MaskedTextBox Control Validation?

Apr 3, 2009

I am trying to find a way to validate my MaskedTextBox control called mskDate which is a short date property. I need to determine whether the user entered a date in the MaskedTextBox control. I cannot use the Not IsDate function because what happens if the user does not make an entry, then the Not IsDate would not work because the user is not required to enter a date. What happens if the user only enters 03/? This would not be considered a date, but a valid date is required. I tried using the substring to see if an entry has been made but it does not work because of the / / format.

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Format The MaskedTextBox Control?

Mar 17, 2009

I am creating a WinForms application using VS.NET 2005, VB.NET, and SQL Server 2000. My problem is the MaskedTextBox control. I can successfully insert the value in an SQL Server table column as smalldate such as 3/17/2009, but it displays as 31/72/009.

I tried the following with no success:mskLastPayment.Text = Format(rdr!LastPayment).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")mskLastPayment.Text = rdr!LastPayment.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")mskLastPayment.Text = CType(rdr!LastPayment.ToString(), DateTime).ToShortDateString

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Equivalent In MaskedTextBox To Cliptext Property In VB6's Masked Edit Control?

Jun 16, 2010

I find this property useful but cannot find a direct replacement for it in Is there one?

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Control Number Validation In VB?

Jun 5, 2011

My company uses control numbers to keep track of all of our inventory for every product that is entered into our warehouse.(ex.G123456789, T987654321) 1st Alphabet followed by 9 digits of numbers.Most of the time, these control numbers are scanned into the system by using a barcode scanner but some times these control number are entered into the system manually by hand.People make mistakes and sometimes enter in different control number.i want to be able to code my vb so that when the control number does not meet the critarion then program displays an error message.So i want to check for the first character which needs to be an alphabet and characters 2-10 to be a number.

View 4 Replies - Field Validation In Repeater Control

Feb 28, 2012

I have a question related to and I have a repeater control that I bind some data to and allow users to update/change fields within certain text boxes. I added a validation control to trigger when the user doesn't enter a valid date or the text "TBD". On submit, I want to go through and highlight each field where its corresponding validator is not valid. This is my current code, but I am lost as to how to find the text box control.

Sub ValidateDateField(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As ServerValidateEventArgs)
'validate against three conditions - date, "TBD", and "N/A"


how to get cont = textbox1row1 of my repeater control.All examples I have seen so far directly state the control as in text1.BackColor =

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Make Validation Control To Only Allow Certain Characters?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to make a validation control that only allows (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9). Which control to i use in or do i have to write specific code to validate it?

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Validation Function For DateTimePicker Control?

Apr 4, 2011

If you enter 11 for instance into the year component of the date then tab off the control the text returned to the validation function is the text before the year was entered rather than the new text.The problem can be overcome by making the control invisible then visible. This has been the case since Visual Studio 2003, it would seem to be a bug.

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Validation In ASPXUpload Control In Devexpress + XPO?

Dec 16, 2011

I have added ASPXUploadControl to save the Image File.I want to apply Validation (Required Field Validation) on this control.. but i dont find ValidationSetting Tag in this Control

<asp:FileUpload runat="server" ID="fuAttachment" CssClass="mediumResolution required" Width="100%" />

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Ajax Control Calender Toolkit Validation?

May 29, 2012

I have a form of tour application that has 2 dates, from date and To date. now i'm using the dd/MM/yyyy format for the date entry and i need to Validate To date like To date must me greater than or equal to start date. earlier days should be disable, i want to do that with compare validator.

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Do Data Validation When The User Exits A Control

Jan 31, 2012

What is the best method to do data validation? I want to do data validation when the user exits a control so that he gets immediate feedback. I can use the Validating event or the Leave event for that. The problem is, that if the user doesn't know the right answer, and just wants to click the cancel button and leave the form completely, it won't let him. It continues to give him an error message until he completely deletes his answer. Very frustrating. Does anyone have a good method for doing this?

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VS 2005 Triggering The Validation Of A Self-validating Control

Jun 2, 2009

I have inherited a control and added the Validating and Validated events to it, the validation works when the I set focus on another control but somehow it is not being triggered when a StatusStrip button is clicked hence I need to be able to trigger the validation.


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.net - Validation Summary Control ASP.NET Program Output Error?

Aug 3, 2011

I am executing this validation summary program in Visual web developer 2008 express edition, found the validation summary property is not visible in output.

<div><asp:ValidationSummary ID="sum1" runat ="server" ShowMessageBox="false" HeaderText="You details cannot be processed due to following errors:" DisplayMode="BulletList" ShowSummary ="true" Font-Names ="arial" Font-Size ="12"></asp:ValidationSummary>
<asp:CompareValidator ID="cmp1" runat ="server" ControlToValidate ="txtname" Display="Dynamic" Operator="DataTypeCheck"


View 1 Replies - Add A Javascript Validation To Each Dropdown Control In A Grid In RowDatabound Event

Nov 8, 2011

I am using a template field in a GridView. The template field is a dropdown list that is generated dynamically in the RowDataBound event.

How can I add a Javascript validation to each of those dropdown lists when they're created?

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Disable Validation Controls In A User Control When Rendered Into A Page?

Dec 13, 2011

I am trying to delete a customer record. In the page I have an usercontrol for address and it has some validation. I cannot delete the record since it fires the validation controls.

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Error Provider To Check Control Validation Until Save Event

Jul 15, 2009

I am writing a User Control. Into each control I am loading a custom biz object. Because the biz object implements IDataErrorInfo interface I am able to use the ErrorProvider control on the user control.

