Loop Through Registry To Find Specific Key?

Oct 6, 2009

I have a VBS script that allows me to do a recursive search through a specific registry key to find a key value in multiple of the key directories. And unfortunately it dosn't want to work properly with vb.net in my visual studio even when i try to make the syntax changes

just look through the HKLM\MICROSOFT key to search for any occurences of "DigitalProductID"

Const numRoot = &H80000002
Const strRoot = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
Const myRoot = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft"


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Find A Specific File In A Specific Directory?

Feb 20, 2011

I am trying to find a specific file in a specific directory and then i need to get the full path of the file.Is this possible i cant find any help topics about a specific file.

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Changing DWORD Value In Specific Registry Path

Mar 13, 2011

I am trying to change the DWORD value in a specific registry path. It starts with the user who is entering the value in decimal into a text box. Then with the click of a button, the application takes that value and change the existing value of the DWORD to the new one typed into the text box. I think I have manage to get it to work with "strings" but I seem to get stuck when it comes to the DWORD key. I have a feeling it have something to do with the hexadecimal value which is set by default. Do I need to create a converter?

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VS 2008 Extracting Specific Information From The Registry?

Nov 1, 2009

I'm trying to get the version of IE and Google Chrome from the registry. I've successfully been able to get IE, but it seems chrome is eluding me.The following code is what I'm trying:

Public Sub ChromeVersion()
Dim SoftwareKey As String = "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareGoogleUpdateClients{8A69D345-D564-


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Find Registry Key Name

Jan 11, 2010

i want to find registry key names and display in combo box..how can i write ?

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Registry To ListView - Show All Keys Of Specific Folder

Jun 1, 2010

I have setup my listview to View: Details
I want the listview to show all the keys of a specific folder.
Example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VBExpress\10.0
So you click button1 and it adds all the keys within the example to your listview.

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How To : Find Registry Key With Sub-folders?

Mar 15, 2011

I want to find a registry key with sub-folders to be included.

Example : I have find "ApplicationName" in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE" with subfolders for SOFTWARE.

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File I/O And Registry :: Replacing Text On Specific Line Number?

Oct 2, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to replace text in a text file on a specific line number. (for testing, line number 4).

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Searching Registry And Removing Keys For MS Loop Back Adapter?

Aug 15, 2010

I am trying to creat a program to automate many of the things I do when I build a computer. I was attempting to do this via batch files but got stuck when I needed to search the registry for cetain keys and delete the parrent folder in which it resides in.

For instance: Installing a MS Loop Back Adapter I found a utility that works at the command promt called DEVCON that will allow me to install a MS Loop Back Adapter. I was doing this through a batch file but found that I can call the utility through VB and get the same result (of course I still need to have the DEVCON.exe)


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Find Default Media Player In Registry?

May 28, 2009

How can I get the path of the default media player? (The one used when clicking "Play all" in a music-specific folder in explorer, on Windows Vista or Windows 7)

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How To Find Registry Subkey Based On Its Value Names

Jun 13, 2011

I'm working on a little project that will inpart take the registry values for the exchange server configuration on a windows mobile device and then convert them to an OMA provisioning XML file. I have the xml code nailed, but we discovered in that process that the active sync exchange partner subkey is named differently on every device but, obviously the value names stay the same.

This is what I have so far but I'm stuck on obtaining the key name and then placing it into variable.
Const branch As String = "SoftwareMicrosoftActiveSyncPartners"
Dim ActiveServer As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(branch)
Dim subkeys() As String = ActiveServer.GetSubKeyNames
For Each subkey In subkeys
'some actions
if name "Server" exists then
Dim exchkey =
messagebox.show "Exchange Server not configured. Please configure a server and try again"

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Loop For A Specific Period Of Time?

Mar 25, 2009

I have been trying to find out of the last hour how to do something proberbly very simple ?

I have a button, when I click on it, I want to loop the code inside this button for 60 seconds.

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Loop Through Specific Column In ListView?

