Possible Access To Windows 2003 AD From VB2010?

May 23, 2011

I am trying access Active Directory for ADD, REMOVE, and CHANGE user password from VB2010

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Windows Service Unable To Access A File In Program In Windows 2003 Server

Mar 12, 2010

I have a .net Windows Service developed in VB.net. I have a settings file in the root directory called Connections.XML and I am setting the basedirectory [code]...

When I schedule the service this is working absolutely fine in my Windows XP machine. But when I installed the same service in our development server (Windows 2003 64 bit Server) for some reason it is not able to locate this file.

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Access An MDB File In A Windows 2003 Server Folder That Has Password?

Jan 11, 2010

I have programs written in VB2005 accessing mdb database in server. When the server run XP, it was never a problem (at the time, the folder was shared to all). There is a new rule in the company and we have Win 2003 server, and my mdb file must be stored in a folder in the server that the administrator (not I) have installed password. And clients are supposed to access it as user only. I can ask password as administrator, but the users of my program must not have the administrator password (which I can included in my program if necessary). How can I modify my program so that it can access the database? I assume I must modify my connection string, but I do not know how. I am currently using this:

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= C:Integrity ERPPBF.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=ABC"

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Visual Studio 2010 Windows Application And Interaction With MS Access 2007 / 2003

Jun 13, 2011

If I create a windows app which I link to an MS Access databse file that already exists..will I need to have MS Office installed on every computer at which I want to use the app? If not then how do I go about making a standalone windows app that will store information in a database of some form or another ?

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Registry Program - Moving Applications From Windows 2000 To New Server Windows 2003 ?

Feb 7, 2010

I am working on moving applications from Windows 2000 to new server Windows 2003 R2(64 Bit). I noticed that there are some VB programs and config files for those programs have been placed in Windows 2000 Registry. Some other applications are using them from different servers.Why do we use registry here? How can i move these to registry in windows 2003? Can I just move these or do I have to write VB programs to place them in 2003 registry?

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When Transfer System To A Machine Running Windows Xp Or Windows 2003 Server It Builds Successfully

Sep 25, 2011

I am building a Setup project for a Web system using Visual Studio 2008. I upgraded my development machine from Windows Xp to Windows 7. The problem started with Windows 7. Whenever I try to build I get the above error. I ve tried several solutions given online but I ve failed to get a solution. When I transfer the system to a machine running Windows Xp or Windows 2003 Server it builds successfuly.

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Scroll In Windows Forms Treeview Only On Windows Server 2003

Apr 10, 2012

I have a problem with scroll in a treeview in a Windows forms application (Framework version 3.5).

The strange thing about the problem is that on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 the scroll works as excepted, but in Windows Server 2003 SP2 the scrolling doesn't work. Enable/disable Visual Styles doesn't seem to make a difference on Server 2003.

Steps to reproduce the error:

1. Add a treeview to a form and add x nr of root items (and 1 sub item to each item).

2. Expand a number of nodes. The non-standard thing here is that we are changing the node integral height because we display a usercontrol with the treenode (See example of the code below).

3. When you scroll afterwards, you cannot scroll to the bottom node. The scrollbar is all the way down, but we are not seeing the last node.

Public Shared Sub SetNModeHeight(ByVal Node As TreeNode, ByVal IntegralHeight As Integer)
'Create instance of tvitemex structure.


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Integrate Access 2003 With Access 2007 Without Having To Make Changes In Either?

Jan 27, 2010

I have multiple copies of Access dbs running varous projects on diverse workstation all over the country. Some new additions to the team have only Access 2007. Is there a way that I can use both versions without having to re-do any VBA, macros, scripts, etc.?

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Office Automation :: Controlling Access 2003 From 2005 - Error Occurs When - Access Any Property Of "access.Forms("frmTest")"

Jul 17, 2009

I have a program in VB.NET 2005. At some point I have to open an Access2003-Application for getting data in it. I do that by pretending my program is a human user and let it do all the work in Access as a human user would do. Filling Fields, pressing buttons etc. I use the Primary Interop Assemblies for that. So far so good. That code is in use for over half a year now. In the last week I got Office 2007 installed on my machine. Of course I tested the installed version of my program if everthing still works. Every test was succesfull. But if I do the same tests in Visual Studio it always crashes.

All I get is this Errormessage: {"Das COM-Objekt des Typs "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.FormClass" kann nicht in den Schnittstellentyp "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access._Form3" umgewandelt werden. Dieser Vorgang konnte nicht durchgefhrt werden, da der QueryInterface-Aufruf an die COM-Komponente fr die Schnittstelle mit der IID "{66B22FB4-F70E-4F03-A00A-F76E9ADBBF10}" aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht durchgefhrt werden konnte: Schnittstelle nicht untersttzt (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE))."}

For all who can't read german:

"Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.FormClass" can't be converted in to "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access._Form3" ... Interface is not supported.

