Looking To Obtain Unique NTFS FileID's (Windows 2003) Via Program2003?

Feb 27, 2007

I need to gain access to Windows NTFS unique FileID...via VB.NET 2003...I found Kernel APIs ZwQueryDirectoryFile... calls which can return this info.

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Forms :: Obtain The Height Of The Windows Title Bar?

Jan 14, 2011

Every windows window has an icon, title, minimize, maximize, close button. those rest on a bar. this bar's height changes from xp to vista to 7. how can i obtain it's height?

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Registry Program - Moving Applications From Windows 2000 To New Server Windows 2003 ?

Feb 7, 2010

I am working on moving applications from Windows 2000 to new server Windows 2003 R2(64 Bit). I noticed that there are some VB programs and config files for those programs have been placed in Windows 2000 Registry. Some other applications are using them from different servers.Why do we use registry here? How can i move these to registry in windows 2003? Can I just move these or do I have to write VB programs to place them in 2003 registry?

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Windows Service Unable To Access A File In Program In Windows 2003 Server

Mar 12, 2010

I have a .net Windows Service developed in VB.net. I have a settings file in the root directory called Connections.XML and I am setting the basedirectory [code]...

When I schedule the service this is working absolutely fine in my Windows XP machine. But when I installed the same service in our development server (Windows 2003 64 bit Server) for some reason it is not able to locate this file.

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When Transfer System To A Machine Running Windows Xp Or Windows 2003 Server It Builds Successfully

Sep 25, 2011

I am building a Setup project for a Web system using Visual Studio 2008. I upgraded my development machine from Windows Xp to Windows 7. The problem started with Windows 7. Whenever I try to build I get the above error. I ve tried several solutions given online but I ve failed to get a solution. When I transfer the system to a machine running Windows Xp or Windows 2003 Server it builds successfuly.

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Scroll In Windows Forms Treeview Only On Windows Server 2003

Apr 10, 2012

I have a problem with scroll in a treeview in a Windows forms application (Framework version 3.5).

The strange thing about the problem is that on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 the scroll works as excepted, but in Windows Server 2003 SP2 the scrolling doesn't work. Enable/disable Visual Styles doesn't seem to make a difference on Server 2003.

Steps to reproduce the error:

1. Add a treeview to a form and add x nr of root items (and 1 sub item to each item).

2. Expand a number of nodes. The non-standard thing here is that we are changing the node integral height because we display a usercontrol with the treenode (See example of the code below).

3. When you scroll afterwards, you cannot scroll to the bottom node. The scrollbar is all the way down, but we are not seeing the last node.

Public Shared Sub SetNModeHeight(ByVal Node As TreeNode, ByVal IntegralHeight As Integer)
'Create instance of tvitemex structure.


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Windows - Unique Hardware ID On .NET?

Jun 9, 2012

I have an application I want to protect by requiring my users to register.I also want to ensure that they can't install on more than two machines.To do this I need to know where to find a unique hardware ID number, and utilize that in the registration code.All I need to know is how to get that number using code.

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.net - VB App Windows TS Thin Client Unique ID?

May 6, 2011

I have a custom bar code app running on .Net 2.0 framework and installed on a Windows Terminal Server. I'm using HP type thin clients and they are pulling their desktop from the TS that has my barcode app installed on it.For the most part, the barcode app runs with no problem. The only issue I have, is that my barcode app needs to print labels to a specific printer based on the work center that the thin client is located in. The barcode app was designed to route the labels based on the device name (Windows name) of the system that the barcode transaction originated from.I have full blown Windows XP Pro systems also running the barcode app and I have no problem with the label routing because each of those type systems has a unique name that I can use for routing. Where I'm running into a problem is that the barcode app running from the thin clients, appears (from the barcode app's point of view) to running from the Terminal Server not the individual thin clients.

Does anyone have any idea how I can pull some type of unique identifier from these thin clients to use within the barcode app to use for routing of the labels?

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Unique Identifier Can Grab From A Windows PC?

