Generate Dialog Result From A Custom Message Box Class?

Aug 3, 2011

I am developing a custom messagebox class like the following-[code]...

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Custom Message Box (Form) Returns Result

Oct 16, 2009

I've created a custom MessageBox (a Form), that has buttons Yes and No. There is a function popUp() to show the MessageBox. I would call the MsgBox in a parent as follows:

Now I want the message box to return a value:
Dim a as Intger = CustomMessageBox.popUp()
But this should only return once the user clicks a button in the message box.

My popup sub:
Dim thread As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf GetResult)
Public Function PopUp(Optional ByVal ErrorMessage As String = "", Optional ByVal Title As String = "", Optional ByVal ButtonType As ButtonType = ButtonType.OK, Optional ByVal MessageType As MessageType = MessageType.None)
[Code] .....
gotResult is a Boolean = false. It the user clicks a button gotResult is changed to true.
result is a integer containing the number of the button clicked.

When I run this code, the result is returned, even if the user doesn't click a button. I understand why, because the main thread of the form is not "paused" while the user has not clicked a button. How can I pause the message box itself, until a button was clicked?
I've tried this:

Public Function PopUp(Optional ByVal ErrorMessage As String = "", Optional ByVal Title As String = "", Optional ByVal ButtonType As ButtonType = ButtonType.OK, Optional ByVal MessageType As MessageType = MessageType.None)
[Code] .....

But now the whole message box is captured in a loop and the message box is like disabled, because it waits for the loop to end, so the user can't click anything.

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VS 2008 Custom Dialog In A Class Library?

Mar 3, 2010

It's been a while since I last posted something, but this attracted my attention. Since many of my programs share the same type of code, I decided to dump it all in a class library for other programs to use.

Now I have a problem, Windows Forms in a class library can't be displayed. There is no "Show(Dialog)" command, only some for event handling. All properties are gone as well. The only way I managed to display a form is by making it as a new variable: 'Dim f as windows.forms.form

But this won't work because of the enormous amount of handlers added to the original.

How can I show my (TextureBrowse in my case) Dialog so other programs can use it?

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Custom DialogResults - Create New Dialog Results For Dialog Forms?

Nov 11, 2009

Can I create new dialog results for my dialog forms? And then use them with Form.ShowDialog method?

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SHA512 Generate Different Result?

May 3, 2011

I tried to use the following code to generate hash string,

Dim data() As Byte
Dim result() As Byte
Dim uEncode As New System.Text.UnicodeEncoding()


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Using A InputBox As A Dialog Result?

Aug 27, 2011

InputBox be used instead of a Dialog, and at the same time setting the Button Text Properties to display Afrikaans words like Ja Nee?

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Create A Custom Class That Has Inside An Array Of Another Custom Class?

Jan 31, 2011

I want to create a custom class that has inside an array of another custom class (see my code below) but when the programm runs is crashes. Why? What is the right expression???? Plz help I'm a newbie in

Public Class ctrarray
Public nameclass As String
Public ctrlindex(glvar_spaces) As ctrlindexclass
End Class


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Applying Changes Before Setting Dialog Result Value?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a dialog with an OK, Apply and Cancel button. I want the apply button to have the same effect as the OK button, but the dialog should not close. Can you stop the dialog from closing when you set a dialog result value (as I want to when clicking the Apply button)? Basically I have some settings that are passed into the constructor of the dialog. The dialog then updates its controls with these settings. At the moment any settings that are changed in the dialog are applied when the dialog closes via the OK dialog result (i.e. the code that calls the dialog also applies the changes). This is the way I would prefer it to happen, but the only way I can think of to get what I want to work is to apply the settings changes before I set the dialog result value (i.e. in the dialog code). This essentially makes dialogresult useless in my case as I cant use it to get the effect I am after.

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Evaluating Modal Dialog Result?

Apr 4, 2011

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
With Me.PrintForm1


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Employee Deletion Confirmation - Dialog Result

May 30, 2012

Here's my
Dim result As New DialogResult
result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete " & LoadedEmployee.EmployeeFull_name & "?", "Employee deletion confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
If result = DialogResult.Yes Then
**code here**
End If
I'm getting the following error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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How To Take The Result From Message Box

Jun 6, 2010

in visual basic in studio if this is used for giving a message MsgBox("hello", 4, "status")how to manipulate the result yes or no from the msgbox like this should happen if the user gives no and this should happen if no

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Display Result Of A Calculation In A Message Box?

