Loop Through Specific Column In ListView?

Jun 26, 2009

I have the following piece of VBA code that I need to convert to VB.NET for use with a ListView control (the original VBA control was a ListBox):

For i = 0 To lstProperties.ListCount - 1
If lstProperties.Column(18, i) = "" Or IsNull(lstProperties.Column(18, i)) Then
GoTo OpenFrm


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Loop Through Controls In A Specific Row/column Location In A TableLayoutPanel

Aug 14, 2009

I have a bunch of controls loaded into the same row/column in a TableLayoutPanel. I only have one at controls visible property set to TRUE at a given time. I want to be able to loop through the controls that specific row/column position in the TableLayoutPanel and test for a condition (control type) and then set this control's property to TRUE and all others to FALSE. Bascially I am turning controls on/off.

I know can loop through an entire TableLayoutPanel like this:

For each control in TableLAyoutPanel.Controls

How do I restrict this loop to a specific row/column in the TableLayoutPAnel? Can you qualify where specifically you want to look in the container control?

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How To Add All Items Of Specific Column Of ListView

Aug 19, 2010

How can I add all the items of a specific column of a listview. For example I had a listview of a class like:

name............... surname............... age

I just want to add all the numbers of age column so I can find the total sum of ages of the students. I want, when I clicked my button It makes my textbox's text = 68 for this example.

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VS 2008 Loop Through Listview Column?

Jul 18, 2011

I got this line of

For Each lvi In Form1.ListOfSongs.Items
StoreLines = StoreLines & lvi.Text & vbCrLf

But I only want to loop through column 6. how to do that? I tried to replace .Items with .SubItems(5) but it didn't work.

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Count Specific Word In A Listview Column

Jun 1, 2012

i have a form which is having 1 list view and a text box. list view having total 100 rows data list view is having a 5 column column 3 is having two words "yes" and "no" i just want to count the number of occurrence of the word "yes" in column 3 the total row can be count with this code: COUNT TOTAL ADMISSION Dim rowcount As Integer = 0


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Specify Which Information To Insert Into The Specific Column Of A Listview?

Jun 22, 2009

txtMsg.Text = "Message from " & e.MSISDN & " . Message - " & e.TextMessage &ControlChars.CrLfand i want to change it to insert into a listview instead.Eg inserting the e.MSISDN information into a FROM column of the listview.

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Iterate Through Listview With Checkedboxes And Get Specific Column Values

Feb 21, 2012

How can I iterate through a listview that has checkedboxes and get the value of the first column? The listview has 3 columns, "ID" "Survey" "County". I want to get the value of the "ID" column for the items that are checked. I've been using the following code, but can't figure out how to proceed. am I on the right track?


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Iterate Through A ListBox Column And Sum The Total Of Numbers In A Specific Column?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a program and I get time data from a sqldb and display it in a column in a listbox. What are the proper steps for adding the time as I iterate through the data in the column? I figure I will need to do some conversions on the time to be able to add it and display it as a total.

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Resize Listview Column To Largest Width (column Header Or Item) C#

Jul 4, 2011

I have been trying to find out how to resize listview column width to the largest widthor either column header or item in c#


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Winforms - Change The ListView Column Header's Font For Each Column In 2005?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a listview and i want to make one column's font smaller than the other column to fit form design. How will i do that?

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Make The Listview Sort The Listview Items By Column?

Jun 22, 2010

im trying to make the listview sort the listview items by column (whichever column was clicked, sort the list based on that column)

in vb6 it was done by:
Private Sub ListView1_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader)
Static olditem&
With ListView1


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Loop For A Specific Period Of Time?

Mar 25, 2009

I have been trying to find out of the last hour how to do something proberbly very simple ?

I have a button, when I click on it, I want to loop the code inside this button for 60 seconds.

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Loop Through Registry To Find Specific Key?

Oct 6, 2009

I have a VBS script that allows me to do a recursive search through a specific registry key to find a key value in multiple of the key directories. And unfortunately it dosn't want to work properly with vb.net in my visual studio even when i try to make the syntax changes

just look through the HKLM\MICROSOFT key to search for any occurences of "DigitalProductID"

Const numRoot = &H80000002
Const strRoot = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
Const myRoot = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft"


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Do Until Loop - Input Specific Information On A Form

May 7, 2009

I am trying to input specific information on a form. I have created an sql statement from a table that will out put 18 rows of data. I have opened a recordset and instituted a do until loop. I need for the program to look at each row and if the Standard Score = the value of a field I have on the form it takes the value of the other three columns in updates it on the form. I have created the code and it works for upto 3 (Do Until loops)records, but when I try to add a 4th in the SQL statement and put in another do loop my computer runs it but it acts as if it freezes up.


