Making Text In A Textbox Transparent?

Jan 19, 2011

I am trying to make some Text in a Textbox become Transparant gradually to the point where it disappears - it this possible in VB08 Express?

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Text In The Textbox Is Becoming Transparent?

Mar 20, 2011

It's been a while since I've had a VB issue, but every so often one pops up. Today I'm trying to add a textbox to a form which has aero glass on it. The problem is that the text in the textbox is becoming transparent. Here's an image of what happens when I debug my project:

I have looked into lots of articles on CodeProject, etc. But none of them seem to adress this issue (some let you paint labels to aero-glassed areas, but there are none which I can find which can deal with textboxes or comboboxes. how I could make sure that the text on the textbox is always black no matter what is behind the aero glass. I know it's possible because of IE8.

I've looked into the Control.Paint event, but I'm not sure how I could make sure that the text color is always black. Putting my textbox inside another control (say a Panel) does not prevent the transparent effect from happening.

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Make Part That Drops Down Semi-transparent Or Completely Transparent Resembling Floating Text?

Oct 27, 2010

[code] how to make the part that drops down semi-transparent or completely transparent resembling floating text. So that I can see the form underneath.

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Making A Function That Reorders The Text Put Into A Textbox?

Oct 8, 2011

I am having trouble making a function that reorders the text put into a textbox. I then have to get that reordered data and put it into a list box.

Basically, 2 words separated by a comma are entered into a text box (say Wash, Car is put into the text box), then I need to get a function that reorders that string and be able to put in into a listbox that shows Car Wash. So it gets the word after the comma first, then gets the word before the comma. It should do this with every string.

Need to use a function for this.

Right now I really just have

Dim Word As String
Word = textbox1.text

'Then the function to reorder the name and return the reordered name will go right here

What this is suppose to do?

- Example, some puts Wash, Car into textbox 1. List Box 1 will display Wash Car.

- Basic, Visual in textbox1, list box 1 will display Visual basic

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Making A Screensave With Transparent Background?

Aug 20, 2010

I know this may sound really difficult and annoying to complete but all i need is a form which has no borders at all,just some text floating topmost of all screen like a screensaver i tried adding a text but it still has a white background behind it and it looks like a sign instead of Floating Letters with no background at all also note that i dont want a form with a square border around it,because thats what it look like when i added form border style to none

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Making Container Transparent In .net 2005?

Aug 23, 2011

i have taken some Group Boxes and Panels within my form,

as mentioned now i want to make just transparent these containers

i mean it(container) just hide itself and illustrates its controls and also

it's background containing form.Mohammad Arif Mustafa

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Making The Border Of A Form Semi-transparent?

Jan 8, 2011

Is there any way to embed a form to another form. What I am trying to do is to make Form-A semi-transparent and Form-B as the embedded main form. So that the final application has a semi transparent border around it . Also I don't want to use a MDI form.

Edit: How to make the border of a form semi-transparent without using MDI form.

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VS 2008 : Making A Picturebox Background Transparent?

Oct 17, 2010

I have a few pictureboxes that move and contain an image of a fish. When they overlap, I would like to be able to see one fish under the other fish.I have made the background (white) of the image transparent in photoshop and the background color of the form seems to show through the background of the fish image, but when 2 fish overlap, ones background covers up the other.

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C# - Making Rectangle Completely Transparent (Hole In Window) WPF

Feb 7, 2012

I have a rectangle that I dynamically draw in a Window. Said Window has a background with it's opacity set to 0.4. I'd like to make the area inside the rectangle completely transparent (see what's behind the window).

Here is the code of my Window :
<Window x:Class="TakeAScreenzone"
Title="PloofTAS" Height="355" Width="539" Topmost="True"
[Code] .....

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Making Transparent, Unclickable Areas In UserControl/pictureBox

Oct 22, 2010

I have a userControl with a picturebox in it. I need the areas of the userControl to be transparent and unclickable on the main form. After some searching Ive come up with this. [URL] but it doesn't seem to work. I have it set up so the usercontrol can be drag-and-dropped. but I dont want transparent areas to be dragable.

