Manipulating Collection Of Textboxes In Form?

Aug 27, 2011

I have 5 text boxes that I need to perform several operations on as a group, named tb1, tb2, tb3, tb4, tb5.for example, if I want to retrieve the text from each one and process it, I believe I can use the text box or control collection and test each textbox to see if it's name starts with tb, check to see if it has text in it, and then process the text.I think I would use something like for each textbox in..... to test the collection but not yet comfortable with collections and this seems like a good place to start learning how to use them.

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Manipulating Text In Another Form?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to make a program that can handle menu order in restaurant.

In this program, there are Main form (frmOrder), Starter Form (frmStarter), Entree Form (frmEntree), and Dessert Form (frmDessert). Each category (Starter, Entree, and Dessert) contains 4 menus, and each forms other than main form have label for name, price (label), and quantity (textbox).

Main Form have 4 buttons (3 of them opens respective form of Starters, Entrees, Desserts. Last button calculates total), and it has big label that displays all the ordered menu. By default it has current time and date, so any ordered menus are supposed to be displayed on separate line (with quantity, name, and price with dollar sign).

Below is the code I wrote for frmOrders


I tried to see it works, but lblTape.Text (which is the big label that displays ordered menu) do not change. I did saw lblTape.Text got value it supposed to (item quantity & item name & item price) but it doesn't change when I close form and return to Main form. I'm not sure where I got trouble to end up like this...

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VS 2008 One Collection 10 Textboxes Odd Numbers To 1 Label

Feb 5, 2010

a collection of 10 textboxes to take the odd numbers and drive them to label1

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VS 2008 Transform Collection Of Textboxes To Integer?

Feb 22, 2010

how can i transform collection of textboxes to integer

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Manipulating Data On An Active Form With Objects

Sep 10, 2011

this is not really a code issue, more of an events issue with objects. I want to be able to generate an output as the user inputs into each text box under the "further invoice details" section. For example, if the user inputs a value to amountrequired text box. Then a gross total is auto generated without the need to click a button.


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Form With 4 Textboxes. The Textboxes Are Multiline?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a Form with 4 Textboxes. The Textboxes are multiline. To write the contents of the 4 textboxes, I did the following.


How do I read to or populate the Textboxes using StreamReader or StringReader or other means?

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Use Of Many Textboxes In Form

Feb 3, 2010

I'm brand new to VB, though I have some experience in C++. I have a 9x9 grid of many textboxes in my form, and I am trying to output the position of each textbox, as well as its contents, to a text file. For example, if the textbox (3,4) contains 5, I would like to output 3 4 5 to a file, and so on for each text box. Also, I really have no way of knowing which textbox is which, they are only called TextBox1, TextBox2, etc.

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.Net Form Garbage Collection Behavior?

Jan 11, 2011

I'm creating a windows forms program and have recently noticed a large amount of memory slowly being eaten by the application. I went through my program and tried to tie up as many loose ends as I could in relation to object creation but noticed that the program would still keep memory for every form loaded until it eventually crashed.

I decided to make a simple test program which sole purpose is to pop-up a new form with a few controls, wait for 200 milliseconds, then close the form and repeat the process 30 times every time I hit a button. I found it caused the same behavior, even with the only new object creation being that of the form. So, I decided to manually invoke the garbage collector in a subroutine which handles the formclosed event. During tests I would get some memory back occasionally, but not enough to make a difference in the long run. So I start setting the form variable to nothing before I called GC.collect(). The program will initially eat a few 1000K of memory before leveling off and using only 20-40K for every 30 forms created.

Now what I'm wondering is, what is the point of an automated garbage collection system if it requires constant manual evocation and explicit dereferencing of all new objects to be effective? Have I completely lost grasp on the scope of VB.Net forms and it simply never marks forms as available memory to be cleared?I would have thought object memory references created within a form would be marked as usable when the form's close or dispose routine is called and no references to objects created within the form exist anywhere outside the closed form.

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How To Access Button Form Collection

Jun 20, 2011

I created buttons collection

with that code

Public Function AddNewButton() As System.Windows.Forms.Button
' Create a new instance of the Button class.
Dim aButton As New System.Windows.Forms.Button()


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Make A Collection Of Form Instances?

Nov 11, 2010

I am wanting to make a collection of form instances.I was wondering if the arrayList is a list of pointers (or references) to items added or if a new instance of an object is placed when using the add method.

i.e. if I had: Public Shared forms as Arraylist = new Arraylist Then if I called forms.add me from an instance of a form would it create a pointer or reference to the instance or generate a whole new one?

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Scope: Access A Collection In Another Form?

Nov 10, 2009

I am trying to acccess a Collection in another form


What I do this from the same form, I get 16, but when I run this code from a different form, I get 0.The variable is declared public.

Public servers As New System.Collections.ArrayList()

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Simple Data Collection Web Form In .NET?

Jun 11, 2011

I am planning to create a webpage to collect simple information.

Name, email, phone number, college name and also their markes in each subject
test1 85779090pass


When the user enter their informationa and press the SUBMIT button it should be saved into the server.

Note: I want to use grid view to gather the exam details, is it possible?

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Check All Textboxes On A Form?

Aug 6, 2009

i would like to make an IF statement that will check whether all textboxes in the form have been changed. i dont want to check one by one. can i check all textboxes with one simple IF THEN clause in

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Clear All Textboxes In A Form?

