Lookup Table With Visual Studio 2008 And Access 2007?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a table called MEMBER with fields for mem_id, mem_name, mem_addr, mem_city,mem_state, mem_zip and another table called STATE with state_id, state_addr, state_name in Access 2007.On the Visual Studio 2008 form, there is a combo box for the state. The goal here is to display the state abbreviations, but use the state_id value for the mem_state (there is a foreign key between those two fields).The mem_state is defined as number, the state_id is autonumber. Under the mem_state definition in Access, I used the lookup wizard (on the database that is in the bin/debug folder) to set the following properties:

Display Control - combo box,
Row Source Type - Table/Query,
Row Source - SELECT [State].[state_id], [State].[state_abbr] FROM State ORDER BY


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Add New Field Or New Table To Access 2007 From Visual Studio 2010 Programmatically

Sep 23, 2010

i have create a software for my college which is document management. well am doing good so far up to now where i need to upgrade my database what i mean ?

in case i need to make any changes to my database i don't want to enter the database and create new table or add new fields to existing table to my current database,i would like to do that throught visual studio 2010 programaticaly. something like an additional application where i will choose my database path and the application will upgrade the database with new tables or new fields .

i would like also to ask, in order to create database,or if you already have the database and you like to just open the connection to it programaticaly and add new field ,or relate some table ,you have to work with different librarys? Like ADOX,DAO etc ? and other.?

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Linking Access 2007 To Visual Studio 2008?

Jul 14, 2010

I have created some tables in 2007 and would like to use visual basic to create an interface for a database. I would like to add, edit, and view my records and maybe create reports.

Does anyone know of any online tutorials which would help me to do this or could anyone offer any guidance.

I look forward to any replies.

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Connect To Access Database 2007 In Visual Studio 2008?

Aug 17, 2009

Public Class Form1
Dim db As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmdcommand As New ADODB.Command


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Visual Studio 2008 And Access 2007 Wizard Error?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a class project that supplied me with an Access 2007 DB. When in VB and go through the steps for creating a data source. When the Wizard comes up I click on Database, Next, New Connection, Data Source is Microsoft Access Dagabase File (OLE DB), Browse to Database File Name, Test Connection is successful, click on OK, then Next. A MSVS box appears "The connection selected uses a local data file that is not in the current project. "Would you lie to copy the file to your project and modify the connection?"I am supposed to click NO. When I do I get this "Wizard Form" "An unexpected error has occurred. Error Message: Cound not load type." I need to be able to go to the next part of the Configuration Wizard that says "Choose Your Database Objects" I evensaved the file as Access 2003, and it will not work.

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Database - Connect To An Access 2007 (accdb) File In Visual Studio 2008?

May 2, 2009

I am working on a project which was made using VB6, and my client wants to change it in VB.NET

i have to configure this projetct on windows vista ultimate..coz i cant go on with Win XP

can some one help me...

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Access 2007 Attachment Visual Studio?

Jan 29, 2012

I'm trying to create a database of all the Magic The Gathering cards I have in inventory and I'd like to have a picture preview of the card in my program. In access I've created a table and for each row I've attached an image of the card. Now I can't get the image to display in Visual Studio. The picture type is the correct format and databindings are all correct. I just can't seem to get the picture to preview as I go down the list in my datagrid.So far I haven't written any code. I've built the application in design view just dragging items from my data sources window.

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Visual Studio 2010 Windows Application And Interaction With MS Access 2007 / 2003

Jun 13, 2011

If I create a windows app which I link to an MS Access databse file that already exists..will I need to have MS Office installed on every computer at which I want to use the app? If not then how do I go about making a standalone windows app that will store information in a database of some form or another ?

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Exporting From Access 2007 To Excel 2007 And Creating A Pivot Table With Graph Using VB 2008?

Jan 11, 2011

I have built an Access 2007 database with some data stored in it. I have managed to export data using VB2008 from that database to Excel 2007 and have it automatically draw charts based on this data and a query in the Visual Basic Code. One of the results looks like this:

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IDE :: Microsoft Office Access 2007 And Visual Basic 2008?

Dec 11, 2007

Do Microsoft Office Access 2007 and Visual Basic 2008 compatible?

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Visual Basic 2008 Updates Wrong Record In A MS Access 2007 Database?

