Menu Without Menustrip Or Menustrip Not Right Across Screen?

Mar 9, 2012

I want a menu with just two dropdown lists, the menustrip puts a strip right across the form, is there any way to change the width of the strip? Changing in properties does not work. Is there a different type of menu I can use?

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MenuStrip - How To Get Selected Sub Menu Content To MSG Box

May 15, 2012

I am new in VB Forms. I am using a MenuStrip. How do I get the selected sub menu content to a MSG box? This is working for the top menu, but what for sub menus?

Private Sub MenuStrip1_Clicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs) Handles MenuStrip1.ItemClicked
'Get the text of the item that was clicked on.
Dim s As String = e.ClickedItem.Text
End Sub

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Run Menustrip Menu Item From Code?

Jun 11, 2011

I have code which runs in a menu item (StartToolStripMenuItem_Click).Later in the project i want to code clicking this menu item but if i just use the StartToolStripMenuItem_Click sub it wants the 'e' argument passed to it. I simply can not work out what i should be passing.....

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Multiple Forms With MenuStrip Can The Same Menu Be Used Several Times?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a number of forms which have a common menu strip rather than copy the control onto each additional form is it possible to just call the menu from another form ?

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Inserting MDIChild Menustrip Into The Middle Of The Parent's Mdi Menu Strip?

Mar 31, 2010

When the parent form has a menu strip and the child form has a menu strip the program will add all of the child menu items to the right of the parent's items. I have two parent items "Help" and "Exit" that I want to always be at the right. Is there a way to add the child options into the middle?

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Menustrip Menu Dropdown Items Names Appear Blank In Msgbox?

Jun 9, 2012

I have on my form load to add items to a menu as a dropdown item.from within the same sub I try to output the menustrip dropdown items in a msgbox but I get a blank response for all my items.

Private Sub PopulateLoadChildMenu()
Dim fi As FileInfo


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MenuStrip.Items.Remove - Add Item To Dropdown Menu Upon Creation

Feb 8, 2011

I have my program set up to read the contents of a Directory, and then populate a drop down menu with the names of the files in the directory. (I am using the MenuStrip). Inside my program, it is also set up to create a new file in that directory, and I wish to add this item to the dropdown menu upon creation. The list is entirely created and populated from the code, and the contents of the list depend entirely on what's in the directory.

I have tried using MenuStrip.Items.Remove(menuItem1). Now, when this command gets executed, it does remove the top level Menu, however when I go to repopulate the menu, I end up with duplicates of my files listed in the drop down. I am stuck with how to clear these out as well?

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Unique Menu Items - Menustrip - Which Has A Category "Colors"

Apr 19, 2009

Let's say I have a menustrip, which has a category "Colors" for example, and in that category there is an option of 20 colors, but I want only 1 to be checked at any one time, now to do that with what I know, I'd have to check every other one of the check boxes and uncheck them in every single click event, is there no cleaner way to do this?

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Open A New Form Through A MenuStrip Of Form Menu?

Nov 16, 2009

I want to add a Menu bar to my Main form and by clicking OpenButton on that Menu bar i want to open a new form window while my Main form remains open as well.

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Add MenuStrip Interface?

Oct 18, 2011

How can i add MenuStrip Look Like Below picture ? My MenuStrip is below picture :

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How To Get Menustrip To Close

Dec 15, 2011

Client 1[INDENT]Project 1[/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Project 1 Task 1[/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Project 1 Task 2[/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT]Project 2[/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Project 2 Task 1[/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Project 2 Task 2[/INDENT][/INDENT]Each entry is clickable, even if it has children. In the above example, I can select the Project 2 menu item.My problem is that when I hover over Project 2, it automatically expands Project 2 Task 1 and Project 2 Task 2. When I click on Project 2 Task 1, the menu "closes up" and all entries disappear which is what I want. However, when I click Project 2, the menu does not "close up" and all of the entries are still visible.

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My MenuStrip Not Closing

Mar 15, 2012

I dont know what the go is but i have check all the properties and everything but nothing changes.I have a combo box and when i change the selected value i want the menustrip to focus on the form but instead the menustrip stays up.

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Trackbar In MenuStrip

Jun 12, 2011

I'm not sure if I already saw a trackbar inside a menu strip, but there is a way to add it? Or even a numeric dropdown?

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Implement MenuStrip Functions?

Sep 7, 2011

I have a MenuStrip control and when I right clicked on it and selected "insert standard items", it created a few functions. There are a few options there that I would like to get working: Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Select All. I presume that for what I want, I'd need to make my own classes for each function. (ie: Cut class, Copy class... etc.)

I would like to be able to do something similar to the example below:


Im doing this in On Windows 7 .

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Add Sub / Child Option To MenuStrip?

Jan 25, 2009

Code to add a child/sub option to one of the items in a menustrip (using VB.NET)?[code]...

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Add Vertical Separator In MenuStrip?