Apr 14, 2009

How do you display your result of a calculation in a message box?


MsgBox("Average = " & textbox1 & "" + vbInformation + vbOKOnly)

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Showing SQL Query Result In Message Box

May 25, 2011

Is there a way to show the value retrieved by an SQL statement in a message box? In context, my SQL statement searches my database to find a customer record that matches the details entered into the text boxes on the form, and retrieves the CustomerID. Is there a way to show this CustomerID in a message box?

The SQL code is:
SELECT customerid
from customer
where cust_forename = @custforename and cust_surname = @custsurname and cust_house = @custhouse etc

View 14 Replies

Use Message Box Result To Determine Text Box Value?

Jun 16, 2012

I'm a complete Visual Basic (2010) beginner and I've got a Memory game to complete for a school assignment.

When I have two cards match in my program, a message box will pop out and say "match". If the message box does appear, how can I then get a "1" to then be added to a text box within the program? I would like to have the points accumulate for each "match" message box that appears.

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Generate Error Message When COM1 Is In Use

Jun 18, 2009

I have code that:

Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton1.CheckedChanged
If Serial.IsOpen = True Then


Opens a serial connection when a radiobutton is selected. My question is: How can I make a message pop up saying "COM Port in use" if the radio button is selected when the com port is in use by another application? Right now, the program just crashes.

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Show Message Box If There Are No Result Of Database Search

Feb 10, 2010

How do i code so my program will give me a message box if there are no result of my database search?
there is the code for the search. [Code]

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Close Dialog On Error Message

May 4, 2011

How would i go about closing my openfiledialog in the event that there is an error[code]...

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Default Error Dialog Message?

Jul 5, 2011

I am working on an application developed in .Net with Sql server 2005.On the form there is a datagridview called 'ManualRequestDataGridView' . Within the datagridview - Edit Columns - there is a combobox called 'media expected'. On the items section - Collections I have the following list...

Electronic - Email


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VS 2005 Message Box Dialog Results?

Jun 25, 2009

This is the code I currently created for my program. On the form close event, it checks if any changes were made and asks to save them or not.


I've told it what to do if the dialog result is "Yes." Now, on the "Cancel" dialog result, I only want the message box dialog to close, NOT the program. Whats the command to make only the message box close?

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Sort GetFiles Result In Custom?

Jun 13, 2010

Dim o As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Application.StartupPath() + "p") Dim myfiles() As System.IO.FileInfo
myfiles = o.GetFiles("*.r**")i have such code. for example I got 4 files in tmp dir. it's called file.rar, file.r00, file.r01 and file.r02 ,the return Array always comes as follow file.r00, file.r01, file.r02 and last is file.rar. Now I want the result in order like first file.rar and next is 00 01 02 03...n etc how to make it ? anyway dont make .rar in last I want to make it in the first place.seems there is a Array.Sort but I dont know how to use it this way.

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Generate An Error Message To The User To Let Them Know A File Doesn't Exist?

May 10, 2010

im trying to generate an error message to the user to let them know a file doesnt exist.So far ive got the user to enter the file name into a textbox, they click search and if successful will load a new form with a PDF file reader built in( AxAcroPDF1 )everytime i enter the right file name i get the file loaded, if enter the wrong name the File page still loads with no pdf and no message saying file doesnt exist.

Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


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Create Custom Dialog Box

Aug 5, 2010

I'm creating an stock management application. At times I want to be able to search for a customer, location, or institution. I know how to do all of this, but what I really nee dot figure out is:How do I create/design a function that calls a form and has the user query information and then return that query's data, preferable datatable.Now, I've created the form that does all this and I have the dataTable but now I want to have a function that can call this "query form" and return that data.I was thinking I have to do something with multi-threading but maybe I'm just looking over something obvious. The best analogy of what I want to do is to create a custom dialog box, but obviously instead of returning a simple integer I'd be returning a dataTable.

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VS 2008 Custom Dialog Box?