I am binding the ErrorProvider to the biz object like this:

Me.ErrorProvider1.DataSource=MyBizObject This is all working perfectly EXCEPT. The validation is happening (and therefore I am displaying the blinkey error signs next to all feilds) as soon as the User control is loaded into the host form.

Each biz object implements a SAVE method and I want the validate to not happen until the save event is triggered on the biz object.

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Forms :: Skip Validation Of Active Control When Form's Close Button Is Clicked

Aug 12, 2009

Is there any way to skip a the validating event of the active control when the close button of the form is clicked. It is very annoying when user wants to close the form, but due to the validate event of the active control, it asks for the valid input. The user is forced to give valid input to close the form. I have searched a lot for this on net but no any proper solution could be found.

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Construct A Login Form With Text Box Control To Perform UserID Validation And Self Service Password Recovery

Feb 14, 2011

Design a form, which contain a TEXTBOX control that accept a UserID input, with a CommandButton control to perform a validation based on the criteria listed below. Display a Message on whether the UserID is Valid.


The UserID must contains SIX digits follow by a single character, limit the entry to a maximum of seven characters only.

The postfix character of the UserID is derived from the summation of all the six digits divided by seven and using the remain as followed:



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MaskedtextBox And MaskedTextProvider?

May 11, 2010

What exactly is a MaskedTextProvider? What is it used for?? and How do i use it?I mostly understand the MaskedTextBox control, but I'm not sure what the connection is between to two is?how to go about using the two... Does anyone know of any??? I found plenty of the MaskedtextBox, but none with a decent explaination of the use of the MaskedTextProvider.

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MaskedTextBox Not In VS2010?

Jul 4, 2011

i recently use vs 2010 but i cant see the MaskedTextBox control in the toolbox.

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Using MaskedTextBox For A Form

Aug 11, 2010

I'm trying to use a MaskedTextBox for a form. I'm not sure what to put for the Name property?

Is it: maskPhone or mskPhone or mtbPhone or ......?

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VS 2010 Get VALUE Of A MaskedTextBox?

Sep 28, 2011

How do I get just the value that is typed into a MaskedTextBox?For instance, if I have a MaskedTextBox with the mask of (999) 000-0000 x000000, and the user typed in a phone number, like (905) 555-1234 x6869.How do I get back the raw number value, without the mask? (ie: 90555512346869)

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Format A TextBox Like A MaskedTextBox?

Sep 21, 2011

After experimenting around with DevExpress controls and adding them to my form, Custom mask do not seem to work on the MaskedTextBox. If I place a custom mask and debug, I get a null reference exception.

It seems to be the maskedTextBox's mask property that is doing this. I have tried setting the mask through design and by code. However, neither way works.

My question is, is it possible to use a TextBox as a maskedTextbox? To be able to format it? I need the user to enter in hours, minutes, seconds like hh:mm:ss or 00:00:00.

Here's the error I get:

"NullReferenceException was unhandled. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


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How To Understand A MaskedTextBox In Null

Jun 6, 2011

how to understand a msakeditbox in null?

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MaskedTextbox - How To Format Number

May 11, 2011

What can I do when we need to write in maskedtextbox this format
like : 0.00
result : 1235422.10
first level any digits
second level just 2 digits

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Maskedtextbox 000000 Not Visible?

Jun 9, 2011

for example i want to put 0000012, but the zero number not showing.

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Maskedtextbox Disabled But Not Greyed Out

Jan 2, 2011

Is it possible to disable a maskedtextbox and not have it greyed out? I have several on my form, some of them I allow input and some I don't. I'd like to have the enabled boxes one color and the disabled another color.

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MaskedTextBox Property Does Not Work?

Jan 27, 2012

MaskedTextBox Property does not work

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Set MaskedTextbox Height Property?

May 18, 2006

I am trying to find a way to adjust the height of a MaskedTextBox. The height seems to depend only on the font size. I tried to create my own class and use SetStyle to allow me change the height but it didn't seem to have any effect. I set the parameter to True and False, both with the same result. The height changed according to the font size and I could not change it. The code is shown below.

What is the purpose of the FixedHeight style? Is there a way to control the height of the MaskedTextBox?

Public Class Form1
Dim WithEvents MTB As MyTextBox
Public Class MyTextBox


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Set Maskedtextbox To A Currency Format?

Sep 16, 2007

Does anyone know how to set the maskedtextbox to a currency format that actually works? I have set the mask to $999,999.00 but the user input looks like this 120,0 instead of this 12.00. It seems like the maskedtextbox would be able to handle this type of input without using the keypress events to alter the text.

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Validate Input Of 10 Same MaskedTextBox?

Jul 3, 2011

I am going to make a form which will have 10 MaskedTextBoxes. I want to validate input of all these MaskedTextBoxes then Sum the input of validated one into another MaskedTextBox. If there is any value in any MaskedTextBox it mast be validate by the format of "9990.000" or if it is empty return zero. I do not want to write the same code for every MaskedTextBox, I want to use function & sub. The problem with "e" type TypeValidationEventArgs. When I call the SumBurBoxes sub in txtBur_1_TypeValidationCompleted & give the "e" as second parameter, then if the txtBur_1 be invalid type and any other txtBur Boxes have value it will get error on all boxes if the txtBur_1 be valid type even the the other boxes be invalid type it does not get error on them.

Here is my Code.

Public Class Entrance
Private Function RetrnTxtBur(ByVal index As Integer)
Dim txt(0 To 9) As MaskedTextBox
txt(0) = Me.txtBur_1


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