MenuStrip With Dropdowns And ToolStrip With Buttons

Jul 14, 2010

VS2008 .NET 3.5SP1
I've got a MenuStrip with dropdowns and a Toolstrip with buttons. I don't want the button images in the image margin of the dropdown because they are too small to read properly. I can't seem to find the ShowImageMargin property (in either the MenuStrip or the ToolStripMenuItems) to turn the margin off. I've constructed the menu items in the designer.

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ToolStrip On A Databound Form - Toolstrip Buttons Don't Receive Focus In The Normal Way ?

Mar 24, 2009

I really want to make use of the toolstrip and databinding but these two technologies keep conflicting with each other. I think the root cause is something to with the fact that the toolstrip buttons don't recieve focus in the normal way.

I invite you to try the following:-

1. Create a form and put some text boxes a tool strip with a save button on it.

2. Write a query or sproc to get a datatable back and bind your text boxes to the field in the datatable.

3. In the code behind your Save ToolStripButton put some code that makes an arbitrary change to a field on the dataset (it doesn't matter whther this field is bound to a text box or not). eg:-
m_DataTable.Rows(0).Item("CommissionRatePerc") = "0.0000"

4. Put a breakpoint in the save and run the form.

5. Make some changes in the text boxes. Do not leave the last text box but rather click save while a text box whose contents you have edited still has focus.

6. When your code hits the breakpoint, query the value of the data table field that is bound to the text box you were editing when you clicked save - it will still contain the unedited value. Unless you do something about it that unedited value is going to get saved back to your DB.

We did get around this problem by explicetely setting the focus to another control on the form before saving. That worked most of the time because it prompts the text box to flush it's value back to the datatable (nb EndEdit does not work, although you'd have expected it to). However, and this is the reason I suggested you add a line of code that changed a value in the underlying datatable in step 3, if you change a value in code in this way before the value from the text box get's flushed back then it doesn't seem to matter what you do, the user's current edit is simply lost. They will still show in the text box, though, leading your user to believe that the change has been committed when it hasn't. Our final solution is that we never ever change a value in the adtaset in the code behind our toolstrip buttons. That's working but it's a pretty big restriction.

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Way To Change General / Declarations Dropdowns To Act Like C# Dropdowns?

Oct 26, 2011

Essentially, in C# the left dropdown has all the classes in a file while the right drop down has all the methods, events, properties, etc.In VB all of my controls are in the left dropdown and I have to select them if I want to go to a particular event handler for that control.I find it time consuming to navigate to my btnSave_Click method by first selecting btnSave in the left dropdown and then selecting Click in the right dropdown.Is there a setting or a plugin that can change this functionality?

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VS 2005 - Change The Menustrip & Toolstrip To Green?

Aug 22, 2009

how can i change the menustrip & toolstrip to green? because the default is blue?

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VS 2010 - MenuStrip And ToolStrip System Renderer

Nov 5, 2011

I would put the MenuStrip VisualBasic equal to the system

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VS 2010 MenuStrip And ToolStrip System Render?

Dec 9, 2011

VS 2010 MenuStrip and ToolStrip System renderer

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VS 2010 MenuStrip And ToolStrip System Renderer?

Jan 15, 2012

I would put the MenuStrip VisualBasic equal to the systemfrom:o:

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[2005] Hiding The Titlebar, MenuStrip, ToolStrip Etc?

Feb 1, 2009

I have been playing with the Windows API.A Windows application typically has a TitleBar (with a caption on it), underneath is a MenuStrip, under that a ToolStrip (with the tool icons on it), and under that the main application area.I want to be able to strip everything off, except for the main application area.I have found how to hide the TitleBar, using:

GetWindowLong (and passing to it the handle of the form, and GW_STYLE to get the current windows style)SetWindowLong (and passing to it the handle of the form, the InitialStyle, and ORing with it WS_DLGFRAME) how to remove the MenuStrip and ToolStrip to leave just the main application area?

Code so far:

Public Class Form1
Private Const WM_SYSCOMMAND As Integer = 274
Private Const SC_MAXIMIZE As Integer = 61488


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Display A Toolstrip Directly Beneath A Menustrip In Application?

Nov 18, 2009

I need to display a toolstrip directly beneath a menustrip in my application, but setting RenderMode = Professional for each does not give identical results. They both show a background gradient, but not the same one.

Is there some way to use menustrip rendering for the toolstrip, or vice versa? Or can someone advise how best to implement a gradient myself, that I can perform in a sub-classed renderer?

