Passing A Selected Row Of DGV To Another Form (textboxes)?

Mar 8, 2009

I hav a datagridview,which looks like this:ID


i doubleclick a row,lets say highlited row...then this row value should appear to another form which hav 4 textboxes ( id , name, marks and grade).

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Passing Selected Data To Another Form And Then Retrieving Details?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm new to Visual Basic 2010, I programmed in VB a long time ago. getting back into it. I have a SQL 2008 database and I want to use Visual Basic 2010. what I want to do is bring up a form with a group of products for my company. Based on the users selection they will put a check mark next to the product and then submit the query/data filter/ selection.passing that information to another screen with the details of all the sales for that item.

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Display The Selected Record Into Textboxes Of Respected Form?

Mar 15, 2011

I want to provide database help in seperate form with listview control. I want to display the selected record into textboxes of respected form. The code from ClientMaster Form

Forms are frmclientmaster, frmhellp and many more
ObjHelpForm.txtQueryString.Text =
"Select * From ClientMaster Order By FullName;"
ObjHelpForm.txtParentFormName.Text =


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Passing Coded Textboxes Through Procedures?

Mar 17, 2012

Dim txtloginname As New TextBox
txtloginname.Location = New Point(100, 100)
txtloginname.Size = New Size(200, 60)


I have created a login form which only allows access the valid users. However when I am trying to validate the username and password enetered when the user clicks the Login button (btnLogin). However I am unable to pass through the username and password in the Select statement, entered by the user beccause it gives me an error that 'txtloginname' and 'txtpassword' is not declared in the LoginProcess Private Sub. How do I declare the texboxes i coded into the LoginProcess Private sub for it to work?

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VS 2008 Passing Info From Textboxes In Different Forms?

Jun 13, 2011

Im looking to pass information from a number of textboxes in one form to a number of textboxes in another form using Visual Basic 2008.

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Passing Group Of Selected Files To .net App?

Nov 22, 2011

The project I'm working on is essentially writing a new front end for the 7 Zip compression using 7Zip's downloadable SDK. My main issue that I'm working out now is trying to figure out how to integrate this into Windows Explorer.

I want to be able to select a group of files in a folder or Windows Explorer, right click them, then choose various options such as "Compress", "Compress and Test", etc. By clicking either of these options, I would like my app to open and perform the function associated with the specific menu entry. I imagine there are two parts to this, first how to get the options to show up in the right click menu, then how to pass the selected files to a application. I don't even know where to begin with this.

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VS 2010 : Passing Selected Row In DataGridView?

Sep 7, 2010

Im currently creating a point of sales system, I'm having problems in passing selected row in datagridview to another datagridview & text box but in different form.

POS Form

- Selected Row in Product Browse Form must be passed in this DataGridView.

- Selcted Row in Customer Browse Form must be passed in CustomerName and Customer Address Textbox.


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Display Datagridview Selected Row In Textboxes?

Aug 12, 2009

i never work with datagridview and i need to make the selected row displayed in textboxes. For example i had three textboxes (txt1, txt2, txt3) and the datagridview had three columns (name, surname, address). The datagridview in connected with an access database using oledbconnection. So i wanted to select a row and then display the selected row in there respective textboxes. The name goes in txt1, the surname goes in txt2, the address goes in txt3

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VS 2008 Take The Numbers From Selected Textboxes?

Feb 3, 2010

how can i take the numbers from selected textboxes and to drive the even numbers to label 1 and the odd numbers to label2

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How To Populate Selected Record Into Textboxes From DataGridView

May 29, 2009

I'm currently developing a application in VB.Net 2008. I'm using the DataGridView to display my data on the form and I have stored all the records in MS SQL. I have a EDIT button on the module and I need to know how can I populate a selected record into the textboxes from the DataGridView to be edited.

Below are the code and the the error are 'CurrentRowIndex' is not a member of
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdEdit.Click
If (gridAdmin.RowCount > 0) Then
If MsgBox("Edit this Administrator Details?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "Edit Administrator Details") = vbYes Then
txtID.Text = gridAdmin.Rows(gridAdmin.CurrentRowIndex, 0)
End If
dummy = MsgBox("No Administrator Details found!", vbCritical, "Error")
End If
End Sub

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Populate Textboxes From Listview Selected Items?