Apr 24, 2011

Anyone know of a unique identifier I can grab from a Windows PC?I am working on licensing of my app and I want to assign the user a license key and have the key and some unique piece of data from the PC hit a database server of mine and then check credentials before the program runs.I thought about using host name but that can be cloned. I also thought of MAC address but if a computer has a wired and wireless NIC then there are multiple MAC addresses.

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Generates Own Unique Extension For Windows Application

Feb 11, 2011

i want piece of code which generates a unique extension for my windows application and that should be opened by my application only. when i click submit button it should save all the details i have entered and should save them as a file of my application type only

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Windows 2003 Fax Server In VB 6.0?

Jun 19, 2009

I have developed a application in VB.net and VB 6.0 which uses Windows 2003 SERVER (SBS) Fax Service to Send Fax.This works fine with Administrator Account Privilage use logs into windows but in case when non Admin Privilage account user logs into windows application exception is generated ("Permission Denied").User has full Control on C Root still

OS Windows 2003 Server SBS
Programming Platform : VB.net 2.0 and VB 6.0
Windows Fax Server
Code With create this issue is
Dim objFaxDocument As FAXCOMLib.FaxDoc
Dim objFaxServer As New FAXCOMLib.FaxServer

objFaxServer.Connect ("SERVER") 'This were when non Admin Account User Log Exception in Generated ("Permission Denied")

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.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server

Jun 29, 2009

.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server

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.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server?

Mar 31, 2009

.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server

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Import .NET 4 Fw To Windows Server 2003

Jun 18, 2010

which file i should install in our windows server 2003 for it to support the windows 2003 server should i download the all framework (200+ mb i think) ?

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Possible Access To Windows 2003 AD From VB2010?

May 23, 2011

I am trying access Active Directory for ADD, REMOVE, and CHANGE user password from VB2010

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VB 2008 And Windows Server 2003?

Mar 2, 2009

I am NOT allowed to install into Windows Server GAC. I am allowed to upload my program files to a shared drive, not the operating system drive.To begin, I created a simple Class Library .dll and uploaded the entire project folder to the shared drive. I have absolute permission to do anything with this drive and the computer. This class library has only (1) public property.I created a client exe. with a reference to the shared drive .dll. I do not want a local copy of the .dll into my client folder. I want all clients to use this shared copy on my shared drive. And I repeat, I do not want to install into the GAC. I also have full permissions on my terminal.I have created a key file (.snk) for my .dll, and set up assembly information (public id) and tested.I have tried without key(.snk file), and removed assembly information, and tested.Can someone point me into the direction to install/or not to install a MyClass.dll on a shared driveand be able to reference it from other applications?I do not want to use ASP.NET. This is just a base class. This is not a Web service. It seems Windows server 2003 wants this installed into the GAC (C:WindowsAssembly)I have to be missing something.

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Create A Fixed-length Unique String From Another Unique Numerical Value That Is Too Long?

Feb 13, 2012

I am using VB .Net to access the eBay API and store all completed orders in a database. This database is then fed into a proprietary shipping system, which can not handle an order number larger than 20 characters. eBay returns an order number like so 230407279314-680141236013 which is too long. The order number is always 12 numbers a hyphen and 12 more numbers. What I need to do, is turn this (the result can be alpha numerical) into a shorter, unique order key to store in my database alongside the true orderId (so that this can be referenced by the shipping software instead of the actual order number). The reason for the 20 character limit is the barcode algorithm used. Is there any way to achieve this in VB .Net 2010? This number can be anything unique, so long as it does not exist already (even a good uniqueid function would work, but I would have to query the database to make sure it isn't taken)

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[2008] Datagridview - Duplicate Cell Values [non-unique To Unique By Appending]

Jan 10, 2009

I'm using the datagridview. This is the sample data:


How do I parse through the grid to rename the duplicate values in a particular column (in this example it's the l_name field) into such a format?


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.net - OutOfMemoryException With Image.Clone - Only On Windows 2003?