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Loop SWF File Using Specific Frame Numbers?

May 27, 2010

how to loop an SWF file using specific frame numbers. I don't want the SWF file to play thoroughly. I know that frame 1 in Flash is 0 in VB, frame 2 in Flash is 1 in VB, etc.

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Loop To Detect Specific Popup Windows

Jun 9, 2011

I am very new to vb.net. I need to be able to see when a certain popup window appears in another application. The time time it takes to appear varies so I need to know when it appears and in some cases when it has closed.

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Performing Like Statement In For Each Loop To Check For Specific Item

Jun 17, 2011

Is it possible to define my list of strings like in 'good old' VB60, to use only on ebyte of memory for each character? .NET always seems to store any string as unicode, which doubles the required memory. The case is that I have a huge list of strings, all of the same size. It is about 50.000.000 items, 12 characters each. You can imagine I am running out of memory in no time. I tried converting them to arrays-of-bytes but in that case I loose the possibility to perform a "LIKE" statement in a FOR-EACH loop to check for a specific item.

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For Each Next Loop And ListView?

Dec 16, 2011

The ListView control is not my favorite, and I still have trouble using it. I want to insert a value to each row on the second column of ListView1 with For Each Next loop. I don't know how to state the last index. What am I doing wrong?


Onion Ring Onion is a recent refuge from Mac OS X and hates Mac App Store. System: Windows 7 x64

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How To Loop Listview

Jul 18, 2012

Is there a way that i can a loop in my program..[code]This works because i have know how many rows have data for the calculation in listview1. I would like to somehow code it so it checks the listview1 count and then make the calculation based on how many rows.ie 3 rows of date have been entered by the user then item1.subitems.add(formatcurrency(total1+total2+total3,2)

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Disable Specific Row In ListView?

Apr 20, 2010

how can I disabled specific rows in ListView using vb.net 2003 language?

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Alter A Specific Row To Column?

Dec 8, 2009

Is there a way to alter a specific row to a column?

Like i want to alter a row but not the whole thing only one column?

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How To Deduct From A Specific Column

Nov 15, 2011

deducting from customers purchases. The fields look like this:

Name Type Qty
Pencil 2 15


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Add Items To A Listview In A Specific Order?

Apr 18, 2012

If Not m_Batchs Is Nothing Then[code]...

I have this list view (which is working fine) and i want to find an efficient way of populating it in a specific order, ie by date, by identity etc.

I know i can use linq but as i understand this is inefficient. If m_batchs is a large list of objects then i will looping through this list many, many time (as linq behind the scenes loops through the object collection).

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Comparing Specific Item In ListView From Another

Jun 5, 2011

I am developing a subject plotter program for enrollment (but not an enrollment system), I use a database to store retrieve/store and update data. What my problem is that I have 2 listview, one that holds the chosen subject, and the other display's the offered subjects. How can I compare a specific item in the listview from another?

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Highlight Specific Rows In ListView?

Apr 17, 2010

how to highlight specific rows of ListView in vb.net?

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Way To 'hide' A Specific Row In Listview Instead Of Removing It?

Jun 19, 2009

I am using window application VS2005 to write a program. The listview will only show the data that meet the criteria set in the combobox.Is there any way to 'hide' a specific row in the listview instead of removing it? [code]

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C# - Give A Specific Name To Column In Linq

Oct 18, 2011

I have following query,


how to do it in linq queries ??? also is it possible to combine firstName and lastname in select query in Linq ? just like we do in SQL Queries like : select me_first_name + ' ' + me_last_name as 'Full Name' from me_employee how can i achieve this task in linq?

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Checking A Specific Column In The Database

Oct 11, 2011

here's the scenario. There's 2 types of employees; Worker and Manager. The worker will have to access the page 'worker.aspx' and the Manager will have to access the page 'manager.aspx'. In my login database (Access 2007) I have the first name, last name, username, password and job title of both workers and managers. Ex:


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Checking For Null Value In Specific Column

Mar 15, 2012

I'm working with a database application and i want to check if there is a null value in a specific column but it works only when its not null but if its null it throws an exception automatically. I tried to change the null value property of this column but I'm not able it shows a message that its not a valid property. I tried to change the source code in the code editor but it changes back automatically. Is there a way that I can work around this?

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DataGridView - Get Data At Specific Row / Column?

May 2, 2011

Iv've always done a loop like below to go through each row of my DataGridView..For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows....Is there a way to specif a specific row and column that i want to get data from? I tried this below but didnt work

MessageBox.Show(dataGridView1[0, 1].Value)

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