Here's my coding

Private Sub btn_click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Get The Changes On The Dataset Not On The Table In Database?

Mar 14, 2011

I just want to ask. Using getChanges method in vb.net only get the changes on the dataset not on the table in database?for example I fill a dataset from a table in database.So there is a table in my dataset. There has been a changed in my table in database for example an added row.So there is no way in my dataset to determine this change because it has filled the original data.How can I determine the changes in my database table?

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Dataset Not Showing Changes To Database Table

Jan 29, 2012

Using Visual Basic 2010 Express on Windows 7 whilst learning to program a database application using windows forms. I created a database (.mdf I think) with a tables e.g. patient details. Then created a form and dragged dataset and database adapter follwed by dragging database fields - this all worked perfectly well. I then created a table "tblSuburbs" with key suburbID, suburb, postcode fields. This also went well when creating a form to add, modify or delete suburbs. I modified my Patient table to include a link to the Suburb table - creating a relationship and saving both tables. Here comes my problem - Whilst the Database Explorer shows the "_SuburbID" field I added to my patient table, it does not show up in the DataSet even after I try and "refresh" every "refresh" button I can find. I need the DataSet to show the link field as I need the User to select which Suburb they in.

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Sql Server - Updating SqlClient Dataset Table With OracleClient Dataset Table?

May 5, 2012

I use a dbDataAdapter to populate a DataTable from an unlinked oracle database.I have a dbDataAdapter that I want to insert rows into an SQL Server table using SQLCommandBuilder.I have been trying all day to update the DataTable that references the SQL Server table with the data from the Oracle DataTable so that I can insert the rows.

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DB/Reporting :: Fill Access Database Table From Dataset?

Jun 5, 2011

I have 2 databases that I am working with. One is a compant customer database and the other is my personal call log. Now I am creating a front end for the Call Log. I was updating my customer list by Importing 2 tables from the customer database, a series of queries would erase all of my info, take all the data from the imported tables and move it into mine then erase the imported tables.

Im trying to accomplish the same in my VB frontend. I can connect and fill datasets from the customer database. I can erase my tables. How do I take all of this data from the newly created dataset and move it over to my empty tables?


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VS 2008 - Dataset - Created A Local Database With A Table

Apr 13, 2011

I do not know much of datasets. I have created a local database with a table as per img 1 attached, and I use them in a simple drop down selector as per img 2. But I get the message as per img 3 , and I played around with the dataset, removing teh primarkey, etc.

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Access Database - Text Boxes Binded To Table From Dataset ?

Feb 2, 2012

I have text boxes binded to table from dataset. I make changes, i save changes.. then I open database with access, i can see changes...everything is ok... Then I open application again, changes are there, everything is ok. Then I close application and go to smoke.. when I come back and open application , the new data is gone. what's happening? This is how i save changes:


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C# - Update A Specific Column Of Dataset's Table Data To SQL Database

Oct 15, 2011

I have a gridview loaded with data from my database and a gridview swapping function which after exchanging data between rows with a column call "Priority", I want to save these changes back to my database. Only the "Priority" column value will be change, how do I update only that Column of my dataset table to my SQL database?


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Insert Changed Data From One DataTable Into A Database Table In A Different DataSet

Oct 26, 2011

I want to track changes in an application. So I've made a copy of the main table in that application, and am accessing both tables in the application using two separate datasets.

My plan was to use the HasChanges method of the main DataSet to get changed rows and then insert those into the copy table. When I run the code I get an error:

A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in MyApp.exe

Unable to cast object of type 'MainDataTable' to type 'MainAuditDataTable'.

Here's the code:

If Me.DataSet3.HasChanges Then
' 'look for each row that has changes, not new rows
' 'insert that row into the auditing table


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Combo Box Using Items Collection Bound To A Database Table / Dataset Is Not Recognizing Changes

Apr 14, 2009

Visual studio 2005 - vb.net..I have a user control on a form containing 15 combo boxes.All contain Y, N, and blank (for Yes, No, or blank) in the Items Collection property.Each of the combo boxes have a binding source to the same table, different fields.When you select a value Y, N, or blank for any of the fields and do a save, the values save while the application is open.Once you close and reopen, the values are gone.It appears the dataset does not recognize the change, so the values are not getting stored in the database table. Is there something I can do or put in one of the events that would identify this as a change.

