MVC3 / RequireHttps And Custom Handler Result In Http 310

Apr 12, 2012

I'm trying to build a web application that uses an SSL connection. So I did some research and found out that I could use the RequireHttpsAttribute class to achieve what I needed. Thing is that when I use it, the execution of the application results in an 310 error(too many redirections). I even built a custom class to handle the switch from http to https. [code]

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ADVERTISEMENT - Access To Textbox On Http Handler?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm trying to use the MultiUpload flash script on my ASP / VB.NET project and, to upload a file (following the instruction available on [URL].. I created an HTTP Handler. It works fine but, at this point, I need to read a value from a ASP:Textbox available on the caller page. How can I read this parameter?

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Retrieving An Image From A SQL Server Database Using A Http Handler?

Aug 14, 2011

I'm currently battling to retrieve an image from SQL Server 2008 R2 in an asp webapplication using The image is stored in the SQL Server 2008 R2 database as an image type. I've been researching for the past few days and can't seem to find anything solid on this topic. Apparently, the image has to be retrieved using

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C# - Custom HTTP Error Page?

Aug 6, 2010

In, I can define a custom error page like this:

<customErrors mode="On">


Now my question: If I replace, say 404.aspx with AnyHTTP.aspx,and want to get the number of the http error to generalize the page, how do I get that error numer?

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WebBrowser Control With Custom Http Headers?

Jul 9, 2006

I use WebBrowser control in VB.NET windows application and have to customise the USER-AGENT for only control underthe application itself (does not effect the original IE) sample:Original USER-AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

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VS 2005 Create A Custom URL Handler?

Apr 30, 2009

Doesn't have to be in VB.NET, could be in C# or just point me to the right registry entries that needs to be created to make this work and I am happy too.Anyways we have a windows client server application called let's say "CoolApp". Now a third party is developing a web front-end using the Interface, BL and DL dlls. They want to add a functionality when user does some specific search on a records lets say a customer with the id of 12345, and then they can send an email to anyone with the access to the application where the link in the email would look something like;

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Implementing Custom Configuration Section Handler?

Nov 2, 2010

I have put together a custom configuration section handler (, based on gleanings from a variety of sources (including stackOverlflow), however when I come to use it, I get the following error message "The Configuration property 'deviceconfig' may not be derived from ConfigurationSection." The app.config file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


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.net - Custom Event Handler - Getting The Error: Operator '+' Is Not Defined?

Mar 30, 2011

My job is requiring some visual basic programming and i've only programmed in C#.So i have this code:

Public Custom Event Command As JQDialogEventHandler
AddHandler(ByVal value As JQDialogEventHandler)
commandHandler += value[code].....

I'm getting the error: Operator '+' is not defined for types 'ControlesModificados. ControlesModificados.JQDialogEventHandler' and 'ControlesModificados. ControlesModificados.JQDialogEventHandler'. How can i write this code "commandHandler -= value" in other way so the error goes away! or how can i defined those operators for the eventhandler.

Namespace ControlesModificados
Public Class JQDialogButton
Inherits Button[code]....

As you can see the DialogCommand is using another JQDialogHandler, so i can't just use

Public Custom Event DialogCommand As JQDialogEventHandler

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Click Event Handler With Custom Control Button?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm creating an ASP.NET Custom Control for my web application which is basically an ASP.NET Button control contained inside multiple <div> elements (for styling purposes).How can I create a Click event handler for my custom control so that my control acts as an ASP.NET Button?


<cc:Button id="myButton" runat="server" Text="Submit" />
Sub myButton_Click(sender as object, e as EventArgs) Handles myButton.Click
End Sub

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Sort GetFiles Result In Custom?

Jun 13, 2010

Dim o As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Application.StartupPath() + "p") Dim myfiles() As System.IO.FileInfo
myfiles = o.GetFiles("*.r**")i have such code. for example I got 4 files in tmp dir. it's called file.rar, file.r00, file.r01 and file.r02 ,the return Array always comes as follow file.r00, file.r01, file.r02 and last is file.rar. Now I want the result in order like first file.rar and next is 00 01 02 03...n etc how to make it ? anyway dont make .rar in last I want to make it in the first place.seems there is a Array.Sort but I dont know how to use it this way.

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Custom Message Box (Form) Returns Result

Oct 16, 2009

I've created a custom MessageBox (a Form), that has buttons Yes and No. There is a function popUp() to show the MessageBox. I would call the MsgBox in a parent as follows:

Now I want the message box to return a value:
Dim a as Intger = CustomMessageBox.popUp()
But this should only return once the user clicks a button in the message box.

My popup sub:
Dim thread As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf GetResult)
Public Function PopUp(Optional ByVal ErrorMessage As String = "", Optional ByVal Title As String = "", Optional ByVal ButtonType As ButtonType = ButtonType.OK, Optional ByVal MessageType As MessageType = MessageType.None)
[Code] .....
gotResult is a Boolean = false. It the user clicks a button gotResult is changed to true.
result is a integer containing the number of the button clicked.