There's just one more issue -- if I base my custom renderer on the ToolStripProfessionalRenderer and override OnRenderToolstripBackground, I still get curved right-hand corners on my ToolStrip but not on my MenuStrip. Is there some internal logic that provides a different Region for filling by the background renderer? I've turned off (overridden with a do-nothing function) the border renderer.

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VS 2005 : Lost All Toolstrip, Menustrip And Statusbar Data?

Sep 16, 2009

I have just been editing some of the icons on a toolstrip and now I find that I have completely lost all of the toolstrip, menustrip and statusbar data.All I have left is blank controls.

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Option Buttons In A MenuStrip?

Oct 18, 2010

But adding there code produces loads of errors. Am i for getting to add something? Protected Overrides Sub OnCheckedChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)example errors remove overrides If Not Checked OrElse Me.Parent Is Nothing Then Returnhecked is not declareParent.Items is not a member of

View 5 Replies

ToolStrip Buttons Are Gone

Apr 5, 2010

I have an MDI container with a ToolStrip. I ran into a naming issue with images/icons. I removed the lines of code referring to the image of the buttons in the MDIForm.Designer.VB file. Then, in the actual designer, I imported the image file as a project resource and added this image to each button.

When I view the MDI form in the designer, the buttons appear normally, but when I run the app, the buttons are not there!

Should i have not edited the designer.vb file directly? Can this be fixed without recreating each button?

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Removing Buttons From ToolStrip?

Jan 14, 2010

I need to remove all the buttons in my toolstrip so they can then be repopulated. But I have no idea how to remove them. I tried using a For statement:

For Each ToolStripButton In Mainwindow.FavouritesBar.Items()
Mainwindow.FavouritesBar.Items().RemoveAt(Mainwindow.FavouritesBar.Items().Count - 1)
Next MainWindow is the name of the form that FavouritesBar (The ToolStrip) belongs to.

I am calling this from another form, but I keep getting a "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute." exception.

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Stretch ToolStrip Buttons?

Apr 30, 2012

how can I stretch my toolstrip buttons? The size of my form is 300 x 250

I only have 5 toolstrip buttons, so the buttons only fill up half of my form. How can I make it so that the buttons stretch to the size of my form? So, that I can fill up the whole toolstrip?

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Enable / Disable All Buttons In A ToolStrip?

Oct 29, 2010

I have a toolStrip with several buttons. Each button opens a new form.

With some forms I disable just its button, but with others I disable three buttons.

After I close any form, I re-enable the button.

As it isn't always the same amount of buttons, I'd like to do a routine to re-enable the buttons after I close any form. I've tried with:


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IDE :: Adding Buttons To A Toolstrip In A Custom User Control

Oct 23, 2009

There is a response to this question using C# - I am looking for a VB answer and the C# code is too deep for me. I have a custom user control and I have a toolstrip on it. I have certain default buttons on the toolstrip, but I want the user to be able to add additional buttons at design time. I exposed the Toolstrip.Items collection in a public property. I can open the collections editor in design time, but I cannot edit the collection.

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Menu Without Menustrip Or Menustrip Not Right Across Screen?

Mar 9, 2012

I want a menu with just two dropdown lists, the menustrip puts a strip right across the form, is there any way to change the width of the strip? Changing in properties does not work. Is there a different type of menu I can use?

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IDE :: Dropdowns And Scrollbars Freezing?

Jul 30, 2009

I have MDI parent and child windows that were working fine but now clicking on a dropdown doesn't do anything, also scrollbars cannot be moved. Other controls are still ok, buttons and other links are still working. I should also note that if I change the child to load in a separate window all the controls work again.

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Validate A Textbox+dropdowns In Vb For A Form

Feb 16, 2011

I have set it up to email me should someone submit this form and an error occur and right now should that occur for most integer or datetime fields if they fail to validate then it will show me which fields in the email failed and what was input into them.

Problem I'm having now is to validate the drop downs and the textboxs in a similar way to what I with integer and datetime fields so I can display those also in the email in case they error.

present integer and datetime validation


Summary:- Need vb code to validate if strings and dropdowns are valid and the use of try/catch block is another possible solution but I wasn't able to figure out how to implement validation for that either.

View 3 Replies - One Codebehind Method Handles Two Distinct Dropdowns?

Jul 9, 2010

I have one page with two dropdownlists with different IDs and in my codebehind I have two distinct methods, one for each dropdownlist, with distinct names and handlers.BUT, in my codebehind, only one dropdownlist calls it's method - and sometimes it calls both methods! - while the other dropdownlist never calls its method.I tried cleaning the infamous "Temporary ASP.NET Files" folder I tried rebuilding the solution but the problem persists?

