Manipulating Data On An Active Form With Objects

Sep 10, 2011

this is not really a code issue, more of an events issue with objects. I want to be able to generate an output as the user inputs into each text box under the "further invoice details" section. For example, if the user inputs a value to amountrequired text box. Then a gross total is auto generated without the need to click a button.


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VS 2008 Manipulating Objects Through Code?

Mar 25, 2010

How can I create and manipulate Objects on form with my vb code?By that i don't mean toggling the visibility.

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Multiple Webbrowser Objects But Refresh Only Active One?

Feb 27, 2010

My program has multiple webbrowser objects, each one in a different tab. How would i go about setting up a button to refresh only the webbrowser on the active tab?

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Get 'memberOf' Properties For Computer Objects In Active Directory

Jul 28, 2011

I apologize if this is the wrong forum. I'm searching for all computer objects in an OU in Active Directory. I'm able to get the computer name, DN, and description but cannot get the memberOf properties. I'm wanting to get all groups the computer is a member of. My code is below:


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Manipulating Data From A Database Within VB?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm creating a program that displays data from a Access database in DataGridView, and I'm able to "call" the database and display it in datagridview normally, but I need to be able to take the data from 3 separate columns and average them together, within VB.

My table basically displays 3 grades for a student, one column for the student's name and the other 3 columns for 3 separate grades, I need to be able to take the 3 grades from the same row and average them together, then display them in a separate column within DataGridView.

Here is my code so far, but this only displays all the records without the average:


Public Class Form1
Sub UpdateGrid(ByVal sqlStr As String)
Dim dt As New DataTable()


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Manipulating Data Sheet Next

Jan 10, 2012

I am using the Print Document to create the impression in I set a certain number of records per page however see the other pages just like the first,some help to handle these records correctly in the leaves?

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Sql - Manipulating The Data In Files Itself?

Apr 26, 2010

I have developed an application using VB.NET, Visual Studio 2008 and the SQL Server database. Now I want to ignore the database (it has 1 table as customer (name,password,hour,minute)) as I don't want my client to install SQL Server separately or other overheads.I am planning to do the whole using file handling in VB.NET (manipulating the data in files itself, for example change username, password, etc.). As I am new I don't actually know the proper way and of course need assistance.

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VS 2005 Get The Active Control Of The Active Form?

Mar 30, 2009

I want to get the active control (control which has the focus or where the cursor is on) each time the cursor moves to another control or each time a control receives a focus.

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Posting Data To A RichTextBox On A Form From External Objects

Apr 13, 2010

Background: My VB .Net application is a back-end solution that works with a proprietary Linux-based middle-ware messaging architecture developed by our company. My application references to the middle-ware DLLs, obtains connectivity, and subscribes to specific broadcasts with the middle-ware. When the broadcasts are received, it handles processes them and inserts/updates certain tables in a database. To do so, it has specific notification classes to handle each type of broadcast. These classes adhere to the inheritance model imposed by the middle-ware DLLs.


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Manipulating Text In Another Form?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to make a program that can handle menu order in restaurant.

In this program, there are Main form (frmOrder), Starter Form (frmStarter), Entree Form (frmEntree), and Dessert Form (frmDessert). Each category (Starter, Entree, and Dessert) contains 4 menus, and each forms other than main form have label for name, price (label), and quantity (textbox).

Main Form have 4 buttons (3 of them opens respective form of Starters, Entrees, Desserts. Last button calculates total), and it has big label that displays all the ordered menu. By default it has current time and date, so any ordered menus are supposed to be displayed on separate line (with quantity, name, and price with dollar sign).

Below is the code I wrote for frmOrders


I tried to see it works, but lblTape.Text (which is the big label that displays ordered menu) do not change. I did saw lblTape.Text got value it supposed to (item quantity & item name & item price) but it doesn't change when I close form and return to Main form. I'm not sure where I got trouble to end up like this...