Mar 7, 2010

i seem to have a problem when i try to update a certain record in an Access 2007 Database. I have a small Access 2007 database with 1 table which has 3 Columns and several records. The 3 columns are RecordNumber (Primary Key and it is autonumber), FirstName(text) and LastName(text). What i am trying to do in VB 2008 is implement a search form which when you find a record you can update it. I do not have any problems with the search, but i cannot seem to edit any other record than the first one. For example i search for John which exists, if that record is the 3rd record when i try to edit it whatever changes i make (for example change that to James), the changes i make are made to the first record and not the current one. I tried a lot of things but nothing works, here is my code:


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VS 2008 Connecting To A Sharepoint List Linked Table In Access 2007

Apr 30, 2011

First timer here, I love the site!


- VS 2008
- Sharepoint 3.0
- Access 2007
- Windows Vista (The machine I'm developing it from)

History: (Do excuse me if I don't reference different methods I've taken so far correctly, I'm still learning!) I am building some search software for a law firm that I work for in Australia. It's all coming along really well, but I seem to have hit a snag getting data out of sharepoint lists and into my project!

I first attempted to add a web reference to sharepoint and after a while was able to pull in all of the data from the lists, fantastic!(OR NOT!). The issue then was when I attempted to load it up into an array using XMLNodes, whilst it loaded up fine and I could see all the data, if there was a null value in one of the columns, it wouldn't pull that null value across, therefore, I couldn't really use the data...


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Steps For Creating Table In Visual Studio 2008?

Sep 8, 2009

how to create table in visual studio 2008

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Nullable Object Must Have A Value Inserting Into An SQL Table Using VB In Visual Studio 2008?

Dec 6, 2009

I have an insert query set up for my VB table adapter. It includes all the columns in my table. Some of these columns are Nullable VARCHAR and DATE and I want to set them to null on the insert.

In my code I have two varaibles defined as Dim Sdate as nullable (of date) Dim Sdata as nullable (of Char)

And I set them as follows:

Sdate = nothing
Sdata = nothing

On the insert query the "Catch" is activated and displays "Nullable Object must have a value"

I Sdate and Sdata have values, then the insert works just fine.

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Microsoft Access And Visual Studio 2008?

Mar 29, 2011

i am trying to link my ms access database through a microsoft visual basics 2008. i have set up the connection using the Server Explorer by selecting the 'Connect to Database' button and navigating to your .mdb file.i can view the file from the vb software now but i cannot add to the database. when i i click add on the vb it allows me to type in the boxes. when i click save it also add to the amount of rows i have in the database but it doesnt update the database. when i preview the database it is not updated.

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Editing Access Odbc Database By Using Visual Studio 2008?

Feb 15, 2010

i have used this code to insert information into microsoft access database.however i dont know how to edit information from vb.the coding is below:

Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Connecting Password Protected MS Access Database From Visual Studio 2008

Feb 15, 2012

I'm using an MS Access database which has password (database password, not a workgroup or smth). I'm using 13 characters - with no special signs- only letters. When I try to open the DB from access it works fine, but when I try to run my Windows Form application from Visual Studio Connection String, I get a message that "Not a valid password".


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IDE :: Database Access From A Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition Project?

Mar 3, 2008

I would like to access to a SQL Server Database from my Visual Studio project.

I have SQL Server 2005 Express Edition installed on my PC and I have a database with some tables.

In Visual Studio, I open the Database Explorer and I try to create a database connection.

The Add connection dialog box proposes to enter a database *file name* but I cannot select a database *server* and a database *name*.

Perhaps, is it a restriction because it is a free version ?

Within Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition, I can select a database *server* and a database *name* !

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Save And Search Picture In Access Database In Visual Studio 2008

Dec 15, 2011

check the problem inside my code?

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.IO
Public Class editMovies


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Display Office Doc. Of Version 2007 Inside WebBrowser Of Visual Studio 2010?

Sep 1, 2010

I am using visual studio 2010, in that vb.net with database as SQL. I wants to display files for the user, for that i am using webbrowser. Webbrowser display PDF file's as required but office documents of version 2007 open's separately instead of open in webbrowser. so, my question is how to open office document in webbrowser ?

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Visual Studio 2008 Creating A Check In Form For A Class Of Students With An Access Database?