When I run this code, the result is returned, even if the user doesn't click a button. I understand why, because the main thread of the form is not "paused" while the user has not clicked a button. How can I pause the message box itself, until a button was clicked?
I've tried this:

Public Function PopUp(Optional ByVal ErrorMessage As String = "", Optional ByVal Title As String = "", Optional ByVal ButtonType As ButtonType = ButtonType.OK, Optional ByVal MessageType As MessageType = MessageType.None)
[Code] .....

But now the whole message box is captured in a loop and the message box is like disabled, because it waits for the loop to end, so the user can't click anything.

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Generate Dialog Result From A Custom Message Box Class?

Aug 3, 2011

I am developing a custom messagebox class like the following-[code]...

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HTTP Client Component For Communicating With HTTP Servers

Jan 17, 2009

Anyone know anymore .DLL Files that are like this?

HTTP client component for communicating with HTTP servers. [URL]

Im looking for something that acts like Web Browser Control But it is not. It should be like HttpWebRequest Class But handle the stuff properly like a Web Browser Control Does.

So i found Chilkat HTTP .NET

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Regex - Extracting HTTP Link(http://) For The String In .NET?

Sep 28, 2011

I have the following column values in my table Sample values:


I want to have 2 variables having the links and content separate - example:


I guess it can be done via String functions or regular expression.

View 2 Replies - Set Master Page On Page Preinit Based On Custom User Control Method Result?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a user control that checks if a certain query string and session value are present then returns a boolean based on that, if it's true I want to set the master page. The page is throwing an Object reference exception when it tries to call the method EditUser1.UserAuthorization(). Why is this happening? I imagine that the method doesn't exist at that point in the stack. Protected Sub Page_PreInit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreInit


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End Result Of Combobox Selection Keep Showing Same Multiple End Result When There Is Only One Entry?

Dec 10, 2010

I am currently having a headache on how to solve this problem that i am facing. here is the situation: I have a combobox and a list box on the main form. The combobox will get the data from the ms access database. In the database, i have the details of a person's IC, Name and DOB say for eg on one entry I have D215311523C,SHAWN,13/04/1987 So now, my combobox on form load will show the list of dates in the database to allow the user to search base on the date itself by clicking on the selected date. So when the user clicks on the particular date say 13/04/1987, people in the database whose birthday is 13/04/1987 will be shown on the listbox.Meaning to say if i have 3 entries whose dates are the same 13/04/1987, 3 entries will appear. If there is only two entry, then two results will be shown. But now, when i do a single click on the date, one result will be shown. That is correct. But the problem is when i click on the same date again, three of the same results will be shown on the list box. that is it will display : 13/04/1987 13/04/1987 13/04/1987 which is not the case. Then it will show more duplicates of the same results if i click more times on the same date which should not be the case.

Dim n As Integer
Dim numbers() As Integer
Dim StartFrom As Integer
Dim EndAt As Integer


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IDE :: When There Is No Result In Grid Result Column, Disable The Save Button

Sep 25, 2010

I am using a datagrid in my where i am having four columns. In first column the parameter values are entered and in the second column measured value is entered and in third column the nominal value is entered.Inthe fourth column the result is displayed by subtracting the measured value and nominal values. I am doing this calculation in Datagrid cell validated event. What i want is,there will be many rows in the grid,when typing the value in the third column the corresponding result will be displayedin the rowof theresult column,save button will be displayed while the form loads,when the calculate part is completed that is there should not any cell of the resut column empty then i should enable the save butto.

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Make An Array And Put Result Every Time The Serial Port Gives A New Result?

Oct 14, 2009

I am encountering the following issue So i have a device that sends stuff at the serial port, i then parse it and put it into an array of bytes like that:

Dim HCI_Command_Rcvd_Byte() As Byte All good till here What i wanna do is make an array and put this result every time the serial port gives me a new result, for example:


Basically what i wanna do is let the port parse the messages, fill in the array with the result at an empty spot in this array and then i will have a separate thread that will look in into this array in each non empty space and after it looks into the non empty space it will use or discard the info and also mark this space as empty (after it checked)

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ASP.NET MVC3 - Append A Dot To The Code?

Apr 16, 2011

With the MVC3 Razor synax, one may render a string like so


My problem is: How can I append a dot to the above code.The following will result in a "Public member 'jpg' on type 'String' not found.


I've tried the following code but does not produce my intended result:

@ViewData("photo") .jpg
@ViewData("photo") & ".jpg"

View 3 Replies MVC3 Appropriate Model Passing

May 24, 2012

I'm quite new to MVC and while I've been trying to follow the best practices , I believe I may not be understanding certain fundamentals of either

-a. Using models and viewmodels appropriately

-b. Passing models into a controller for validation purposes.

