Logfiles Not Matching From IIS And Custom Logging Fro ASP.NET Webservice

Mar 19, 2012

When some calls my webservice this is logged to the IIS log file and I also log the request (after is has been processed) to a custom log file for statistics purposes.

I use the following function to log to file:

Public Sub Log(ByVal Message As String, ByVal Level As LogEntryLevel, ByVal Additional As Boolean)
Dim base As String = "C:SERVERlog"


How is it possible that the IIS logs are empty and yet my application logged something from the local network? At the time, no at on my LAN sent that request. No one was home and we don't have a wireless network. Did I have an unauthorised intrusion?

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.net - Logging From Msbuild Custom Task Using Console Class?

Feb 28, 2011

I'm trying to convert an existing command line tool into msbuild custom task.This tool logs messages and errors using the System.Console class.I've added to the tool's assembly a class that inherits from Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task and calls the tool main function, and the custom tool works fine - but no messages/errors are displayed (on the Visual Studio output window).I would like to avoid changing the original tool's code (otherwise I could change every "Console.Error.WriteLine" to "Log.LogError").I thought of changing the stdout and stderr streams of console by calling Console.SetOut and SetError before calling the tool's main function. For that, I would need to implement a class that inherits from TextWriter.


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Custom Control - Signature Not Matching For Event

Sep 24, 2009

I'm using a third party grid control which I took and inherited to create some custom properties and events to it. Now when I tried to use this custom control on one of my forms one of the Events that I try to use keeps giving me an error and saying that the signature of the event does not match. It's only for this particular event and it doesn't give me the problem on every form I use this control on. To fix the problem, I constantly have to clean/rebuild the project with the custom grid control and then clean/build the project using the grid control. I'm using VS 2005 and the grid control I'm using is called iGrid.NET made by a company called 10Tec.

The exact error I get is below.
Method 'Private Sub iGridFlightInfo_BeforeCommitEdit(sender As Object, e As TenTec.Windows.iGridLib.iGBeforeCommitEditEventArgs)' cannot handle Event 'Public Event BeforeCommitEdit(sender As Object, e As TenTec.Windows.iGridLib.iGBeforeCommitEditEventArgs)' because they do not have the same signature.

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Filename In Log4net - Create The Logfiles With Same Name?

Nov 25, 2009

i am doing a VB.NET windows application. In that i am using Log4Net for logging details. I am new to using Log4Net. The problem i am facing is i want to create the logfiles with same name each day. means today if a log file is created with name debug.log, tomorrow also it should create a new log file with same name with out any change in the previous file name.

<appender name="RSLogFileAppenderDebug" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<file value="C:Log4NetExamplesdebug.log" />
<appendToFile value="true" />[code]....

How can i do this ?? do i need to make any change in the appender config ?

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Visual Studio Logging In/ Logging Out?

Feb 17, 2012

Using visual studio (Winforms) with sql server (R2). If you can login by inserting the correct values in the textfields (vb.net) that is connected in the database . How do i code the log out?

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Translate PHP Json Webservice Request TO .Net Json Webservice Request?

Jun 13, 2011

I have to send a request to Webservice and I have a working PHP solution, that I have to translate in VB.net

Here's the code working in PHP

//fill in the details of the contacts.userId is obtained from loginResult.
$contactData = array('lastname'=>'Valiant', 'assigned_user_id'=>$userId);
//encode the object in JSON format to communicate with the server.


Naturally I imported a reference to a Json library and Imported (Imports Newtonsoft.Json)?

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.net - Logging Off On ASP.NET 3.5 Website?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm getting desperate here trying to find the problem, and I don't know where to start looking for it.

Here are the symptoms:I've noticed, that when a user logs on in the morning, he is then immediately logged off, then when he logs on again, everything is fine and he can work on the site.

Every once in a while, when the user clicks a link, the page takes a lot of time to load, but it never actually loads, and the user is thrown to the login page.Also, after an Exception has occurred in the website, the user is then thrown to the login page. It's as if the exception clears somehow the session.