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Manipulating Data In Text File?

Apr 14, 2010

The products file contains data such as prices and the product used such as TV. I want to be able to manipulate the data in the product and location file so i can set different products to different location types.

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Manipulating Data With Binding Navigator

Feb 22, 2012

looking for simple code for adding, deleting, editing, and updating data using binding navigator in vb 10. first time using, been using vb6 and code is totally different.

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Manipulating Collection Of Textboxes In Form?

Aug 27, 2011

I have 5 text boxes that I need to perform several operations on as a group, named tb1, tb2, tb3, tb4, tb5.for example, if I want to retrieve the text from each one and process it, I believe I can use the text box or control collection and test each textbox to see if it's name starts with tb, check to see if it has text in it, and then process the text.I think I would use something like for each textbox in..... to test the collection but not yet comfortable with collections and this seems like a good place to start learning how to use them.

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Controlling And Manipulating Data In An External Program?

Jun 21, 2009

I'm trying to write a application that works with a 3rd party application called FuzzyTech. Unfortionalty FuzzyTech is quite old so the only way I can interact with it is buy using DDE. FuzzyTech acts as a DDE server. After a bit of research I found a library called NDde which enables me to use DDE. I understand that does not natively supprt it as it is an old technology.

Now fuzzyTech seems to only respond to the DDE connect and pokes when in debug mode. The only way I can find to get the program in to debug mode is from the menu bar (Debug > Interactive). So I have written an application that runs fuzzyTech, grabs the window and then accesses the menu to put it in to debug mode. My code can then use DDE. I have all of this working ok (although it does feel like a bit of a hack). The problem is I don't want users to be able to see this happening.

I want fuzzyTech to be hidden.After more research I found I could hide the window on startup by using fuzzypProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden. However when I do this my code to grab the window and send the menu commands then fails. I think this is because the window title becomes blank when hidden.So I need to know a way of controlling the program after it is hidden or hiding it after it is in debug mode. This is where I am stuck. I'm very new to programming and this has got me completely stumped.

Here is some of the code I am using:

Private fuzzypProcess As Process = New Process()
Private Sub LoadFuzzyTech()
fuzzypProcess.StartInfo.FileName = projectPath & projectTitle & ".ftl"


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Manipulating Data From An Oracle Temporary Table

Sep 7, 2010

I have a VB.Net application that populates an Oracle 11g global temporary table. I can see data in the temporary table by loading it into a grid and everything looks correct.However, when I call an Oracle stored procedure from VB.Net that would manipulate the data in this temporary table, the stored procedure reports that my temporary table is empty.I understood that data in an Oracle global temporary table should be visible to all sessions.

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Manipulating Mutiple Excel-like Spreadsheet Data In .NET

Apr 21, 2009

I have an project which was written in VB6 and made use of the Spread3.0 component to display multiple large data from database in spreadsheet. My objective is to convert this project into a VB.NET current version which would not use the third party component but can possibly use a freeware that does similar if not all the functionality.

My question is, are there any freeware that is available in .NET for such spreadsheet-like manipulation of data programatically? I have come across dsoFramer but this only allows the display of the data in an IE frame. I would like to jus embed the content into my existing form.

Also this freeware must be able to handle formula and user-editing as well as multiple cell type such as combobox/checkbox etc.

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Manipulating Mutiple Excel-like Spreadsheet Data In .NET?

Sep 1, 2010

I have an project which was written in VB6 and made use of the Spread3.0 component todisplay multiple large data from database in spreadsheet. My objective is to convert this project into a VB.NET current version which would not use the third party component but can possibly use a freeware that does similar if not all the functionality

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ODP.NET Query - Error Manipulating Data From Stored Procedure?

Jan 11, 2010

ODP.NET Query - Error manipulating data from Stored Procedure??

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VS 2008 Inherit ListView - Dispose Of Two Objects When The Form's Disposing Of It's Objects

Feb 7, 2010

I have a user control that inherits the FW ListView and I need to dispose of two objects when the form's disposing of it's objects. Here's what I've concluded already, am I on the right track?