May 26, 2010

I have a Form with listview of customer name. e.g. AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, EEE. etc And 3 textboxes.

I want to be able to populate the textboxes when the user selects a customer. For example: If User selects AAA, textbox1.text = AAA, then if User selects CCC, textbox2.text = CCC etc.

I tired: (in a button on click event)
TextBox1.Text = Listview1.SelectedItems(0).Text
TextBox2.Text = Listview1.SelectedItems(1).Text
TextBox3.Text = Listview1.SelectedItems(2).Text

But this only works if the user selects 'all' 3 customers at once. I want to allow the User to populate each textboxes depending on how many they select eg. 'Upto' 3 customers .

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Populate Textboxes With The Data From A Datagrid When A Row Is Selected?

Aug 30, 2010

I currently have a datagrid that I have populated from a dataset and I need to be able to populate some textboxes on my form with the data is the datagrid on the row I select?

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Viewing Selected Row Data From Datagrid In Textboxes

Jan 15, 2012

how can we view the selected row's data from datagrid in textboxes in 2003?

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Transferring Selected Items From ListBox Into 3 Separate Textboxes

Oct 13, 2009

I have a listbox populated with items which are the numbers 0-10. I need to know how to make the app transfer the selected items into 3 separate text boxes. First it should total the the cumulative values of the selected numbers & place that value into the 1st box. Then is should list the total number of items selected from the listbox & place that number into the 2nd box. And finally it should give me an average of the selected items, now this part I've got down, as I can input the first 2 numbers manually into the boxes & will get a correct response in the 3rd text box.

Here's what I have thus far on my code,
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'fills list box with values
For dblRates As Double = 0 To 10 Step 1
[Code] .....

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Form With 4 Textboxes. The Textboxes Are Multiline?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a Form with 4 Textboxes. The Textboxes are multiline. To write the contents of the 4 textboxes, I did the following.


How do I read to or populate the Textboxes using StreamReader or StringReader or other means?

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Search A Sql Database As Write In A Textbox, Filter Datagridview And Populate Textboxes With Selected Dgv Row?

Jan 29, 2010

search a sql database as write in a textbox, filter datagridview and populate textboxes with selected dgv row

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VS 2008 Passing A Form - Get The Error.'cmbDataTable' Is Not A Menber Of 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm upgrading a project from VB6 to VB2008.I have a routine that clears a combo box, named 'cmbDataTable' which could be on any form. I pass the form and the combo box is cleared.


I assumed it would be the same in VB2008 but I get the error.'cmbDataTable' is not a menber of 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'I am working my way through the project, first updating the global procedures - this is one - I haven't written the calls so cmbDataTable doesn't yet exist.

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Passing Setting Value Back To Form That Had Called The Form?

Feb 1, 2010

This is what I have..Dim frmSettings As New frmOptionsfrmSettings.ShowDialog(Me)frmSettings is a settings form that you can choose the color for background of form1(Me)

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Passing Values From Modal Form To Parent Form?

Aug 11, 2011

I am trying to pass information to parent form from modal form in winforms application.

1.) I created a copy of a form and displayed it using following code.

dim f=new frmParent()

2.) Depending on conditions a button on frmParent opens a modal child form and asks for some informations. I used following code for that:

dim f = new ChildForm()

Both code works fine. When user press saves in child form i need to close childForm and use the user types values in parent form. I know how to close the childform but not sure how to pass info from childform to parent form.

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Passing Text From Form To Form?

Jun 10, 2011

i am try to pass the text input into the text boxes in form ( OrderScreen) into the text boxes in ( PrintOrderScreen)I don't get any error it just does not pass the text over to the second screen.


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Passing Variables From Form To Form?

Feb 4, 2011

Im having a bit of a problem passing variables from one form to another. Oh and for some reason my saveing sub routine dosent work, i cant get it to save the file in text format.