Nov 29, 2011

I created a Fuction in the module in order to clear all textboxes in a form.

The clear button does work but it still displays an error at the bottom saying :

Expression is of type ........., which is not a collection type.

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Clear All Textboxes On A Form?

Dec 17, 2011

I am trying to write code to clear all textboxes on a form automatically.

I have entered the following code:

For each ctrl as Control in me. controls

If TypeOf ctrl is TextBox then
ctrl.text = ""
end if

The form has various controls on it, including textboxes, buttons, and others. When I run the above code 'ctrl' only seems to find buttons but not textboxes.

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Find All Textboxes On A Form?

May 17, 2012

I have a form that has a tabcontrol (TabControl1) and within that tab control is another one (TabControl2). I have textboxes on the main form as well as in each of the tabcontrols.

In my savebutton event I have the following code:
If CheckIfDirtyAfterLock = "Just Unlocked" Then


What happens is that it records those textboxes that have changed and writes it to addendum.text. The problem is that it is only capturing those textboxes on my main form and none of the textboxes that get changed within TabControl1 or TabControl2.

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How To Clear All Textboxes On Form

Nov 14, 2011

I tried this code but it is throwing error.
Private Sub ClearText
Dim ctl As Control
' Clear all the TextBoxes on the form.
For Each ctl In Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is TextArea Then ctl.Text = ""
End Sub

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Removing All TextBoxes On A Form?

Feb 27, 2010

I'm dynamically creating x number of textboxes on my form. Once I have done this and the user has done some stuff with them they need to be able to remove all of these textboxes to start again. I've written this code to go in a button, but it only gets rid of two of the textboxes at a time rather than them all in one button click (so it takes like 8 button presses to clear all of the textboxes on the form). Can anyone see the problem?

For Each ControlObj As Windows.Forms.Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ControlObj Is Windows.Forms.TextBox = True Then


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Set Property For All Textboxes On A Form?

Mar 30, 2009

I basically want to be able to set a property for all textboxes on a specific form. Say, I want to set the wordwrap-property to true on all textboxes. How could this be done?

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Tag A Control Say Textboxes On A Form?

Feb 18, 2010

is there a way to tag a control say textboxes on a form.. when I call that tag i can clear all the textboxes associated?

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Way To Clear All Textboxes In Form

May 23, 2011

I was wondering if there was a simpler way to clear all the textboxes in a form instead of having to do. [code]

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Apply That To All 30 Textboxes When Form Loads?

May 22, 2010

[code] how do i apply that to all 30 textboxes when the form loads.

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Added 2 Textboxes On Form And Runs It

Jun 2, 2011

I added 2 textboxes on the form and runs it...I pressed the enter after I type in simple text.. it will not goto next textbox but tab can do.

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Code To Clear All Textboxes In A Form?

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to find a code to clear all text boxes in a form. I am using VB8 Here is the code I found but I get an error telling me I need a comma between two arguments

Private Sub btnclearall_Click
Dim ctl As New Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls


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Entry Form With Textboxes And ComboBoxes

Jun 17, 2010

I'm using VB 2005 and have an Edit - Entry form with Textboxes and several Comboboxes. I populate the Comboboxes with Arraylists as shown below. I populate a datatable with the Employee data from my SQL Server. I assign the BindingSource1.Datasource to my Datatable then add Databindings to the ComboControls. The (Fields.STAFF_MGR_ID.ToString) is from an Enum. When all is complete my textbox fields Bind and move with the MoveNext.. no problem, but the comboboxes display nothing.

Dim Manager2 As New ArrayList
While dr.Read
With Manager2
.Add(New ListContents(dr(1).ToString, CInt(dr(0))))
[Code] .....

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Function To Validate 5 Textboxes In Form

Feb 22, 2011

Actually I am trying to get a function to validate all the textboxes in my form. At the moment, my code look like:
Private Sub Textbox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Textbox1.textchanged
If Textbox1.Text.Length = 0 Then
MsgBox("TextBox1 is empty. Please enter something", msgboxstyle.okonly)
End Sub
I have to write the same line of code for each textbox to check if it is not empty and was thinking of using a function that will be called and check each textbox in my form.

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How To Add Textboxes In Windows Form Using For Loop

Feb 3, 2010

I want to add textboxes in my form as per the input I give. Say, My code will prompt me to enter the no of files I would like to upload... If I give input as "3".... it should generate 3 textboxes to enter the file names....

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How To Reset Textboxes On Form Load

Jun 2, 2011

i would like to get my form to open form with textboxes empty and ready for being populated. I have tried the coded below:

'Clear textboxes on form load
Private Sub ClearTextBoxes(Byval ctl As Control)
For Each ctl In Me.Controls


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Navigate Textboxes Contained Within A Form?

Jul 30, 2009

How do I easily navigate textboxes contained within a form.My form has a lot of textboxes so I don't particularly want to make a KeyDown event for each.I think I need to group the controls and handle it that way somehow with their TabIndex.I'm lost without the control array of VB6 and can't find anything to show me how to do it.

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Passing A Selected Row Of DGV To Another Form (textboxes)?

Mar 8, 2009

I hav a datagridview,which looks like this:ID


i doubleclick a row,lets say highlited row...then this row value should appear to another form which hav 4 textboxes ( id , name, marks and grade).

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