Code I use:

Dim access As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application = Nothing
access = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application()


The Error occurs when I try to access any property of "access.Forms("frmTest")"

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Disable Alt Tab, Alt F4 And Windows In Vb2010?

Feb 23, 2012

disable the alt tab alt f4 and windoww?

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Access External DLL In VB2010?

Jul 22, 2011

I have a DLL that I made in FORTRAN to do some number crunching. It works in VB6 and in VBA within Excel. But I cannot get it to work in VB2008 or VB2010. If I try to access it the subroutines in the DLL I get either, 1) Structure of DLL invalid error or 2) Cannot find the DLL error.

Here is my VB2010 code for a smaller demo app that came with the FORTRAN development system. Again, this works with VB6 and VBA but not with VB.net

Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Form1


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Windows Service Application VB2010?

Feb 14, 2012

I made a program that makes backups of a database when the user runs the application, etc. But now my new work is to make it as a Windows Service, to run on the days and time that the person choose, how do I do it ? I never created something like this. I got all the code to make the backup, now the problem is to create it as a service.

This is my form to the person choose the days and the hour to the process runs and install it as a service, and when it runs to be minimizated on the windows icons near clock and date and another option on another button to make it a service too, but now to load all the time that the windows starts :s

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VB 2008 (VB2010) Getting Support For Windows 7 Libraries?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm upgrading a VB6 project that uses the DriveListBox and DirListBox controls to select one or more folders. They're not available in VB 2008 except via the Compatibility DLL, so I'm thinking about using the Windows 7 Libraries concept instead. But I don't see support for libraries anywhere; does it exist in VB2008, or will it be in VB 2010?

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Windows 2003 Fax Server In VB 6.0?

Jun 19, 2009

I have developed a application in VB.net and VB 6.0 which uses Windows 2003 SERVER (SBS) Fax Service to Send Fax.This works fine with Administrator Account Privilage use logs into windows but in case when non Admin Privilage account user logs into windows application exception is generated ("Permission Denied").User has full Control on C Root still

OS Windows 2003 Server SBS
Programming Platform : VB.net 2.0 and VB 6.0
Windows Fax Server
Code With create this issue is
Dim objFaxDocument As FAXCOMLib.FaxDoc
Dim objFaxServer As New FAXCOMLib.FaxServer

objFaxServer.Connect ("SERVER") 'This were when non Admin Account User Log Exception in Generated ("Permission Denied")

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Converting VB5 To VB2010 - Random Access Files?

Jul 27, 2011

I am trying to convert a VB5 program to VB2010 so that I can continue to support it on my new PC. My copy of VB5 was an upgrade from VB3 which was an upgrade from VB2 which came on floppies, so I can't just install every preceding version as my new PC doesn't have a floppy drive.I have accepted that I will have to design all the forms from scratch (whatever happened to twips?) and will have to go through the thousands of lines of code line-by-line, but I have hit a brick wall when it comes to random access files. One such file is defined in the Declarations section of Module1 thus:[code]....

I soon found I had to change Type to Structure, but then in the declaration of transrec, transtype acquired a wavy blue underline with the error message: "'transrec' cannot expose type 'transtype' in namespace 'Treasurer_2010' through module 'Module1'.So if I can't use the structure in the module in which it is declared, where can I use it?

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Switching Between Windows Forms A Few Unclear Instances [VB2010]

Sep 27, 2010

I am making a visual basic game. And in the game I have a few instances where I want to call open a window (let's save to save the user's preferences) from a form, then I want to go from that form to another one.


The user has completed the new game page. I have the users choices in a host of string, integer, and boolean variables. Now I want to use a generic saving screen I made with a progress bar. When I open up the saving box, I want to close or hide the new game setup menu (whichever I need to do). Then when it is done saving I want the Saving bar to return and cause the new game form to open the actual game form and close itself.

So I guess my question is this: What is a reliable(or correct) way to poll for a return in form to signal it to go ahead with execution?


This is similar to the first question. Instead of keeping the first form open when I use the saving form; is there a way I can save the name of a page I want the saving bar to go to once it's done?

I want the user to enter their prefered username before they start a new game for the first time. So I poll the saved username setting I have and if it equals "username" I want the Username entry form I made to pop up, but once it's done I want it to immediately call the new game screen. I also want to use this username entry form on the options screen so that the user can change their accepted name at anytime; but I want this screen to return back to the options screen.

What is the accept way to do this? Is it done through stacks? (form information -> stack : load new page : Do stuff: load stack value -> goto)


Do I have to keep a window open (not close it) to access the variables that I have defined in it, and have stored values too? Does this apply to hiding too?

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Convert Access 2003 / VBA App To App?

Jan 29, 2007

i have done some research on converting an existing app to VB.NET, but have not found what I am looking for.

My existing app is currently created in Access 2003 VBA using access forms, modules, tables queries etc., and would like to convert all of it to VB.NET.