View 1 Replies Mvc - Multiple Dropdowns All Null Value If Value Hasnt Changed?

Oct 28, 2011

MVC 3 VB.NET razor. I have a view that has 4 dropdown boxes in it.. This is for setting up a staff member.. If that staff member is to work certain classes then that class will be set for each day. If he is not then the value needs to stay null. This is a edit view so it may have to be accessed multiple times and still keep the original selectlist values if none changed. The below is what I have right now that is working only on its face. The Old selected value is shown first. However this isnt being returned on the save. The only way that it will save correctly is if I select the value that was set in each box then click save. The next problem is that not all staff members will have classes to work on every one of the 4 days. So how do I set a value to null and keep it that way unless a class Is actually selected.


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ASPxGridView - How To Hide Dropdowns In Cascaded ComboBoxes

Jul 15, 2011

Any resolution to make the cascading dropdowns work as expected when used inside edit mode of AspxGridview. I am using DevExpress Controls.

My requirement is as follow:
If I select country="United States" then populate the "State" combobox and on selection of "State" populate the "City" combobox.
If I select "country" other then "United States" then populate only "City" combobox with cities of selected "country" and no need to populate the "State" combobox. Also I need to hide the "State" combobox. i.e. like

Country State City
ROW1 united states Alaska Douglas
ROW2 Canada Toronto
ROW3 Australia Sydeny
ROW4 united states California Yuba City

Same is required in Editmode also.

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Resolution And Buttons - Tabs, Inside Each Tab There Are Buttons (the User Can Add The Buttons When They Want)

Mar 3, 2012

I have a piece of software with two tabs, inside each tab there are buttons (the user can add the buttons when they want). when tab1 is full tab2 should start to fill. I currently know how many buttons fit on the screen so I just say something like if buttons > 150 then start to populate tab 2 The problem i have now though is if the resolution is changed then a different amount of buttons can be displayed. so if I put my screen to 1280x720 some buttons are left of. I was thinking of detecting the resolution and then using different cases for different resolutions but this seems very inefficient im wondering if there is a different way?

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Different Buttons And When These Buttons Are Clicked In The Defined Order Then Having A Picture Displayed?

Feb 5, 2010

What I would like to do is to have four different buttons (e.g., buttonA, buttonB, buttonC and button D). I wanna give the following instruction to the people: press these buttons in the following order: first buttonA, then buttonB, then buttonC and last buttonD. If they obey this instruction then a picture will be displayed, for instance a happy face. All the other combinations will not activate this picture to be displayed, or in other words, there won't be any consequence. I would also like to save this data using windows note pad e.g., writeline (1, xxxxxx). Is there any chance I will make it?

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Buttons - Make Buttons That Chage Between [url] And [url] On Timer Code

Oct 25, 2011

So im creating a mail bomber here is the code

Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


Pretty simble but im trying to make buttons that chage between [URL] and [URL]on the timer code

Dim MyMailMessage As New MailMessage()
MyMailMessage.From = New MailAddress(TextBox1.Text)


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Flash Buttons In Place Of Normal Buttons

Aug 24, 2010

how can i use flash buttons in place of the normal buttons for more powerful interface in our desktop apps.

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Using A Dialog Form With Two Buttons And Two Radio Buttons?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm using a dialog form with two buttons and two Radio buttons.I'm oppening this Dialog when a button is clicked on the parent form.My situattion is when the Dialog opens the code in the button event continues to execute, but I only want it to continue to execute only after a button from the dialog form have been clicked

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
If multipleEXT = 2 Then


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VB 2008, Get Some Buttons To Interact With Other Buttons On Screen ?

Sep 15, 2009

i need to get some buttons to interact with other buttons on screen when i click then, as each indivual button gives a slightly different result.imagine this:[code]....

then i need then to hide different buttons depending on which button was pressed. so say i pressed button 1 then all the buttons showed but alternativly if i had of pressed 2 then say button 5 and 6 disapear.managed to get one way to work but then i would only ever end up with the first results every time.

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VB - Form With Fairly Large Number Of Controls - After Curtain Number Of Buttons - Stops Responding To More Radio Buttons

Jan 17, 2011

My VB application is behaving strangley. I have form with fairly large number of controls. I am using case against radio buttons. after curtain number of buttons, it stops responding to more radio buttons.

Then I tried to split controls in to 2 form but now my form.showdialog() too now working properly. It takes new from names but show the old form when running.

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Have 4 Different Handles Buttons - Connect Them In Another "general Button" That Will Make The 4 Buttons To Work With One Click?

Mar 15, 2010

i have 4 different handles buttons with code how can i connect them in another "general button" that will make the 4 buttons to work with one click

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