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Write Text From A Parent Form To The Active Mdi Child Form VB 2010

Jan 28, 2012

It has to be a simple line of code but I do not know how to construct it. Using VB 2010 Express, I have a MDI parent form and many child forms. I want the parent form to determine what child form is active and load data into the RichTextBox1 on the child form. Each Child form has a RichTextBox1. The parent form gets its data by loading a file.

I am close to a solution but just can't get there. You will see in the code below, if I make a direct reference to a specific child form, it works great. What I want to do is to use the Active Form function to determine which form to write to. I have looked at the MS tutorial which gets me close.

Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,


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Bring A Form To The Front As Active Form

Jul 14, 2009

I am trying to have any only one form type eg Countries, Projects, or Vendors etc. open at the same time. So, if a user has the Country form open and goes to open it again from the menu I would like the applaication to bring the form to the Front of the MDI container. I have tried a number of things like BringToFront, ActivateMdiChild, etc.


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Can Zoom Form While It Is Active

Mar 20, 2012

i want to know is there any way i can zoom my form in i could resize the form and byanchoring all controls to left top right bottom i can make it look like zoom. but it is not actually zooming. it is resizing. while font size and other formats are still as same.

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Determine Active Form Name?

Apr 20, 2010

When debugging in VB6 it was easy to find the name of the active form because it was automatically highlighted in the Project Explorer.

How do I find the name of the active form in VS2010?

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Get Active Control Of Form?

Mar 30, 2009

I want to get the active control (control which has the focus or where the cursor is on) each time the cursor moves to another control or each time a control receives a focus.

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Get The Text Of The Active Form?

Apr 6, 2010

I need to build a program that can get the form's name of whatever window/application that is currently active/in focus. How do I do that?

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How To Put An Active Login Form

Jul 30, 2010

I would like to put an active login form where by if one fails toput the correct password after 3 trials the program exits

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MDI Application - How To Get Active Form

Mar 11, 2010

I have a mdi application. When some childforms are open (but only one is active) and the user press a button, I want to know, what form is open, because depending on this, an event will fire up. I imagine this so: at first I determine the active form with a separate function. And then with a select case statement the event will be fired up. How can I make this?

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Retrieve Data From Active Directory?

Mar 15, 2012

I am trying to retrieve the telephone number from Active Directory for my script, I found alot of examples online, and I tried to implement what I think should make sense (but since I really don't know vb that well, this is problematic).[code]...

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Retrieving Data From Active Directory?

Mar 1, 2012

I am trying to retrieve the telephone number from Active Directory for my script, I found alot of examples online, and I tried to implement what I think should make sense (but since I really don't know that well, this is problematic). Below is the piece of

... ''''Get Phone Number from Active Directory using employee ID retrieved from the logged in user Dim dirEntry, de As DirectoryEntry Dim dirSearcher As DirectorySearcher Dim sr As SearchResult dirEntry = New


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Active Directory Groups In Form

Sep 18, 2008

I am writing an application where active directory validation is required before accessing the main form. There are 2 forms. Form 2 is the login form and form 1 is the main form. The main form would have a simple look, with about 10 checkboxes.I have managed to get the authentication working great but what now need to do is validate groups. Say if "user A" is in "groups A,B and C" and "user B" is in "groups B and C" i would like for them to use my login form, once they log in, the groups that they are members of would appear in a listbox on either form, (whichever is easiest) and is hidden from the user ... if they are in group A, then the main form would show only the first 3 checkboxes, if they are in group B, then it would show the 4th and 5th checkboxes, if in both groups then show the first 5 checkboxes etc.It is a simple idea, but is complicated to explain.As i said, the login form is working with the active directory... here is the code for the login form:[code]Form1 in the code is my main form, and wish for it to change according to which groups the user is in.

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