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ASP.net Web Server Not Logging On

Apr 20, 2012

I have inherited a ASP.net site, and I've made some changes too to some of the VB code and CSS, and have hosted it on a FTP. It uses an SQL DB to allow users to log in and calls stored procedures.The site complies with no errors, and allows me to log in as a user, and can works perfectly on testing.However, once uploaded to the FTP, it no longer allows me to log in as a user. It hangs for a while, and then returns a message saying that the password is wrong, despite it being correct. It doesn't throw an error message, and I think I've narrowed it down to something to do with the Web.config file, but I'm at a loss as how it's not working, especially with the lack of error messages being thrown.[code]

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C# - Is Passive Logging Possible In .NET

Mar 26, 2009

I was wondering is there a way anyone knows of to "inject" a logger into an application such that it passively monitors the thread and quietly logs processes as they occur without having to do things like: [Code] It would then monitor everything that goes on inside of that method including passed in arguments along with method calls and values passed into those methods, exceptions that occur etc. Has anyone implemented something like this in the past? Could it even be implemented? Is logging in this fashion just a pipe dream?

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Logging From A Class?

May 23, 2012

I have a class for serial communications (call it CSerial), based on a property value (CSerial.LogLevel), I'd like to produce various levels of logging information about data sent and received to the serial port.Given that it's a reusable class, there's no way of telling whether the log data should be sent to the console, a text box, a file, etc. This would be determined by the application using the class, so I can't write all of the different output options into a method in the class.Question:What's the best way to implement this? I have some ideas:1. Create a Log method and then "override" it in my main application to handle the most suitable form of output? Can I "override" a method as part of an instance? Or do I need to create a new class that inherits my original one, override the method there and then create an instance of my new class?

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Logging In 0 Httpwebrequest

Mar 22, 2011

can any one see any thing wrong with my code. I swear it did work once or twice. * code now removed as updated below

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Logging Into A Website

Jan 8, 2009

Im trying to login to my website with vb.net (without the use of java script).webbrowser.documents.forms(0).submit..All i can find on the internet is to use that there to click the login button but it doesn't work.I also found this for filling in the login forms but im having trouble understanding how it works.[code]So if anyone could explain to me how to fill a form or how to click a submit button.

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Logging Into A Website Through VB?

Sep 27, 2011

Logging Into A Website Through Vb

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Logging Onto A Website

Feb 19, 2010

I have a requirement to log on to a web site using a vb.net console application. It's not an FTP site, that would be too easy. It's an email site. I haven't a clue how to do it

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.net - Creating A Logging Project In VB From Zero?

Dec 27, 2011

I've been assigned to start a new Logging Project from zero in VB.NET.The final exit of the main project is information organized in paragraphs like this:


Every paragraph correspond to a database connection. Every connection is made with an entire diferent database.i need my logging project to save everything the user does, so the logging exit would be like the system exit but with exceptions and other important information like this: Paragraph's title 1 Paragraph's content 1.Paragraph's title 2 User wasn't able to see this information because an exception ocurred: System.WhateverException:couldn't connect to WCF.as you can see the exit is the same but i need to create a detail log because the information is delicate and the DBA needs to now wich user did what and what was the response of the system. Also i need it to be and independant project so i can re-use it in another projects. Seeing the final exit of both the main project and the logging project, what would you recommend me to use for logging in .NET?

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.net - Logging Application Block?

Aug 18, 2010

We have a current implementation of a log file manager where it's two main purposes are to 1. rename files generated by other programs with a date/time stamp so they create new ones, and 2. delete files older then X amount of days from a specified folder. The program also makes it's own log file which records when these events happen.Do you think the Logging Application Block would be useful in this instance? The old file manager is written in VB 6.0 and an upgrade to VB .Net would not take too long, but is it worth it to try and implement LAP into it?

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Asp.net - Logging In Simultaneously In Two Websites?

Aug 17, 2011

I have two websites "WEBSITE 1" and "WEBSITE 2"...now i want that when someone logs in to "WEBSITE 1" he does not have to log in to "WEBSITE 2" and vice versa...ie when he/she logs in to any one of he websites and opens the other one simultaneously he/she does not have to login to the other one.For eg :- when you are logged in in gmail...you do not have to log in in youtube or orkut or google+

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Asp.net Active Directory Logging In?