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VS 2010 Making A Transparent, Clickable Button OR Label?

Oct 28, 2011

First post here, so I have no clue if this is the right place to ask this or not, but it looked like it.

Anyways, what I'm trying to do as an exercise is make a roulette game. I decided it would be best to put my buttons ON the actual table itself, so that the player can click which one he wants to bet on, and it'll bring up an Input Box asking how much he wants to bet, and yeah.

So, I tossed a button on there, set the parent to the picturebox of the roulette table, set the back color to transparent, and got rid of the text. Lo and behold, it's transparent!

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Making A Control "disappear" Behind Another Transparent One?

Sep 17, 2011

The "This is a test......" text is a label, that is the child of a Canvas. The Canvas is the child of the horizontal StackPanel that also has the blue Canvas with the team records on it as well as the team logo images and the team name labels. The black line is where the Canvas that holds the "This is a test....." label starts.I wan't the "This is a test....." text to roll from right to left, but the problem is that because all the controls on the StackPanel are transparent, the text doesn't "dissappear" underneath them, even when they leave the area of their parent control. How can I make them do that? ZIndex isn't the answer because my problem is not which control is on top, but instead the fact that the controls "above" it are transparent.

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How To Make TextBox Transparent

Sep 11, 2007

Can I make TextBox transparent?

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Make A TextBox Transparent?

Jun 17, 2010

Is it possible to make a TextBox transparent?

I have a form that has a gradient background and I need the textbox to allow the user to type into and it shows the text and the blinking cursor carrot when it has focus, other than that it's totally transparent, like a label.

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TextBox - In A Transparent Form

Dec 6, 2009

I set form.Opacity = 0.5, textbox1.Multiline = True, textbox1.Height = 60. when running the code, i key-in any text in Textbox, until textbox's Vertical scrollbar visible, when i move up the scrollbar, system hang and wait few minute then system become normal back.

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Transparent Textbox Or Label

Mar 1, 2011

I'm new to VB 2005. I've worked with VB5 for many years. I can't find anyway to make my text boxes and labels transparent in VB 2005 as I could in VB5(Backgrounds).

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VS 2008 Transparent Textbox?

Sep 2, 2009

i need transparent textbox in I did in vb6 by using the fm20.dll.By adding referneces that dll i got the control. After applying the transparency, stil its in opaque mode oly

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Any Way To Create Transparent Background On Textbox?

Mar 2, 2009

How to create a transparent background over textbox?

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VS 2010 Transparent/Background On Rich Text Box Or Text Box?

Mar 17, 2012

I've been wanting to create a look like the attached jpeg Ive been looking around for a few hours for a solution to make text boxes transparent or have a background image. I've found a few projects on this form and elsewhere which include transparent text boxes, but every time I try to use it the way I need to--with the text box over a picture box--there are always various rendering errors. Most of the time, the text box is transparent if its just placed on the form (not over any other controls). But when I place them over other controls (like picture boxes), the 'transparent background' always take on the color of the form background.

This is one that I was trying to use. I found a few others around, but they all had the same render errors more or less.[URL]...I figured transparency or background images would have been supported natively. Anyone have any ideas? Maybe I missed something in my searches. I didn't really see anything which adds background images in text boxes (rich or otherwise). At this point, I'd just like anything that works, so it doesn't really need to have transparency--just a simple background image would be great.

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VS 2008 - Showing Textbox Behind Transparent Progressbar?

Oct 25, 2009

I was able to make my progress bar transparent, and I have a textbox, I want to see what's in the textbox behind the progress bar, but the progress bar it's not not showing it.
ProgressBar1.BackColor = Me.BackColor
me.backcolor = transparent

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VS 2008 Unable To Have A Transparent Textbox By Using A Label?

Sep 13, 2009

I'm trying to evade the problem of being unable to have a transparent textbox by using a label. When the label is selected, it selects the info in a textbox elsewhere. Then using Textbox.changed, i stream the text to the label. Maybe the code will make sense:

Private Sub UserLabelClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UserLabel.Click
End Sub


But the text is not selected and therefore cannot be changed.