Jun 26, 2009

I have the following piece of VBA code that I need to convert to VB.NET for use with a ListView control (the original VBA control was a ListBox):

For i = 0 To lstProperties.ListCount - 1
If lstProperties.Column(18, i) = "" Or IsNull(lstProperties.Column(18, i)) Then
GoTo OpenFrm


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Do Until Loop - Input Specific Information On A Form

May 7, 2009

I am trying to input specific information on a form. I have created an sql statement from a table that will out put 18 rows of data. I have opened a recordset and instituted a do until loop. I need for the program to look at each row and if the Standard Score = the value of a field I have on the form it takes the value of the other three columns in updates it on the form. I have created the code and it works for upto 3 (Do Until loops)records, but when I try to add a 4th in the SQL statement and put in another do loop my computer runs it but it acts as if it freezes up.


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Loop SWF File Using Specific Frame Numbers?

May 27, 2010

how to loop an SWF file using specific frame numbers. I don't want the SWF file to play thoroughly. I know that frame 1 in Flash is 0 in VB, frame 2 in Flash is 1 in VB, etc.

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Loop To Detect Specific Popup Windows

Jun 9, 2011

I am very new to vb.net. I need to be able to see when a certain popup window appears in another application. The time time it takes to appear varies so I need to know when it appears and in some cases when it has closed.

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Loop Through Controls In A Specific Row/column Location In A TableLayoutPanel

Aug 14, 2009

I have a bunch of controls loaded into the same row/column in a TableLayoutPanel. I only have one at controls visible property set to TRUE at a given time. I want to be able to loop through the controls that specific row/column position in the TableLayoutPanel and test for a condition (control type) and then set this control's property to TRUE and all others to FALSE. Bascially I am turning controls on/off.

I know can loop through an entire TableLayoutPanel like this:

For each control in TableLAyoutPanel.Controls

How do I restrict this loop to a specific row/column in the TableLayoutPAnel? Can you qualify where specifically you want to look in the container control?

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Performing Like Statement In For Each Loop To Check For Specific Item

Jun 17, 2011

Is it possible to define my list of strings like in 'good old' VB60, to use only on ebyte of memory for each character? .NET always seems to store any string as unicode, which doubles the required memory. The case is that I have a huge list of strings, all of the same size. It is about 50.000.000 items, 12 characters each. You can imagine I am running out of memory in no time. I tried converting them to arrays-of-bytes but in that case I loose the possibility to perform a "LIKE" statement in a FOR-EACH loop to check for a specific item.

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Loop To Find Textbox

Jan 16, 2009

Im trying and failing to do the following: I have 90 textboxes named N1, N2, N3, N4 etc. I am generating a random number from 1 to 90 on the press of a button. If 1 is the number randomly generated then i would like the textbox N1 to to change its behaviour for example change background color. Apart from a Massseeeeeev if statement is there no way to loop through all these textboxes until the number generated matched the number in the name of the textbox? In VB 6 i used a control array so N(1), N(2), etc.

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Find A Specific Character And Copy It?

Jun 6, 2011

Is it possible that after you find a string, backup until you find a specific character and copy it?For example, I am looking for "bread". The text is milk8andbread. Would it be possible to start at bread, back up until eight, and just copy "andbread"?

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Find Out If A Specific Process Is Running?

Jun 25, 2010

if there was a bad virus on my computer and I wanted to make sure that every time that the Application tried to run, I would Kill That Process? Something that Might Look like this, but Idk..

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Timer1.Interval = 1000


Something that looks like that, yesterday I got the code on how to Kill a process by name, today I would like to learn how to ask the computer if that process is running, and if it is, Kill It.

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Loop Through The Items In A Listview To Find?

Mar 26, 2009

This is my current code and I wish to optimize it, any suggestions on how I could speed this up?

for (int a = 0; a <= listViewAssets.Items.Count-1; a++)
if (listViewAssets.Items[a].Tag.ToString() == oldReference)


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Find A Specific Text In A Textbox And Remove It?