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Add A Master Table To A Dataset Where The Detail Table Is Already Linked To A Windows Form?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a large form that is set up from master-detail datasets in Visual Studio 2008.I havene master table with a large amount of detail tables. Several of the detail tables also have detail tables linked.Now I need to add a master table that sits on top of my existing master table making it a detail table.

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Update A Single Table Of A DataSet Using A TableAdapter Without Hard-coding The Table Name?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a project which contains a large number of lookup tables, and I have all of these lookup tables represented in a single typed DataSet, which contains TableAdapters for each lookup. I've designed an editor for these lookup tables, which should allow editing of one of these at a time. My front-end is written in VB and WinForms, the back-end is a SOAP web service; I can successfully pass the changes to the DataSet back to the web service, but can't find a way to use a TableAdapter to update the single table that has been changed.

What I'm trying to do is instantiate the appropriate TableAdapter for the updated DataTable by sending the name of the table back to the web service along with the DataSet, then referring to the TableAdapter with a dynamic name. The normal way to instantiate a TableAdapter is this:

Dim ta As New dsLookupsTableAdapters.tlkpMyTableTableAdapter

What I'd like to do is this, but of course it doesn't work:

strTableName = "tlkpMyTable"
Dim ta As New dsLookupsTableAdapters(strTableName & "TableAdapter")

Is there any way to achieve this, or am I taking the wrong approach altogether? My other alternative is to write separate code for each table, which I'd prefer to avoid!

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Loading TreeView From DataSet?

Jun 6, 2009

Getting error messsage "Conversion from string "l.name" to type 'Integer' is not valid." on the higlighted code below. I've tried using the 0 and 1 as the first field "l.name" in the mySelectQuery and 5 or 6 for w.wellNumber.I want the treeview to show each Lease name or field l.name and each w.wellnumber under that lease. The msg box shows me the correct number of records is being retrieved.

Private Sub Load_treSelectWell()
Dim myConnString As String = "integrated security=SSPI;data source=.\ECOLOGICSSQL;persist security info=False;initial catalog=EcoLogics;"


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Database Table Attributes - Query A List Of Table Names In The Database Ordered By Date Created

Jan 22, 2011

[Code] my issue is that now i need two cases, first i need a query that will return the date created and modified of the table and i also need to know if its possible to query a list of table names in the database ordered by date created but that have a certain thing in their names. for example the database contains the following tables: [Code] and what i need the query to return is the tables that contain "Data", settings and employees are for the other functions of the program. so the query should return the 4 data tables in order of date created. but i have no idea how to go about doing that in the query, does anyone know how this is done?

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C# - .NET Dataset Design - Have A Dataset For Each Table?

Jul 23, 2010

I have some concern about designing Datasets. I was told that it would be good to have a dataset for each table for maintenance purpose. Because frequent change in database tables is expected, having one dataset including every tables would be pain to make the corresponding change in the application.

Q. is it good approach to have a dataset for each table ( I would end up having 30~40 datasets for each db table using Stored procedure) ?

I have a separate project for commonly used datasets. each project include "dataset project" as a reference, and use it by including needed dataset into Forms, classes, etc.

Q. Does this approach makes the whole system to be slower? If I have a set of datasets as a separate project, it would be beneficial, since It will be easier to make a change (I only need to make modification in one place)

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Duplicate Records While Loading Data From XML File Into The Dataset?

Mar 15, 2011

I'm using the following code to write the data and schema of a dataset to a XML file.


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VS 2008 - Loading XLS File To DataSet And Import In MySQL

Aug 27, 2009

I want to load an xls file to dataset, edit the data, and import them in mysql. My problem is that I can't load the file. It seems like it ignores the file completely.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmd1.Click
Dim MyConn As OleDbConnection
Dim myPath As String = "C:TempManinLottery2009.xls"
MyConn = New OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; data source='" & myPath _
[Code] .....