Jun 21, 2010

I am developing a window based application. I want to show my menu to be separated by a vertical separator. Just like this:

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Creating A Global MenuStrip For App

Sep 4, 2009

Im creating a desktop app with multiple forms. My ideal aim is to create 1 MenuStrip to use throughout the different forms (the same MenuStrip) appears on the different forms. otherwise I'll be copying the MenuStrips from 1 form to another and copying the Event code. What is the best way of doing this? I've created UserControl, put my MenuStrip on it along with me Code, then I load an instance of it whenever a new form loads. This seems to work fine until I want close the Main Form. I've tried ' Me.Hide ' but that just hides the UserControl. So the MenuStrip appears on Form A, when i click a Menu Item I want it to close Form A and open Form B.

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Creating A Global MenuStrip For App?

Sep 4, 2009

Im creating a desktop app with multiple forms. My ideal aim is to create 1 MenuStrip to use throughout the different forms (the same MenuStrip) appears on the different forms. otherwise I'll be copying the MenuStrips from 1 form to another and copying the Event code

I've created UserControl, put my MenuStrip on it along with me Code, then I load an instance of it whenever a new form loads. This seems to work fine until I want close the Main Form. I've tried ' Me.Hide ' but that just hides the UserControl

So the MenuStrip appears on Form A, when i click a Menu Item I want it to close Form A and open Form B

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Error In Display Menustrip?

Apr 4, 2012

I have a windows form and in form have a menustrip with toolstripmenuItem.I write codefor toolstripmenuItem and work with it but dont see menustrip and toolstripmenuItem in design stauts and run status now. and have not error.what dont display menustrip?

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How To Change The Menustrip Style

Nov 16, 2011

how can I change the menustrip style in VB.NET 2010? I want to change it to Windows 7 style but I don't know how to as I'm a beginner. Is there any solution for this? Now my program's menustrip is like the screenshot I attached...

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How To Reuse MenuStrip In Another Form

Jul 22, 2010

I m new to VB. I have created a form with Menustrip and want to reuse this menustrip in other forms. Could anyone plz tell me how to do it ?

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MDI Form : Set An Exe Position Below The Menustrip?

Feb 3, 2010

I am using 2008. I have a MDI form with a menu strip added. From different menu's i calling related Exe's and opening in side the MDI form. In this case setting of MDIparent properties to the child form (Exe) in not possible. In my Exe i am reading my MDI windows handle and using the setparent API function. In this case the exe is opening inside the MDI below the titile bar but it is hiding the menu strip. (In vb6 it is working fine - Means the exe opens below the menu strip). Is their any way opening the exe below the menustrip or toolstrip.

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MenuStrip - All Submenus Visible At Once?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a menustrip in a VB.Net windows form, my teacher in the university said that if I could make all dropdowns of the menustrip become visible at once,I know I can .ShowDropDown() an entry, but when I call the next, the first one hides.

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Menustrip Artifacts When Printing In XP?

Apr 25, 2011

I have a simple VB calculator app with a PrintForm procedure shown below which works fine on my Win7 machine but when I deploy the app to an XP Pro machine it produces artifacts from the MenuStrip where the Print command is executed. Any ideas why this would happen or how I can resolve it? I'm new to and OOP as a whole so if this is a simple problem.


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MenuStrip Does Not Cause Other Controls To Validate?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a Combobox in DropDown mode. I have the code for handling the selected list item in the Validating event of the Combobox If the user highlights the text in the Combobox and presses the Delete key, the text is deleted The user then clicks the MenuStrip and the dropdown menu appears.

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MenuStrip Items Display ?

Jul 15, 2009

I'm using VB2008. In the IDE, menustrip text items to show the underbar for ALT key use are preceded by ampersand. The underbar displays on the form [design] tab while in the edit mode but does not show when program run in debug mode from the IDE.

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Menustrip Theme Using ColorDialog?

Oct 9, 2009

i am not able to figure out any code on how to do this. I am trying to make it so when the person chooses a color in the ColorDialog, the all my buttons forecolors go to that, then the dialog will show to pick a back color.

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Option Buttons In A MenuStrip?

Oct 18, 2010

But adding there code produces loads of errors. Am i for getting to add something? Protected Overrides Sub OnCheckedChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)example errors remove overrides If Not Checked OrElse Me.Parent Is Nothing Then Returnhecked is not declareParent.Items is not a member of

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Remove These Controls In The MenuStrip?

May 12, 2011

I accidentally pressed the insert standard items, then I removed the items that I added by accident but there are still remaining items




And I can't figure out how to remove these items as I already deleted the parent items.I tried deleting it from the properties menu by pressing delete on it but it doesn't work.

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Set A MenuStrip Item Calling It By Name?

Jun 14, 2012

When I try to set a MenuStrip Item calling it by name it gives me an exception?

An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Sample.exe

Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Either of the following statements cause errors.

frmMenu.MenuStripfrmMenu.Items(key:="Enter").Enabled = False
frmMenu.MenuStripfrmMenu.Items("Enter").Enabled = False

However when I call Items using an integer it works perfectly.

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