What would be the best method or tools to use to accomplish this? The VB.NET app would be developed from VisualStudio 2005..

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How To Connect Access 2003

Jun 8, 2011

i have a problem in connecting in access 2003

here is my code
Module Module1
Public cn As New ADODB.Connection


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IDE :: VB Intellisense In Access 2003?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm doing database development in Access 2003, and the Visual Basic portion of it is acting up. It seems to be "refreshing" itself constantly. Two very frustrating problems are occurring because of this: 1) Intellisense for properties and such pops up but immediately disappears and turns red and 2) it's automatically checking the syntax of lines before I can finish typing them.

The problem seems to be intermittant. Some forms in the database operate fine while others immediately turn the line red two seconds after I start typing. I am having this problem on both of the computers that I use on a regular basis.

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SQL Query To Ms Access 2003?

Jun 16, 2011

i have a database in access 2003 and i submit a query to a specific table. The fields of this specific table (STOCK_PRICES1) :

DATE --> type date (d:M:yyyy)
CODE --> type text
OPEN --> type single
HIGH --> type single
LOW --> type single


i receive an error. Why? Conflicts between access 2003 and vb.net 2010? SQL Server is better?And another question. My Regional settings regarding the date is d/M/yyyy but in my vb.net example, the @date1, @date2 parameters accept M/d/yyyy dates. Is there a way to define into the parameters the d/M/yyyy specification?

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What's The Capacity Of Ms Access 2003

Jan 9, 2010

The limit of an access database. Because I only know of manipulating access 2003 database with vb.net. And were going to make an information system for a small hospital for our project. Is ms access still usable for a hospital with over 2000 patients per year? some database if the ms access that I'm using no longer fits for our project.

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.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server

Jun 29, 2009

.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server

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.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server?

Mar 31, 2009

.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server

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Import .NET 4 Fw To Windows Server 2003

Jun 18, 2010

which file i should install in our windows server 2003 for it to support the windows 2003 server should i download the all framework (200+ mb i think) ?

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VB 2008 And Windows Server 2003?

Mar 2, 2009

I am NOT allowed to install into Windows Server GAC. I am allowed to upload my program files to a shared drive, not the operating system drive.To begin, I created a simple Class Library .dll and uploaded the entire project folder to the shared drive. I have absolute permission to do anything with this drive and the computer. This class library has only (1) public property.I created a client exe. with a reference to the shared drive .dll. I do not want a local copy of the .dll into my client folder. I want all clients to use this shared copy on my shared drive. And I repeat, I do not want to install into the GAC. I also have full permissions on my terminal.I have created a key file (.snk) for my .dll, and set up assembly information (public id) and tested.I have tried without key(.snk file), and removed assembly information, and tested.Can someone point me into the direction to install/or not to install a MyClass.dll on a shared driveand be able to reference it from other applications?I do not want to use ASP.NET. This is just a base class. This is not a Web service. It seems Windows server 2003 wants this installed into the GAC (C:WindowsAssembly)I have to be missing something.

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Accessing Access Data Tables With VB2010 Express?

Jan 16, 2009

I have written lots of code with the ADO Library in VB Excel and previous versions of Visual Basic. With the dissappearance of the recordset object, how do we perform data manipulation with an attached Access Database? It seems things could be a lot easier, and less complicated by now, however, the best methods appe

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Error Writing To An Access 2010 Database Using VB2010

Aug 18, 2010

I am writing an app in VB2010. My code parses a text file, assigns data to variables My??, and then attempts to store this data in an access 2010 (actually access 2007 format) table. Yet, whenever my code gets to MyRow.Item("Artist") = MyArtist I get an error 5 'Artist' does not belong to Table MyTable, but the field/column does exist in the table as do all the others.

01Dim tbl As DataTable = New DataTable(MyTable)
03Dim lastRow As Integer = tbl.Rows.Count - 1


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Vb2010 And Access Database Error In Program Files?

Nov 5, 2011

I finished my application whith vb2010, this application uses a Access database. I have a problem because when I install my application he put database in de same path "program files" and this path is only read And my application crahed. I know how to installer put database in other path but I don't know how to tell my application to find this database,

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VB2010 Command Prompt/console INSIDE Of A Windows Form?

Jun 14, 2012

Is there a way in VB to make something that will simulate an advanced command prompt inside of a Windows Form? For example, something like a greenscreen app?

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Access 2003 Runtime Bugs For SUM()

Oct 14, 2009

I stucked in trouble recently preparing for distrubute MS Access 2003 Application(mde) with 2003 runtime module.The function SUM() isn't work properly if a table has mulit rows. if mouse over the issued row, then it calculated.If update Office SP1,2,3, it works, which means MS already know the issue.My applcations is running with Access 2003 runtime all the time evenif user alredy have Office installed.Problem is that a user who has Office 2003 product and already updated Office SP, after installed our product, need to update again to fix runtime bugs. This is very weird for users becasue they somethimes need to install SP twice.

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