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Saving Dataset To Database Which Has Imported Rows From Another Dataset

Jan 4, 2011

I have a problem saving a dataset which contains rows that i have imported from another dataset. i can successfully view the imported rows in a gridview but i cannot commit the rows back to the database.

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Does VB Allow A MS Access Database DataSet Create A Stored Procedure Or Will It Only Allow SQL Database DataSet Create SP

Oct 9, 2009

does VBasic allow a MS Access Database DataSet create a Stored Procedure or will it only allow SQL Database DataSet create SP...

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Populate Local Database Table With Remote Server Database Table ?

Aug 11, 2012

I am having a remote server it has INVENTORY DATABSE , and also iam having same databse in my local system. I want to populate by local database table with my Remote database table through Vb.net code by click a button. How to do this .

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Add New Table In An Access Database And Copy All Content From An Existing Table To New Table

Aug 30, 2009

I want to add a new table in my accdb and copy the content tfrom an existing table into the new one.
Is there an easy way to do this?

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C# - Loading Access DB Table To Datatable?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a database in .ACCDB format with some tables.

I'm successfully loading it into an OleDbDataReader with the following code:

string connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=C:\marcelo.accdb";
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);


I'd like to load the table "clientes" to a datatable instead. How should I do it ?

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DataGridView - Loading Each Table Of XML File?

Nov 9, 2010

I am facing a "weird" problem with the DataGridView. In fact, I have a function, that loads each table of an xml file into a datagridview (27 tables all with same structure except one called Listes). In the datagridview I have a combobox column to select "type" (it's the 3rd Column, so it's index is 2 normally). The problem is that when I call the function loaddata for the first time, all work perfectly ! If I call it for a second time, to reload the data, I get an error of cast! I verified and it seems that first time I call the function the column that contains the combobox is column(2), but when I run it again automatically the indexes of the columns are changing and am getting the error, because the column that contains the combobox is becoming column (3) and that explains the cast error because the column'(2) is not anymore the combobox so the cast will fail ! What I can't understand is why it's reordering that way my columns automatically ?

Here is the code:
Sub LoadData(Path As String )
Dim oData As DataSet
oData = New DataSet
Dim i As Integer
Dim MaGrille As DataGridView
[Code] .....

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RichTextBox Control And Loading RTF With Table

Jan 10, 2011

I have just turned to using VB.net and would like to know why when I load an RTF (with tables in a 9x9 cell format) all appears in a 1x9 format...i.e. instead of loading the tables (some are side by side), they load up in series (below each other).

My simple line of code on a button is:
RichTextBox.LoadFile("c: est.rtf")

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Loading Multiple Datagridviews From A Single Sql Table?

Nov 18, 2011

I wrote a function that allows me to retrieve data from a single SQL table and place it into 3 datagridviews. The problem i am having is as follows:* Whenever a user types something in anyone of the datagridviews that information is recorded in all three of the datagridviews.I am seeking partnership to address my issue. I have enclosed my function that is called to populate the 3 datagridviews

Function SetupColumns(ByVal str As String) As BindingSource


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VS 2008 Loading Large Table In Listbox?

Sep 1, 2011

ive a dictionary database with table having 32000 entries... ive bound it to the listbox(using binding source and dataset)... but when the program starts it hangs for 1-2 minutes in the beginning..

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Wpf - Baffling Sudden Error On Loading Data Table?

Jan 18, 2011

I'm using VB.net and WPF 4, as well as an SQL database.

I have been using this EXACT code successfully for several days now, with absolutely no problems whatsoever. However, now, suddenly, it is throwing the weirdest exception...

Public Class ROSTER
Dim table_adapter As New AGENT_ROSTERTableAdapters.AGENTROSTERTableAdapter
Dim roster_table As New AGENT_ROSTER.AGENT_ROSTERDataTable


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