The general purpose of my program is to select a stored procedure from a list of stored procedures, create a form where the user can fill out all the appropriate input variables, and then to execute that stored procedure. The tool is for non-technical people, so I'm eventually going to have to do a good deal of input validation.

As such I have four models: A Script Model, a Parameter Model, a Parameter Enum model and a Query Model, and two viewmodels: a paramviewmodel that generates the form to fill out, and a scriptviewmodel that creates a listbox filled with the possible script choices. I am using a prewritten database system to fill out my viewmodels in an init method in my controller (which I'm not sure is the proper way to do this?).

The viewmodels are as follows:

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Class ScriptViewModel


I'm trying to work out the functionality. Also, I think this may be too much code in the view, even though most of it is display code.

Anyways, I have two main questions. One, does creating a model in my controller, calling an init method on it, and then passing it to the view make any sense in an mvc context (if not, how would I proceed?). Two, if I want to perform validation on the form I output in my htmlhelper, but I want to use my query model validation (and not my paramviewmodel), how can I do that? Most of the examples I've seen involve a controller that recieves an appropriate model variable, and the binding is performed outside the controller itself. They then just check modelstate. Is there any way I could do something similar here?

Edit: Is there any way I can make the syntax highlighting less crappy?

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File Uploading In Asp.Net MVC3?

Apr 12, 2012

I'm trying to implement a file upload system and I don't really get what to do.

I'm looking for the easiest way to do it. After long researches, I've found those explanations.

So, here is the things I've done inside the view :

Dim fileName As String = ""
If (IsPost) Then


Problem : GetHtml is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.FileUpload'
What can I do to fix this? Is it the good way to handle file uploads?

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MVC3 DropDown List?

Apr 2, 2012

Function Monitor() As ActionResult
Dim db = New QuarterDBContext()
Dim items As IEnumerable(Of SelectListItem) = db.getQuarter.[Select](Function(c) New


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Resource Not Found - MVC3

Nov 2, 2011

Having issues getting myself started on MVC3.Trying to define a simple route here in Global.asax [code]

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.net - ASP.Net MVC3 Display Sql Output In Webgrid?

Feb 3, 2011

I am using ASP.Net MVC3 with MySQL Trying to figure out beast way to return sql result from controller to view and display output using webgrid help class.

tried following its not working.Controler code

data = New DataTable
da = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM " + tables.SelectedItem.ToString(), conn)
cb = New MySqlCommandBuilder(da)
ViewData("grid") = data


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.net - Implementing MS Charts In ASP.NET MVC3 Project?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a MVC application, which creates a Chart in the business logic like this:

StatisticsModel.Chart.Width = 150
StatisticsModel.Chart.Height = 300
StatisticsModel.Chart.Attributes.Add("align", "left")
StatisticsModel.Chart.Titles.Add("Statistics for: " + StatisticsModel.ProductNumbers)
StatisticsModel.Chart.ChartAreas.Add(New ChartArea)


View 1 Replies - Action That Returns A File In MVC3?

Apr 19, 2012

So, I don't get what I still should to to make a file downloadable within the action.

So, here is the controller that I have. Everything seems to work fine, except that I never receive any file to download client-side.

Function meetingCP(idCont As Integer, idOpp As Integer, schedule As String) As FileResult


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Make MVC3 DropDown List?

Apr 14, 2011

Function Monitor() As ActionResult
Dim db = New QuarterDBContext()
Dim items As IEnumerable(Of SelectListItem) = db.getQuarter.[Select](Function(c) New


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Mvc - MVC3 Razor SelectedValue In DropdownListFor?

May 30, 2012

I've the following code for a DropDownListFor and is working ok

@Html.DropDownListFor(Function(model) model.Habilitacoes, New SelectList(ViewBag.Habilitacoes, "KeyHL", "DescricaoHL"), New With {.class = "FillHSpace"})


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MVC3 VB: Sort By Date And Time?

Mar 22, 2012

I have table with date/time column and person column. Each person has multiple records for each day. What I need to do is next: I need to get first record for each person for each day... Can this be done in MVC3 Visual Basic and Entity framework?

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Limit Result Being Put Into DataSet And Get Next Result From Database

Apr 16, 2010

I just read about DataSet in VB.NET, it uses disconnected concept. My question is: if my apps has "List All" button that query data from 1 table in the database, and that table has "very very very" many rows, so my DataSet will be filled with those data and eat up memory. Can I limit the data that being put to the DataSet from that query? But I want to be able to retrieve the next data from the same query if the user want to see it?

For example:
I have 1000 rows in my database, and i query all of them. But I just want 200 rows being inserted to my DataSet, but if the user want to see rows number 201 and so on, I want to be able to retrieve the next 200 rows, and so on. So it just like cutting those data into a group of 200 rows. Can I do this with the concept of "disconnected" of the DataSet?

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