May 24, 2009

i would like to be able to login on a webpage using a valid active directory username and password.user name and password are entered in textboxes. if they are correct then i would like to redirect to another page.how can this be coded.in a second task after some code is performed, log in as an administrator using code and unlock the account.i have heard that this is called impersonation. how can i perform the above?i'm using visual web developer 2008 and vb.net

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Gui :: Logging Options With BackgroundWorker?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a GUI class and a database class. I do something like:

Dim db as Database = getDatabaseObject(logTxtBox)
db.executeNonQuery("some update command here")

Within executeNonQuery I connect to the db, execute the command, disconnect and catch the exceptions. logTxtBox is the GUI txt box I want log messages written to. Currently it writes something like:

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How To Get UserControl Visible After Logging In

Feb 14, 2012

I have a popup login usercontrol in a masterpage, once logged in I want another usercontrol on a content page to appear automatically, currently it only appears if I manually refresh the page.

MasterPage - > login usercontrol
View.aspx - > bookmark usercontrol (should appear after logging in)
login usercontrol in Master Page
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="login" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
[Code] .....

After logging in how can the Bookmark usercontrol on View.aspx appear. Do I need to use an updatepanel?

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Logging IPs That Visit A Site?

Jan 23, 2012

Im currently writing a code that can log ALL of the IP(')s that view a site. I kinda want a code that goes something like

textbox1.text = textbox1.text + loggedips.

Or something similar is fine also.After that I want the logs to be saved into a txt file, (I can do this part)Then the user will enter a new site to be logged. Once that is done that will also be saved into a txt file. Etc....Then finally if any IPS that are the same show up in the text files then the user will get that IP in a textbox.

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Logging Out Of The Box Vs. Enterprise Library?

Jan 26, 2009

I just got finished watching a short video on logging using some of the built in concepts in Visual Studio 2005. This seems to do a good job. My question is why do people look for other solutions to logging such as Enterprise Library or Log4Net when there is a simple solution out of the box?

The video I watched primarily used the following for logging.

Code: My.Application.Log.WriteEntry(sb.ToString, type)

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NLog Not Logging In Simple App?

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to implement a simple log using Nlog 1.0, using the following code


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Text File Logging?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm writing an application that has to record data @ ~ 500 HZ for hours on end.I'm noticing that when the file size is greater than 20 MB that a text line append is slowing the system to a crawl.Aside from splitting the files into smaller items is there a better way to do this?

Using writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(DataLogPath, True)
End Using


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Use Their Email As Their Username When Logging In?

Sep 18, 2009

I have a login on my website, I want the user to use their email as their username when logging in. But what I was wondering, is there a way that after they enter their email and password can I some how only the first part of their email can be relevent for logging in. Such as SOMETHING@yahoo.com, I want them to enter their whole email address but I want to somehow only grab the SOMETHING part from their email to be relevent. I need to know how to do this,

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VS 2008 Logging Into Sites?

Jan 10, 2010

For the past year-ish i have pretty much mastered the httpwebrequest function of programatically logging in to 1 of my websites to retrieve data, while it works well i was thinking about the webbrowser function, would i be better sticking to the webrequest route? it looks like the webbrowser requires much less code which is good lol can the webbrowser do everything httpwebrequests can?

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[2008] Logging Into A Website?

Feb 21, 2009

I can log into a website great using the webbrowser function then have the fields filled in and the submit/login pressed, i am now trying to do it so i don't need to use the webbrowser function, ideally what i intend doing is grab a piece of information once logged in.i have searched a lot and i know i need to use webRequest and webResponse for this, the part i'm having trouble with is how to deal with posting the actual data to the website, in the webbrowser way you can see the input fields filled in for you but i'm not sure how to post the data this way?

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[VB2005] Logging Variable Changes?

Dec 7, 2008

Is there any easy way, or any pre-existing code I can uslp me log (to a text file) values of variables in my program every time they change? uld choose which variables are reported. At the moment I'm having to do this manually with bespoke code - I just wondered if there was an easier way, such as some magic built-in function?

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.net - Use HTTP POST For Logging Into A Website?

Sep 8, 2010

I want to be able to send a POST to a website [URL] with login credentials through a web browser control in .NET so I don't have to use a send-key work-around method for logging in.

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Asp.net - Allow Users To Update Their Details After Logging In?

Aug 15, 2011

I'm trying to allow users to update their details after logging in on an asp site using vb. Textboxes are populated with user details using session variables in the form_load. The textboxes should be editable but for some reason are not registering the changes when the submit button is clicked.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Txt_Fname.Text = Session("First_Name")
Txt_LName.Text = Session("Last_Name")[code]..........

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