Aug 10, 2010

im trying to find a specific text in a textbox and remove it . i don't figure a way to do it .

If richtextbox1.text.contains(listbox1.selecteditem) then
' there i dont know how delete the text !!
end if

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Find Colour Pixel On Specific Coordinates?

Jul 5, 2010

I am running a program that is connected through the internet and i gets disconnected at times.I wanted to know how this would be to examine a color of a pixel , If the colour turns changes, my mouse will move to reconnect it.

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Find Specific Occurance Of String In File?

Aug 3, 2009

I'm developing a program to tweak the settings of the Thief: Deadly Shadows video game.The tweaker program is designed to load and configuration profiles so the ttlg/T3Ed Guild community can share tweaks with each other and then apply those setting to the game's ini files. A little more info here: [ame=http:ur]UNDER DEVELOPMENT - Thief 3 Gold Tweaker -l.... TTLG Forums[/ame] & here are a list of tweaks the tweaker program will apply to the game: [ame=http:[url].....

Anyway, I managed to load and save the config profiles but I'm stuck on applying those settings to the game's .ini files. The main problem is finding the right string. Thief: Deadly Shadows .ini file has settings for xbox & PC. I only want to change the PC settings in DEFAULT.INI:

ShortIntroMovies=d:content 3VideoTextureseidos-logo.bik; . . . etc.
GameStartFiles=d:MediaFont12.xpr, . . . etc.[code]....

I want to change "ShowIntroMovies=False" under the "[PCStartup]" section when the user clicks "Apply Changes" on the main form.One way I could go about this is to look for "[PCStartup]" hold the line number it's on, then look for the "ShowIntroMovies" string under that line number. There are several instances in the game's .ini files where the same setting exists but they exists under different sections. So how would I find a specific occurrence of a string?

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Find Specific Table And Insert Rows Into It?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a word document with multiple tables. How can I specify in VB.NET to find a specific table and insert rows only into that one? I've successfully implemented the Find&Replace in the document... but the problem is that I have an unknown number of things that must be added into the table based on the data I'm querying from my database. So there is no simple solution as far as putting placeholders in the table and using the find and replace function.

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How To Find Specific Data Within Webpage Source

Jun 27, 2009

I'm building a vb project using vb 2008 and I am trying to get a specific data from the source of a webpage. I am now trying to have the vb project access the below source of the webpage [URL] and retrieve the word "Dublin" from the code from the following line:
</tr><tr><td class="s7 li ou"><a href="dorf1.php?newdid=106467">Dublin</a></td>

The word "Dublin" should be stored in the string villagename1 (I will use that string several times later in the project) and it should at NO time open a IE page as to make it as invisible as possible.

Webpage Source:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html><head> <title>Travian uk5</title>
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="max-age=0" />
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
[Code] .....

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XML Parser :: Find Elements With Specific Attribute & Value?

Sep 24, 2009

I am using VB.NET to read an XHTML file. I need my program to find every element within the XML structure which has the "class" attribute set to a specific value.IE: I need an array (or similar list) of all elements from the document which contain class="mytag".There is a list of several values I need to detect, all of which start with the same word 'mytag' followed by another word - so using a "contains" function seems sensible here

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Cannot Find Out To Add The Document Completed Event In A Loop

Apr 25, 2009

I have a program nearly completed that visits a web page, clicks a button, and goes on. My only problem is, I cannot find out to add the document completed event in a loop. Basically, it visits a web page, was the document completes loading, it clicks a button, but I can't find how to make it loop.

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Cannot Find The Proper Way To Write The Code Of A Loop?

Sep 26, 2010

that i can get a message box containing thitems who have the first letter i asked in a textbox , and the items are in a list box. So I repeat, i have alist box, i havetems in it, and i have a text boxupper that i wrote a letter in, and i want that when i click on the button under, it shows me the items in the list boxhat begin with the letter I enteredn the text box

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