Public Class DijkstrasAlgorithmFinal
Dim x As Integer
Dim Dijkstras(4, 3) As Integer


View 7 Replies Form Not Passing Ddl Values

Dec 9, 2011

I have a form with 2 dropdownlists and a submit button. I want to pass the values of the lists in a URL when the list is submitted but for some reason the initial value of the ddl is getting passed. Here's my code:


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Form Passing To Procedure?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a form which contain Two textbox control. When I passing the Form to Procedure the textbox controls of the form not getting say I am giving Exaple.

Public Class Myform
'This Form Contains Two Controls TextBox1 And TextBox2
'Calling the Procedure


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Passing A Form To Sub Procedure?

Feb 11, 2010

I am in great trouble. I have a form which contain Two textbox control. When I passing the Form to Procedure the textbox controls of the form not getting say I am giving Exaple

Public Class Myform
'This Form Contains Two Controls TextBox1 And TextBox2
'Calling the Procedure


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Passing A Textbox Value To Another Form

Sep 24, 2009

I have 3 forms, the form one is an intro, form 2 loads a user and form 3 displays a user. i use the streamread / writer to load values on form 2, then when successful it loads form 3 and the vaules are transferred perfectly, now to save time i changed the start up form from form1 to form2 (saves having to skip every time). so after having all the code load and transfer i wanted to see it in action and then the issues started.


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Passing A Value To A Minimized Form?

Oct 17, 2009

I have a 2nd form that is minimized to the taskbar, I can click on the tab and the form opens and shows all of the data fine, but

From the main form, I am maximizing the second form and trying to pass a value to a toolstrip textbox on the second form then press a button on the toolstrip from the second form, I can get this to work fine, but where I am having a problem is

The button searches through a treeview, when I step through my code, I can see the value that I am passing, my code does execute, but the treeview is showing no nodes(but they are really there). At the begining of the code, I put a message box to give me a count of the nodes in the treeview, it shows 0, but I can see all 10000+ nodes. What the textbox is on the toolstrip is a search box. When the form is maximized, I can enter whatever and it finds it with no problems, but if I pass a value it doesnt find anything because the treeview is saying there are no nodes when there is.

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Passing Command To Other Form

Jan 17, 2012

I have simple app with Form1, Form2 and Form3. Form 2 is being opened with button form Form1. Form3 is being opened with button from Form2. Form1 is startup form. I can call any public sub on Form1 from Form2,(using on Form2 command "form1.mypublicsubname". If I try to call public sub on Form2 from Form3 nothing happens. If I put simple Msgbox "Hello" in public sub on Form2 and I call it from Form3 I do get Msgbox saying Hello. If I put in same public sub something like me.mydatagrid.refresh nothing happens. Also if I try calling me.mydatatableadapter.fill nothing happens. I guess it has something to do with invoke but I just don't know where to start.

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Passing Data To Another Form

Apr 28, 2009

i got 2 forms.there are 2 buttons in the 1st form and what i wan is,when a user click button 1,then will show form 2 will related data,click button 2 will show related data which is different with form far wat i get is,i oni manage to make when a user click button 1,then show form2 n in d form 2 there is another button to click n get d data...which mean i nid 2 create more forms...erm...u can say that i would like to make the form 2 to become a template...and send data into it.[code]i just wana make like i click button1 in form1,it will pop out form2 wit related data.

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Passing Info From One Form To Another?

Mar 4, 2012

I am having trouble passing my summary info from my main form to the summary form. Only thing I have been able to have it do is show me the OK button to exit the program which is essentially no progress

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Passing Parameters From One Form To Another

Nov 8, 2009

I have a form with 2 dateTimePickers and a SHOW button which gets data from an sql server database and displays it in a DataGridView. this works ok. I also have an EDIT button which brings up another form with textbox and comboBox controls displaying this one record. I want to be able to click in the DataGridView to select a Name and then click on the EDIT button to bring up the selected record. I don't know how to pass the ID as a parameter to this second form. Apart from that the EDIT button works, in the sense that I hard coded the ID (32 or 35 etc.) and it brings up the appropriate record. But how do i pass the selected ID. [Code]

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