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The Glass Effect Causes Any Text In The Text Box To Be Transparent?

May 13, 2009

I've successfully used DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea from dwmapi.dll. It adds glass to about 40 pixels down from the top, and 40 pixels up from the bottom. I can put a button on the glass and either set it's background color to transparent or it's UseCompatibleTextRendering = True so that is displays correctly on the glass (the middle part of the form is a regular form, I can put controls there fine). Now, here's my problem... I want to put a search text box at the top right hand section of the form on the glass (similiar to IE and other wizard like glass forms that have search boxes integrated). Also, this is a WinForm.

The problem:The glass effect causes any text in the text box to be transparent, I need to know how to get around it so the text box is always opaque.

What I've tried:

1.) Manually drawing the transparent color over the form in the Paint event, skipping the section where the text box is located (doesn't work).

2.) Change the color of the text in the text box so it's not black (since black triggers the glass effect). I couldn't get the glass to work at all with any color other than black (even when I set the form's transparcy key to another color).

3.) I've read and followed every FAQ / instruction list I could get my hands on to no avail (most were from 2006 before Vista in production).

4.) I've looked with UI Spy at the text box in the IE glass section, and that text box has a background color of transparent (which I tried and the .Net textbox/richtextbox don't allow you to set a background color of transparent)

I've read that you can create a custom control and custom draw it to be opaque, but I'm not sure where to start with that (I can make custom controls, but as per drawing them myself I need a little direction).

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Making Textbox Type Into A Textbox?

Oct 3, 2009

I'm a noob to VB.NET and I was wondering how to make something you type into a textbox on the application type that text into a website textbox and submit whats in the textbox by pressing a button? I am using visual studio 2008.

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Make A Text/label Transparent?

Oct 25, 2009

Is there a way to make a text/label transparent or another way to show text over a picture (photo)With transperant bagground

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Make Userform Transparent But Have Non-transparent Controls?

Mar 7, 2008

Question:Is it possible to make a userform transparent but have non-transparent controls?I notice changing the opacity of the userform will change the opacity of controls embedded on it.

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Draw Semi-transparent Text On A Graphics Object?

Mar 15, 2010

I want to draw a text with 32 bit transparency on a graphics object. When I try, I only get black color in the result.

If I try to draw a line with the same semitransparent color, it works perfectly.

I have this code:

lBitmap As New Bitmap(32, 32, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
lGraphic As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(lBitmap)
lGraphic.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality


I was thinking it may be that SolidBrush does not support transparency, but I found a predefined brush named Transparent (Brushes.Transparent) that was a SolidBrush when I looked at it in debug. I tried to use Brushes.Transparent as the brush when drawing the text, and it was successfully not showing at all. That means I get full transparency to work, but not partial transparency.

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Making A Email Textbox?

Aug 29, 2009

Im going to make this Quick I have a Textbox where I want someone to input there email

E-mail = Textbox3
and a button
Okay Button = Button1


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Label.Text = Val(Textbox.Text) / (Textbox.Text) - How To Obtain The Info

Dec 7, 2010

LblPPG.Text = Val(TextBoxPP.Text) / (TextBoxQTY.Text)

This is the only way I know how to obtain the info I need for this equation but if generated again with no input from the textboxes I get an error. Is there anyway to bypass this if its generated a second time with no inputs?

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.net - Making Textbox In Inputbox Larger?

Jul 7, 2011

How can I make the textbox in a VB Inputbox larger?

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CheckedListBox Making Textbox Visible ?

Dec 13, 2009

I have a CheckedListBox with 6 different indices that all correspond to a textBox. For example: Index 0 corresponds with TextBox1, Index 1 corresponds with TextBox2, and so forth. When the user selects the item in the CheckedListBox, the TextBox with that particular index becomes visible. I am at a loss. I have been working on this for 4 days now, with no end in sight!


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