Nov 5, 2010

I am writing a program and I need a way for the user to input information into a pop up screen, i.e. may be up to 10 settings for the program. I have looked at using a parent and child form but it seems somewhat difficult to pass data between forms. I have also looked at custom dialog boxes but it seems like there would be an easier way? Is there a way that a form or similar box could pop up when a button on form1 was pressed and then the user could make the needed selections and then click ok on form 2. This would then save the selections to some global variable that could be accessed by form1 after form 2 has been closed?

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Auto-generate Custom Number For Database In Vb

Jan 27, 2012

I would like to generate a tracking number as primary key for my database.

There will be total 12 letters for each tracking id. Example: 2012010001-1

The "2012010001-1" is actually from combination YYYYMMxxxx-v where YYYY is the current year, MM is the current month, xxxx is the auto generate number(increment) and -v is the version where it can be -2 -3 but using the same YYYYMMxxxx.

For both YYYYMM is not a prob as i can get the value from Date.Today.Month/Date.Today.Year. But how am I going to ensure the xxxx is an auto increment but will be reset back to 0000 every new month.

For example:

2012010000-1 (Month January, so start from 0000)


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How To Generate Custom Report In Specific Format

Dec 14, 2011

I am working on a simple window application (VS2010,VB.NET). It's an HR management App - Employees records.I need simply insert/edit Employee Info, reports in Excel (with out crystal reports) & Show in Grid.So I am thinking of using Telerik RAD WinForms (2011) only because it looks cool. But I also know that Telerik could be a real pain when you need more flexibility.Although my application is quite basic still I want to determine whether I should go with Telerik or just use standard Windows Forms functionality? How can I generate custom report in specific format.Also It would be nice if some one point me to some sample application or VB.NET windows Tutorials?

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Program A .net Framework Message Dialog Screen In To The Catch And Try Command?

Dec 17, 2009

how do I program a .net framework message dialog screen in to the catch and try command

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MVC3 / RequireHttps And Custom Handler Result In Http 310

Apr 12, 2012

I'm trying to build a web application that uses an SSL connection. So I did some research and found out that I could use the RequireHttpsAttribute class to achieve what I needed. Thing is that when I use it, the execution of the application results in an 310 error(too many redirections). I even built a custom class to handle the switch from http to https. [code]

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Access A Checkbox In Custom Dialog Box

Jul 27, 2011

I'm trying to create a installation setup for my application. I need to insert a custom action while setup is running. So I add a Checkbox Dialog box to my setup. And I add a dll to the setup installation to capture Before Install and After Install events. Those are works fine. But I cannot access my check box value in those events. [code]

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Creating A Custom Font Dialog?

May 17, 2011

I'm having a bit of trouble with my project here... and Google isn't helping very much. To put it briefly, I'm currently making a sticky note program (one fairly similar to Sticky Notes, for those of you familiar with Windows Vista or 7). It's relatively simple, as the "note" itself is basically a glorified Rich Text Box.

My problem is this: I obviously want to allow some for some customization with the font, however I don't want to use a standard full-on Dialog Box. So I designed a small form with 2 Combo Boxes--one for font and the other for size--and 2 buttons, "OK" and "Cancel". What I'm attempting to do is program this form (named dlgFont) to more or less be recognized as a Font Dialog Box. I've got some of it figured out I think, but I can't seem to put the pieces together in a way that actually works.In the code for my main form, I have this within the Class... stuff:

Friend WithEvents dlgFont As System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog

As for the Command Button that pulls up the dialog box itself, well, it's actually a Context Menu Strip Item... I'm not really sure what to put. So far I've only tried this:


And for the Apply event, I've got the generic stuff:

Private Sub dlgFont_Apply(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dlgFont.Apply
If dlgFont.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Me.Font = dlgFont.Font
End If
End Sub

That's all I have for the main form. This is what dlgFont looks like: 'A limited-ability font dialog box.

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Friend Class dlgFont


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Custom Dialog - Pick Properties ?

Jul 15, 2009

Lets say i'm making a new dialog. I don't want to expose the properties of the form to code elsewhere, only specific ones I define. I tried making the form Protected (including the Designer generated code) and putting it in another class, but then I can't figure out how to access the form from my code. Am I going about this completely the wrong way, or what?


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