Mar 23, 2010

I have an image that I need to shrink. The original image is a grayscale PNG, which isn't a huge issues except that when I shrink it down, the thermal label printers pickup the artifacts and print them on the label. So, what I did was change the image to black & white (Format1bppIndexed) before resizing, like this:

Dim bte() As Byte = System.Convert.FromBase64String(imgStr)
Dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream(bte)
Dim bmp As New System.Drawing.Bitmap(ms)


And then I resize it. This code works fine on my Windows 7 machine, but when I run it on the Windows 2003 Server box that it calls home, it always throws an OutOfMemoryException when it hits the bmp.Clone line.

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Call Html On 2003 Windows Form?

Feb 3, 2011

How can i call an html to a form? I have a windows form then i need to call an html to it.

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Forms :: Application Running On Windows 2003 Vps?

Aug 30, 2009

I have a problem with any vb.net application running on my windows 2003 vps. I've tested this by creating the simplest form with just a button on it and executing the following code...


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How To Get Harddisk SerialNo For Windows 2003 Server Sp2 Using WMI

May 6, 2011

THis code below retrived Hdd SerialNumber.it works both on windows Xp and windows 7.But does not work on Windows 2003 Server SP2.


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Windows 2003 Service With VB 2008 Not Working?

Aug 26, 2010

I am working on a VS .NET 2008 windows service for 2003, however it doesn�t appear to work correctly.I am basically reading a file from a networked computer and trying to display it�s content, the code is as follows:

Public Class LB_Analyzer
Private WithEvents Timer1 As New System.Timers.Timer
Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)


Now, everytime I run this service it logs the events inside the "GetMachineVol" function, but I never get to the ""Ticked at "" event log from the "main" sub, pretty much as if the service stopped working after trying to assign the value returned from "GetMachineVol" to the string "MachineVolBSFull". I tried using this code on a windows form and everything works fine, and since debugging a service is quite beyond my skills, I really do not know what could be wrong.

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Asp.net - Unique Number For Unique Visitor On Button Click?

Mar 21, 2011

How generate the unique no. 1,2,3 and so on .... on button click of each new user ..

the code mentioned below is a readwrite coding in vb.net ...

but the problem is it generate the same id for different users on button click event... but i want the no. of times button clicked the new ids will be generated

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim FILE_NAME As String = Server.MapPath("counts.vbi")


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Deploying The Windows Application With Crystal Report 9 In .Net 2003

Jul 24, 2009

I created the windows application with Crystal Report 9.0 in .net 2003. While Deploying the Setup file I created the Merge Modules. I installed .net Framework 1.1 in that user system. After that i installed the Setup File.

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Performance - Running Application On Windows 2003 Server?

Mar 3, 2010

I've developed a VB.NET application with Visual Studio 2008. The application communicates with SQL Server and processes a text file.

My question is about performance. While I run it from Visual Studio 2008, it takes 3 sec to complete. The same is when I run the executable created by the Setup Wizard on my desktop (Windows XP sp 3). But if I run the executable installed on a Windows 2003 Server, it takes 15 sec to complete! What could be the reason of degrading performance on the server vs. the desktop? The .Net framework 3.5 SP1 is installed both on the desktop and the server.

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Ntfs To Ext3 Reader And Writer?

May 25, 2009

this project im working on is giving me a headache. am trying to write a program to recognie both ntfs and ext3 fileformats and enable the copying of files between them. ive done the ntfs bit and my problem is how do i implement the ext3 file system reader and writer using visual basic.net.any references would be really useful.

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Reading NTFS Mounted Drive

Feb 17, 2012

I have the code given below for reading and displaying all the drives on a computer.However,it does not read the NTFS mounted volume..I need the program just to read the mounted drive,

Module Module1
Sub Main()
For Each drive As String In System.Environment.GetLogicalDrives()


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Reading The NTFS And FAT32 FAT/MFT Tables?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to find some VB code examples on how to read the MFT/FAT Tables from NTFS and FAT32 drives. I am trying to scan the drive and to detect all deleted files and unallocated clusters on a particular drive.

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'Compile Error In Hidden Module' - Excel 2003, Windows XP SP2?

Jun 19, 2009

I have a program in VBA that uses Flexigrids. A little while ago, the program stopped working giving the error 'Compile Error In Hidden Module'. We were advised to remove Windows update KB960715 which we did and it worked fine. However, it has just stopped working again for the same reason and that update is no longer installed.

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