Dec 4, 2009

Visual Basic Project - Student Check In Form using an Access database backend This form needs to draw information from an Access database containg tables for STUDENT, INSTRUCTOR, and SECTION. These all need to have primary keys and ids. When (the user) clicks on the drop down box that displays all the sections:

{Table Tennis 1, Table Tennis 2, Table Tennis 3, Billiards 1, Billiards 2, Billiards 3}This should populate the listbox or datagrid from the STUDENT table with the Students that have the same SECTIONID as the SECTION selected in the drop down menu above.

After the Student list has been populated (the user) clicks on a student name in the listbox/datagrid and this inserts that student into the CHECKEDIN table that has a datagrid/listbox associated with it.

This is a great project to practice connecting a database to Visual Studio 2008 .net and playing with the data that has been pulled in. You could use SQL instead of Access.

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Visual Studio 2008 Sp1 To Visual Studio 2010 Beta Sp2

Feb 17, 2010

Will i be able to successfully install 2010 beta 2 side by side 2008? because i want to test 2010 features and some development toolkits such as silverlight while i don't want to uninstall my visual studio 2008 professional.

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Visual Studio 2008 Keeps Crashing With "Microsoft Visual Studio Encountered A Problem And Was Shut Down"

Mar 20, 2009

I have a Visual Basic project and when working and modifying code, the compiler will crash and then a message will say something like "Microsoft visual studio encountered a problem and was shut down." I've tried editing code from the solution and the project. Both produce the error. Usually occurs when adding an "IF...Then..." condition. May work for hours but then crash. Solution will compile and build.

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Add New Row In Access 2007 - Cant Update My Table ?

Jun 2, 2011

It seems that i cant update my table in access 2007. Here is my code.

Try con = new oledb.oledbConnection("Provider = Microsof.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"; data source =
|DAtaDirectory|Attendance.accdb; Persist Security Info = False;")


--I dont received an error message when i run the codes i even dont receive an exception message. but when i check my database the record was not added.

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Developer And Use Visual Basic 2005 And Access 2007?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm a software developer and use visual basic 2005 and access 2007.Well first programmed with Visual Basic 6 but I decided to switch to. Net and indeed it is a big step.

Finally, in vb6 did not need the database linked to software to generate reports because it filled from a listview as the connection to the database do it for DAO ("C: ProSoft Billiard Data.mdb"). Now the question is as I can if I have to file a report so the connection in my software? is a bit urgent as I have to give and software and I need to do the reports.

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Adding Data To A MS Access 2007 Table?

Mar 6, 2009

I'm having trouble to add Data to a Ms Access 2007 from a Text Box. This is the coed I'm using at the present time.

Private Sub btnNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click
If (IsNumeric(txtOrderEntry.Text)) Then
ElseIf txtOrderEntry.Text = "" Then


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Access 2007 Linked Table With ODBC Transaction?

Oct 4, 2011

a simple question which i couldn't find an answer on the web.

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Connecting Access 2007 Table To Combo Box Control?

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to create a combo box the fill with the list of names from an Access Database Column, and I have read numerous forums trying to discern what to do but the stumbling block is when I try to copy their code, changing variable names to mine, etc I hit stumbling block when they ask for things like New SqlCommand(sSQL, myConnection) and my VB IDE doesnt come up recognising the sqlcommand when I start typing it in when it tries to autocomplete what I am typing. I have added the database & tables into the DataSources area to right of the IDE (as per attached pic

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MS Access 2007 Error Inserting Record Into Table

Jun 22, 2010

[code] When insCommand.ExecuteNonQuery is executed, an exception with Error # -2147217900 is thrown, with the detail of "In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user." At the time the error is thrown, this is what resides in strInsert: "Insert Into ScoutInfo (ScoutID, YearID, GSUSAID, FName, LName, DoB, Grade, Level, School, YearsIn, CurrentYear) Values (10000, 20092010, 123456, 'Jacobina', 'Lowe', '11/30/2009', 'K', 'Daisy', 'Thisone', 0, '20092010')" I've already verified that the Insert statement and datatypes of the columns match.

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View Access 2007 Database Table Contents?

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to display the contents of a table from an Access 2007 Database inside a List-view Box.I am using a Combo Box to select the user I wish to see the details about:

Private Sub Admin_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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